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The grumpy thread


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Apparently, the limit on the Stourbridge "ring road" is not 40. I'll be watching the post for a couple of weeks, then...



The four lane uphill bit just before the bp garage? bad luck.

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I got done twice by different camera vans last week for 35 in a 30. I am now the bumbling idiot that will do 27 in a 30 and if folk don't like it I'll go down even further!

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Driving vans was always like that, especially round Oswestry where it's roundabout after roundabout. You'd overtake someone doing 45, they'd get behind you at the next roundabout then overtake as you'd be slower accelerating. Then they'd get to 45mph and stay there so you'd overtake and it all started again. That's why I'd speed up and drive in the middle of the road where possible.


Today's grump is thinking it couldn't be too bad if I biked it to work. Last three miles I got drenched and the weather is even worse now, fingers crossed it's nicer early afternoon.

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AnthonyG had said "There's a bit of rusty staining there" when I lifted the bonnet on the 850 at Cannock.


I investigated.


Hole in the inner wing.



Never listen to a Jaaag owner- especially re rust;)

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AnthonyG had said "There's a bit of rusty staining there" when I lifted the bonnet on the 850 at Cannock.


I investigated. 


Hole in the inner wing.



I have highlighted the problem!

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But they are world famous experts on rust.


Being exposed to something in huge quantities does not necessarily make one an expert on it.

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Sorry, non rusty grump. This wonky-jawed wet lettuce cluttering up the itv channel on a too-frequent basis is currently getting on my nerves. How people like this make their millions is beyond me.


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Fuck! Bet that woke you up!


Is that the only damage? I expect the engine lost it's oil pretty quick.

i am the luckiest git, put a sump on it today which stixy kindly met me with, there is no engine damage, its purring like a kitten again

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I lost count of how many cunts like that I encountered the last few days (I went from Aberdeen to Newcastle and back).


Even worse are the ones who toddle along at 60mph on a 70mph dual carriageway, so I pull out to overtake them, then just as I'm nearly finished overtaking, they go and speed up and sit just off my rear quarter! Twats!

My favourite* is the sort who is dawdling along at 60mph, you pass them and then 5 mins later they come bombing past at 90+, another 5 mins pass and you're stuck behind them again!


I'm glad my commute is rural roads at 6am in the morning or about 4pm in the afternoon, I manage to avoid the vast majority of traffic. If I had to assault a motorway or A-road at rush hour on a daily basis I'd likely be banged up for ramming somebody with my car and dismembering the driver with a ice scraper in the first week...


Also many 40mph zone around here, locals tend to take them at 15mph or 85mph. There is no middle ground.

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Following our trip to Sunny Mumbles on Sunday,which included a full on hail and thunderstorm,the van decided to do its best impression of an air cooled vdub

Investigation turned up a nicely broken exhaust manifold....

And what an absolute basterd of a job to swap it over....



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Trigger (or anyone else for that matter) posting political stuff on Autoshite.com


Have a word with yourself Trigger.


(Either pack Facebook in or keep political stuff where it belongs - over there, with the only exception perhaps being shite motoring related politics)


I've just slapped my forehead so hard that it now hurts, why? Because I've just seen this post that been shared on Facebook from some shit Brexit group.




It's clearly a photoshop piss take but the number of people replying thinking it's a real news item is staggering.



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Regardless of the sentiment expressed by Trigger or the screenshots quoted, it is political. Denying that is being extremely charitable. Besides, if it is a valid grump, then why was it posted originally in the grin section?


Tl;Dr : More Ranchos and less Friendface.

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As far as I'm concerned this covers everything for tyre-kickers and messers.




If you don't know where your bonnet release is, your screenwasher reservoir lid, your oil filler cap or dipstick LEAVE IT ALONE STUPID.


And whilst we're on the subject  - if you ask an experienced, time-served mechanic advice, promptly ignore it and then come bleating to me because the fetid heap of 10 yard (rain) shiny paintwork shit your Dad/Uncle/mate/random moronâ„¢ turns out to be exactly was I said it was - don't expect me to repair it for free.



My Range Rover has stickers - some of them painted over which makes them structural now.  :-)


1993 Range Rover 200Tdi Auto

Seemed appropriate for this thread as well....:-)

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trigger, on 19 Oct 2016 - 1:31 PM, said:snapback.png

Sorry if i offended anyone. I won't do it again.

It seems you only offended one person. No apologies necessary IMHO!

I can try and be offended a bit if it helps?   :-D
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