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The grumpy thread


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4 hours ago, Pieman said:

Don't you know nuffink?  If you drive an Audi S3 you are exempt from all laws.


30 minutes ago, Burnside said:

Sadly every c*nt in a Golf or BMW I saw yesterday are under the same impression. ....

Not just them, van drivers are also at it. Suddenly the open roads are racetracks, and the blood has rushed to the head.

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I've seen a car I want on Ebay, it ends tomorrow, it's in Hampshire nowhere near me, it has had no bids, the start bid is a bit more than I want to spend, (I'm tight) and the Mot is about to run out. I am keeping my sensible head on and annoyed with myself for doing so.

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Funnily enough I was tailgated by an S3 tonight, occasionally trying to overtake at dangerous places.  I perfectly timed a traffic calming measure and he put himself head to head with a panda car on the wrong side of the road doing 50 in a 30.  I don't know what happened after he stopped though... ?

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The other month I thought I would get a weights bench for in the garden shed, but of fitness you know. Now everyone wants mega bucks for any old shite they have. I shall wait till it's all over and worth fuck all again. 

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12 hours ago, Dick Longbridge said:

You've entirely missed my point.

However, your nine months of frequenting this forum clearly gives you a green light to tell members who have been posting here for a decade how the fuck to do things. 

Slow clap. 

The fact that you have been posting for  ten years does not mean that any of your posts are right. You just over react to everything without thinking.

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I work for the NHS; at first I was not that bothered about the NHS clap but seeing so many people embrace it and make the effort I have to admit I was moved and quite emotional.

The Friday Morning following my ward had an irate phone call from a lady DEMANDING;  AN UPDATE AND I MEAN A FULL UPDATE of her Father's condition. highlighting at great length how she was not happy with our lack of professionalism and inferior care of her beloved Dad who she has not once visited in 17 days.

This 'Lady' 'lives four streets away from me so half a mile from the Hospital that Dear ole Dad is being neglected in but guess what? She shared every post about showing Her appreciation of the wonderful NHS Heroes in local Facebook groups and is out in the front garden all happy clappy and so full of praise for us wonderful people.

The only one? 

I shouldn't think so.

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Yes, there's loads of wankers around here driving like fucking lunatics. I often find myself looking them in the eye and giving them the wanker sign. Seems to be water off a ducks back though.

Loads of illegal motorbikes screaming around the place driven my hemetless tossers using footpaths or whatever. Is it wrong of me to hope they crash and die in a fireball?

I was tailgated by two on some sort of wrecked scooter a few days ago while travelling home in my van. It took quite a bit of effort not to stand on the brake pedal and reverse over them. I probably would have if it was a company van. I'd rather mine didn't get scratched.

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Motorcrossers: I witnessed loads whilst doing some work on the roof of an outbuilding on the strip of land that is shown on this map as rim rose valley 

My niece lives to the East Side of the Valley. 

Netherton,  Bootle, Beruit.  It's fucking ruff 

My nephew ( they are cousins) live on the West side, in Crosby.  And the house I was working on is on that side too. 

There's a plan to build a relief road to the Container terminal through the Valley. Obviously there's a Friends of Rimrose Valley group. Trying to stop it. 

I kind of think the crossers come from.the East Side and think that the road might stop it coming across. 


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We were out for a walk yesterday. Every time we heard them we had to stop, step back and try and guess where they were going to appear from. They were using the footpaths and cycle tracks rather than the roads. Quite frightening.

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I'm really getting bored as fuck now. We as a family spent most of our time out doors, markets, going for sitty down food, sight seeing, exploring, walking etc. We only really used the house for sleeping and watching the telly at night.

I'm usually bored stiff after a long weekend off work. I seem to have a problem with relaxing. Usually the first time I sit down all day, is teatime or when I go for a pint after work. I'm starting to get really worried how we're going to pass the time as this pans out.

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Double grump. Firstly, last night I endured the travesty of a TV show called In for a Penny...utter rubbish.

My second is that one of the "challenges" to win cash was to reverse your own car into a supermarket parking space (with no adjacent cars) with no wheels touching or over the lines. Since when was that

A. Saturday night entertainment?
B. Considered a challenge?
C. Seemingly impossible to a proportion of drivers?

Sent from my SM-N976B using Tapatalk

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21 minutes ago, paulplom said:

I'm really getting bored as fuck now. We as a family spent most of our time out doors, markets, going for sitty down food, sight seeing, exploring, walking etc. We only really used the house for sleeping and watching the telly at night.

I'm usually bored stiff after a long weekend off work. I seem to have a problem with relaxing. Usually the first time I sit down all day, is teatime or when I go for a pint after work. I'm starting to get really worried how we're going to pass the time as this pans out.

I had weds, Thurs and Fri off last week to help mum try to move. 

Usually, the day before I'm mega excited about not having to go to work the next day. Not this time, it just felt nothing. Turned the work pc off, turned around and I was still at home. 

Its Sunday today, I'm wondering if I'll get the feeling of 'ugh, work' later or be excited to be able to do something that isn't nothing or pottering or bloody hoovers! 

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Hard to know what you're moaning about, tbh. We've paid £2.99 a month to the Cats Protection League for nearly a year, missed two payments and they came round and broke Tiddles' legs.

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12 hours ago, GBJ said:

The fact that you have been posting for  ten years does not mean that any of your posts are right. You just over react to everything without thinking.

I admire* your sweeping statement/opinion.


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2 hours ago, Cavcraft said:

Hard to know what you're moaning about, tbh. We've paid £2.99 a month to the Cats Protection League for nearly a year, missed two payments and they came round and broke Tiddles' legs.

You think thats bad, I was paying an amount to the Donkey Protection League for a full year before I found out I had to decare myself as a donor to the Tory party. 

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All this staying inside and I can hear something knocking in the wind.Seems to be in the loft so outside to fetch the ladder. Crawling about in the loft and where's that light coming from, oh it's gone.There it is again..Oh the lead flashing on the chimney has come adrift and is flapping up and down in the wind.. Not really a job for me as I don't like heights. Not the best time to spend when no money is coming in. Still could be worse,eh.

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4 hours ago, Cheggers said:

Double grump. Firstly, last night I endured the travesty of a TV show called In for a Penny...utter rubbish.

My second is that one of the "challenges" to win cash was to reverse your own car into a supermarket parking space (with no adjacent cars) with no wheels touching or over the lines. Since when was that

A. Saturday night entertainment?
B. Considered a challenge?
C. Seemingly impossible to a proportion of drivers?

Sent from my SM-N976B using Tapatalk

Jesus wept.

How much do I get for doing the challenge* in a full-size van?


*what I do almost every time I drive the thing



I actually went out for a drive to the shops earlier. I took the most direct* route, of course.

I didn't see any shit driving, but I saw a 17 reg BMW 1 series perched very precariously on top of a drystone dyke. It was situated just after a slight bend which also dips. They must have been going one hell of a speed to end up perched there. It had a police aware sticker slapped across the rear window, but fuck knows how long it'll be there as it's not in anybody's way and some cars take long enough to get recovered without a global pandemic happening, it seems.

I'll admit I burst out laughing when I saw it. :D

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3 hours ago, meggersdog said:

All this staying inside and I can hear something knocking in the wind.Seems to be in the loft so outside to fetch the ladder. Crawling about in the loft and where's that light coming from, oh it's gone.There it is again..Oh the lead flashing on the chimney has come adrift and is flapping up and down in the wind.. Not really a job for me as I don't like heights. Not the best time to spend when no money is coming in. Still could be worse,eh.

And yet people have been critical of a certain roofing company that 'a friend' works for, as they are still open. 

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My grump today is more of a sad. 

Heard that my grandmother has been diagnosed with cancer. I've no doubt she'd probably fight it off, as she's already beaten breast cancer once, but she's 80 now and it's not exactly a good time to be frequenting hospitals etc is it? ?

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Another evening stolen by youngest's meltdown. Currently an hour in with frayed tempers.  She is a totally different person when her mood is like this and very hard to cope with.

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Well that's any sort of relaxing out of the window, 2 hours and she still hasn't come back into herself. We've given up and gone to bed.

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When i got diagnosed i thought i will be good and cut back on the booze ready for the big day .get some exercise .slim down ...

Then the big day .. gave it a few weeks and got some cans in . Nats piss to flush the tubes .Took them to the caravan .. left some as I would be back ....

No . That idea got shafted .

Now i am down to 1 can . Not even had a bottle of plonk for 2 months ... And now there is talk of a alcohol sales ban  .  FFS 

Not only that . The wife is here to go tut tut remember your kidney every time i lift a can . Yeah i am giving it a send off !!! 

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4 minutes ago, MikeR said:

When i got diagnosed i thought i will be good and cut back on the booze ready for the big day .get some exercise .slim down ...

Then the big day .. gave it a few weeks and got some cans in . Nats piss to flush the tubes .Took them to the caravan .. left some as I would be back ....

No . That idea got shafted .

Now i am down to 1 can . Not even had a bottle of plonk for 2 months ... And now there is talk of a alcohol sales ban  .  FFS 

Not only that . The wife is here to go tut tut remember your kidney every time i lift a can . Yeah i am giving it a send off !!! 

I think the booze sale ban thing was some dick spreading fake news.

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First world problems etc but the ALDI Table Saw I ordered is absolute dog shit. That’s getting sent back, I wasn’t expecting a DeWALT for £70 but it’s practically impossible to make accurate cuts with, the mitre fence wanders about all over the shop making trying to make an accurate cut extremely difficult. 

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57 minutes ago, MikeR said:

When i got diagnosed i thought i will be good and cut back on the booze ready for the big day .get some exercise .slim down ...

Then the big day .. gave it a few weeks and got some cans in . Nats piss to flush the tubes .Took them to the caravan .. left some as I would be back ....

No . That idea got shafted .

Now i am down to 1 can . Not even had a bottle of plonk for 2 months ... And now there is talk of a alcohol sales ban  .  FFS 

Not only that . The wife is here to go tut tut remember your kidney every time i lift a can . Yeah i am giving it a send off !!! 

I left 7 bottles of red wine, 3 bottles of champagne, 4 bottles of gin, 2 bottles of white wine and 3 bottles of corona and 2 cans of ginger beer and 2 bottles of malt scotch in Uttoxeter.  

Hopefully my lodger will not get desperate. 

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It was all going good, sweet n sour chicken, peppered beef, chilli prawns, noodles and spring rolls on a tray in the bath ??????IMG_20200330_205830.thumb.jpg.8c8e9d49f7cf3a83b661de6c888cf834.jpg

But, guess what, I had to phone downstairs..... she only forgot to bring the beer and cake up ☹️☹️☹️


And she poured the beer badly ???

Should I chop her in for another ?

No fkin way ???

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Another grump about the standards of driving at the moment.  Yes, the roads are clearer than they've been since about 1958, and yes you can (and I'll admit I have been) drive quite a lot faster than you might do usually, but FFS there is a time and a place.  Doing 70-75 on a wide open NSL road when you should be doing 60 is one thing, but the tosser I almost had a head-on with because he was doing about 60 in a 30 limit, and had to drift over to my side of the road to make a bend can absolutely fuck off.

I've absolutely no doubt that my near-2-tonne Mercedes would have torn through his Bini, but I rather like my Merc and I'd rather not destroy it, even if it meant taking that cunt off the road.  Cue much swerving to avoid what would have been a 10%-20% crossover head-on (IE one of the worst types of head-on you can have.)

I'm surprised there aren't more SCamera vans out and about at the moment.  They work in isolation, so no problems there, and I'm sure the Government could do with the extra monies.

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3 hours ago, Talbot said:

Another grump about the standards of driving at the moment.  Yes, the roads are clearer than they've been since about 1958, and yes you can (and I'll admit I have been) drive quite a lot faster than you might do usually, but FFS there is a time and a place.  Doing 70-75 on a wide open NSL road when you should be doing 60 is one thing, but the tosser I almost had a head-on with because he was doing about 60 in a 30 limit, and had to drift over to my side of the road to make a bend can absolutely fuck off.

I've absolutely no doubt that my near-2-tonne Mercedes would have torn through his Bini, but I rather like my Merc and I'd rather not destroy it, even if it meant taking that cunt off the road.  Cue much swerving to avoid what would have been a 10%-20% crossover head-on (IE one of the worst types of head-on you can have.)

I'm surprised there aren't more SCamera vans out and about at the moment.  They work in isolation, so no problems there, and I'm sure the Government could do with the extra monies.

Isn't this a prime example of where dash cam footage can be used against fkwits doing this, even though a crash didn't happen? by supplying footage to the Polizei. 

I am currently thinking about getting a dash cam, preferably with front and rear cams and if possible cams that are activated by movement when car isn't running, my mate has had his car damaged 3 times by vandals and asswipes that can't manoeuvre or park without hitting something. Preferably on a small ish budget, does anyone have any recommendations please? 

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