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58 minutes ago, Datsuncog said:

But but but... the ad says '100% Best', 'Verified' and 'Buy With Confidence' on it.

How could it possibly be a scam?


Likewise if it says ā€˜Government Backedā€™ then you can have confidence. šŸ¤£

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I think the "all landlords are arseholes" perception comes from the fact that good landlords (of which there are many) don't get anywhere near as much publicity as terrible ones.Ā  And there are some terrible ones out there.Ā  There is a world of difference between a landlord with a decent written tennancy agreement that follows legal requirements, who has the correct safety certficates for the house, fixes stuff in a timely manner etc.etc. and the other end of the scale, where there's no written tennancy worth having, no safety certs, nothing working, damp ingress, house falling down etc.etc.

Having experienced both ends of that scale, I would have zero issue in witholding rent from the latter.Ā 

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As a landlord, (who rents out a property at about 75% of what I could get for it, because theyā€™re friends of mine) I think the majority of landlords are pretty fair and reasonable. That ā€œ parasite ā€œ remark is a sweeping generalisation.

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40 minutes ago, Nyphur said:

Anyone had an email that their data has been compromised in the Autodoc breach? I've not had anything yet, but a mate got an email this morning.

Translated article as I can't find anything in English yet.


No but their Cavalier MK3 brake servos are out of stock ā˜¹ļø

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3 hours ago, Talbot said:

I am not a moderator.

What I am is annoyed when someone like Sierraman makes a bullshit comment like he did.Ā  Granted, I probably shouldn't' have reacted the way I did, but the basis of my comment stands.Ā  I'm not going to delete or change it, as there's no benefit in doing so, but for someone to suggest I am spouting "freeman on the land" waffle, when all I did was point out that people stop paying rent and have to be evicted all the time, that person can indeed get bent.

Not in the mood.Ā  At all.

Well change the badge then.


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5 minutes ago, Remspoor said:

Well change the badge then.


Unfortunately not possible.Ā  It's part of the forum software.Ā  It shows me as being a moderator simply because I need certain privaledges to be the treasurer.Ā  As soon as anyone is "staff", the badge says they are a moderator.

Unless my role here changes, I won't enter into any aspect of moderating the forum.Ā  Same as Stanky previously: He was identified as a moderator by the software, but did not actually moderate in any way.

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10 minutes ago, Talbot said:

Unfortunately not possible.Ā  It's part of the forum software.Ā  It shows me as being a moderator simply because I need certain privaledges to be the treasurer.Ā 

Then you allowed the wrongĀ  software to be purchased. šŸ˜šŸ¤‘

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59 minutes ago, Nyphur said:

Anyone had an email that their data has been compromised in the Autodoc breach? I've not had anything yet, but a mate got an email this morning.

Translated article as I can't find anything in English yet.


Yes! I had an (in English) email from them saying the same this morning.Ā 

Not sure if it's real or not.Ā 

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2 hours ago, Nyphur said:

Anyone had an email that their data has been compromised in the Autodoc breach? I've not had anything yet, but a mate got an email this morning.

Translated article as I can't find anything in English yet.


I got the email this morning. Have to be careful more than ever with phishing and similar shit.

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5 hours ago, Split_Pin said:

I totally appreciate your points of view, your right to reply and defend yourself and that sierraman has got your back up.Ā 

But I'm not just going to sit here and watch a mod speak to someone like that and then be ganged up on by a few others on the back of it. Especially someone who has been a good egg to me over the years.Ā 

Feel free to tell me to do one, delete/restrict my account, I'm past caring these days. I just wanted to respectfully make a stand.

OP, it's a shit situation and I sympathise. I think a lot of us, mortgage or renting are worrying if they'll keep their houses past October . My mortgage is due to renew that month and coupled with the energy priceĀ rise,Ā  I'm firmly in that category.


I think we all read things differently. I saw it as Talbot giving some advice, which may be bad or good. It doesn't matter for my postĀ whether it is or not.

Then he was chastised for being a Freeman type - but it wasn't Freeman stuff. A Freeman would say, "You do what you want because the law can't tell you what to do! Those rules are no more legitimate than your rules. Just make your own and quote them back to them when they send the bailiffs! Tell them that by talking to you, they're entering a contract!"

Whereas Talbot acknowledged and addressed the rules and suggested how to take advantage ofĀ them, which is very different and not mental.



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I was in my shed working on the lathe, when there's a sudden bang! followed by air blasting. Gosh*, wonder what that could be?

Air line auto oiler had exploded. I think the oil reservoir plastic has gone brittle with age and decided to part company from the body rocket launch style. Glad I wasn't stood near it.

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Going back to the pets in rented properties thing, our last two tenants had a rabbit and a small dog and neither caused any problems.
To me,Ā  a good tenant will take care of the property regardless of whether they have pets or children and a bad tenant will destroy it on their own without assistance.


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1 hour ago, Spiny Norman said:

Going back to the pets in rented properties thing, our last two tenants had a rabbit and a small dog and neither caused any problems.
To me,Ā  a good tenant will take care of the property regardless of whether they have pets or children and a bad tenant will destroy it on their own without assistance.



Where I am at the moment we pay a small surcharge for having dogs in the house.Ā  I expect it's to allow for the increased level of wear and tear expected which is only reasonable.Ā  We vacuum about 3x more often than would be needed without dogs and wet-vax-wash the carpets regularly.Ā  It's probably cleaner for having dogs there than it would be without.

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48 minutes ago, Spiny Norman said:

Going back to the pets in rented properties thing, our last two tenants had a rabbit and a small dog and neither caused any problems.
To me,Ā  a good tenant will take care of the property regardless of whether they have pets or children and a bad tenant will destroy it on their own without assistance.


This is kind of the crux of it.

In the second house I rented, my Labrador got up to the kitchen counter one day when I was out and pulled down a 2 litre bottle of vegetable oil, which he burst and then drank. HeĀ then vomited and arse blasted oil all over the kitchen, which luckily had a tile floor and I cleaned up without issue. He was fine all evening after that, and I stupidly thought all was well. He looked a bit sorry for himself thoughĀ and so I let him come and sleep upstairs in the bedroom with me so he was more comfortable. This wasĀ error of judgement number one. I was awoken in the early hours to the smell of rancid arse and a sound likeĀ chunky soup pouring out a drain. Panic kickedĀ in and I ran over to the dog, grabbed him in a bear hug and ran through the house to the garden with him. This was mistake number two. Instead of just ruining the bedroom carpet, I ruinedĀ the upstairs landing, stairway, and downstairs hallway carpets too. I had a vax type thing, but it just couldn't shift the oily poo mixture completelyĀ and the carpets were never going to be quite the same again. I went to the local carpet place and had a chat, it turned out that they did the carpets before we moved in and were able to supply the same carpet so that I could replace it like for like. A friend was a carpet fitter so I got him in to do the job as I trusted him to do it right. It cost me several hundred quid to put right, but I couldn't have left it in good conscience as I don't think 'wear and tear' quite coversĀ what happened that night.

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19 minutes ago, eddyramrod said:

I hope the poor dog is ok now!

He's all good, he's never touched the cooking oil again though and that was about 9 years ago when this happenedĀ šŸ˜…

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6 hours ago, Lacquer Peel said:

Sounds like parasite behaviour to me.Ā 

How will you pay for your pension?Ā 

Are you giving it to a pension fund, whose fund managersĀ will take a cut to invest it in the businesses of the world, who need to exploit workers around the world and customers around the world to make a decent profit to pay the dividend and have to show profit growth year on year to avoid being merged into another big company?Ā 

Or have you decided to put it under a blanket? And hope the state pension will be enough ?Ā 

Or if you happened to have so now spare cash might you choose to invest it in something as simple as providing housing? And might that be part of your future retirement plan.Ā 

I know it is for me. I know I was lucky to be able to save the deposit, and have done my research to make sure it's a solid investment.Ā Ā 

So please fuck off.Ā 

5 hours ago, Rocket88 said:

As a landlord, (who rents out a property at about 75% of what I could get for it, because theyā€™re friends of mine) I think the majority of landlords are pretty fair and reasonable. That ā€œ parasite ā€œ remark is a sweeping generalisation.

It's a fucking insult mate.Ā 

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1 hour ago, Rust Collector said:

This is kind of the crux of it.

In the second house I rented, my Labrador got up to the kitchen counter one day when I was out and pulled down a 2 litre bottle of vegetable oil, which he burst and then drank. HeĀ then vomited and arse blasted oil all over the kitchen, which luckily had a tile floor and I cleaned up without issue. He was fine all evening after that, and I stupidly thought all was well. He looked a bit sorry for himself thoughĀ and so I let him come and sleep upstairs in the bedroom with me so he was more comfortable. This wasĀ error of judgement number one. I was awoken in the early hours to the smell of rancid arse and a sound likeĀ chunky soup pouring out a drain. Panic kickedĀ in and I ran over to the dog, grabbed him in a bear hug and ran through the house to the garden with him. This was mistake number two. Instead of just ruining the bedroom carpet, I ruinedĀ the upstairs landing, stairway, and downstairs hallway carpets too. I had a vax type thing, but it just couldn't shift the oily poo mixture completelyĀ and the carpets were never going to be quite the same again. I went to the local carpet place and had a chat, it turned out that they did the carpets before we moved in and were able to supply the same carpet so that I could replace it like for like. A friend was a carpet fitter so I got him in to do the job as I trusted him to do it right. It cost me several hundred quid to put right, but I couldn't have left it in good conscience as I don't think 'wear and tear' quite coversĀ what happened that night.

If anyone is wondering why I prefer cats, this is why.

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1 hour ago, Rust Collector said:

This is kind of the crux of it.

In the second house I rented, my Labrador got up to the kitchen counter one day when I was out and pulled down a 2 litre bottle of vegetable oil, which he burst and then drank. HeĀ then vomited and arse blasted oil all over the kitchen, which luckily had a tile floor and I cleaned up without issue. He was fine all evening after that, and I stupidly thought all was well. He looked a bit sorry for himself thoughĀ and so I let him come and sleep upstairs in the bedroom with me so he was more comfortable. This wasĀ error of judgement number one. I was awoken in the early hours to the smell of rancid arse and a sound likeĀ chunky soup pouring out a drain. Panic kickedĀ in and I ran over to the dog, grabbed him in a bear hug and ran through the house to the garden with him. This was mistake number two. Instead of just ruining the bedroom carpet, I ruinedĀ the upstairs landing, stairway, and downstairs hallway carpets too. I had a vax type thing, but it just couldn't shift the oily poo mixture completelyĀ and the carpets were never going to be quite the same again. I went to the local carpet place and had a chat, it turned out that they did the carpets before we moved in and were able to supply the same carpet so that I could replace it like for like. A friend was a carpet fitter so I got him in to do the job as I trusted him to do it right. It cost me several hundred quid to put right, but I couldn't have left it in good conscience as I don't think 'wear and tear' quite coversĀ what happened that night.

My ambivalence is stopping me from being able to choose a laughing or a sad emoticon. Glad the big fella was OK after all that,Ā  he was no doubt thinking wtaf is happening to me.

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Just now, Dyslexic Viking said:

What I meant is that they don't do such stupid things like this.

My Auntie Ailsa had made a lovely birthday prawn cocktail starter for my uncleĀ and unbeknownst to her their catĀ had sneaked into the kitchen, eaten the prawn cocktail, licked the butter and then barfed the while lot back up on the worktop and into the prawn cocktail.

I like both dogs and cats but they can definitely both be dicks. At least dogs can look guilty or sorry!

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31 minutes ago, Split_Pin said:

My Auntie Ailsa had made a lovely birthday prawn cocktail starter for my uncleĀ and unbeknownst to her their catĀ had sneaked into the kitchen, eaten the prawn cocktail, licked the butter and then barfed the while lot back up on the worktop and into the prawn cocktail.

I like both dogs and cats but they can definitely both be dicks. At least dogs can look guilty or sorry!

I must have been lucky as the cats I have had have all been well behaved and have never done anything like this.

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11 minutes ago, andyberg said:

Really!? Have things got so bad that my local Tesco supermarket is having to security tag joints of meat!!!...




I hate to label folk but I have seen certain people stealing raw meat who may or may not look thin andĀ sunken faced and who seem to find this stuff easy to sell on quickly.Ā 

When I worked on Dalry Road in Edinburgh I recall 2 polis chasing 2 worn out looking people with sores on their face up the middle of the road as they'd just stolen a whole box of bacon from the Lidl. The security guard who was also in pursuit appeared to know them as he was shouting "ROBERT, ROBERT!" but on listening closer he just had a European accent and was shouting 'robber'. The 2 folk dropped the bacon and a Lothian bus ran it over leaving a 30 foot bacon skidmarkĀ up the road.Ā 

A futile quest for all concerned.

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