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Your Rover SD3 stories (mine has ended)


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I may know of a Rover fettler who kwns one of these and has one. Let me contact him and see. He is Birmingham based so car would be coming 'home' in a sense. I love these 200s and always wanted one, I'd take it on myself but I haven't the arsed to even sort out my own lumps of scrap masquerading as Rover 800s so this really hasn't much if a chance with me being realistic.

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I haven't had a PM to that effect yet; but that might just be because he's working out when he can get down here to sign for it.  He would be an ideal candidate, obviously, what with it already being on-site for him.

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I'd potentially be interested in taking this on, though it would certainly be a long term project.

I share FOADWERX with Scott too, so it wouldn't need to travel very far!

Long Term is fine.  I'm not imposing any finish-date conditions on the new owner.  In fact once DVLA has acknowledged that it's no longer mine, the new owner can do what he likes with it.  Have it ready for September; take ten years and make it like new; tart it up and flog it for profit; strip-and-cage it for the local banger track; even just drag it off to the bridge.  I will make myself not care.

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I'm a little bit confused, Derskine has offered to take it on but you want him to travel to the lakes to so you can meet him and sign the paper work? Why not just agree for him to take it and do the paperwork online before he loses interest in having it and the car ends up being scrapped? Wouldn't that be easier for everyone and be in the cars best interest?.

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I think the point is more that eddy has spent a lot of time, money and energy on the car, and might like to at least shake the person's hand and have a chat about it.


Yes it would be easier, but although eddy's not been specific there has been some $$$ involved to even get it to this stage, and to me it doesn't sound unreasonable for eddy to place any conditions he likes on giving away a car that has cost him money and lots of energy/emotion.


I don't think eddy is suggesting derskine needs to get on the M74 RIGHT NOW, and I'm not really sure if any of the helpful suggestions are helping much.

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 although eddy's not been specific there has been some $$$ involved to even get it to this stage, 

Lots of them, in fact.  Want me to be specific?

The car cost me £500 in the first place, plus the costs of collection: insurance, tax, petrol each way.  I then drove it for nearly five months, during which it had a service and new cambelt, and a radiator flush with new antifreeze added.  Say £300, I didn't keep close notes.

Also during the time I was using it I bought all the metalwork.  Sills for both sides, arches for both sides, and even though the arches later turned out to be wrong, that's another ton.  One wing and four jacking points from ebay come to another hundred, plus the cost of some used tyres and having them fitted, which came to something like £30.  An exhaust system, NOS, was another £50, plus a downpipe which I grabbed off ebay for another £20.  So far I've given FOAD over £200 for coming to get it, and materials, and I will have more to give him yet.

So I'm the wrong side of a grand down already, with no car to show for it.  And I'm GIVING IT AWAY!

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Lots of them, in fact.  Want me to be specific?

The car cost me £500 in the first place, plus the costs of collection: insurance, tax, petrol each way.  I then drove it for nearly five months, during which it had a service and new cambelt, and a radiator flush with new antifreeze added.  Say £300, I didn't keep close notes.

Also during the time I was using it I bought all the metalwork.  Sills for both sides, arches for both sides, and even though the arches later turned out to be wrong, that's another ton.  One wing and four jacking points from ebay come to another hundred, plus the cost of some used tyres and having them fitted, which came to something like £30.  An exhaust system, NOS, was another £50, plus a downpipe which I grabbed off ebay for another £20.  So far I've given FOAD over £200 for coming to get it, and materials, and I will have more to give him yet.

So I'm the wrong side of a grand down already, with no car to show for it.  And I'm GIVING IT AWAY!

Very kind of you to give it away Eddy when you have clearly put that much cash and effort into the car.


Well done sir.

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I don't know about that!  I'm not doing the new owner that many favours, as there's a shitload of welding left to do, not to mention other work, and everything it needs is made from top-grade unobtainium.  And even when it's finished, it's worth about 1/500th of a similar-age Escort or Astra or Golf, all of which are fatally inferior.

I guess it just needs someone as stupidly sentimental as I am.

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Not so stupid Eddie, we've all chucked money at no-hopers, it's knowing when to stop that is the worst bit.


You and Mr FOAD have done Stirling (see wot i dun there) work so far in keeping an unloved old thing on life support for as long as you have. 


I'm sure that a large percentage of us on here would help if we could; My welding is terrible, I have no space, money or patience, and i'm feckin' miles away unfortunately.


Good luck Chap, hope Hyacinth lives on, either in her own form, or as a donor. 


My only experience with one of these was a 216VP, and it didn't end well....


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Two sides to this coin. I can totally see both.


One side is MrRamrod who has a sentimental attachment to the car, who has spent solid money on it and who's only requirement is that he meets the new owner to hand over the paperwork and to wish them good luck.


The other side is that there's only one person on here who potentially wishes to take the car on, and give it a chance. It just so happens that he lives near the moon, and would have to travel a silly long distance to pick up paperwork for a car which is potentially worth nowt.


I'm a bit old-school myself, and would also want to meet the new owner if I were giving away something which owed me £££ too much.


It's not my car, and I haven't lost a solid chunk of money.

However, it's apparent the Rover will need time, patience and money if it's ever to see the road again, and the repairs will inevitably cost more than the car's value.

I really hate to say it, but unless you relax the paperwork handover requirements, I can see the only person wishing to take it is someone who will be stacking it on top of their hiab pile.

I don't wish to sound harsh or rude - just hoping this old girl gets a chance to be taken by someone who at least intends to try and fix it.

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I don't think it's even about that really.


One person has indicated that he might be interested in taking this on.  But that's all he's done.  No Pms have been exchanged, no arrangements made.  Until such things happen, the car is in limbo.  

It's partly stripped, and partly repaired.  The parts that could be found for it, are with it.  A year ago I believed, yes believed, that it could and maybe even would be back on the road before the end of the year, even if the bill came to the wrong side of two grand.  Five weeks ago, after a crisis of confidence, I began to feel the same optimism.  As things now stand, interest, impetus and mojo are all severely lacking, the 2k target is fast approaching and not only is the car no closer to readiness, it's actually further away.  Unfortunately it's now also many miles away from me geographically, which complicates matters, but that's how it is.


If ever a car deserved better, it's this one.

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I hate to say it but this car is dead as a doornail. No-one in a million years is going to weld that up. Not derskine, not McGyver, Edd China, the flipping A team, the one out of the Pet Shop Boys with a hat, no-one. Its toast.


It sucks hard if you're in for a grand - I winced at £500 ownership cost of my Gooner. But, let's be honest, paying any third party to do serious bodywork on one of these worthless things is a mugs game from the off. You were doomed from the moment you bought sills and arches for it. Half-decent structural welding and painting takes ages, and even at a shitty hourly rate, it therefore costs TEH MEGABUCKS. On a Rover 213 there is no way it could ever be anything other than completely dead money. If you are not in a position to do such stuff yourself for fun, i.e. zero labour cost, you might as well just burn £50 notes to keep warm. I bet £50 your local garage dude who kept himself busy for a whole year rather than get embroiled in this, knew it would need £5000+ chucked at it which he could never ask for.


If you want to enjoy the world of shite, but don't have much in the way of facilities or time for tinkering, then getting big stuff done like this is nonsense, so forget it.


The right way to do it is buy a serviceable mid-late 90's barge that's not rotten and not a high tech diesel, pay £4-500 and simply enjoy years of comfy motoring for nowt.



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