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The grumpy thread

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Travelling towards Chester, I find myself following a T4 Transporter. After a mile, I decide I don't want to be chewing his flag any longer. I gently push the 2CV to 62mph. Of course, as soon as I get alongside, twat in a van (lowered, stupid alloys) decides he can't be having that, so boots it and disappears in an even bigger cloud of clay. What a twat.


My gf has her P6 and her daily Saxo serviced and maintained quite religiously by her mechanic but once a month she asks me to check the levels on the Saxo and top up if necessary. First time I did it I noticed a line of tippex on the rad cap showing where it needed to be tightened to.

Fuck me this bloke must have arms like Popeye to be able to do it up this tight. I completely failed to get it undone on the first attempt and it was only when I got a rag around it and gave it some welly I managed to crack it off. And when I managed to remove it, the level was quite low.

Presumably they are prone to losing coolant around the expansion tank cap but despite her mechanic doing it up to 200 lb ft every time he has it, it still uses half a litre or so every month, presumably leaking out somewhere else but I can't see any obvious leaks.


My ex's cars would never have been serviced or MOT'd if it wasn't for me prompting her. Not even sure she'd have thought to put fuel in if there wasn't a warning light. Nothing to do with the fact she was female (and still is, as far as I'm aware), more to do with the fact she has absolutely zero interest in cars on any level.

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Travelling towards Chester, I find myself following a T4 Transporter. After a mile, I decide I don't want to be chewing his flag any longer. I gently push the 2CV to 62mph. Of course, as soon as I get alongside, twat in a van (lowered, stupid alloys) decides he can't be having that, so boots it and disappears in an even bigger cloud of clay. What a twat.


This seems to be a thing nowadays. I did a decent trip a few days ago and saw this happen on a number of occasions, to others as well as myself.


I have this in my VW T2 - german 'executive' brands seem to be the worst for this - imagine the ignominy of being overtaken by a 50 year old campervan!

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My ex's cars would never have been serviced or MOT'd if it wasn't for me prompting her. Not even sure she'd have thought to put fuel in if there wasn't a warning light. Nothing to do with the fact she was female (and still is, as far as I'm aware), more to do with the fact she has absolutely zero interest in cars on any level.

All three of my daughters are very good at keeping up with service schedules and checking all is well with their cars, or at least deputising someone if they are unsure.

Eldest not particularly interested in cars but knows that if not looked after it will break down at the most inconvenient moment.

Middle one has a fairly new MX-5 and a thirty year old Escort RS2000 cabriolet, recently fully restored and kept in a garage.

Youngest has probably had the most cars of any of us, always old tat in decent condition - mini cooper, mini traveller three SAABs, 104 Rover 75, Clios, Fiesta's among others.  Volvo next on her list - wants a C70 cab but will likely end up with a V60.


This thread reminds me that I really ought to change the oil in the Focus...


Travelling towards Chester, I find myself following a T4 Transporter. After a mile, I decide I don't want to be chewing his flag any longer. I gently push the 2CV to 62mph. Of course, as soon as I get alongside, twat in a van (lowered, stupid alloys) decides he can't be having that, so boots it and disappears in an even bigger cloud of clay. What a twat.


You've challenged his incredibly small genitalia and he can't have that. 


You've challenged his incredibly small genitalia and he can't have that. 



Whenever I see driving like that, I immediately assume they're on their way to the clinic to get their penis either replaced or enlarged.


Where would one go to avail of such a service? Asking for a friend like.


Most of my family don’t service theirs, just send it off to garage when it goes wrong, tyres are run until they are slicks, oil never changed. £25 on an oil change is seen as a waste of money. Usually they’ll see about 5-6 years before something catastrophic gives. I’m wondering whose the fool though because I service mine on the dot and something still goes wrong.

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We went into town this morning, the boy needed his hair cutting. Amy drove to the hairdressers, and we swapped seats and I went to park the Zafira.


Knockknockclonkclunkknock the whole way to the car park .... "oh yes, I've been meaning to tell you about that!"


Ace! New droplinks first, hoping they cure it otherwise I've got to borrow a grinder to do the ball joints. Mot is next month...


It also highlights that the brakes may need some attention on the 406,as their alot softer than the vauxhall, near emergency stopped braking as I normally would!


Most of my family don’t service theirs, just send it off to garage when it goes wrong, tyres are run until they are slicks, oil never changed. £25 on an oil change is seen as a waste of money. Usually they’ll see about 5-6 years before something catastrophic gives. I’m wondering whose the fool though because I service mine on the dot and something still goes wrong.


The wife didn't service the Corolla at all until I came on the scene. Gets a service every 12 months, sooner if 10k is reached in that time. She has seen the benefits of looking after the car. Next service is a big one though with all belts being done as well as the usual oil, filters & coolant.


Travelling towards Chester, I find myself following a T4 Transporter. After a mile, I decide I don't want to be chewing his flag any longer. I gently push the 2CV to 62mph. Of course, as soon as I get alongside, twat in a van (lowered, stupid alloys) decides he can't be having that, so boots it and disappears in an even bigger cloud of clay. What a twat.

Liked for the two different Autocorrect takes on the word "clag".


We went into town this morning, the boy needed his hair cutting. Amy drove to the hairdressers, and we swapped seats and I went to park the Zafira.


Knockknockclonkclunkknock the whole way to the car park .... "oh yes, I've been meaning to tell you about that!"


Ace! New droplinks first, hoping they cure it otherwise I've got to borrow a grinder to do the ball joints. Mot is next month...


It also highlights that the brakes may need some attention on the 406,as their alot softer than the vauxhall, near emergency stopped braking as I normally would!

My 75 is doing that now.  Plus the front pads are starting to squeal.  I really need to find a way to get the bastarding wheels off...


I think the braking thing might just be because the Zafira is modern* over-servo'd tat.  If I'd been running round in a modern for a few days and then got back into the Rover of Doom, I would think the brakes were broken the first time I went to stop.  They weren't, of course, it's just that you actually have to push on the pedal to get it to stop.


Some things don’t appreciate the help you give them. I generously change the brushes in the motor of our washing machine and it rewards with much spinny action, so much in fact that the slightly* past their best drum bearings have allowed the drum to shave off bits of plastic and kill the main seal pissing water out over my brand new floor (less than a fortnight old). So after ten years a washing machine I got for free has finally died. Does nothing give value for money these days?


On a side note we will be replacing it with a washer drier which will make a tumble drier surplus to requirements. If anyone knows someone who would be grateful for it let me know as we won’t want anything for it to the right home.

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Change your oil kids or your big ends will look like this.



And your main bearings like this.


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Just been to a new pet shop (new to me, been there ages apparently) as a lady I got talking to recommended some magic gear for Phoebe that is only about a tenner a pop (as opposed to £60 for 30 pills as she is on now) so decided to go find/get.


Point one: bloody pills are £25 for 30 and they charge like wounded rhino's for everything - bought them 4 big chews as well and came out £44 worse off!


I have just given them to her (and slung one down Chester's throat as well - can't hurt?) and also given her all the usual stuff, if it makes a difference to her poor legs I will be delighted.

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And again, my 4th? In 18 months.

Threw the wheel in my boot 5 days ago, just spent £1 at petrol station and they were all 29 psi except this which was 24.


Theres fuck all wrong with it visually and water revealed nothing.


We buy our dog's tablets from petdrugsonline - even after paying £15(!) for a prescription from the vets they're still 20 odd quid cheaper.


Where would one go to avail of such a service? Asking for a friend like.


Suzuki motorbike shop?


I'll give it a try Billy.


(To be read aloud in the booming voice of Brian Blessed)

Good day to you, purveyer of far eastern motorcyles.

Behold, Myknob for upgrade. What say you?

Cavcraft, on 05 Jan 2019 - 4:48 PM, said:

Suzuki motorbike shop?


Harley Davidson, more like :-)



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Threw the wheel in my boot 5 days ago, just spent £1 at petrol station and they were all 29 psi except this which was 24.


Theres fuck all wrong with it visually and water revealed nothing.

Same rim? My wife's old MX5 MK3 used to be like that. Tyre places used some sort of sealant on the bead to help it seal. Apparently sometimes manufacturing defects in the rim doesn't allow them to seal properly normally or something.


Or does it have active TPMS? Could be one of the tyre valve sensors causing a slow leak.


Further to my previous ravioli/Tesco rant, the recipe for their cheesey puff/balls/ snack appears to have been "improved" too, since last purchased.


They now are not so cheesey and taste a bit stale.



Yes the twats.


I should post in CRISPS.

I never liked the Tesco cheese puffs. Too wet and slimy, they should have a dry dusting of powder, not leave your hands an orange glutenous mess. My favourite ones for a long time were the Sainsbury's ones, but the Co-op ones are even better, as the big bag is always a pound, and filled right to the top of the bag. Perfect :grin:

Did 2500 miles in the US of A powered mainly by huge plastic jars of cheese balls from Walmart and pancakes from Wendy’s.


Love a cheeseballs, and almost diabetic after 4 weeks.

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