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Tippers plates and customer service...

Dick Longbridge

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Spotted this on anti-social media. Tippers are local to us and I'd decided a while back that when Deeveeelleh eventually get back to me with a registration for my Lambretta import,  I'd treat it to a quality pressed alloy pre 63 rear plate from them. I've heard them mentioned on here and elsewhere regularly and like the idea of actually supporting a local independent business. 

However, after reading this fine example of shite customer service, I'll be taking my trade elsewhere. @triggerdid you use Framptons for your period plates? 






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Update. OP has just posted a new response from Tippers. 

Too little too late I reckon. It still doesn't sound particularly sincere to me, and shouts 'Oh shit, she's posted my snide comments online, people now realise I'm a bit of a knob and my business is going to suffer...'



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I’ve used them for a gothic larger pre 63 plate On an S type I had and they were good all round.

I do agree that that response feels a bit off to my mind and also an element of scoring an own goal if that is publically viewable. The problem is in general historic plates are usually bought by people that care about their vehicles and what goes on them- it’s not a cheapo quick front plate to satisfy the mot.

Edit- Reading it again it sounds like he’s has taken offence at the feedback from the customer and that has been a barrier to him resolving things.

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I reckon that reply is perfectly reasonable!

Basically "yes, they are hand made, sorry but there will always be a couple of marks from manufacturing otherwise we'd never be able to make a living out of it (ignoring that they're probably better than the original plates were!) and if you're not happy, send them back and we'll give you a refund"

What more could they do? 

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I reckon that's a 100 per cent legitimate response tbh. If I ran a business I'd take great pleasure in telling moany customers where to stick it - I reckon most of the world's problems can be traced directly to the 'customer is always right' mentality. 

Then again, I did get my mate to do a DIY cast alloy number plate rather than pay Tippers £150 for the privilege so what do I know

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I know Alex and she's not a 'diva'.  In my opinion the snide Halfords comment undoes any good in their last reply, and if I had paid £70 for plates which came with a crease as shown in the photo I wouldn't be best pleased, whatever the method of manufacture.  But then I'd never pay £70 for number plates.....

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I'm surprised to see this, I must admit there's a few specks in the black of the plate and £65 for two bits of painted tin with some plastic digits pushed on is expensive but they are what I expected. 

One thing I will say though is that they took 3 and a half weeks to arrive and when I rang after 2 weeks, numerous times they never answered the phone, I ended up emailing them and they replied that they were struggling to get the white digits, they didn't they message me to tell me rather than leave me in the dark? 

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This is the process that should have been done.

1. Complaint.

2. Explanation, offer full refund or replacement.

3. Customer responds with either,

A, happy with explanation 

B, refund fully.

C, replace without a guarantee of success.

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41 minutes ago, Agila said:

This is the process that should have been done.

1. Complaint.

2. Explanation, offer full refund or replacement.

3. Customer responds with either,

A, happy with explanation 

B, refund fully.

C, replace without a guarantee of success.


This is how decent customer service works, which in turn, encourages return custom and spreading of positive experiences. 

It's a £70 supposedly premium product. I'd expect it to be spot on. Why pay a premium otherwise? 

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Not sure I'd get too hung up on it personally. 

She had a bad experience, it happened but at the end of the day they refunded it eventually therfore you know they'll do the same if you aren't happy with them. 

If they're local as well then that makes any issues much easier to resolve. 

Her plates may have been a bit poor for many reasons, could be someone new in the process, could be the quality guy was off that day, who knows? 

Some people complain over literally nothing just to get a discount. Not saying that's what's happened here but you can't always blame the company straightaway without knowing all the facts. 

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To be honest I'd be a bit miffed myself - partly with the plates but more so at the tone of the responses to it. Having been on the other side of the desk doing customer service for many years, you just can't speak to people like that even when you'd love to, happy customers tell a few people and you might get some extra business, unhappy customers tell anyone who'll listen. Hence we now have this thread as well as the Facebook post

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9 hours ago, trigger said:

One thing I will say though is that they took 3 and a half weeks to arrive and when I rang after 2 weeks, numerous times they never answered the phone, I ended up emailing them and they replied that they were struggling to get the white digits, they didn't they message me to tell me rather than leave me in the dark? 

Seems to be the norm for small industry. I ordered some replacement Corgi bits from Steve Flowers, after a month I called to say I hadn't seen anything yet, they were awaiting supplies of one of the things I'd ordered. I don't mind that but a quick call or text would have been preferable to thinking my order had got lost. A week or so after that I get a note in the post that my card payment had been declined (it had expired due to the delay). Again no problem but they had my phone number

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crease looks pretty shit would annoy me if i paid £70 sheets ....if theyre causing damage then the machine isnt right for the job , lets face it folk in sheds can cut a bit of sheet out 

ive dealt with companys that are up thier own arses before ..had an exhaust that wastnt even close to fitting ...nah mate its great you must be a thicko that cant fit it  

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1 hour ago, bunglebus said:

Seems to be the norm for small industry. I ordered some replacement Corgi bits from Steve Flowers, after a month I called to say I hadn't seen anything yet, they were awaiting supplies of one of the things I'd ordered. I don't mind that but a quick call or text would have been preferable to thinking my order had got lost. A week or so after that I get a note in the post that my card payment had been declined (it had expired due to the delay). Again no problem but they had my phone number

Funnily enough had a similar issue. Waiting on some bits now since 30th September. He says he’s sent it, the post office say he hasn’t. But I’m expected to chase it up.

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 A refund was offered, they should accept it and move on. Carrying on complaining isn't covering them in glory, imho.

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Six of one and half a dozen of the other really isn't it? So hard to gain a reputation, but so very easy to lose it. Yeah, I'd be miffed if my plates were that creased for the asking price, and the email tone isn't ideal, but at least there was a resolution. Hasn't made the 'public slating' go away though has it?

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1 hour ago, steveo3002 said:

crease looks pretty shit would annoy me if i paid £70 sheets ....if theyre causing damage then the machine isnt right for the job , lets face it folk in sheds can cut a bit of sheet out 



This. The bit of 3mm ali plate I bought off eBay to make the Trail 90's plate doesn't have a great crease across it like that. Faults like that in a £70 number plate  and narky customer service wouldn't endear someone to me either, not that I'd have ever paid that amount for such a thing in the first place. Still, a refund was (eventually) offered, so presumably the customer has sent the lot back by now; I'd have left it there, personally.


@Dick Longbridge if you'd like a Strangeangel Plates top quality wheelie bin number black plate for your Lambretta let me know. They're hand made, and I even file the sharp corners off myself. They currently come in at a little under six quid.




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Taking aside any of the specifics the tone of the responses and the signing off Halfords reference shows poor people skills, if they wanted it resolved in a few a messages as poss- a barbed and combative reply to a complaint is not ideal. It’s their business but my way or the highway seems to be the tone. 

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That crease isn't acceptable for a £70 plate.These plates are made for people who have restored their car,and that type of defect draws your eye to it.I've seen a good number of reproduction plates,and none of them have had creases in them.

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2 hours ago, strangeangel said:


This. The bit of 3mm ali plate I bought off eBay to make the Trail 90's plate doesn't have a great crease across it like that. Faults like that in a £70 number plate  and narky customer service wouldn't endear someone to me either, not that I'd have ever paid that amount for such a thing in the first place. Still, a refund was (eventually) offered, so presumably the customer has sent the lot back by now; I'd have left it there, personally.


@Dick Longbridge if you'd like a Strangeangel Plates top quality wheelie bin number black plate for your Lambretta let me know. They're hand made, and I even file the sharp corners off myself. They currently come in at a little under six quid.




Thanks for the offer! Will you be a twat if I find faults though?! 

I think I'll go with Framptons. The scooter is wearing it's original warts n'all 59 year old paint - I'd at least like to fit a plate which will hopefully make it look a bit more loved.

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I note we were never shown the original complaint, could have been well arsey, inspiring an arsey response.

I'm also not sure if you'd class them as a premium product given I think they're the only option if you want a custom sized plate for a Rover P5/6?

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8 hours ago, Dick Longbridge said:

Thanks for the offer! Will you be a twat if I find faults though?! 



Not for the basic £6 offer, no. You have to take out a subscription to the Advanced Super Care Package* in order to qualify for abusive customer support emails.


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31 minutes ago, strangeangel said:


Not for the basic £6 offer, no. You have to take out a subscription to the Advanced Super Care Package* in order to qualify for abusive customer support emails.


Are you here for the argument ?   ( Monty Python )

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