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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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been busy today.

i have FINALLY got the frame sorted out for this t-shirt.


it was given to me by a dear friend, maybe 15 years ago after they had been on holiday in Canada.

i wore it the once, afterwards deciding that it was "too nice" to wear regularly, so, it got washed and hung up in the wardrobe.

until earlier this week when it got brought out, and washed for a second time, as many years in the wardrobe had frankly not done it any favours and i FINALLY got a frame bought for it.

ok, so i have had to carry the bloody enormous parcel up to my folks, and get me mam's help to properly mount it, 

and now all i need to find somewhere to hang it!

and for the record,  it is a Canadian National locomotive, and i'm thinking its a MLW M-420.....

i think i need to get out more!!

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On 17/03/2021 at 17:38, Fumbler said:

I'm sure you'll be fine! I'm sure for most sparks, their retrofit nightmare is getting the board changed and all pretty, only to find that as soon as the upstairs lights are turned on, the whole house house goes dark and the sun is going down... Interesting, however, that it wasn't picked up during any of the dead testing that should've happened before the board was powered up but hey-ho. These things happen and happen they do.

Exactly what happened when I had a new board fitted for my daughter, except it didn't happen immediately, only after a day or so, one room after another.

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Just taken the wife's focus for it's MOT and despite much fuckery I couldn't get the under seat airbag connector to play ball so the warning light stayed on during the test, tester comes out and says * Did you say you couldn't get the part in time " me confused as anything denies saying this so he repeats it 3 times ,despite me strongly denying ever having said such a thing 3 times ..............then the penny dropped " yes indeed I did say that "  

Passed with advisiories :) , you gotta love a flexible MOT man !!!  I need to sort some solder connectors and fuck the joint off altogether


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Operation BROWN CAR is "go" for tomorrow.

I only realised yesterday that my breakdown cover (greenflag) doesn't cover it because it's 16 years old.
That apparently also means my main car isn't covered either. 

Could be *interesting if the excrement hits the air conditioning on the M25!!!

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After 4 years with no work, last year I landed some that got me out of the shite! Employer very happy, but advised no work this year due to oil industry collapse, but maybe next year (2022) but no guarantees,

This morning I was offered a months work starting second half of April.

That'll do pig. That'll do.

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7 hours ago, Jerzy Woking said:


I'm fairly sure St Patrick was Welsh anyway before he converted the Irish to crucifixionism.

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This afternoon I finally managed to do something I’ve been wanting to do for nearly thirty years and managed to drive a  Series One Land Rover. It was a nice low mileage example built in 1956 which my brother has just bought as an unfinished project. He has spent the last fortnight rebuilding the transfer box, sorting the brakes out and refitting the interior of the cabin. I was the first person to have driven it on the road in about five or six years.

I think I have driven every model of proper Landrover, 1, 2, 2a, 3, 90, Defender, Td5 and Puma including a 16 plate last of line model that I nearly rolled in a quarry. I would love a go in a forward control but they are really rare now, although I did have a ride in the military version which was brilliant.

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Witness the fitness. 

Spotted on the way to take Wife_Stanky to her covid jab #1 yesterday early evening on the dashcam. Possibly the best bit of footage yet captured.


I think this is a baby blue with white panels Chevanne?

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So mother in law's funeral yesterday. 

Where's the grin? 

She woke up in the middle of Saturday night saying her mum had been to see her and told her she was happy now and that she would be back again to make sure my wife was okay

 Daughter. Son and his Fiancee, came Sunday.  And we had a lovely evening. 

Funeral was short but perfect, came back and had a buffet of mother in law's favourite food. 

Then we all went to the beach. 

Son and Fiancee went home yesterday, daughter goes home today. 

Wife is very calm and has actually slept through the night for the first time in months. 

Chat was mostly about son's new house, (survey came through whilst we were on the beach) and about the wedding at the end of June. 

My new suit was deemed very acceptable.  Apparently I need a white shirt. 

I digress.  Wife calm. I'm grinning. 

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Also smiling, because we decided to redo our wills. 

The original ones we did 25 years ago, and had my brother in law as one of the executors and my sister in law as guardians of the kids. 

Given the stress induced personality change from dealing with his own parents wills, we've decided that perhaps our son and daughter should be executors, rather than a bloke whosr older than us.

and they are a bit old anyway to be looked after by thier aunt. 

Anyway. Wife wanted to use the solicitor her parents had used for 55 years.  I hate them. I've used them for 2 house purchases, and seen the quality of thier work with the probate/executor of my father in law.  (I've had to print a few scanned documents for my brother in law as he doesn't have a printer- in more than one case I was printing out a copy of a copy of a copy. And found the original blank, online as a downloadable, fillable and signable PDF in about 1 minute.  To me it proves the quality of the work.lazy) 

Anyway I wasn't going to argue. It's only 2 simple mirror wills.  But I went on the law society website and ha.... They are not accredited for wills or probate...

Doesn't mean they can't do it, but it was enough that my wife doesn't now want to use them.. 

Which means we can use someone who is accredited. 

I didn't have to argue, just present the facts. Grin. 

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4 hours ago, New POD said:

So mother in law's funeral yesterday. 

Where's the grin? 

She woke up in the middle of Saturday night saying her mum had been to see her and told her she was happy now and that she would be back again to make sure my wife was okay

 Daughter. Son and his Fiancee, came Sunday.  And we had a lovely evening. 

Funeral was short but perfect, came back and had a buffet of mother in law's favourite food. 

Then we all went to the beach. 

This warms my heart, thank you for sharing. 

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On 3/21/2021 at 9:16 PM, chaseracer said:


Found me a drinking game to play with the wife on a sunday night now.

Pass the Archers, Ted's sucking diesel again!

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Watching in amazement the other day as Causton CID successfully identified a roughly 15 year old at the time of filming Mk4 Golf from it's tyre tracks. I mean how do they know what car that particular WunGo Hapidrive was fitted to🙄

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It's been a gorgeous day here and it's been wonderful to be just pottering about the garden and the cars just enjoying spring and all the life popping up, bumblebees, various birds, all that good stuff.  Proper mood enhancing stuff.

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1 hour ago, New POD said:

Thank you. 

I've worked in Union and non union shops, but always paid my dues and still have Blue/Green/Black cards.

Thanks appreciated, but not necessary, it's inbred.

Union got my father £20.000 for byssinosis.  Still killed him mind.

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