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The grumpy thread


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A lot less than you but. When I had my colonoscopy.  They removed a polyp. So sent away for tests for cancer cells, " standard practice, nothing to be concerned about.  Unless it's cancer " . You dont say really. Anyway cue a couple of weeks later and gets a call to tell me the results. " would you like the results now mr nulty?". Well yes . "Ok ". Then silence for a minute, thought I was on the jungle or someother shite tv contestant thing. "Results are all clear sir. See you in five years ". Wasnt worried about the result. But when they rang me I did have my doubts. So good luck sir for next week. 

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1 hour ago, MikeR said:

I want to scream and cry .

i want to be hugged and held 

I want to be ok 

I am scared for next Tuesday news .

But i have to be strong for eveyone as they are for me .

Christ its fucking hard not knowing .

I've got you an extra Christmas present from.the charity shop. Do you want it early ? 

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I've been at my job since 2005.
I'm what's classed as the number 2 on my shift.
I know the machines, do production paperwork cover the shift when our team leader is off.

So when I'm not tied to a machine I get to float about.

So I get loads of crap off the other operators for getting "easy shifts" all the time.

Pisses me right off.
Some of them I was working here while they were still in school shorts.

Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk

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years ago , when soldering things together was an art , one chap had to come in extra extra early every day and switch on the solder baths .......

the rest of the day was spent parked on his arse reading the paper and doing odd jobs ..

until the new boss in school shorts came around and saw him ...reading the paper

and sacked him

the next day no production took place ..

he got his job back


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Grumpy because my kids have been off school the last three days. Unwell with cough and cold also occasional throwing up. So no real sleep through the night cos they wake up. They seem to be over the worse now thankfully and normal service should be resumed for school on monday. Except that in the last hour I feel ill and started sneezing. So looks like it's my turn. Great. 

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Hard to know what you're moaning about, tbh.


I've got piles and piles of ironing to do. It's hard to know which is worst.

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Well I am having a really bad time ad expect sumpathy in abundance.

My jeans have holes in the knees (mainly 'cos I keep falling over) and so I have had to buy new jeans. I could have gone in a shop, but I bought fro the internet instead. Do I need to say they don't fit? They are massive around my waist and tight around my upper legs. Ho hum... Still, I will wear them until such times as they learn their lesson and do fit, Jeans are for life, not just for Christmas.

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On 12/6/2019 at 7:26 PM, LightBulbFun said:

it does remind me when I was drawing cash from the cash machine to pay for REV, I was a bit worried if the bank would get suspicious, as I can only imagine how they would of reacted if I got asked and I (truthly!) told them "to buy an invacar!"

Id had my dad pick me up and drive me to @ruffgeezer to buy the silver laguna. We got to Spalding, dad on about mile 220, and I popped to santander. The feel of oh shit as the cashpoint just returned my card could be smelled.

Luckily the one next to it worked

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3 hours ago, xtriple said:

My jeans have holes in the knees (mainly 'cos I keep falling over) and so I have had to buy new jeans.

No you don't, it's back in fashion again! This is useful as I've worn a set of knee holes into my nice Levi's. Mrs SiC was going to throw them out as apparently this means they are worn out, however I'm just being fashionable* and looking after the environment by continuing to get use out of them... 

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Sorry to have to do this, but I am really hacked the fuck off. It's more annoying because it all boils down to a little diecast car that's only a few quid.

In the Shite in Miniature II thread there is always a good deal of selling and swapping going on and has been for years. It's great and is pretty much my primary source of model cars now. All carried out amongst trusted shiters and up until now everyone has been absolutely honourable with no bother.

On 22nd November I posted up some Matchbox cars for sale and these were claimed on the thread.  However since that time, despite my repeated but polite attempts to complete the transaction, including provision of Paypal details and promises to the contrary, the buyer has wasted my time and failed to complete the deal. Now I am stuck with models which I feel I can't sell to anyone else because others can see that they have been claimed on the thread.

In isolation I wouldn't have ripped my knitting over such a small issue however I was going to sell fair few more diecast on here in January but now I feel that I can't do that anymore. The money would have been nice too. I could go to ebay but its too much hassle and of course it costs more to do it that way.

This is a regular poster on here and I am surprised and now thoroughly grumpy about it all.

Good day.


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Understand the grump, but everyone is not as fastidious as yourself.

People can be lackadaisical, forgetful, uncaring........ It's part of life.

Stick them up for sale again.

If nothing else it will alert people to who the non payer is.


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I bet I'm not the only one who just checked their inbox !  Seems it's not me.

I do sometimes forget I've entered a Roffle, especially if it goes on for ages and have needed a kick up the arse by PM to pay up before now.

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Was outside doing things as it was sunny and dry for a change. It started raining so decided as I was wet I would continue. It is now horizontal sleet so sod that! Time for tea.

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Pulled into Sainsbury's forecourt to feed the 820, second time since I won it. Fuel flap won't open this time, however. Had to slink off like a criminal, empty-tanked. Right faff to sort this out involving rear seat removal, but CBA today so I've sulkily parked it outside the house where it'll join the 'off the road' on-roader which is also on the naughty step due to a swollen rad hose. 

I also giffer-reversed the 620 into a post yesterday and damaged some  bumper paintwork (and yes, the tail light was already busted before you ask). 

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9 hours ago, Split_Pin said:

Sorry to have to do this, but I am really hacked the fuck off. It's more annoying because it all boils down to a little diecast car that's only a few quid.

In the Shite in Miniature II thread there is always a good deal of selling and swapping going on and has been for years. It's great and is pretty much my primary source of model cars now. All carried out amongst trusted shiters and up until now everyone has been absolutely honourable with no bother.

On 22nd November I posted up some Matchbox cars for sale and these were claimed on the thread.  However since that time, despite my repeated but polite attempts to complete the transaction, including provision of Paypal details and promises to the contrary, the buyer has wasted my time and failed to complete the deal. Now I am stuck with models which I feel I can't sell to anyone else because others can see that they have been claimed on the thread.

In isolation I wouldn't have ripped my knitting over such a small issue however I was going to sell fair few more diecast on here in January but now I feel that I can't do that anymore. The money would have been nice too. I could go to ebay but its too much hassle and of course it costs more to do it that way.

This is a regular poster on here and I am surprised and now thoroughly grumpy about it all.

Good day.



Get them re-listed! While the vast majority of 'shiters are lovely, honourable folks, there are people on here who will cheerfully tell you fantastical stories and waste your time where buying and selling are concerned - I don't see why you should be inconvenienced by trying to hide the identity of one of those.

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I have been hiding indoors all day due to rain, Chester has been giving me 'the look' as he wants to go out but open the door and he just sits in the doorway looking at the rain - he doesn't like getting wet. I waited until it actually stopped persisting down and dashed out (well, you know) with the dog. We got as far away as it was ever going to be on a trot round the block job when the heavens opened and it absolutely HAMMERED down. Within a fifth of a second we were both drenched.


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Christmas, a celebration of rampant consumerism. 

I find the waste disgusting. I find the pressure of achieving a "perfect" Christmas day totally suffocating. 

Millions of pounds wasted, untold amounts of stress inflicted on people in aid of a single day of shallow, vapid one upmanship. 

About time we packed the entire fucking thing in.

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I work in retail so we get the full 'Jingle Bells' experience over the store radio and some of the less grumpy staff members wearing Christmas jumpers, it's hateful.

My best ever Christmas as an adult was when I was working in a bar/restaurant and volunteered to do the whole day from 10 till midnight, on double time with two sittings for dinner which meant two lots of tips and two Christmas dinners. I got more than a week's pay and free drinks for days afterwards.

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Cool. “Keep Christmas in your own way, and let me keep it in mine™️.” It’s my favourite time of the year, and I hope it remains so forever.

Grump? I’ve had to replace my third uPVC window handle in as many years. Am I a brute, or just very unlucky? My father had windows 22 years ago and not a single problem. I reckon these are about 10.

Grin? The fix is £7.99 and I feel like Dick from “Escape to the Chateau” any time I fix something around the house.

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1 hour ago, davehedgehog31 said:

Christmas, a celebration of rampant consumerism. 

I find the waste disgusting. I find the pressure of achieving a "perfect" Christmas day totally suffocating. 

Millions of pounds wasted, untold amounts of stress inflicted on people in aid of a single day of shallow, vapid one upmanship. 

About time we packed the entire fucking thing in.

You need to join my family, Dave - my parents, my sister and I gave it up years ago and we're all the better for it. Occasionally (every three or four years), however, we weaken and do a 'spend 10 quid on each family member, 10 items from Poundland', so we end up with a pile of wrapped tat to open. Did it last year, so we're doing fuck all again this year.

[bah humbug]Other than that, Christmas can get in the sea - the only thing it's good for is a couple of days off work and a few early finishes.[/humbug]

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