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The grumpy thread


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Fucking XM has decided it doesn't need it's fucking airbag or suspension check lights on the dash. No idea why. MOT is up soon and if it doesn't sort it's shizz soon it's getting pressed.. Fix one thing and something else breaks instantly

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Idiot sister had eye operation 12 days ago, 'cos retina detachment risk. They told her be 6 weeks before you're fixed. Due to go back and see vets on Wednesday for checkup. IS has decided it's not worked. Ma is playing ZOMG! what will you do if it's not worked?


I'm thinking FFS, wait till Wednesday and get the opinion of man in the know. I am, of course, wrong to 10 decimal places. Heartless for not joining in the general panic. A bastard for sleeping at night. How can I be going playing hide the sausage with kinky girl when I could be staying at home moping and shouting why Why WHY?




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Been on call all day. No drinking, no going for a walk down the beach, and no one has had the decency to break down, or even have a flat battery. This means I have had no gain for the no drinking etc. I got a metric shitload of alcohol for crimbo but not off till Monday, when everyone else is back at work. Same at New Year. Hmmph.

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I bought new wipers for my Juke and the wife's a2 off eBay. The A2 has one big wiper the juke has one big one and one little one. 1 out of 3 fitted, which was the big one off the Juke. The small Juke one has a different fitting and the one for the a2 may as well be for the millennium falcon .

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It's bad enough having to do nights over the Christmas weekend.


I'm having to work with a stinker of a cold - I feel like my head is going to explode. I can't stop sneezing and my eyes are streaming that much the skin on my face in raw from the rubbing with tissues.


Commiserations to those caught in the floods - much closer to home now Rochdale has copped for it.

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My daughter wanted to go to the Greyhound Park ('out of town shopping experience') and it's HHS usual madness of sweaty fucking knobweasels desperately trying to buy tellies etc.

Currys was ace fun, she spoke to a nice sales girl, got what she wanted and we waited at the side of the tills as requested.


Some stupid bint said loudly 'THE QUEUE IS HERE YOU KNOW' so I TD my daughter to just ignore her. Anyhow, the inevitable happened and we got served first, so the scruffy little old boot started kicking off only to be told she was in the wrong place and we were first as she'd served us on the shop floor.

KERCHING! Take that you stupid sweaty old bat!

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Pissing rain outside. Never mind, I'll watch one of the new DVDs I got for Christmas, and maybe dose off for a bit.


But no. Windows 10 has buggered up the DVD drive with an update I didn't ask for. Again. The update also changed all the default programmes. Again. It took a full hour to get Wifi working again after the last update, on top of the hour that the update took.

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Supposed to be getting together with family at my niece's house today. She's phoned to tell us not to go because the village she lives in has been cut off because the Irwell has burst it's banks. She hasn't been flooded,but there are houses literally around the corner from her with water up to the window Sills.

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The meriva decided to wish me a happy Christmas by making the pipe coming from the back box fall off.


It was rusty as fuck, and I only replaced just the centre the pipe for the mot as I couldn't afford a backbox as well. Euro car parts for 8am Monday then I think! Sounds a bit chatty now, luckily there's 2 big mounts on the centre pipe 8 inches from where it's failed so it's not dragging on the floor

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Had a visit from the man from the ministry on 22nd Dec which was the last day I worked,I've got to do an mot in front of him in January,which in itself isn't a problem,but the workshop looks like a bomb has hit it.I'm going to have to go in and have a tidy up next week.

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Nattering to art friends tonight - something I can indulge in now I have good internets again - and I'm reminded of a character I never got to do anything with.  This happens quite a bit, I do comic book type stuff in addition to the car stuff.  So, imagine if you will a character set in 1930s New York, a member of an organised crime syndicate, a big mouth, likes his coffee, likes his cigars and enjoys a good bank heist and a bit of car theft on the side.  Oh, and he's an anthropomorphic Magpie too and named after an American gun manufacturer.  He's got all this character and background planned out and I never have the opportunity to explore his world.


It's the frustrating nature of my work.  He's not a profitable character, he won't generate me any income and I haven't the spare time to devote to him so he sits there in my imagination unable to be used and I just get grumpy about it.  For some idea of his world, it's a bit like the truly excellent http://www.lackadaisycats.com/with more of a leaning towards the violence and atmosphere of things like Sin City and Tank Girl.


Maybe one day I'll have enough time to do some scribblings and set up a Patreon or something for him.  So much research though, the cars and clothing alone is so much work, let alone home furnishing, architecture, maps, weather, historical and political climate, colours... there's an absolute crapload of work involved in building a really good graphic novel or comic, it's so much more than just a charismatic character.

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^Tell him you've had a Renault 20 in.

He'll understand.

Wouldn't be the weirdest thing I've mot'd


I probably mot more rover P4s in a year than the rest of the country, had about 4 morris marinas in the last 6 weeks,lots of 90's chod,some Porsches and lots of rot boxes.

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Could you not get a rot box in for a test in front of him and show how picky and truthful you are? Or does it not work like that?


Are all your mot tools on the special board all the mot places I've been to have? Is that the legal requirement?

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Wouldn't be the weirdest thing I've mot'd


I probably mot more rover P4s in a year than the rest of the country, had about 4 morris marinas in the last 6 weeks,lots of 90's chod,some Porsches and lots of rot boxes.

Could explain the ministry visit!

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been to the temple of doom (aka the farther in laws)and the foot-well of the metro is swimming, after all that rain.




i guess i will be taking the interior out of that , though i've got no idea where i shall be putting the carpet to dry out.


own fault, as i didn't put the cover on the car the last time we were over there to look at it.


in better news, having borrowed their ladders, i've been up and cleared out the gutters, so i'm hoping*  that will put an end to them overflowing.

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been to the temple of doom (aka the farther in laws)and the foot-well of the metro is swimming, after all that rain.




i guess i will be taking the interior out of that , though i've got no idea where i shall be putting the carpet to dry out.


own fault, as i didn't put the cover on the car the last time we were over there to look at it.


in better news, having borrowed their ladders, i've been up and cleared out the gutters, so i'm hoping* that will put an end to them overflowing.

How tall is this Metro that you need ladders to clear the gutters?


Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk

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Offer him a couple of stamped, blank certificates. ;-);-)

Ask him if he can sign off your garage without visiting, sort of a "distance inspection" as it's how your place tends to do MOTs :-D
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Driving back from visiting my uncle last night, through a winding stretch of 50mph road, I suddenly had the pleasure of encountering the LED loveliness of the front of an Aldi heading towards me on my side of the road. No doubt he had more important places to be than everyone else, and decided it would like to overtake, in the wet, dark, bendy road.


Much chuntering of my ABS, black rubber deposited on tarmac and brown stains deposited on seat as I stopped two-and-a-half tonnes of Land Rover in 5 metres in order to kindly let Mr Tosspot avoid hitting me.

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I sometimes look on the new car comics websites because I bought Autocar religiously when I was young and I am still interested in some new cars, especially if they're something different like the new Mustang.




Troy Queef writes...


like staging an NFL game at Wembley


The Mustang is global now, Limey


a fog so sumptuously thick that even air traffic control has bent to its will


like a herd of bison, the Mustang is best viewed in proper Panavision


That notion hardens like animal fat in the arteries upon driving.


Awful, unreadable dreck. I can't believe he referenced Alan Partridge unironically at the start of the article, he's like Partridge if he wrote about cars.

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Facebook idiots:


"Stop forrin aid and help or own people who are flooded out" etc etc.


The same bunch who go on about homeless soldiers and Muslims wot get given a 5 bedroom house the day they arrive blah blah blah


One post is actually complaining that there are no adverts on TV raising money for something that happened 48hrs ago during a 4 day weekend.

Do they think the TV is magic?


edit: I've been flamed on FB with several comments about "charity begins at home"


yes but it doesn't fucking finish there your cretin. We can help more than one thing at a time.

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Last day of holiday and feel like death warmed up. Previous 36 hours have been a round of sweating and urgent bathroom dashes with support from aching all over and shakiness.


Managed to dive twice yesterday, and determined to do the same today.


I think spending 20 hours in a flying metal tube means you catch anything going around. Not looking forward to the return leg tomorrow

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