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27 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

they tried to palm me off on that once, did not end well, for them....


is there someones arse you can ride to push through for a proper actual look into what the issue is?


gives me flashbacks to the early days of my Chronic pain issues, when they tried to basically say "it must be a mental issue" until finally we got through to a neurologist, who said (paraphrasing) "yall been looking at his back why dont we a scan of his brain?" low and behold, thats when It was found out I have Cerebral palsy and suddenly everything made a lot more sense as to what was going on with my body!

like the reason I walk on my tip toes and all that



basically what im saying, is *dont* let them palm you off like this, ride their arse, until you they give you a proper look in


dont let them put body-filler over the rust at your expense!



The basic issue is that our surgery - even before COVID arrived - was running at about 500% capacity.  It was an 8-12 week lead time to get an appointment with a nurse, never mind doctor even back then.  

Not really much I can do to be honest, even if I were to kick off with the ombudsman (I'm assuming there is one or similar organisation), they're just going to say "Yeah, they're missing their targets.  What do you want us to do about it?"

There's nothing going to fix anything here other than our GP practice suddenly magically gaining several tens of additional medical professionals overnight.  All of the surgeries around here are swamped, so nobody else will take us on.  Ours being the city centre one though is just *particularly* badly swamped.  Basically the answer is "move." Which we're working on.

I do have private medical insurance via my husband's work - unfortunately they won't touch pre-existing conditions so that's not really worth the paper it's written on.

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57 minutes ago, Zelandeth said:

The basic issue is that our surgery - even before COVID arrived - was running at about 500% capacity.  It was an 8-12 week lead time to get an appointment with a nurse, never mind doctor even back then.  

Not really much I can do to be honest, even if I were to kick off with the ombudsman (I'm assuming there is one or similar organisation), they're just going to say "Yeah, they're missing their targets.  What do you want us to do about it?"

There's nothing going to fix anything here other than our GP practice suddenly magically gaining several tens of additional medical professionals overnight.  All of the surgeries around here are swamped, so nobody else will take us on.  Ours being the city centre one though is just *particularly* badly swamped.  Basically the answer is "move." Which we're working on.

I do have private medical insurance via my husband's work - unfortunately they won't touch pre-existing conditions so that's not really worth the paper it's written on.

“Collapse”. Call an ambulance and get taken to A&E. You might have to wait a while but not 8-12 weeks. At least you’ll see a doctor at some point. 

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20 hours ago, CGSB said:

It was pointed out to him that waking up groggy to someone pumped up on adrenaline waving a machete in your face was different to "advancing to contact" on the staircase, as I think he put it, but he was adamant he would take on odds of 4v1 with knives and fancy his chances  😂 Utter fantasy


20 hours ago, Markeh said:

I think I've told the story on here before of the chap who walked into my house looking for my car keys one day, but I may as well repeat it as it's always a laugh.

Relevant local news article: https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/local-news/man-wielding-hammer-stole-mums-4866565 - I was the first house he entered. What I don't think is mentioned here is that he tried to enter another property before he managed to get the car he was eventually caught in.

What the article won't tell you is that at the time he walked through my unlocked front door, I was having a rather intimate moment upstairs. Having managed to cover myself up and get to the top of the stairs in time to hear the words "I'm just looking for a lift", I think the sight of a 6ft 4 (in both height and circumference) man in just a pair of shorts, possibly still somewhat at half mast is what persuaded him to run, particularly as the keys he was after were upstairs and I had yelled 'get the fuck out of my house'.

So that's sorted then; to keep my cars safe I will now wear my keys like a cock ring each night, and run at any intruders whilst screaming and at full mast.

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3 minutes ago, Rust Collector said:

To keep my cars safe I will now wear my keys like a cock ring each night, and run at any intruders whilst screaming and at full mast.

Considering you have 22 cars listed on your signature, some of which presumably have more than one key, that's a terrifying mental image you're bringing to mind...

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On 25/04/2024 at 16:29, motorpunk said:

Bye bye Golf. Hello insurance claim. Some bastards broke into our house last night and nicked the keys and drove off. Never woke us up. Didn’t touch anything else. Appearing soon in a robbery in Birmingham or ‘spair and reper’ online. Zero crime here in 25 years of living here, Golf here for 6 months and *poof* it’s gone, stolen to order.


Police have been brilliant. Really good. Won’t put details on a public forum, and we’re under no illusions that the car is probably long gone, but they’ve been ace. As have the public in sharing awareness of the car.461D5E09-E366-4988-BA3F-9DF4504EA9E8.png.78eb8f29f290c3aa9cc97dc0c43b8460.png

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On 25/04/2024 at 18:35, CGSB said:

Yep same thing happened with my mates Golf R estate. He put a post up on some Facebook groups and someone messaged him a few days later saying it was parked on his street.

Used the spare key and went and got it back after the police did fuck all about it when he told them.


At least the keys were available to them so they did not wave a bat or machete in your face for them. I still go back to that Pistonheads "dominate the stairs" post every year or so for a laugh, where the guy on there detailed how he would fight off anyone that tried to take his keys in the middle of the night.

I own nowt worth nicking. But if someone wants my keys that much that they break into the house where my wife and kids are sleeping then they can fucking have them. It's only a car after all.

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Ouch.  They snapped the lock.  That can be all too easy, quick and almost silent.

A reminder to everybody that not all barrel locks are the same and that a poor installation can make it very, very easy for somebody to get in.

Hopefully they get somebody for it.  Sorry to read about this.

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April can fuck off

first a very good friend of mine in the Citroen circles passes away

few days later I get made redundant from work

now I’ve got to drive down to Middlesbrough tomorrow to take my mother and our 21 year old cat who I basically grew up with to the vets to be put down

oh even better she won’t be able to go into the room

so I’ll have to hold my childhood pet as he gets put down, great

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4 hours ago, Rust Collector said:


So that's sorted then; to keep my cars safe I will now wear my keys like a cock ring each night, and run at any intruders whilst screaming and at full mast.

As the Qashqai is keyless, I simply hook the fob onto a Prince Albert.

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12 minutes ago, maxxo said:

April can fuck off

That's tough, any luck on the job front yet? Hope you can get through tomorrow OK.

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31 minutes ago, maxxo said:

April can fuck off

first a very good friend of mine in the Citroen circles passes away

few days later I get made redundant from work

now I’ve got to drive down to Middlesbrough tomorrow to take my mother and our 21 year old cat who I basically grew up with to the vets to be put down

oh even better she won’t be able to go into the room

so I’ll have to hold my childhood pet as he gets put down, great

It's a shit situation for sure, however being there with your pet will bring comfort to them as they will be with someone familiar, a familiar smell and sound for them as they 'go'. If you're a pet owner, it's one of the kindest acts you can do for them.

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1 hour ago, Matty said:

I own nowt worth nicking. But if someone wants my keys that much that they break into the house where my wife and kids are sleeping then they can fucking have them. It's only a car after all.

That’s what we said today. It’s just metal. And rust. Mainly rust in my case. 😂

@maxxo - chin up mate. 👍🏼

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6 hours ago, Datsuncog said:

Considering you have 22 cars listed on your signature, some of which presumably have more than one key, that's a terrifying mental image you're bringing to mind...

Yeah you definatly wouldn't want to meet @Rust Collector down a dark alley when he's feeling romantic 😄

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18 hours ago, matt79 said:

It's a shit situation for sure, however being there with your pet will bring comfort to them as they will be with someone familiar, a familiar smell and sound for them as they 'go'. If you're a pet owner, it's one of the kindest acts you can do for them.

It was horrible, really horrible

seeing that poor boy relaxing and passing away it’s broken me, but I’m relieved to know he’s at piece 

im really going to miss him, I loved that cat




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On 25/04/2024 at 20:17, Markeh said:

I can see it now in the dock...

"and why did you kill him?"

"He interrupted my wank"

"I was defending my only working Windows XP computer from getting nicked" 🤣

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20 hours ago, maxxo said:

now I’ve got to drive down to Middlesbrough tomorrow

I'm so sorry to hear this, it will get better I promise!


(My mother still lives in Middlesbrough too)

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Rimmer Brothers what a crock of shit they are. Ordered a pump, arrived and it won’t pump, stripping it down showed the base of the diaphragm spring wasn’t engaged with the lever which is driven off the jackshaft. Put it all back together properly but it’s all time wasted doing things properly that they should have in the first place. 

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The worst winter I can remember was followed by the worst spring I can remember, I want nice weather and warmth now.

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30 minutes ago, Dyslexic Viking said:

The worst winter I can remember was followed by the worst spring I can remember, I want nice weather and warmth now.

Are you sure you are not in the UK??? 😂😂 We are wishing for the same thing, just for a change!

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Yesterday I drove to Redcar and back for work.  Left at 11am and got there in a little over three hours, only hold-up being roadworks on the A1M which I already knew about and the usual Friday traffic.

On the way back (I live in south Staffs)....

M18 down to one lane heading to the M1.
M1 50mph all the way with average cameras and down to one lane in at least one place.
Signs then display "A38 closed past Derby".
Decide to take the A42/M42 down to Tamworth and take the A5 across.
Get to J23A and nearly crash through the cones as that is closed with no prior warning, apart from one sign adjacent to said cones.
Continue on M1 which is again down to one lane.
Come off at J23 and take the A512 across through Shepshed to pick up the A42 there, behind two cars which brake for every slight bend all the way.
Get onto the M42 and start seeing signs warning of various bits of the A5 being closed as well.
Finally lose temper and start driving in flat-out wanker mode.
Get onto the A5 at Tamworth and find the bit I need isn't actually closed.
Sit at 40mph through yet more fucking roadworks.
Nearly get pushed out of the way by a car and a lorry both of whom don't want to do the 40mph speed limit.
Nearly get taken out by another lorry who thinks red lights on roundabouts don't apply to him.
Cane clutch pulling away from said roundabout in sheer anger.
Finally get home an hour after I should have done having taken longer than it did the other way in Friday daytime traffic.

Next time I go I'll spend the two days leading up to it watching Love Island for 48 hours straight so my brain rots and I die.

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Car Manufacturer Websites

FUCK OFF with all the wanky "pazaz" and telling me how wonderful it would be to buy one of your faux  4x4 things on PCP.

Where there is the odd car that isnt a wanky off roader - do they have plenty of photos of the inside / outside or the vehicle (especially the boot space?)

No they fucking dont.  Ended up googling for photos of one of Skoda's offerings because their all singing all dancing web page doesnt include one single photo of the boot. Fucksake - show some bloody photos of all 4 sides and the inside rather than some smiling mixed race family of lesbians driving over some sand dunes.

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I keep buying DVDs that I never get around to watching, some have been here a dozen years and more.
I bought three a couple of weeks ago, Angel Heart, Tomb Raider (Alicia Wikander) and The Girl On The Train (Emily Blunt).

My broadband was hopeless a couple of days ago so decided to watch Girl On A Train.
Wouldn't play in the laptop. Nor would either of the others. Clearly the drive is non-functional.
Tried them in one of the DVD players. Two worked, GOAT didn't. Didn't try the other DVD player as it is unwell, usually works for ten minutes the throws its hands in the air.
I was going to contact Music Magpie, from where I bought all three and many others too.
Tried them in another laptop. Worked fine, except GOAT. Then saw it is a BlueRay disk. Bugger!

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21 hours ago, maxxo said:

It was horrible, really horrible

seeing that poor boy relaxing and passing away it’s broken me, but I’m relieved to know he’s at piece 

im really going to miss him, I loved that cat




I had to do the very same a couple of months ago with my cat, 20 years old and I’ve had him since I was 4.

It was awful and heartbreaking, but he was seriously unwell and it was the right thing to do. I was initially hesitant to be there when it happened, but I would have regretted not holding him in my arms when he went.


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On 26/04/2024 at 14:58, Metal Guru said:

“Collapse”. Call an ambulance and get taken to A&E. You might have to wait a while but not 8-12 weeks. At least you’ll see a doctor at some point. 

Not necessarily- it’s entirely possible to 

A. Have an ambulance despatched to your house and them not take you in. I even had the air ambulance called when I fell of my roof and, once I got up off the ground, never left my lounge. 

2. Be triaged at hospital, admitted and still not see a consultant. During Covid I had strange bruising in my legs - spent the night at Addenbrookes and got nursed and Matron’d etc but no doctor.

D. Be triaged and sent home. 

GPs are up to their eyes for myriad reason, but I’ve never once had or seen a three minute appointment. Moreover, I would rather they were running over capacity than under.

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38 minutes ago, BorniteIdentity said:

Not necessarily- it’s entirely possible to 

A. Have an ambulance despatched to your house and them not take you in. I even had the air ambulance called when I fell of my roof and, once I got up off the ground, never left my lounge. 

2. Be triaged at hospital, admitted and still not see a consultant. During Covid I had strange bruising in my legs - spent the night at Addenbrookes and got nursed and Matron’d etc but no doctor.

D. Be triaged and sent home. 

GPs are up to their eyes for myriad reason, but I’ve never once had or seen a three minute appointment. Moreover, I would rather they were running over capacity than under.

It was just a suggestion if you were really desperate. We used to have an out of hours GP at our local hospital. It was very efficient, but maybe it got over used by people by passing their own GP.
Pre-Covid our GP waiting room was full with appointments every 10 minutes. Maybe 20 people waiting to see about 8 doctors. 
During and since Covid, you are waiting on your own . They’ve lost some doctors or some have gone part time , so they now have about 5-6 full time , but they can’t be seeing more than 2 an hour. I think it’s about 6 weeks to get an appointment without playing phone roulette at 8am.

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3 hours ago, UltraWomble said:

Car Manufacturer Websites

FUCK OFF with all the wanky "pazaz" and telling me how wonderful it would be to buy one of your faux  4x4 things on PCP.

Where there is the odd car that isnt a wanky off roader - do they have plenty of photos of the inside / outside or the vehicle (especially the boot space?)

No they fucking dont.  Ended up googling for photos of one of Skoda's offerings because their all singing all dancing web page doesnt include one single photo of the boot. Fucksake - show some bloody photos of all 4 sides and the inside rather than some smiling mixed race family of lesbians driving over some sand dunes.

I miss having a good old brochure. A few technical bits, a page showing all the specs, a few options at the back and some figures. Why did they change it? I don’t want to hear all this aspirational bullshit and loads of photoshopped pictures of it, I want to see the base one sat outside an office block in Milton Keynes, then the top spec one perhaps with a background of a fountain at a National Trust property. 

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7 hours ago, UltraWomble said:

Car Manufacturer Websites

FUCK OFF with all the wanky "pazaz" and telling me how wonderful it would be to buy one of your faux  4x4 things on PCP.

Where there is the odd car that isnt a wanky off roader - do they have plenty of photos of the inside / outside or the vehicle (especially the boot space?)

No they fucking dont.  Ended up googling for photos of one of Skoda's offerings because their all singing all dancing web page doesnt include one single photo of the boot. Fucksake - show some bloody photos of all 4 sides and the inside rather than some smiling mixed race family of lesbians driving over some sand dunes.

They're frightened to tell you the car that is 1/2 again as big and weighs twice as much is actually smaller inside than their predecessors.

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