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The grumpy thread


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2 minutes ago, goosey said:

One of the guests at the Hotel I’m staying at has just been bollocked for charging their Electric Car by trailing the lead over the car parked next to it through their bedroom room window and plugged into one of the room sockets 

A bloke I sort of knew charged his i3 up for a few years at my old business centre doing similar. He rented a tiny 10x10 office (bills included) for £200 a month and slung an extension cable out of the window.  Inside the office he had a rack of  computers mining bitcoin which more than paid for the rent. He only got found out about the charging when they cut all the bushes back and found his hidden cable

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23 minutes ago, loserone said:

Why the fuck? I don't know much about it but it's fuck all to do with them.  


It is not the same as tyres on an old Renault.

The crowdfunder explicitly said get the car off his plate and restored for him to enjoy. I’d imagine it was that bit. 

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46 minutes ago, BorniteIdentity said:

Inevitable is unfolding on Twitter/X

Chris Pollitt has another episode of depression. Crowdfunder tries to raise a few bob for him. Accidentally raises nearly £20,000. Car is quickly restored and immediately on the market at a chunky price. Folk feel a bit aggrieved. 

Anyone who raises an eyebrow will be quickly shut down.

I try to see everything positively, but it all feels a bit charlatan. 

20k on the restoration of a x300 Daimler ? 
i bet it must have been worth at least 6k when it was finished 

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4 hours ago, Nyphur said:

£400 for someone to fit a tyre would sting somewhat ..... £400 for them to drive nearly 2 hours each way and fit an unusual size tyre to my wheel of a what, £60k+ I'm guessing car? on the hard shoulder of the motorway in the rain? What a bargain.

What a melt that lad is. "I want to cancel because I'll fit the spare" and the car doesn't even have a bloody spare 😂

I can only think the guy was trying to get a reaction with some choice racist adjectives.  Full marks to the tyre guy for not taking the bait. 
Ridiculous that a car that costs that much doesn’t come with a spare wheel, not even a space saver. 

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3 hours ago, junkyarddog said:

Very clean looking Galaxie in the hands of meathead that's going to smash it up🙄







I really hope thats saved somehow, that looks far too good to banger race (if thats what your implying is going to happen to it), especially being a rare RHD one, cant imagine there are many of that configuration still about

@sdkrc you want another one right? :) 


theres  some interesting pictures of it here



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8 hours ago, junkyarddog said:

Very clean looking Galaxie in the hands of meathead that's going to smash it up🙄







I spotted that one on bookface. He seemed quite proud that he'd bought it and was going to trash it around the oval. Knob. 

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I have always thought that cars older than 30 years should have some form of protection as they are historical objects and should be treated as such. It would prevent cars like that Galaxie from getting into the hands of people like that. 

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9 hours ago, junkyarddog said:

Very clean looking Galaxie in the hands of meathead that's going to smash it up🙄







I'd laugh if he'd got nailed for being overloaded in the rear axle.

I've tried to like banger racers and have watched many hours of footage on YouTube. I'm not bothered that much about the cars to be honest, but I've yet to see a racer that doesn't come across as someone who will bodge your roof tiles with newspaper after a storm.

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First World problems of course but my front fence has blown down, the 75 now thinks it's bonnet is permanently open and the car can't be locked any more and the Audi Cab has filled with water. :(

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8 hours ago, Metal Guru said:

I can only think the guy was trying to get a reaction with some choice racist adjectives.  Full marks to the tyre guy for not taking the bait. 
Ridiculous that a car that costs that much doesn’t come with a spare wheel, not even a space saver. 

Drawing on my best stereotypes here but it's the type of car that they probably paid £300 to rent for the day rather than it being their own so obviously paying out £400 on a tyre would smart. 

To cast even further aspersions, some of these rental businesses* just get a car on a normal consumer lease and rent it out for cash so wouldn't have the tyre or breakdown cover a more legitimate outfit would have. 

Allegedly, reportedly, etc.

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1 hour ago, Split_Pin said:

I'd laugh if he'd got nailed for being overloaded in the rear axle.

I've tried to like banger racers and have watched many hours of footage on YouTube. I'm not bothered that much about the cars to be honest, but I've yet to see a racer that doesn't come across as someone who will bodge your roof tiles with newspaper after a storm.

I think it's the "Safety" systems that give me the fear. 

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Mrs F : Sigmund, dear. The temperature gauge in my 206 has become erratic.
Me : It's probably the thermostat. I'll have a proper look at it as soon as I can.

[2 weeks later]

Mrs F : Sigmund, dear. My 206 is still not going up to temperature and has also started using a fair bit of coolant. I think the headgasket is going.
Me : Nonsense ! It's probably a minor leak somewhere. Just make sure it's topped up. I'll have a proper look at it as soon as I can.

[2 weeks later]

Mrs F : Sigmund, dear. The 206 is using a LOT of coolant. There's also a gurgling noise coming from behind the dashboard. I really think it's the headgasket.
Me : No, you've probably allowed the coolant level to drop too far. It just needs to be bled. I'll have a proper look at it as soon as I can.

[2 weeks later]

Mrs F : Sigmund, dear. The 206 is now becoming tricky to start. I think you really, REALLY need to take a look at it.
Me : OK, OK, I'll drive it to the workshop tomorrow.

Tomorrow arrives, I top up the coolant and set off.

Two miles from Fraud Garages, the thing starts misfiring and the EML comes on. "Hmm... Perhaps there is something sinister going on. But I'm sure I can gently coax it to the workshop."

One mile from Fraud Garages, a cloud of white smoke fit for a Papal conclave appears, and the engine stops. I try the starter, to no avail. The engine is hydrolocked. Bugger.

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3 hours ago, Dick Longbridge said:

I spotted that one on bookface. He seemed quite proud that he'd bought it and was going to trash it around the oval. Knob. 

The car has lasted nigh on 60 years in good condition,just to be destroyed.

Seems wrong to me....

Funny breed those racers.




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Probably best not to try and understand them. One thing is for certain, they have zero interest in cars. They've also failed to wind any of us up, merely confuse us a bit

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13 hours ago, junkyarddog said:

Very clean looking Galaxie in the hands of meathead that's going to smash it up🙄







I just don't get it, how much have they paid, and how can they afford to just destroy it and replace it with something else at equal expense? 

I can understand the thrill* of intercepting a barely running Mondeo from the scrap yard, finishing it off, and then scrapping it, but to take something like this, presumably pay a fair bit of money for it, and then destroy it doesn't make a lot of sense.

I dread to think of where the money comes from to be honest 

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2 hours ago, junkyarddog said:

The car has lasted nigh on 60 years in good condition,just to be destroyed.

Seems wrong to me....

Funny breed those racers.




I think that might be what it is. A sort of perverse pleasure in removing something nice from circulation among people who would like it.

I think it's probably best to describe it like a personality or anger disorder - if you don't have it, it just doesn't make sense that those people want to alienate, offend and upset others.

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it's considerably mankier in the photos on the back of the truck. 

If I had to guess, the person who cared about it has died, the person who has inherited it is selling it, and the banger racer has turned up with money while enthusiasts are professing that Someone Should Save It.

it's sad to see nice old things destroyed, but i doubt that it was listed for sale exclusively to banger racers.

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2 hours ago, RoverFolkUs said:

I just don't get it, how much have they paid, and how can they afford to just destroy it and replace it with something else at equal expense?





*NB* I should add that this post is intended for comedy purposes only and that not all banger racers are rigger boot wearing tipper truck driving catalyst thieves.







It’s only the majority of them that are.







*NB* *NB* Please don’t take that comment seriously either

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1 hour ago, riek said:

i doubt that it was listed for sale exclusively to banger racers.

This. If you're moaning about "senseless destruction/what a waste / blah blah", put your hand in your pocket., you fucking whining shitebags.

I'm feeling especially angry today; it would have been my brothers 52nd birthday. I'm not going to apologise either.

But to everyone making assumptions/accusations/snide comments about banger racing, can go fuck themselves. 

We've had this "discussion" over and over on here, and it's FUCKING BORING.

I'm not going into a long spiel of defence, it's been done before,  but if anyone wants to argue the point, I'm here. If anyone wants a fucking straightener at a motorway services or something, bring it,  Unlike some people, I'm not putting anything online that I wouldn't say to your face. At this point IDGAF, I've got loads of shit going on.

And yeah, in this forum's constitution, it states "Don't be a dick". 

I might be, but before you accuse me of it, look at your own posts, before you start with that level of hypocrisy.

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18 hours ago, BorniteIdentity said:

Inevitable is unfolding on Twitter/X

Chris Pollitt has another episode of depression. Crowdfunder tries to raise a few bob for him. Accidentally raises nearly £20,000. Car is quickly restored and immediately on the market at a chunky price. Folk feel a bit aggrieved. 

Anyone who raises an eyebrow will be quickly shut down.

I try to see everything positively, but it all feels a bit charlatan. 


The only thing I saw was some absolute baby having a moan because someone gratefully received some money that they didn't ask for, were gifted explicitly with no strings attached, and then felt 'duped' because...a man who buys cars to have a play with and sell decided to do exactly that. Personally, I was pleased to see he hadn't initially felt the shackles of owing others a specific due - it was, as ever, the feeling of entitlement from the baby-group of others that seemed to be the issue.

It's amazing how hard people will work to have an opinion innit

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8 minutes ago, outlaw118 said:

This. If you're moaning about "senseless destruction/what a waste / blah blah", put your hand in your pocket., you fucking whining shitebags.

I'm feeling especially angry today; it would have been my brothers 52nd birthday. I'm not going to apologise either.

But to everyone making assumptions/accusations/snide comments about banger racing, can go fuck themselves. 

We've had this "discussion" over and over on here, and it's FUCKING BORING.

I'm not going into a long spiel of defence, it's been done before,  but if anyone wants to argue the point, I'm here. If anyone wants a fucking straightener at a motorway services or something, bring it,  Unlike some people, I'm not putting anything online that I wouldn't say to your face. At this point IDGAF, I've got loads of shit going on.

And yeah, in this forum's constitution, it states "Don't be a dick". 

I might be, but before you accuse me of it, look at your own posts, before you start with that level of hypocrisy.

In case it was me who lit the blue touch paper, for context I should probably point out that a few of the lads I would call extended friends are banger racers and I've always been well looked after by them when I've needed bits off of them - they're a sound bunch. They also all have a decent sense of humour, and I wouldn't hesitate to joke with them in the same way I wouldn't hesitate to joke about it on here. It was my now sadly deceased, rigger boot wearing, tipper truck driving best friend who introduced me to most of them.

I'm sorry to hear about your brother.

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How can they call it Sudafed Max Strength when the ingredients are the same as normal Sudafed which also only has the same ingredients as Asda own brand £1.50 Cold and Flu ? 

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Just to add context I’m sure years ago Sudafed max strength contained paracetamol AND ibroprothen but now it just has the paracetamol only the fuckin pricks I said to the woman there I’m sure they’ve changed it but she reckons it’s the same check the ingredients which I did and that’s when I saw it’s the same as the Asda cold and flu 

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Why do pothole repairers turn a hole into a mound 

How hard can it be to make tarmac flat, they've just filled all the holes in on the main road but it's still like driving on one of those test the suspension tracks 

Did the advert read 

Wanted hole repairer, must be shit, immediate start 

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If you put just enough patchmac in for it to be level it would probably sink after a week, if you overfill slightly after a week of cars driving over it would compact down level maybe 

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