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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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9 hours ago, Wack said:


That particular incident was many years ago. That stretch of the A41 used to be notorious for flash floods. In the photos, the Quattroporte driver had completely misread the car's inability to cope with anything more than a puddle. Anyhow, in he went, only for the car to fail in the deepest part. It was also discovered that the complex gearbox wouldn't shift back into neutral, so the car was now immobilised and couldn't be pushed out of the way. Eventually a transporter had to be backed in to lift it out.

Great advert for Maserati.

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11 hours ago, clayts450 said:

Neighbours up the road - always have 80s/90s Fords near their home, never actually stopped to have a  natter with them. Then a 414 turned up. Then COVID happened. Anyway, we live five minutes away from each other, and we finally connected today....on Facebook. Lovely to see their first thought on selling was to find out whether I wanted it !

Price is a bit salty, but it is a lovely motor - better condition than the 420 if truth be told



Postscript to this :



I need to get her and her old man on here methinks...

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I've fixed an MGB bonnet and will be repairing a cracked and slightly holey exhaust system on a nice beemer with an oil change aswell in exchange for the Dyanes bodyshell to get a fresh coat of juane mimosa , After the new panels and are welded in and I've sealed and gravitexed the underside that is. 

Whilst I can paint okay , i dont have a gun  or any spraying consumables etc etc and also I won't have half the workshop covered I yellow dust. 

Happy with that. 

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Postscript to this :
I need to get her and her old man on here methinks...
Also find out if cheap storage is available!!

Sent from my SM-A505FN using Tapatalk

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Just went to town, had my eyeballs examined thoroughly and apparently the one that was shot at with frickin' lasers back at the beginning of the year had healed well.


Do not like the press-against-eyeball prrssure measuring device though.

6 hours later and the Hollywood All-Night Party dilations are starting to go away. Wearing sunglasses at night is remarkably strange.



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4 hours ago, PhilA said:

Just went to town, had my eyeballs examined thoroughly and apparently the one that was shot at with frickin' lasers back at the beginning of the year had healed well.


Do not like the press-against-eyeball prrssure measuring device though.

6 hours later and the Hollywood All-Night Party dilations are starting to go away. Wearing sunglasses at night is remarkably strange.




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Hotel in Benidorm I booked for New Year is closed, only opening 2 out of 7 because Corona, may change, may not.  Don't like the 2 hotels that are open.

That's a grump, But have booked a back up, can cancel FOC, up to 2 days before, costs £500 less.

Have to buy a few meals, but not 500 quids worth. Bound to have somewhere to stay now if the plane's flying :)


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Scabby paint in a retro color - check

Structural rust - check

Bodged wiring - check

Bearings made from tin foil - check

Total outlay less than a new one - check


Yup. It's a fan of Autoshite.


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4 hours ago, cobblers said:

More incredibly technical questions from the Talbot Express Facebook Group:




Ah...the nonsense you poor sods have to put up with...


That was on a slight uphill gradient (you ain't getting to see the one from about a minute earlier).  I haven't quite figured out how she does the whole "Juggernaut mode" thing on the motorway either...she's far happier at 70+ than 50-60...which with 78bhp doesn't really make sense!


The actual thing I loaded this thread up though was for this...The bonnet closure mechanism from the XJ-S.  A thing of beauty and a joy forever...You don't slam or push the bonnet down...You just lay it down on the catch then you push the release handle back into the parked position and it pulls the bonnet right down into the latched position.


It's a really simple thing, but very satisfying and the novelty very much hasn't worn off yet.

It's the little things like that which despite all its faults that keep the car feeling very special.

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8 hours ago, Zelandeth said:


Ah...the nonsense you poor sods have to put up with...


That was on a slight uphill gradient (you ain't getting to see the one from about a minute earlier).  I haven't quite figured out how she does the whole "Juggernaut mode" thing on the motorway either...she's far happier at 70+ than 50-60...which with 78bhp doesn't really make sense!


The actual thing I loaded this thread up though was for this...The bonnet closure mechanism from the XJ-S.  A thing of beauty and a joy forever...You don't slam or push the bonnet down...You just lay it down on the catch then you push the release handle back into the parked position and it pulls the bonnet right down into the latched position.


It's a really simple thing, but very satisfying and the novelty very much hasn't worn off yet.

It's the little things like that which despite all its faults that keep the car feeling very special.

Liked for the bonnet and the old Merc :)

With the old Mercs, if it's an NA diesel i remember my w124 300d was happier at higher revs than modern diesels would rev to. 

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I'm a firm believer that cars have an optimum cruising speed, anything French I've had*, 306's, Laguna's, etc seem happiest at around 85mph, I guess they are geared for the French speed limit of 130kph.

All the Saabs I had 9-3 and three 9000s, all used to want to do around 90mph before feeling settled.

The Jag, although capable of rather high speeds, much preferred to cruise around 65-70mph. 


*excluding 'Angry Pierre' a 205 N/A Diesel that hated going above 65mph, and if forced, would grumble and try and shake itself to bits - hence the name. 

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28 minutes ago, Volksy said:

205 N/A Diesel


28 minutes ago, Volksy said:

happiest at around 85mph

Can confirm

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1 hour ago, dome said:

Liked for the bonnet and the old Merc :)

With the old Mercs, if it's an NA diesel i remember my w124 300d was happier at higher revs than modern diesels would rev to. 

Very much this. My 124 was a fan of 85-90. Not happy at all at 60. It was as if the cam profile wanted it to rev

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57 minutes ago, Volksy said:

I'm a firm believer that cars have an optimum cruising speed, anything French I've had*, 306's, Laguna's, etc seem happiest at around 85mph, I guess they are geared for the French speed limit of 130kph.

All the Saabs I had 9-3 and three 9000s, all used to want to do around 90mph before feeling settled.

The Jag, although capable of rather high speeds, much preferred to cruise around 65-70mph. 


*excluding 'Angry Pierre' a 205 N/A Diesel that hated going above 65mph, and if forced, would grumble and try and shake itself to bits - hence the name. 

That's true, the highest average mpg I got in my silver laguna was 65-68mpg. Was at 6am, from home to port talbot. Don't think I dipped below 90 the whole way bar cameras/junctions/the first bit of the m4 in Wales. Was fucking tiring, but I think the car just got into a groove, and because I was light on the throttle it went to uver economical. Never bettered 53mpg in my daily commute. Even following @Ghostyand a bus at 55 in 6th it did less mpg

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I seem to be living in Coronation Street.  For the second time today there's a police van at number 1, after a period of shouting from windows; possibly at someone my side, I can't be sure (I'm at number 8).  First time there was an ambulance too.  Well it's a bit of entertainment while we've got rain, I suppose.  I'm in my front bedroom right now and there's still shouting, though not so much since the cops arrived.


In another Grin: one of my stories has been aired this morning on BBC Radio Cumbria.  They like to showcase local writers, in a slot that unfortunately clashes with Popmaster, and they are well aware of our little local Writing Group here: I'm the second to go on air.  They sent someone round to record me reading it, because it's obviously best in the author's own voice.  Comments before and after suggested they found it very moving (it was a monologue about a man in his bath, living with Corona).

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And in further developments, the ambulance is now back.  You couldn't make it up.  Hell, I couldn't make it up, and I'm a writer!

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1 hour ago, eddyramrod said:

And in further developments, the ambulance is now back.  You couldn't make it up.  Hell, I couldn't make it up, and I'm a writer!

reminded me of a ""what made you grin" moment I had a couple years ago when a couple years ago on one of the rare occasions I leave the house I came downstairs to the dead end and spotted this car parked across the gate

and thought to myself thats a bit naff what if a fire fighting appliance needs to get as close to the building as possible or such etc


and as I turned the corner to my right, I shit ye not! LOL


(thankfully I dont THINK anything was on fire!)

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Fire engines are fitted with big nudge-bumpers here so that problem can be remedied on the move...


If you park in a red zone you're a) gonna get ticketed b) get your car shoved out of the way if required, then sent to option a for getting in the way of the fire truck (then the bill for repainting the fire truck bumper gets sent to you, too. Your own repairs are on you, which from memory your insurers won't cover if you parked in a clearly marked fire lane).

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13 hours ago, PhilA said:


Scabby paint in a retro color - check

Structural rust - check

Bodged wiring - check

Bearings made from tin foil - check

Total outlay less than a new one - check


Yup. It's a fan of Autoshite.


cough :D

are you cool now ? :D


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Had someone in a Dynorod van absolutely welded to the rear bumper of my van coming up the A5 today, I was doing the speed limit, but not quick enough for him (he should have been doing 50 anyway!) apparently.  He'd tried to muscle past at a few occasions but failed.

He catapulted past me the moment we got to the dual carriageway.

However the grin is that it was blatantly obvious that he has a 70mph limiter, set quite aggressively.  My van does not have a 70mph speed limiter.  Normally I'd just have stayed where I was, but he had been such an asshole for the last ten miles that I couldn't resist trolling him just a little bit.

I gave a cheery wave as I sailed back past him once I was up to speed.  I kid you not, he just about exploded on the spot.  I wish my dashcam had been pointing sideways as it would have made for utterly hilarious footage. 

Ah, it's the little things in life.  Yes it was horribly childish.  Am I even a little bit sorry?  No.

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50 minutes ago, Zelandeth said:

Ah, it's the little things in life.  Yes it was horribly childish.  Am I even a little bit sorry?  No.

Yeah, when I had my Challenger people would do the same. Last instance before I traded it in was coming home from town. Desolate two lane road, modest shoulder. Trees line the road for almost 18 miles. Curves, a few long straight sections, then some more curves.

Had a couple blue-rinses in a new Buick MPV thing behind me, riding my bumper for about 3 miles. I had the cruise set to 55. Limit is... you guessed it, 55.

Last curve before a 1.6 mile straight she backed off a little then swerved out into the oncoming lane, whatever tiny turbocharged lump they stick in those things these days wailing in punishment, audible above my radio.

She came up alongside, I turned my head, grinned and mashed the throttle into the carpet. Took my foot off when they were well back in my mirror and had a giggle to myself. 

Yes, I'm doing 55. Yes, it's by choice. No, you may not because you annoyed me.


Peurile and childish? Absolutely. But so is a muscle car. But it's sure as hell fun.



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