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The grumpy thread


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33 minutes ago, SiC said:

You seem to get away with many sorts of theft with only a minor slap on the wrist. Some, like nicking a scooter won't even have the police investigate you. ...

In Ireland, you can even order the murder and dismemberment of a (drug-running) teenager without the Guards ever guessing you were the brains behind it.

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Mortgage (known as first charge ie to Halifax) £100,000.

The mortgage company will almost certainly have a clause in the mortgage that says you pay for all the costs if this goes tits up in these sorts of circumstances.


Yep, the onus is on you to prove they belong to someone else, sales invoices, receipts with names on and shizz.

Which is nearly impossible for most things. How many of you have a receipt for the TV, car, bicycle etc. to hand? I think in some situations the bailiff is supposed to list what they are intending to take and the debtor can dispute it, but all bailiffs will have lots of experience of debtors going "not mine" to avoid goods being lifted.

Also, can not take tools of trade, equipment and cars under £1350 worth total if you need it for work or study. Other restrictions apply too e.g. motability, blue badge.


Absolutely, definitely. Stepchange, Payplan, the CAB. 

There is an agreed format of income and expenditure statement that most lenders, creditor types, etc. are signed up to, if I remember correctly. If you sit down and fill one out with the help of a charity a lot of people will accept the figures and agree repayments on that basis.

Also see StepChange Debt Charity Debt Remedy Tool https://www.stepchange.org/start.aspx

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@TheDoctor as far as I know, it'll be just that £500 and less tend to be easier to collect. And tbh it's a lot to do with policy, but someone said to me years ago, that a £500 debt is YOUR problem, but a £5000 debt is THEIR problem. Probably not so mucj now though.

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Tbh they could take everything i own and take what it gets off the debts, bar my pc (but someone else bought that and has all the receipts for that so ownership could be proven there if needed) and it wouldn't be the end of the world, all my shit was either free or sub £50 anyway

ZX could be signed over too, although I imagine any bailiff worth his salt would just laugh and throw me the key back

Its nowhere near that stage yet mind, but I pay every month and nowt happens to the balance. I'll increase the payments when I can and see what happens. Or do this stepchange thing, one proper look at my finances would immediately raise concerns anyway so I imagine I'll be alright there. Its part of the reason I fix vacuums, nice hard fairly untraceable cash that's usually gone the day after I get it

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38 minutes ago, Cavcraft said:

The eBay thread can have five pictures of the same car on one page

@Cavcraft I put something to this effect on the hints and tips thread Billeh, wasn't sure who to tag in to have it looked at though.

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4 minutes ago, beko1987 said:

I pay every month and nowt happens to the balance.

This is what the banks now call persistent debt. There’s a nice explainer here https://www.stepchange.org/debt-info/persistent-credit-card-debt.aspx

I worry for you, man. Genuinely. Please put some feelers out. If you continue paying minimum, then you might find that credit cards etc are frozen. Perhaps no bad thing, but worth bearing in mind if you use them to bail you out of the shit. 

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1 hour ago, SiC said:

You seem to get away with many sorts of theft with only a minor slap on the wrist. Some, like nicking a scooter won't even have the police investigate you. However defraud the Taxman and he'll throw the book at you and lock you up for a long time while shafting all of your money from you.

not if you are Ken Dodd.......

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I cut them up long ago now, so I'm fine with them being frozen! The annoying thing is a year or so ago I was debt free (through ignoring them for 8 years until it went away) but now I'm right back in. Not horrific (sub £6k) but it's becoming a bit of a pain! 

It's even more of a pain now I'm surviving on my own wage! I did say I'll lob the few hundred quid a month from youtube at it but it just never happens. I get my yearly bonus in march too, but that will be a few hundred quid at most and I do fancy a new car/it'll get spent on the zx as its getting a bit tired now. 

General depression doesn't help. Am going to go and register at the doctors tomorrow (they fucked up when Amy moved her and the kids to the new address and they took me her and eva off and left 4 year old Charlie here... I'm fully expecting I'll explode if they try to ask why it happened as it was their fault). Buying weed every month which sort of helped isn't fab either and needs knocking on the head, I've not had any for a week and all the thoughts and feelings are right back and un-supressed, so actual legal medication is needed I imagine (which will probably cost more in prescriptions than illegal means, because earning £25k a year means of course I can afford it, now let the pregnant mother whose husband earns £90k a year get her free creams and lotions...) 

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People who talk in the cinema - pain in the arse. People who constantly talk when a course leader is dispensing very useful information - fucking ignorant.

Three of them on the 'Start Your Own Business' workshop I attended the last two days who seem to love the sound of their own voice- constant drone of their self-important  but irrelevant opinions and self-entitled bollox going on while the course leader imparts wisdom to us. How the hell he didn't lose his shit with them, God only knows.  Had to check myself from standing up and screaming 'Can you just shut the fuck up for ten seconds mate/love, no-one is remotely interested in what you have to say.' They're usually the type that were self-employed 30 years ago and think they know it all. They clearly don't.

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10 hours ago, outlaw118 said:

Re: Silly old twats....
Had a meeting @ Huntingdon office yesterday, and as some of you will be aware, the A14 is all over the place at the moment.

On the way back, I planned to stop at Tescos @ Bar Hill to get some fags and bread. On the roundabout, I was met - almost literally by an old dear in a Citroen C1/Pug 107 going the wrong way round the roundabout. 

Apparently the near miss was my fault as "You should have seen me".

Well that's alright then Gladys. You do what the fuck you want and it's everyone else's fault. Just like being married.

I can almost sympathise with the old bat. 

I go that way probably twice a month and the road layout is never the same twice. 

Last time she went round it, it probably wasn't a roundabout. 

Can't stand people who refuse to admit they are wrong. 

I've made a career out of "yeah, sorry mate. My bad!". 

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Don't some bailiff firms buy the debt from the company who's owed the money, @outlaw118? Pretty sure that happened during the Poll Tax fiasco. Had a court appearance, didn't really bother then started getting bailiff's letters from some Scouse outfit.  We had an erm 'exchange of views' over the 'phone, my mouth wrote some cheques my fists couldn't honour and luckily (for me) they just never bothered chasing it.  Would like to think it was because they were scared, but really it would have been because I didn't have a pot to piss in at the time, which they must have realised.

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@Cavcraft yep, debt gets transferred according to size, risk etc.

Company 1 decides that they've had enough of chasing, sells the debt onto company 2, usually at a discount, calculated by estimating the cost of recovery v potential success.

I had this with Capital One - someone cloned my card, and they refunded me twice. I whipped the £££ out, stuck it in an interest bearing account, and six months later got a letter from another agency asking for money. Rang them and settled for less than the original amount. Brucie Bonus.

The likelyhood in your circumstances was they probably had a look at your credit rating at that point and / or someone did a "drive-by" assessment on your gaff, and saw there was no Rolls Royce outside, and you only had one whippet at the time, so decided not to be bothered.

Or they were actually scared.

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My grump today is I lost my job with 4 other people because we were the longest serving temporary workers at a vacuum pump factory in Eastbourne and was marched off site.   

I have  been at the firm for over a couple of years myself but apparently a new law comes into play in April where agency workers have the same rights and pay as full time employees if you have been with the employer over a year and a half.

So new agency staff were brought in a few weeks back to get them up to speed and out the door with us.

I feel sorry more for the others as one of them has a young family to support and one of the others has been at the company close to 10 years plus I made some great mates at the company.


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Want to know how much I hate these fucking things? 


Changed a wheel bearing on the Honda last week no problem but somehow I managed to lose the bloody key and not notice until I went to replace an abs sensor yesterday. Cue lots of searching, swearing, stressing etc and finally had to resort to violence to get them off, wasted hours in the process. 


The real grump is that I always swap these things over for normal nuts immediately after buying a car, so why not this time? 

Because I'm a bloody idiot. 

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I don't know why or how so many people have trouble with locking nuts? The only time I have had trouble was when a tyre place used a windy gun on my 4 year old car and smashed the nut. That I can't blame on the nuts,, as the tool does warn not to do that. 

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I've bought a few cars over the years with missing locking wheel nut keys (and I "lost" the key for the Carina E when I left it under the front passenger seat of the Renault 6 for some unfathomable reason).  I now have a selection of tools for getting them off - I've not been beaten yet, although a few have put up a prolonged fight...

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7 minutes ago, SiC said:

I don't know why or how so many people have trouble with locking nuts? The only time I have had trouble was when a tyre place used a windy gun on my 4 year old car and smashed the nut. That I can't blame on the nuts,, as the tool does warn not to do that. 

I've had a key snap in the past and I've bought a car without checking for a key, both occasions were annoying. 

I don't normally have any trouble with them as I just take them off and throw them in the bin. This time I just forgot my standard ops.

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The Golf has a faint ruble when the clutch is held in for a bit. I'm guessing the DMF is on it's way out. Another bill is exactly what I don't need right now so I'm hoping I can keep it going for a little while yet.

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Fuxake man. Just been to get some petrol from the garage on Otley road. 

Get there and theres a pay in advance sign. Fair enough if they have a problem with people doing runners. 

I go in, say to the chap "20 litres of 97 ron please mate" 

Him - "How much" 

Me - "20 litres of 97 ron" 

Him - "How much is that" 

Me - "You tell me mate" 

Him - "No you tell me how much you want to put in and then pay for it and put that in" 

Me - "I'm telling you I want to put 20 litres of 97 ron in, I'll pay however much that costs" 

Him - "It'll be £35 mate" 

Me - "Will it fuck you fucking cheeky dickhead" 

Cue me leaving and going to the garage in Guiseley instead. 

Ironically I was still really angry and wasn't paying attention and spun right past 20 litres so put in 25 instead with cost just short of £35.

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My crown decided to drop off this evening. Never even noticed until I found it buried in my beard and wondered what the hell it was.


It's now not* superglued back on.

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5 minutes ago, HillmanImp said:

Fuxake man. Just been to get some petrol from the garage on Otley road. 

Get there and theres a pay in advance sign. Fair enough if they have a problem with people doing runners. 

I go in, say to the chap "20 litres of 97 ron please mate" 

Him - "How much" 

Me - "20 litres of 97 ron" 

Him - "How much is that" 

Me - "You tell me mate" 

Him - "No you tell me how much you want to put in and then pay for it and put that in" 

Me - "I'm telling you I want to put 20 litres of 97 ron in, I'll pay however much that costs" 

Him - "It'll be £35 mate" 

Me - "Will it fuck you fucking cheeky dickhead" 

Cue me leaving and going to the garage in Guiseley instead. 

Ironically I was still really angry and wasn't paying attention and spun right past 20 litres so put in 25 instead with cost just short of £35.

Don't see the issue personally, I'd wager that 99% of the population would just say 'I'll have £20/£30/£40 worth please"

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15 minutes ago, w00dy said:

The Golf has a faint ruble when the clutch is held in for a bit. I'm guessing the DMF is on it's way out. Another bill is exactly what I don't need right now so I'm hoping I can keep it going for a little while yet.

It probably would benefit from a new one, but a DMF will go for many tens of thousands of miles after it becomes "a bit noticable". A mate of mine ran a T5 van for 20K with a DMF that genuinely sounded like someone was hitting the bellhousing with a lump hammer, it would probably have gone on a lot longer.

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I've had a key snap in the past and I've bought a car without checking for a key, both occasions were annoying. 
I don't normally have any trouble with them as I just take them off and throw them in the bin. This time I just forgot my standard ops.

Had them stick on with the the wife’s zafira, funnily enough just before MOT day and I needed to change a tyre. Breaker bar no dice, gambled with the windy gun and chewed the key.

Got another key, same result. Two in the end were firmly stuck on.

Loosened the other three nuts off two turns and blasted round the train station car park. Probably drove a total of a mile. Soon as the wheel started rattling about I tightened the other three up and the locking one spun right off.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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1 hour ago, Vince70 said:

My grump today is I lost my job with 4 other people because we were the longest serving temporary workers at a vacuum pump factory in Eastbourne and was marched off site.   

I had been at the firm for over a couple of years myself but apparently a new law comes into play in April where agency workers have the same rights and pay as full time employees if you have been with the employer over a year and a half.

So new agency staff were brought in a few weeks back to get them up to speed and out the door with us.

I feel sorry more for the others as one of them has a young family to support and one of the others has been at the company close to 10 years plus I made some great mates at the company.


As the man says IR35 and confusion by agencies and thier clients as to what the forthcoming changes mean.  If you were already on PAYE with the agency, there was no need for agency or client to do anything. 

It's only people operating through there own LTD companies like Killtox and me and some others I assume, who risk being taxed as PAYE which won't  be financially kind. 

I stand to loose £200 a week in extra taxation if the review in February and my subsequent appeal goes the wrong way. 

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21 minutes ago, HillmanImp said:

Fuxake man. Just been to get some petrol from the garage on Otley road. 

Get there and theres a pay in advance sign. Fair enough if they have a problem with people doing runners. 

I go in, say to the chap "20 litres of 97 ron please mate" 

Him - "How much" 

Me - "20 litres of 97 ron" 

Him - "How much is that" 

Me - "You tell me mate" 

Him - "No you tell me how much you want to put in and then pay for it and put that in" 

Me - "I'm telling you I want to put 20 litres of 97 ron in, I'll pay however much that costs" 

Him - "It'll be £35 mate" 

Me - "Will it fuck you fucking cheeky dickhead" 

Cue me leaving and going to the garage in Guiseley instead. 

Ironically I was still really angry and wasn't paying attention and spun right past 20 litres so put in 25 instead with cost just short of £35.

Probably the till can't take litres as pre payment, only money. Certainly that is the case in the American service stations. I believe they refund any unused amount automatically. At least they do in America and I bet the till systems are the same.

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3 hours ago, clayts450 said:

People who talk in the cinema - pain in the arse. People who constantly talk when a course leader is dispensing very useful information - fucking ignorant.

Three of them on the 'Start Your Own Business' workshop I attended the last two days who seem to love the sound of their own voice- constant drone of their self-important  but irrelevant opinions and self-entitled bollox going on while the course leader imparts wisdom to us. How the hell he didn't lose his shit with them, God only knows.  Had to check myself from standing up and screaming 'Can you just shut the fuck up for ten seconds mate/love, no-one is remotely interested in what you have to say.' They're usually the type that were self-employed 30 years ago and think they know it all. They clearly don't.

Reminds me of when I was at college in my early 20s just after completing my degree (doing an NCTJ certificate) - there was a guy a few years older than the rest of us on the course, and no matter what the subject he just HAD to try and prove he knew better than anyone else, to the point that no one was learning anything.

Eventually one day he got into a debate with someone else as usual and made a borderline racist remark at them - the girl he made the remark to got up and walked out of the room and I turned to him and went "Shut the hell up, NOW".  I forget what happened afterwards but I don't think the class resumed for that day.

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22 hours ago, Jazoli said:

Yup, they are just as bad as the twats who drive around with their front fogs on as it makes them more visible/looks cool etc, what they fail to realise is that they are quite dazzling when they reflect off a wet road surface, utter selfish wankers imo, you just know that there is a bellend behind the wheel who is a bit of a 'road captain'

Hey!, I resemble that driver! ?

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7 hours ago, New POD said:

As the man says IR35 and confusion by agencies and thier clients as to what the forthcoming changes mean.  If you were already on PAYE with the agency, there was no need for agency or client to do anything. 

It's only people operating through there own LTD companies like Killtox and me and some others I assume, who risk being taxed as PAYE which won't  be financially kind.

Could the company accountant or management really be so stupid as to misunderstand the IR35 changes?  As above it's nothing to do with agency staff only scumbag contractors like me.  If that really is the reason and they have misunderstood the whole thing I'm surprised they're still in business because they cant be too bright.

Sorry about your job Vince70, hope something else comes up soon.

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