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I had that once in a BMW 5 series on a twisty B road. Tail out shenanigans at 20mph, it was hilarious

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12 minutes ago, rattlecan said:

Would have been a nice experience on a motorcycle (not) 🤦🏼‍♂️

Would be bloody terrifying I imagine! Should I have called 101 about it? Was more panicking there was something wrong with the car at the time but there isn't 

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Yes, police if an accident is highly likely and council to come out and clean it up.  Our local police closed the road for an hour till there was a few tonnes of sand down.

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18 hours ago, Sheefag said:

I go to Poland, the service and care is excellent.


A polish colleague of mine does this, braces tweaked every three weeks currently.  


What's the cost like?  And how did you find a polish dentist?

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16 hours ago, loserone said:

A polish colleague of mine does this, braces tweaked every three weeks currently.  


What's the cost like?  And how did you find a polish dentist?

I have a Polish business partner and he recommended this clinic in his home city. It's a large family company with a training facility and they also manufacture dental tools.

I go there for their orthodontic services rather than as a straight dentist, I'm having some long overdue reconstructive surgery.

At age 16, I had a rather spectacular accident, impaled on a spiked metal fence. Entry between windpipe and chin, exit point via mouth. As you can imagine, things are a little bit custom as a result.

Cost wise, I believe it's somewhere between a third to half the cost of similar in the UK but it's the actual expertise and care that attracted me in from the first consultation.

I'm also very fortunate that my business partner has a good friend with a business looking after various Airbnb portfolios, so accommodation is free.

Lots of snow on my last visit in early December, I'm hoping for better weather when I fly there this Sunday.

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17 hours ago, loserone said:

Yes, police if an accident is highly likely and council to come out and clean it up.  Our local police closed the road for an hour till there was a few tonnes of sand down.

But I’d guess that works on a basis of manpower & job priorities. The fact that there is now about 3 coppers on duty at any one time & two of those are likely to be dealing with some mental heath issue (that’s not really their job but the social care system pretty much no longer exists)  so no one is free to sort out ‘a bit of spilled diesel’ 

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I forgot why I had stayed put for so long at my current company - the job market is full of shite. Only submitted a couple of applications so far. One came back and said 'looks a bit light on experience' - your job spec said 5 years doing something I've clearly written I've been doing for 7 on my CV...

Other random crap such as about 6 or 7 hours worth of interviews just puts me off applying right from the word go. Another thing, so many companies expecting that because you're a software developer, you must live and breathe code and have tons of pet projects and code loads in your own time - I enjoy coding between the hours of 9 and 5 Monday to Friday - I don't have pet projects and want to do it every waking minute, once I'm done with work I don't want to do more work, I want to fuck off down the pub or fall asleep in front of the telly.

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I hear you, Markeh!

I've a decade of experience in network infrastructure. You know what my home network looks like?

Utter shite. The most basic thing from the ISP. All I've done is change it away the defaults. No pet projects here.

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From the you never learn do you files: I am on holiday with the angriest girl ever*.

Current anger: why don't any of these fucking pubs do Sunday dinner today? Dunno......

Previously the I need a wee game. Where she is mega desperate but all toilets in a 10 mile radius do not meet her exacting standards.

I only need a "why arent you happy?" to win the day.

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What does this woman have to do before she sees a prison cell

People can be sent to prison for not paying a TV licence fine FFS 

She didn't even turn up to court 

She's got her licence back but they gave her 8 points so she's now on 11 

What are they going to do when she hits 12, give her another ban she'll ignore 


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1 hour ago, Wack said:

What does this woman have to do before she sees a prison cell

People can be sent to prison for not paying a TV licence fine FFS 

She didn't even turn up to court 

She's got her licence back but they gave her 8 points so she's now on 11 

What are they going to do when she hits 12, give her another ban she'll ignore 


Maybe she has to kill? Why don't the cops wait outside her house for a dead easy you're nicked?

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7 hours ago, rattlecan said:

But I’d guess that works on a basis of manpower & job priorities. The fact that there is now about 3 coppers on duty at any one time & two of those are likely to be dealing with some mental heath issue (that’s not really their job but the social care system pretty much no longer exists)  so no one is free to sort out ‘a bit of spilled diesel’ 

I normally take a dim view on police coverage in my area following on from what a friend who worked in the despatch centre told me. However, last night when I was buying a couple of beers from the off licence down the road from my house (it's been a shite week) a young lad came sprinting in crying hysterically and incoherently trying to say something. I spoke to him calmly and asked him what was wrong and if I could help, he said a bloke in a car had rolled his window down and shouted at him to come over to the car. I gave him my phone to ring his parents and then I called the police to report it - they were there in minutes, so I should probably take back what I have previously said about call out times.

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2 hours ago, Wack said:

What does this woman have to do before she sees a prison cell

People can be sent to prison for not paying a TV licence fine FFS 

She didn't even turn up to court 

She's got her licence back but they gave her 8 points so she's now on 11 

What are they going to do when she hits 12, give her another ban she'll ignore 


Yes it’s the irony of all ironies. You go to prison for not having a tv licence & guess what. You then get to watch telly for free 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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8 hours ago, Sheefag said:

At age 16, I had a rather spectacular accident, impaled on a spiked metal fence.

Just to be clear, I didn't 'like' your post for that line, but the effort and research you put in to your dental (and probably maxillo-facial) treatment. The spike must have been a fucking horrific event to endure.

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Interior lights in the Mazda 6 don't work.  Bought a stick-on LED light but the stickum doesn't work.

Bought some extra sticky silicon double sided tape and stuck the base up then went for the light, which son had chucked in the drinks holder.  One of the AAA's had fallen out and disappeared through a gap at the bottom edge of the drinks holder, gone for good as there seems to be no access without ripping out half the interior.

Well thought out and I wonder how many other things have been swallowed up.

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On 13/03/2024 at 16:49, Wack said:

What does this woman have to do before she sees a prison cell

People can be sent to prison for not paying a TV licence fine FFS 

She didn't even turn up to court 

She's got her licence back but they gave her 8 points so she's now on 11 

What are they going to do when she hits 12, give her another ban she'll ignore 


From what I see of her, she's too fucking thick to understand what the punishments mean.  

I recently saw the TG episode where she was the SIARPC, and she blatantly couldn't understand a single word Clarkson was saying to her.

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2 hours ago, Pieman said:

From what I see of her, she's  fucking thick .  


And a lot of girls aspire to this level of thickness. We're all doomed to quote Dads Army.

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2 hours ago, DavieW said:

 We're all doomed to quote Dads Army.

I think you missed a comma, or things will get very repetitive :)

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Of course I get a bloody awful cold before I'm away for two weekends in a row.

I guess my only hope this weekend is if some lucky lady out there is interested in a wardrobe sized man who smells strongly of Vicks VapoRub.

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On 13/03/2024 at 16:49, Wack said:

What does this woman have to do before she sees a prison cell

People can be sent to prison for not paying a TV licence fine FFS 

She didn't even turn up to court 

She's got her licence back but they gave her 8 points so she's now on 11 

What are they going to do when she hits 12, give her another ban she'll ignore 


Well for one, she'd need to commit a crime punishable with a prison sentence. From what I understand, this particular event wasn't. 

And it wasn't that she was banned, I read it was that she'd not reapplied for the physical copy of her licence after serving her ban. 

Not saying that driving without insurance shouldn't be punishable with prison but I read online somewhere that it's not. 

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She’s just fuckin horrible, that’s it. She was fuckin horrible when she split from Peter Andre, slagged him off, left right & centre (oh the irony) she’s been smashed more times than a nonces lounge widow.

He took the high ground, never once saying anything bad about the mother of his kids. She’s basically scum done good, then all the way back down.

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1 hour ago, HillmanImp said:

Well for one, she'd need to commit a crime punishable with a prison sentence. From what I understand, this particular event wasn't. 

And it wasn't that she was banned, I read it was that she'd not reapplied for the physical copy of it after serving her ban. 

Not saying that driving without insurance shouldn't be punishable with prison but I read online somewhere that it's not. 

turns out it's not , she has been convicted of driving while drunk with no insurance and under a drivng ban , that got her a suspended sentence , I think it's fairly obvious until she sees what life behind bars is like she'll just carry on as she is, flouting the law and generally being an arsehole , something which it seems people are willing to pay to see , fuck knows why

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Half a packet of Polos with outer paper removed and rolling round cubby hole under radio fits nicely into the unoccupied fag lighter socket where it's silver paper shorts out the 12 V making intermittent sizzling noises and smoldering plastic with hint of mint smell unable to remove it whilst driving on M3 to job interview as it's also hot as the center of a very hot thing till some tiny inaccessible fuse give up and Polos cool down and become stuck in solidified plactic.  Lateness caused by not having anywhere to plug GPS into but I didn't want the job anyway.

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A couple of months back one of my more pessimistic colleagues said "with the rate our company is losing money I do wonder if they will just give up and close the doors come the new financial year in April?"  Well he was pretty much spot on, its now March and it looks like I have about 40 days to find a new job, oh goody 😬!

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Dogs barking.

I don't mean just a normal dog barking 'cos it's protecting it's property or owner. I mean the sort of fucktard mutt with a tosser owner that just leaves it outside barking it's bloody head off all the time & does nowt about it.

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1 hour ago, ETCHY said:

Dogs barking.

I don't mean just a normal dog barking 'cos it's protecting it's property or owner. I mean the sort of fucktard mutt with a tosser owner that just leaves it outside barking it's bloody head off all the time & does nowt about it.

I have exactly that issue. My next door neighbour had two retrievers in lockdown. Just opens the back door & leaves them to bark continuously at nothing in particular at their gate. I’ve been round twice to see them about it & fuck all changes. I’m due another knock on their door & this time they are having the ultimate of sort it or I start a complaint through the council. To be honest don’t hold any hope out there but, ya gotta try

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