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The grumpy thread


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On 12/22/2022 at 11:49 AM, outlaw118 said:

Beginning to think that I might actually be a massive cunt.

I don't go out much, time, money and arsedness (lack of) tend to get in the way these days, but pre-pandemic I reckon I went out at least once a week, met up with the lads, banger racing , gigs. 

Now, I don't know whether I'vew changed, or pissed someone off, but late summer all* the chaps met up at a local pub by the river, and judging by the photos on Faceybook it looked like a "return to the good old days".

Was I invited? Was I fuck. Never mind.

Last weekend a similar bunch of friends* went out in That London, for the "annual get together". Was I invited? This is despite one of the protagonists walks past Outlaw_Towers a couple of times a week to visit his olds, another I saw a week before, and another I went out with the night before!

I've been working in a depot for about 2 years, in every day during lockdown, then in and out itermittently since - one day a week I'm there all day, other times it's random/weather dependent.

They had their Christmas party last night, and I only know about it because the cleaner told me that the blokes toilets had overflowed because someone had bunged the urinal up with silly string.

I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but.....

Let them get to fuck, same thing happened to me years ago and honestly haven't heard from them since (all but one) or admittedly tried to contact them. All the numbers are in my phone, they come up on Whatsapp as online recently but I then question myself what I would be trying to get out of it by getting in touch. We never fell out and in fact one of them sent me a message a few weeks ago asking to catch up, but not as a group. Few messages back and forth then radio silence. I'll send a Christmas message tomorrow but beyond that I'll leave it if it comes to it. No hard feelings to any of them and if I were to cross paths with them I'll happily be friendly, but its just one of those things.

I just put it down to drifting apart, on the flip side I have met many new people over the years and it feels like I could have known them all my life. The way I see it is what do you really have in common if neither side have attempted to contact each other for years now, and were they just friendly strangers who you had dealings with, while you worked together as one example, or a genuine friend-like connection? I think in my case it was probably the former. I had some brilliant mates back from school but am not in regular contact with any of them now. Probably because we dont share (m)any interests.

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I went to Sainsburys earlier and I feel vindicated after my earlier post:


Plain brown wrapping paper. I was ahead of the trend!

My new wrapping paper grump is that my mrs only bought one roll and I didn’t realise. Managed to get our sons presents wrapped and hers, none for anyone else though. Might have to raid the garage again!

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2 hours ago, Zelandeth said:

Last year it was Christmas Day evening that the fridge packed in.  That I was able to diagnose, reverse engineer and bodge until a spare part could be sourced.  Not looking like that's an option here as everything is microprocessor controlled...so there are no actual thermostats or anything to control things with even if I could get power to where I need it.

Gotcha ya little bastard.  At least I think so...if it survives tomorrow I'll call it good.


Culprit: one tarnished edge connector on the timer board.


That's obviously after I'd cleaned it!  No in progress photos as this was an absolutely disgusting job.  As with everything we inherited in this kitchen it was absolutely covered in sticky, greasy slime.  So if it keeps working I will be completely disassembling the damned thing and probably putting every part of the casing and front panel through the dishwasher.

Not sure if the issue was power to the timer board or an issue with the enable signal from the timer to the main controller or a combination of the two.

Daft type of interconnect to use in a hostile environment like this.  Vibration, extreme heat cycles, grease, humidity, the lot.  Mechanical stress there too as the timer inevitably moves a bit when the buttons are pressed.

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Have just come across this video. Some bloke upset that servicing stop have ripped him off. 

This is a company that offers a "full service" and MOT for £130 incl VAT.....

He's upset that they haven't changed his coolant, haven't done anything with his air con, it still starts like a bag of shit, reckons the cabin filter hasnt been checked because the screws dont look like they've been touched (??) , and the engine oil hasn't been done because its black and they haven't spilled any. They haven't checked the spark plugs (its a diesel) and points to his brake fluid and says they've topped up is power steering fluid. 

Honestly, people like this really piss me off. They think they know it all yet slag off the professionals. The copper grease over the battery terminals and air filter housing made me laugh though

If you're paying £130 for a service and MOT you'd be lucky to get an oil change at best!! Looks to me like they've done the job in hand, he's expecting too much and its just shady advertising by servicing stop. The garage themselves have just done as instructed


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Yesterday I got a text that a couple of people in Manc I know had their spaceship Civic written off in a hit and run with a form of feline thieving pastry that can be used to unlock doors. Sigh. Been tasked with finding a replacement. 

Today, another message comes down the grapevine - a good mate in Bristol had a rough night. He recently bought a 30k mile Partner Escapade he'd been coveting for a bit, he loves Berlingos. 

He got too drunk to drive and paid someone he was with to drive him home. Took exception to their driving and turfed them out, tried to drive himself home and ended up putting the Partner on its roof. No idea what happened but he tried to hide or flee the scene and got bit on the leg by a police search dog. 

Waiting to hear what plod do with him but he supposedly blew almost high enough for a year's ban. 
FFS, man. 

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6 hours ago, Ghosty said:

Yesterday I got a text that a couple of people in Manc I know had their spaceship Civic written off in a hit and run with a form of feline thieving pastry that can be used to unlock doors. Sigh. Been tasked with finding a replacement. 

Today, another message comes down the grapevine - a good mate in Bristol had a rough night. He recently bought a 30k mile Partner Escapade he'd been coveting for a bit, he loves Berlingos. 

He got too drunk to drive and paid someone he was with to drive him home. Took exception to their driving and turfed them out, tried to drive himself home and ended up putting the Partner on its roof. No idea what happened but he tried to hide or flee the scene and got bit on the leg by a police search dog. 

Waiting to hear what plod do with him but he supposedly blew almost high enough for a year's ban. 
FFS, man. 

What an idiot. Lucky he’s off the road before he ends up killing someone. 

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8 hours ago, RoverFolkUs said:

Have just come across this video. Some bloke upset that servicing stop have ripped him off. 

This is a company that offers a "full service" and MOT for £130 incl VAT.....

He's upset that they haven't changed his coolant, haven't done anything with his air con, it still starts like a bag of shit, reckons the cabin filter hasnt been checked because the screws dont look like they've been touched (??) , and the engine oil hasn't been done because its black and they haven't spilled any. They haven't checked the spark plugs (its a diesel) and points to his brake fluid and says they've topped up is power steering fluid. 

Honestly, people like this really piss me off. They think they know it all yet slag off the professionals. The copper grease over the battery terminals and air filter housing made me laugh though

If you're paying £130 for a service and MOT you'd be lucky to get an oil change at best!! Looks to me like they've done the job in hand, he's expecting too much and its just shady advertising by servicing stop. The garage themselves have just done as instructed


If he knows that much why hasn’t he done it himself? 🤣

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Just now, sierraman said:

If he knows that much why hasn’t he done it himself? 🤣

Would I get £5 off as there's no air-con to check? No? I'll make a wanky video.
I will. You just watch me.
I really, really hate a lot of shite like this that seems to plague YouTube, Grrrrrrrr 

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10 hours ago, chaseracer said:



I concur. Only met you in person the once years ago down the oakdene cafe when I was on my bike and you was running a silver Leon. Plus when anyone calls me a massive cunt I take that as a form of endearment. 

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2 hours ago, sierraman said:

If he knows that much why hasn’t he done it himself? 🤣

Then he has to take it to someone who actually knows what they're doing to flush his brake fluid out after he's put power steering fluid in it 😅

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Battling the lurgy that is covid but not actually covid, all very bearable until I sat on the couch to watch little un  open her presents and my back went into spasm .... fucking bumhats and this will be the first time I've missed going to the local for a quick pint in 25 yrs :( 


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4 hours ago, RoverFolkUs said:

Then he has to take it to someone who actually knows what they're doing to flush his brake fluid out after he's put power steering fluid in it 😅

Or some DOT 4 he’s had in the shed since 1998. 

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Had a lovely cunt next door free silent day, as they fucked off somewhere in the pikey truck. Except they came back 10 minutes ago, and it's now screaming / crying child with Mr. Cunt shouting "you fucking bastard" and slamming doors. Guess such child rearing techniques did him no harm....

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Spotted an expensive fail today. Tesla with AA van in attendance. I know nothing about electric cars, but I'd diagnose it was something to do with the recharging plug and 3 foot of broken cable hanging from it.

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18 hours ago, jakebullet said:

Had a lovely cunt next door free silent day, as they fucked off somewhere in the pikey truck. Except they came back 10 minutes ago, and it's now screaming / crying child with Mr. Cunt shouting "you fucking bastard" and slamming doors. Guess such child rearing techniques did him no harm....


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MrsImp has covid. 3hrs after testing positive she went out as she was bored of being stuck in the house, as fuck everyone else, yeah. 

She also refuses to cover her mouth when she coughs, making sure everything in a 3 metre radius is fucking covered in her fucking germs so everyone else will get as ill as she is. 


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7 minutes ago, HillmanImp said:

...making sure everything in a 3 metre radius is fucking covered in her fucking germs so everyone else will get potentially massively more ill than she is, still be suffering seven months (and counting) on, or die as several of my personal friends have.

Corrected to match my personal experience to date.

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It looks like it's made out of paper mache and isopon. Get it fixed up. 


Or a get a jogger. My dull Mégane is dull, but it's not laid a finger wrong in 12,000 miles. Might need tyres soon though. 

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21 minutes ago, Spurious said:

It looks like it's made out of paper mache and isopon. Get it fixed up. 


Or a get a jogger. My dull Mégane is dull, but it's not laid a finger wrong in 12,000 miles. Might need tyres soon though. 

might as well tech myself to weld with this car

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On 12/25/2022 at 3:05 AM, Ghosty said:

Today, another message comes down the grapevine - a good mate in Bristol had a rough night. He recently bought a 30k mile Partner Escapade he'd been coveting for a bit, he loves Berlingos. 

He got too drunk to drive and paid someone he was with to drive him home. Took exception to their driving and turfed them out, tried to drive himself home and ended up putting the Partner on its roof. No idea what happened but he tried to hide or flee the scene and got bit on the leg by a police search dog. 

Waiting to hear what plod do with him but he supposedly blew almost high enough for a year's ban. 
FFS, man. 

Even if it was a close mate of mine who was that much of a bloody idiot, they'd be cut out of my life.

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Laminate flooring - 1, Phone - 0. 

Glass is intact, but screen inside seems to be throwing a spasm. Think I'll go back to the Nokia.

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My neighbour has recently starting parking their other motor outside my house. 

I couldn't give two shits as it's a free country but they keep bumping their car up onto the kerb. A lot of occasions they misjudge it and  gobble up most of the width of the pavement which means I have to side step shuffle past their car each time I want to walk up my own front steps/path. 

There is plenty of space to the side of my steps  (and plenty of parking roundabout without having to resort to bumping up on pavements). 

It's a trivial matter and maybe I shouldn't complain too much but ffs engage your brain a bit. 

I might just borrow my mates tiny trailer and park it on the road right outside my steps and leave it for a month just to be a passive aggressive tosser. 

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