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Great number plates - got any?


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I saw MO04BAA on a farm trailer, PA55GSW on GSW school of motoring learner car and OOO 16. There used to be a Scirocco in Brentwood with a plate something like OIOIO or IOIOI, never worked out quite how they did that!

Many years ago whilst in Digbeth, I spotted a Black Range Rover with '800' on its plate. I thought it couldn't just be a number (unless it was from Jersey/Guernsey) I did a bit of research when I got home and found it was '8 OO'. So I'd imagine the Scirocco you saw would have been OIO 10/IOI 10/10 IOI or something around that region.


Whilst doing the research, I did strangely find some cars with just 3 numbers in thier plates. Royal/military cars or something? Thry weren't special cars, I remember one car being a Vauxhall Astra.

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I saw a few weeks back on the commute to work on the Bexhill to Eastbourne road the number plate BIG TV on a Jewish racing gold Porsche Cayenne.

I didn't manage to see though if a fat transvestite was actually driving the car.

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I saw HOV1S on a down at heel Silver Spirit near Basildon last week. Feel free to insert your own "must knead the dough" jokes, it's too early for me. Also someone round Chelmsford has 125P on a resale white Mercedes which I'd love to put on a smoky FSO with rust holes round the headlamps

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Yesterday on the M5 near Exeter there was an AA van, reg 999AA. They really do think there'e the fourth emergency service don't they.


British Oxygen have 1BOC on a DAF

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SUM 1 in Leeds last night on a new base Dacia duster. Steels with no trims.

That plate used to live opposite me years ago. It was then on a Kia Magentis about 04 plate and before that a Hyundai Matrix I think. It did make me wonder what was going on. Also UM is a Leeds reg.
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One of our neighbours has SM06 BOX on their Audi.  Only noticed it today when I was watering the garden, shall have to see if I can get a snapshot without looking too suspect in the process.

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That plate used to live opposite me years ago. It was then on a Kia Magentis about 04 plate and before that a Hyundai Matrix I think. It did make me wonder what was going on. Also UM is a Leeds reg.

At a guess it's one of those plates that's still in the family of the chap who had it issued new and they've used it on every car they've ever had. No doubt worth a fortune but also has massive sentimental value.


CUB 1 was another good Leeds issue. Originally on a Samuel Ledgard coach and later owned by Cubby Broccoli, it featured on Truly Scrumptious's car in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

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Seen BIG 5 on a Porsche, KL08BER on a company vehicle belonging to Klobber, P4VES on a flatbed Transit, M1XUP on a Merc and on a German registered 911, OF THE 911

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A bass player I used to gig with had BA55SES as his plate on his S class, looked amazing. As a trumpet player I always wanted BRA 5S after that. But generally not that fussed by personalised plates


A butcher around here has M008EEF and a some sort of sheep one I cant recall at the moment.

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A butcher around here has M008EEF and a some sort of sheep one I cant recall at the moment.


BE57 VEG is on a grocer's Ford pickup round here.

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