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3 hours ago, anonymous user said:

Which era MINI is it? By use of Google I was able to reset the service indicator and the daft warning, that shows the car on a lift, after the local garage did the service and brakes on my mate's Cooper S Clubman. It can't have been too difficult or I couldn't have done it.

Its an R56 2006 to 13.

The symbol just says 'SERVICE' with a car silhouette. I have tried all sorts to erase it but to no avail. 

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1 hour ago, anonymous user said:

I wish I could sleep. 

Me too. Turned in at about five to 11, awoke at 12:45. My mind is hurtling along at 125mph, as it does several times a week in the middle of the night.

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7 hours ago, Split_Pin said:

Its an R56 2006 to 13.

The symbol just says 'SERVICE' with a car silhouette. I have tried all sorts to erase it but to no avail. 

Afaik the mini uses similar hardware /software to a 1 series bmw.  Some obd codes bring up the service light.

Perhaps you need to fix some of the broken stuff as well as giving it oil ?

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Ordered gear oil for the passat last tues on the basis it would be delivered fri/sat and I could do the job over the weekend. I am still waiting for it to arrive.

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Last night, joining a very wet M6 at Knutsford, we are behind a small silver hatchback which pootles down the sliproad at about 35mph, brakes as it joins the motorway, then moves straight into the second lane of four and sits at the same speed despite us and another car flashing our lights repeatedly at it.


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I queued to get to work ... It was only just after 8 am and the main road was really backed up . never seen it so bad . so I dawldled the back way in . and along the motorway ... And when i got to work all the traffic had gone that was normally about ... Then Mid Day on the way back ... Incident in the woods .. Traffic backed up .  lorry turning in town .. Traffic backed up ...despite it  Pissing down and gale force winds all but one parking space was full in town  ! .  Now i read a tree is to come down in the morning closing a lane with 2 way lights and chaos  ....when i want to travel . 

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Here's a current (16:20)  picture of the M1 northbound between 26 & 27


There's a broken down vehicle just short of J 28 - expected to clear 16:45 - 17:00

Good old smart motorways, eh?

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19 hours ago, New POD said:

And she's just woken up and spent a whole hour ranting the same fucking shit about our relationship which she always rants, and which I will never fix. 

She makes herself ill.  I have no words or actions to fix it. But it only makes me sad, because there is very little need for her to be so distraught.  She really is sad.  Blaming me for that is very easy. 

Fucking hell , you are me and you've got my wife. 

Sorry no help I know, but you're not alone, I'm there too and it's a bastered :(


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Things that can fuck off today.

Cars, other halves, traffic, work, kids, Marks and Spencer, computers, mobile phones, the rest of humanity (present company excepted), red tape, politicians, vertebrae, internal organs, and my cat while he keeps making a fucking racket.  When he shuts up he’s in the clear.

I need to create some sort of virus that kills everyone who doesn’t know what a Sao Penza was

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Brother Fumbler has gone to Scotchland with his girlfriend for a week holiday. Took the Land Cruiser up. Was a bit disappointed yesterday because I was meant to fit parking sensors so he could park his car without destroying the rest of the carpark. I left today without really ebing able to say goodbye to him either. Ho hum, he'll be back on Saturday, hopefully in one piece.

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11 minutes ago, Parky said:

Things that can fuck off today.

Cars, other halves, traffic, work, kids, Marks and Spencer, computers, mobile phones, the rest of humanity (present company excepted), red tape, politicians, vertebrae, internal organs, and my cat while he keeps making a fucking racket.  When he shuts up he’s in the clear.

I need to create some sort of virus that kills everyone who doesn’t know what a Sao Penza was

Thanks to you, I now know what a Sao Penza is.

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1 minute ago, Lacquer Peel said:

I know AutoDoc can be slow but 9 days later the order is still being picked. Lucky it's just a bit of preventative maintenance rather than something I need urgently.


I’d use them for everything if they could just be a bit quicker! 

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30 minutes ago, Frogchod said:

Fucking hell , you are me and you've got my wife. 

Sorry no help I know, but you're not alone, I'm there too and it's a bastered :(


I've just spoken to her on the phone and I told her I've written down every Thing I could remember she had said so that I can try and understand all her issues and work on the ones that we and I can do something about.

This apparently is the wrong thing to do, because someone might read it. Like our grown up children. Well 1) it's in the back of my work notebook. 2) it might not matter that much if they did read it. They might understand thier small part in my wife's problems.

3) if everything she says is true then get it out in the open. 

I spend my work life solving manufacturing quality problems. So ive decided to apply logic to each problem. 

Next step is to work through each issue, understand the root cause and come up with a solution.


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160-ish miles driven.

Roughly six hours.  Why do I keep thinking it takes the same amount of time to go anywhere down here as it does in the back end of nowhere up north?

Other highlights.  Random 6' 6" width restriction on a country road - with absolutely nowhere you could safely turn round in sight.  Great planning guys...why didn't you put the sign at the junction where you turn onto the bloody road?

Van hired was a complete piece of crap.  Stereo didn't work, roller door on the back doesn't open the last foot and a half, so we had to partly dismantle the sodding thing to get the load in, then discovered a complete lack of proper lashing points...not helpful when the brakes are on a bloody switch. Oh...and the tracking was comically far out...so driving that back with an unavoidably poorly secured, top heavy fragile load in was possibly the most stressful few hours driving I've done in the last few years.

Especially when Google decided to direct me down sodding farm tracks.

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17 minutes ago, New POD said:

I've just spoken to her on the phone and I told her I've written down every Thing I could remember she had said so that I can try and understand all her issues and work on the ones that we and I can do something about.

This apparently is the wrong thing to do, because someone might read it. Like our grown up children. Well 1) it's in the back of my work notebook. 2) it might not matter that much if they did read it. They might understand thier small part in my wife's problems.

3) if everything she says is true then get it out in the open. 

I spend my work life solving manufacturing quality problems. So ive decided to apply logic to each problem. 

Next step is to work through each issue, understand the root cause and come up with a solution.


This is a good idea.  I am seeing a therapist about stuff and the problem is I see him Fridays.  They are usually ok days so I am in a decent mood when I visit and I struggle to think about things that have brought me down.  

I think most men approach problems in a logical fashion in order to “project manage” things like this.  I know I do.  After all if something is on fire the logic is get everyone out of the way and find some water rather than discuss something that happened ten years previously, unrelated to the fire, that somehow makes it your fault anyway.

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I sympathise POD. I called Amy earlier to discuss evas school dinners (I order them online and Amy transfers me the money). Ended up with her hanging up the phone on me as I mentioned our holiday issue (I'm taking eva and Charlie away on a fully paid trip to centre parcs in Jan, and the school said no. The fine is £60... You can guess the rest). Amy started worrying about what I'm going to do if we can't take her, and I answered that it was my problem not hers, as her and cunt-face took the chance to book a week away for themselves. So she hung up, and I came home to peace and quiet! 

She's been away with her sisters and mum this weekend, apparently they didn't stop saying how stupid she is. I may have agreed a bit too audibly

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21 hours ago, New POD said:

And she's just woken up and spent a whole hour ranting the same fucking shit about our relationship which she always rants, and which I will never fix. 

She makes herself ill.  I have no words or actions to fix it. But it only makes me sad, because there is very little need for her to be so distraught.  She really is sad.  Blaming me for that is very easy. 

Ha, this rings true. My missus will literally have an argument with herself. When she has that look, I just know to keep out of it so I'll make my excuses and try and go into another room but she'll follow me around. She'll go on an on about whatever it is she's decided to do me for and I'll just stay quiet to avoid giving her ammunition because after a few of these I know the best thing is to say nothing at all. However since I figured this out she's started saying something like 'You hate me don't you' and before I can say a word she'll storm off, to then come down 20 minutes later and say 'I told my sister you said you hate me and she thinks it's out of order'.

Then next time she has an argument with herself she'll bring up the last time I didn't say anything saying 'You said you hated me last time, why do always do this to me' before doing the same thing again.


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The phrase "date night" that couples seem to use every time they go out together anywhere that isn't work or shopping.

A date is something you go on when you are beginning to get to know a potential love interest, not something you do as a married couple or when you are in a firm relationship with someone.

(Disclaimer, I might be inaccurate as I have never been on one.)

(Edit: And reading the last few posts of this thread, it may well be a good thing that I haven't!)

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I think there are rules related to date night that means both people have to scrub up and not talk about any stress they have and just try to have fun.  

This is obviously impossible once you've been married 29 years. 

What happens is they want to remember the last time you went to the theatre and you apparently upset her by *not giving a homeless bloke any money and you ended up having an argument about nothing at all



*delete the word "not" if appropriate. 

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Fucks sake.  Arranging myself a trip to Cherbnobyl to cheer myself up.  Parky senior phones tonight, wants to come,  yeah great but for fucks sake  the last thing I need is the old man in tow.  Having to explain that yes this is a foreign country.  No they probably don’t have Sainsbury’s.  Or Paddy Power.  No I don’t speak fluent Russian.  Yes it is a potential war zone.  Yes it is dangerous.  Yes you need a passport.  Yes you need a form for that.  Post office.  Yes any one.  Yes a new photo, the one of you from 1974 is probably too old and you don’t look like Chuck Norris any more.  No I can’t recommend a pic of Brian Murphy.  Yes you do look like him now.  No they don’t show George and Mildred in Ukraine.  Yes it was surprisingly popular in Spain.  Yes I know they called it Los Ropers.  Yes I know it’s dangerous in Pripyat.  Yes I am still going despite the dangers. No I don’t know if Tesco’s are there.  Or Wetherspoons.  Oh for fucks sake i’m not going.  


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I got in a bit of a quiet strop on Saturday.  We were in the Arndale centre in Manchester, with daughter and her boyfriend and wife and me.

I see a levi shop. I said, "My work jeans are starting to look worn. I'll see if they've got the same again" 

Yes black.501s in 38 x 30. 

No I don't need to try them on. They will be my 4th identical pair. 

Wife insists that I try them then tells me they are too baggy around the ankles. They clearly fit perfectly. She gets some bloke to find me other black jeans. More expensive and not 501s.  They look.shit. 

Apparently I should buy them. I refuse. They don't have a button fly, the material isn't as soft. The fit on the arse is wrong. They are not what I know to be right. 

My whole life balance has been ripped from under me. 


I do have a bit of a grin.  Amazon has them. 25 quid cheaper and I can click and collect. I'll just buy them and start wearing them.  Nobody needs to know. 


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35 minutes ago, New POD said:

Wife insists that I try them then tells me they are too baggy around the ankles. They clearly fit perfectly. She gets some bloke to find me other black jeans. More expensive and not 501s.  They look.shit. 

Apparently I should buy them. I refuse.


Isn’t this a classic example of “gas lighting”? 

I know it’s a fashionable phrase that has no place in common AS parlance, but it really does sound very much like it. 

You’ve sort of done the right thing IMHO. Buy them anyway. But you should tell her what you’ve done. 

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I'm all for equal opportunities, but I can't believe visually impaired people are teaching their dogs to walk them out in the road as if they were a teenager on a mobile. 

That or I was being filmed for the latest hazard perception video. 

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53 minutes ago, LostnotFound said:

I'm all for equal opportunities, but I can't believe visually impaired people are teaching their dogs to walk them out in the road as if they were a teenager on a mobile. 

That or I was being filmed for the latest hazard perception video. 

I used to work with a blind woman who had a guide dog, god knows how the thing ever passed his training, he would walk her in to every single solid object around, desks, door frames, random pillars...

One day the canteen were doing bangers and mash and he ran into the canteen at 100mph with her being dragged virtually horizontal in mid air behind him.

I spose what I'm trying to say is not all guide dogs are made equal


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