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The grumpy thread


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20 hours ago, cobblers said:

I'm very much thinking I need to rethink my life. Working 6/7 days a week to afford to live in the peak district. It's beautiful but it just gets so busy (because it's accessible) and house prices are stupid, because it's accessible. I'm autistic and being around people drains me so much.

Most of my work is done by post. I should really split the business in half, get someone else to run the more industrial stuff then scale down and work out of a garage on my own in the middle of nowhere.

If you can pretend it's online then Spain/Portugal both have Digital Nomad Visas and Portugal has possibility of NHR tax status so low or no income tax for 10 years. As for the middle of nowhere they both have a lot of that but maybe not as much as


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Spent weekend-before-last heaving engines, toolboxes and other heavy stuff around.  No problems at all.  Straight-back lift for anything heavy, and all was good.

last weekend I throw my back out.  Lifting a bag of cat litter.


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Every year the RAC renew my full whistles and bells breakdown cover for free.

Recently I have informed them of my change of address and now they have emailed me back saying my complimentary staff membership has been cancelled as it appears I am no longer employed by the RAC.

How very dare they. I quit in 2018 so it's only taken them five years to bloody realise...




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37 minutes ago, Joey spud said:

Every year the RAC renew my full whistles and bells breakdown cover for free.

Recently I have informed them of my change of address and now they have emailed me back saying my complimentary staff membership has been cancelled as it appears I am no longer employed by the RAC.

How very dare they. I quit in 2018 so it's only taken them five years to bloody realise...




They would have fucked you over when you broke down.  

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Just tried to book my HGV course.

Unfortunately the company cannot get a test that week - trying to get annual leave is like trying to push blancmange up a chimney with a fishing rod - I booked that particular week to get it done.


They mentioned a split week but that is dependant on when I can do the second part and if a test slot is available.

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6 hours ago, New POD said:

They would have fucked you over when you broke down.  

Well I thought that but they did recover a freshly purchased Hiace from Bodmin to Kent.

And they didn't skimp i got the full RAC experience as they broke the ignition key in the door lock and lost the van for 24 hours at a contractors yard in Southampton.

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16 hours ago, DavieW said:

Our village has an old disused red phone box that during Lockdown was changed into a "give and take" for books, games etc kitted out with shelves.
The number of people that donate books and put them in with the spine facing the back is unreal. Surely it's not too difficult to place them with the spines facing the front.

Is that so passing peeps can see the  spine info from outside rather than having to go in a smoll space and contort their  spines to read spines ?

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I have never seen as many spiders as I have this year.

I don't mind them but they seem to be spinning webs everywhere - even the doorway to the shit house.

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On 9/6/2023 at 7:52 PM, RoverFolkUs said:

Ah, just remembered I forgot to give a dog some attention earlier and now I can't stop thinking about it. 

I walked past him at our friendly MOT station, he's a labrador and gave me that look that they do when they want to say hello. 

Made a mental note that I'll quickly drop the keys in as the car might be in the way then I'll go back to say hello

Except I forgot. 

I can't help but think he must have wondered why I walked past him. Twice. 

I know it's silly. But it's just one of those things that nag away 😅

you heartless bastaad 😲🤣

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29 minutes ago, castros_bro said:

Is that so passing peeps can see the  spine info from outside rather than having to go in a smoll space and contort their  spines to read spines ?

Nope, because the back wall is solid.

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59 minutes ago, Bren said:

I have never seen as many spiders as I have this year.

I don't mind them but they seem to be spinning webs everywhere - even the doorway to the shit house.

Was thinking this earlier - absolutely everywhere. I use the front gate at least x2 daily, but it doesn't deter the industrious ones

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My second oldest son's girlfriends car (keep up) is a corsa 1.4 petrol 2010 and a couple of months ago this fell off. It is the outer part of the a/c compressor wheel which I put back on as tight as I could with red loctite until today it made a successful bid for freedom tonight.
Now I will have buy a repair kit as pictured just for this part and work out a better way to ensure it doesn't escape like the last one as I don't think loctite is effective at the skin burning temperatures I endured while checking the rest was not going to fall off at the side of the road. 2765fde877eedd11201147091ef6b7f2.jpg09a3ff5ad0e5fe489ea29cd931c7dabe.jpg

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Some arsehole punched a hole in my van door, opened it and looked inside, then fucked off. Fortunately one of my girlfriend's neighbours caught it all on CCTV.  We've got clear images of the car used, the reg, and the driver and passenger. 

I've reported it online, but I'm expecting a crime reference number and a referral to victim support. There's not much worth stealing in the van, but I've got to shift what there is into my girlfriend's house tonight, or go home and not get laid. Bastards. 



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4 hours ago, mercedade said:

Was thinking this earlier - absolutely everywhere. I use the front gate at least x2 daily, but it doesn't deter the industrious ones

I used to take part in specialized cleaning at the offices of an Interferon factory, mainly dusting cupboard tops and getting spider's webs out of the light fittings in the suspended ceiling. Often, you would do the light fittings, but when you left the building two hours later the webs had already been replaced.

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My sister has a parrot, which we're reluctantly look after while she's on holiday for 2 weeks. If you're not in the room with it giving it 100% attention it squawks, screeches and makes other god awful noises.

I work from home so get to listen to this all day. I can't have it in the room during work as it squawks on the conference calls so it has to be upstairs screeching ALL DAY! 

We live in a terraced house and I can;t look my neighbours in the eye. 

We've had it 1 week now, 1 week to go I think my nerves will be shattered by the time she picks it up. I've got the radio on for it, it has cardboard to play with, I go up every hour and give it snacks but IT'S NEVER ENOUGH!

Why would you have one of these as a pet?

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just glad I stayed away from Southport today , the airshow is not going to plan ..

miles Q's of cars on the roads still waiting to get in , the show started at 12.

the beach is muddy and not suitable for parking at the last moment , the red arrows have cancelled ..

some very pissed off people on FB venting ..

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5 hours ago, cort16 said:

My sister has a parrot, which we're reluctantly look after while she's on holiday for 2 weeks. If you're not in the room with it giving it 100% attention it squawks, screeches and makes other god awful noises.

I work from home so get to listen to this all day. I can't have it in the room during work as it squawks on the conference calls so it has to be upstairs screeching ALL DAY! 

We live in a terraced house and I can;t look my neighbours in the eye. 

We've had it 1 week now, 1 week to go I think my nerves will be shattered by the time she picks it up. I've got the radio on for it, it has cardboard to play with, I go up every hour and give it snacks but IT'S NEVER ENOUGH!

Why would you have one of these as a pet?

Unrelated rambling anecdote alert; at primary school we had a budgie, to 'switch' it off you just put a cloth over the cage so it thought it was night time, not that it made very much noise anyway, just occasional unhappy dial-up modem noises.

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I take it hearing hundreds of things buzzing the other side of the plasterboard isn’t a good sign? Rather alarming, and putting an ear to the wall does sound worse!

have emailed the out of hours line although I expect “ pests” are down to me.


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9 hours ago, MikeR said:

just glad I stayed away from Southport today , the airshow is not going to plan ..

miles Q's of cars on the roads still waiting to get in , the show started at 12.

the beach is muddy and not suitable for parking at the last moment , the red arrows have cancelled ..

some very pissed off people on FB venting ..

The fuck twats have made my comute home from work a bit shit since Tuesday when they closed the coast road, so your post makes me smile. 

What right have they to close what is effectively a Bypass around the town centre. Surely there is a better plan. 

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Just watched a bit of the Freddie Mercury shite auction 

People will die this winter because they can't afford to heat their houses and some mug just bought a  fucking garden gate for £330,000 

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5 hours ago, Zelandeth said:

Of course today when it's a thousand degrees outside is when the front door decides to completely at random and without prior warning to fall off its hinges.

Isn't that the new build with 10 yr g'tee?

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Well Wendy's aucked

Guy waiting and they didn't even ask him anything then he left and couple then shouted are you gonna serve us 

But then the chap tool that long to process th the guy behind me left 

It's like they were serving one person at a time literally then take the.next order and.do that without doing lots at once ( there was plenty of staff)

Maybe it was this one as been to Wendy's before and the drive thru was fine

Went across the road.to.an.arbys and withing seconds see ed and minutes - food

While having the craic with them cos they slagged my accent while I asked them about their crockery 

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1 hour ago, Wack said:

Just watched a bit of the Freddie Mercury shite auction 

People will die this winter because they can't afford to heat their houses and some mug just bought a  fucking garden gate for £330,000 

Baby grand is I'm sure worth eleventy twelve millions.

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2 hours ago, Wack said:

Just watched a bit of the Freddie Mercury shite auction 

People will die this winter because they can't afford to heat their houses and some mug just bought a  fucking garden gate for £330,000 

And people will buy £250k cars , £10m paintings , £500 bottles of champagne etc etc. or even invest £500m in a football club.

Whats the problem? They were never going to say “mmm shall I buy  a Picasso or  help 10,000 pensioners with their winter dual bills?”.

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