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What’s happened to HMC’s mega thread?

Peter C

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1 minute ago, timolloyd said:

No, the simplest rule is: the mods explain why something has gone awry.

Hi Tim - don't think the mods were involved on the thread at all.

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18 minutes ago, busmansholiday said:

"Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me".


27 minutes ago, RoverFolkUs said:

Whatever it is about the forum that has caused so many members to leave and/or delete their threads I guess. Everyone will interpret their own enjoyment differently to someone else, so there's no right or wrong. Maybe he didn't want his thread on Autoshite anymore if something has upset him. There doesn't need to be a public fight (as is so often the case) before someone hands in their membership. 

I agree, it's a real shame. I can't help but think its going to be detrimental to the Forum in the long term if it loses its backbone, surely a snowball effect, if HMC's thread was the last one that people enjoy then they'll also leave, and then others will leave. The shite in miniature thread is commonly referred to as the sole remaining attraction to some people here, it's a shame if it's come to that. Something must have changed and driven them away 

This, very much so.  Shite in Miniature really is the only reason to stay; it's all that's keeping me here, after 13 years.

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The perennial complaint is that AS is over-moderated, but this is the opposite; someone leaving because they didn't like posts on their thread. 

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In my eyes it should be water off a duck's back, if someone tells me that my car is a piece of shit because it needed brake pads for the MOT in 2011 then I'll just laugh about how sad they are to be wasting their time monitoring things like that and carry on about my day. 

With that being said, if I was trying to create high quality, interesting posts about a wide range of popular, well-liked vehicles (which was definitely the case here, based on how many interactions each post received) but kept on receiving silly comments that gloss over everything and attempt to drown out what I'm saying, I would think it's quite insulting and get fed up. So I can see both sides to this

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I'll sign, it's a real shame Matthew has gone, he's a lovely bloke who has added a lot to this place over the years.

I do wonder if it's too easy for an OP to delete a thread though.  In this case it was his own thread and I'd like to think he should have been allowed to remove it from view (with a backup kept in the vaults in case he changes his mind).

However there's a few threads on here that people who aren't the OP have spent a lot of time posting useful information onto.  If the OP of those threads gets upset they could easily delete them and there's nothing anyone can do.  It somewhat undermines all the effort @SiC is going through protecting the content from a server FTP.

I'm well aware of how upsetting it is when forum info is lost.  A server FTP last year deleted all the photos from the other forum I post on.  Projects that had been updating for 10+ years were barely readable as the content relyed on the pictures.  Some of us have spent time trying to put our own pictures back but not all were saved and communal threads are very bare.

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So sad..... My *$hite spoiler 'repaint' won't get me marked down come MOT....

But, pile in [do...] about any of my shonkey shenanigans.

*Author & proud to Gurn in 'SavSelfie'


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1 hour ago, busmansholiday said:

Remember the old saying,

"Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me".

If you get upset by what people say about you or your hobbies or car purchases on the internet you really shouldn't be on it in the first place.

Sometimes the most inoccuous thing can be the wrong thing to say to someone on the wrong day. You never know what someone has been dealing with.

I hope HMC returns, his thread was a highlight of here for me.

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54 minutes ago, RoverFolkUs said:

In my eyes it should be water off a duck's back

World's full of clever cunts. Full of advice about where your going wrong and "I wouldn't do that". @HMCbought stuff that I wouldn't dare but I admired his daring and flying in the face of popular advice, he rarely ever got burnt.

The thread was a joy, the fella is a madman and I'd be gutted if people pointing out the potential for disaster has put him off. That, for me, was the point. The lad had balls the size most could only aspire to. Come back bud. And buy a great fuck off tank next. Just to show it can be done.

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This is really disappointing. The “HMC INCOMING!!!” thread has long been a forum highlight chock full of top class shite content. 

With the added related bonus of further entertainment in the For Sale section and guessing game of who will be the next owner. 

Hoping this is just a temporary blip and normal service will be resumed. I was looking forward to reading more about the Conquest and Beetle! 

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1 hour ago, catsinthewelder said:

If the OP of those threads gets upset they could easily delete them and there's nothing anyone can do.

IPB forum does keep deleted items (threads and posts) by default for 30 days:


Thus its not quite disappeared completely into the ether just yet and can be restored by a mod before then if requested to. So don't worry if someone goes on a mad deletion spree and regrets it shortly after, it can be undone.

In theory it would be possible to retrieve further than that from the database backups. They're kept for up to 14 days. So 30+14days maximum. But for individual posts or threads, it'll be a huge amount of work in messing around with database queries to restore that back in (its setup for complete recovery) it'd have to be really important to do so. In other words, after 30 days a thread/post is deleted, its for all intents and purposes gone. Sometimes archive.org and google do keep cached copies of the site on this public side too.

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11 hours ago, catsinthewelder said:

I don't think so but it certainly put me off a few folk on here.

Me too. I thought this place was really friendly and didn’t take itself seriously up until that point.

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10 hours ago, SiC said:

IPB forum does keep deleted items (threads and posts) by default for 30 days:


Thus its not quite disappeared completely into the ether just yet and can be restored by a mod before then if requested to. So don't worry if someone goes on a mad deletion spree and regrets it shortly after, it can be undone.

In theory it would be possible to retrieve further than that from the database backups. They're kept for up to 14 days. So 30+14days maximum. But for individual posts or threads, it'll be a huge amount of work in messing around with database queries to restore that back in (its setup for complete recovery) it'd have to be really important to do so. In other words, after 30 days a thread/post is deleted, its for all intents and purposes gone. Sometimes archive.org and google do keep cached copies of the site on this public side too.

That's good news.  Hopefully HMC has a change of heart and reinstates it.  Real shame both he and his totally epic thread have gone

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I loved HMCs thread and he seems like a nice bloke but why take it so seriously? It seems like an over reaction to nuke the whole thread.

I've seen it a few times on here over the years  including bornite who seemed to find ever more things that winds them up on the forum. 

That's fair enough of course but its not all the forums fault you can chose to engage with it in what ever way you want

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IMHO, leaving in this fashion is similar to keying someone's car -  we none of us are sure what has been done to result in such behaviour and, without that discussion, we aren't able to be more accommodating going forward. 

I enjoyed very much seeing what @HMC did next, but it won't stop me checking in on the rest of you twats.

Sadly the heyday of shite is over,  there just isn't as much interesting, affordable, shite out there.  Most of my stuff is modern bangers but I always hope, even if it isn't the most interesting subject matter, that there is some level of education in my threads.  I do wish people would place so much credence on likes or replys and keep plugging away at those topics - the silent masses among us may not have much to contribute but we really do appreciate the time you all take to post.  From the antiquities of @vulgalour and @Angrydicky, through @trigger's amazing ability to snuffle out and recommission amazing classics and on to @Jim Bell's  poetic modern plop logs,  it's a broad church that is nowt without its congregation.

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@ruffgeezer... $hite ain't what it used to be!

As a 'one car outfit' I cannot contribute a 2yr labour of love, on a 60's Minx.... No Garage/No options 😕

ToMM© was a lovely car [needing tlc/££] then SuziQ was a blast >> sadly literally, on the ears 😕.

They were a '91 (no cat) and '98 (tbi simple).

theGetz.... Well, everything under the sun >> even airbags in the front seats,🙄 >> but NO CanBus. *that really would be a nail in the coffin, for cut n shut wiring bodges for me ☹️

Long may this site be home to eclectic rammel.


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51 minutes ago, ruffgeezer said:

IMHO, leaving in this fashion is similar to keying someone's car -  we none of us are sure what has been done to result in such behaviour and, without that discussion, we aren't able to be more accommodating going forward. 

I enjoyed very much seeing what @HMC did next, but it won't stop me checking in on the rest of you twats.

Sadly the heyday of shite is over,  there just isn't as much interesting, affordable, shite out there.  Most of my stuff is modern bangers but I always hope, even if it isn't the most interesting subject matter, that there is some level of education in my threads.  I do wish people would place so much credence on likes or replys and keep plugging away at those topics - the silent masses among us may not have much to contribute but we really do appreciate the time you all take to post.  From the antiquities of @vulgalour and @Angrydicky, through @trigger's amazing ability to snuffle out and recommission amazing classics and on to @Jim Bell's  poetic modern plop logs,  it's a broad church that is nowt without its congregation.

Everything he said.

The creator of a thread isn't its sole owner, as many will have contributed to it in different ways. Even those who haven't posted may have had their cars featured on the thread if the OP bought them. It's a bit of forum and car history.

It would be good if @HMCcould clarify what's caused this, as without information we can't improve anything and it looks dangerously close to just being an impulsive flounce.  He seemed a nice fellow so I'd hope it isn't that.

Please can we put the moderation thing behind us, it's a lame excuse at best. The moderation team opened up the floor looking for help not that long ago and I didn't see much interest from those now complaining. 

This forum isn't a product to be consumed, it's a collaboration. If it isn't to your liking, either contribute what you want to see, or find somewhere that suits your interests better.

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2 hours ago, juular said:

. If it isn't to your liking, either contribute what you want to see, or find somewhere that suits your interests better.

Isn't that exactly what he has done yet you are complaining about it?

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