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The grumpy thread


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Nail in tyre of NeddyTransportVan. Fuckit.
Bang in the centre of the tread pattern - not so fuckit.
Get wheel off, chuck it in back of Bini #1 and off we go to Mr Tyreman.
En route - something's quietly humming and it's not my socks.
Bloody hub bearing. Back to fuckit mode.

Always on a Friday at the last knockings......



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2 hours ago, Saabnut said:

We have had a couple of lovely sunny days and things are just starting to dry out a bit.....

More rain forecast though

Rain - bloody luxury .... this is us at lunchtime...


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We're looking to move...... So P6 welding is now on a time restriction. Welder has been of faithful service for over a decade and it chose Friday to die on me..... Fuxtix

Ordered parts for the PCB (Thanks for the help with that guys) ..... Cancelled by seller as out of stock - double fuxtix

Drove 2hrs for replacement welder - they're in new offices and pay machine was dead..... - triple fuxtix

Went for cash..... Visa card is damaged and machine wouldn't read it - FUCK IT ALL

Have to go back Monday with cash.... 

E46 330 decides to show me the engine light too  - GF just laughed at me and walked away from my crying puddle like form on the sofa

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Wife is watching the Brits,  what an absolutely soulless heap of horseshit with the most cringe making presenting I've ever seen 

It used to be pretty decent back in the 90's IIRC 

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Funny you should mention that ken Bruce was talking about it on Fridays show  think he said it's something like 40 years ago!

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Out for the weekly shop just now, 0830 Sunday morning, spots a fancy pushbike seemingly abandoned beside a grassed area, has the appearance of being stolen and dumped to me 

First try to contact Police Scotland on 101 so that the bike can hopefully be picked up before it’s nabbed again - “all operators are busy…”, really, it’s Sunday morning FFS. Currently still on hold 20 mins later 

I’ve  tried filling in their Report A Crime form while on hold, over five minutes on and I’m still not all the way through it

Do the police not want anything reported??? Don’t answer that, it’s obvious they don’t 


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It's cat madness.

Mrs. Announces she's getting a cat. From amazon. Eh? Box arrives, she now owns a robot cat for only £120. Your money sweetie.

Ma then announces she's at pets at home with idiot as idiot is getting a cat to go with the dog. Yeah that will work well. But not just any cat. She's found this website where they sell cats that have been used in films. As there is a LAW that cats can only be in a film once.

This sounds totally feasible. There's obviously a huge UK film industry so there will be 100s of surplus cats. It can't remotely be a scam at all.

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On 02/03/2024 at 21:42, omegod said:

Wife is watching the Brits,  what an absolutely soulless heap of horseshit with the most cringe making presenting I've ever seen 

It used to be pretty decent back in the 90's IIRC 

You are not the target audience (today) if you were alive, and out of nappies, in the 90's? 
Bit like TOTP (or whatever they have these days) - it's all about the current pop stars (i.e. let's make lots of money) rather than long lived talent* - there's some sort of limbo land that lies between current pop and classical music - I've yet to find the ideal TV/radio outlet for that.

Today's GRUMP from here (was going to be a Grin):
Sun's out, no rain, spanners out -
Bini - new boot handle fitted, the boottee can now be accessed  (the ladies then feck off to England so, I'm Free!) :-)
R75 - new engine mounts & oil change :-):-)
Ovlov - oil change, refit all belts :-) :-) :-)

Happy, feckin days !
Phone rings - Bini - "EML is on what do we do?"

FFS :-(

*I will not include Sir Paul McC there

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I'm detecting some slight* oil fouling on my Rover's #3 sparkplug...


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11 hours ago, jakebullet said:

It's cat madness.

Mrs. Announces she's getting a cat. From amazon. Eh? Box arrives, she now owns a robot cat for only £120. Your money sweetie.

Ma then announces she's at pets at home with idiot as idiot is getting a cat to go with the dog. Yeah that will work well. But not just any cat. She's found this website where they sell cats that have been used in films. As there is a LAW that cats can only be in a film once.

This sounds totally feasible. There's obviously a huge UK film industry so there will be 100s of surplus cats. It can't remotely be a scam at all.

You are by far the most sane person in your family.  Which, if you stop and think about it, is fucking terrifying.

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2 hours ago, EyesWeldedShut said:

there's some sort of limbo land that lies between current pop and classical music

Yup, the great talent divide, tho classical is a broad church.

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21 hours ago, jakebullet said:

Ma then announces she's at pets at home with idiot as idiot is getting a cat to go with the dog. Yeah that will work well. But not just any cat. She's found this website where they sell cats that have been used in films. As there is a LAW that cats can only be in a film once.

This sounds totally feasible. There's obviously a huge UK film industry so there will be 100s of surplus cats. It can't remotely be a scam at all.

That reminds me of the mega exclusive Japanese restaurant in Parks & Recreation where all the sushi comes from fish that once were pets of celebrities

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The Saudis are attempting a bit of sports washing by sticking on snooker in the hope of it being the 4th main event.

Shame they couldn't force anyone to turn up to watch it. Qualifiers from Barnsley have more people in the crowd.

Oh, also......


Did Jack take a bung to dress up? Was half expecting him to carry on film it up.

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20 hours ago, EyesWeldedShut said:

Phone rings - Bini - "EML is on what do we do?"

Upshot of this is that we've decided that the 'new' Bini has been remapped with a DPF/EGR delete but then had a pukka DPF fitted.
I did stick a post on 'Ask a Shiter' about this but then had a ponder/realised I could compare readings with the other Bini which we know for certain has had a DPF/EGR delete done - all the readings are the same :-( 
Pulled that post down - just need to work out what to do about this.
Not right now as the Spring weather is lovely


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Wonky veg in the supermarket.

Now I’m all for reducing food waste and don’t care what shape a vegetable is , most get cut up anyway.

However, recently I’ve notice it’s not just misshapen veg being sold as wonky, a few well past their best , are finding their way in. Again not a problem if they tell you and you get a big reduction, but typically wonky veg are around 10p a pack less than the standard ones. Yet again big business taking the piss cashing in on our desire to be green.

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Did a oil change and saw silver bits in the oil . Nearly s£!# myself but it turned out to be bits of white paint mixing with the oil ....!! 

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Sitrep: Trabant is meant to be going to Rustival at the weekend.


Trabant: Wheel bearing has progressed from occasional slight rubbing noise to making a horrible gronking noise with each wheel rotation.  Was meant to be going for a test on Thursday, but I think that will be getting cancelled now.  I really don't think I'm going to have time to get that bearing done tomorrow (and change a steering rack gaiter), especially as someone has booked an appointment that's going to take up a huge chunk of my afternoon.  Test isn't actually out until the 14th, so the weekend is the real deadline. 

Rover: Wasted well over three hours today pissing around with it before establishing that the £70 fuel pump from J R Wadhams was faulty out of the box, and that my fuel return system actually works bloody fine.  Oh, and that the seals in the second Hardi pump I've since been given need to be replaced as more fuel peed out of that through the seals than was coming out of the previous pump when it was running.  Really wish I'd not touched that car now and had just cracked on with the Trabant work.  Utterly sick of new parts being dead right out of the box too.  Especially when they kinda sorta work but misbehave in really hard to understand ways.

Peugeot: Has a wheel bearing on the way out somewhere, not entirely sure which one yet - but has been regularly needed by others over the last week so haven't really had a chance to look at it.  Rear axle really is getting bad too.

Renault: Hasn't been touched for months, noticed when walking past that one of the fuel lines under the car has decomposed to the point that it's detached itself from the fuel filter - that will be the one remaining one I didn't change last time I was under there because I didn't have enough on hand.

Invacar: Well and truly buried in the garage, and hasn't been started since the end of September I think.  Can't actually remember if I reconnected the wiring to the fuel pump after I borrowed it to get the Rover home when its original fuel pump failed (for the second time) a while back...Kinda hope not as it looks like I'll be nicking that again for the Rover again shortly!


Just had one of those days where I really question why I have this hobby.

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That's the second time in a row I've gone down for breakfast at this Premier Inn to be told by the server "It's continental breakfast only. Is that OK?" Then mumbled something about the chef being ill. If I want to eat something then it'll have to be OK.  

There was a "reduced menu" last night which rang alarm bells thay I wouldn't get a fry up today. 

The last time, I think the chef was pissed off after a row with the manager at dinner the night before and didn't come in for his shift in the morning. Maybe still looking for a cook. 

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Just now, DavieW said:

It's continental breakfast only. Is that OK?

What would they do if you said no?

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3 minutes ago, artdjones said:

What would they do if you said no?

I know. Weird thing to say but it's probably her being polite. It's not her fault, she just has to face annoyed customers.  Couldn't really be a dick and go off on one. 

They were offering refunds on the Meal Deal but no use to me as my company was paying. 

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Posted this on FB in 2020.

Got a ban today because it promotes child sexploitation apparently. 

Pointless trying to appeal as Facebook is just bots combing your posts and searching based on an algorithm. 



EDIT - Did appeal - got my account booted off completely.

In fairness I think the "final warning" for Ladies Remember its Fanuary picture probbaly swung it.


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Popped into a charity shop this afternoon and witnessed a delightful* lady hurling abuse at one of the poor volunteers

She'd picked up some pathetic item of bric-a-brac from a 4 for £1 bin, it scanned through the till at 50p so presumably it's 50p each or 4 for £1.. makes sense to me

She's not happy that's it's scanned through at 50p

"But it says 4 for £1 on the bin" 

Volunteer - "yes, but you've selected one item so it's 50p" 

"But 4 for £1 is 25p each, so if I'm having one then it should be 25p" 

Volunteer - "it's 50p and that's what it's scanned through at, I can't do anything about it I'm afraid"

"Well this is ridiculous, what difference does it make to you?" 

She storms off to the 4 for £1 bin, selects 3 more items at random and takes them to the till again. 

She quietly, smugly pays her £1 for the 4 items. 

She snatched them away from the counter, storms out, and chucks the 3 items back in the bin.. 

Eh, what the actual fuck? 😂

Firstly who goes into a charity shop and quibbles over 25p, and what sort of batshit crazy logic is that? 😂

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It seems that my little Volvo has just dumped its brake fluid into the footwell, just in time for the Rustival thing.

let’s see how well the post works. . . . . . 

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3 hours ago, eddyramrod said:

502 Bad Gateway.


Happening way too much.

Haven't had that but the "Cars, lads..." page 390 and 391 are the same?

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My broth in law is doing the London marathon later this year and raising money for his company's chosen charity.

I went onto the donation page (not Just Giving), filled out the form and made my donation, all good. The next page has a box "do you want to make a donation?" and gives a selection of amounts.  I've just given so why the f*ck would I want to make a donation on top of the donation I've just done? 

I've noticed similar in charity shops - go to the till, pay for your purchase, then the volunteer asks "do you want to make a donation?" Er, I just gave you £xx - if that's not a donation, I don't know what is.

Money grabbing barstewards.

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Yeah, they're not exactly hiding it, but also choosing the wording as carefully as they can to mean you can miss the second stage is the option of donating to the hosting site, rather than the charity. Like 'chipping in' on that fucking petition site.

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Worked my arse off all year for a promotion and got the same rejection reason as last year.

Done well to maintain my cool while being told but I'm utterly fuming this afternoon now. They can shove their job up their arse as far as I'm concerned.

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