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4 hours ago, Marshall2810 said:

I have no idea if this passive aggressive moan is a pop at Dads mechanic, Dads description of the car, my integrity having listed the car or all of them?

As you've tagged me publicly rather than by PM I assume you want to make a point and everyone aware rather than provide a friendly watch out so thanks for that. 

I'll certainly let Dad know but doubt they'll be falling out over a cabin filter. If I'd take a naive guess he will have meant the air, oil and fuel filter. I'm not making excuses having only met him once and have no idea of his level of competence professional or otherwise. Feel free to PM me with your bank details so I can reimburse you for the said filter if you feel short changed on the deal.

I'm sorry you've had the issues with the belt and tensioner (which fitting may well have pre-dated his ownership) and the shit air con you've had to endure. Hopefully you can bring the old girl up to the desired standard so it provides you with years of service as it's done for our family. 

Sorry no passive aggressiveness in your direction here - that was not the intention at all.

This was one of my main gripes as a mechanic, that garages take money for doing a job they haven't- the Mitsubishi ASX I had a few months ago was exactly the same.  I got to the point that I wouldn't tell people what I did as a job because there seem to be so many garages out there on the con.  

I'm sorry if I gave the impression I was anything other than happy with the car.  As I said to your dad, you cannot sell a car with that age and mileage and guarantee it, it'd be foolish to do so in my opinion!

TLDR:- Car and vendor good, garages who 'forget' to do stuff bad.

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On 27/06/2024 at 22:25, MikeR said:

holy thread resurection !!

justhaving a stare at my NEST pension and I have cashed it in , load of shite , never wanted it because I had my own deferred  final salary pension which I now draw, but I got auto enrolled into the NEST at the time despite voicing my choices .  I managed to cancel the first auto enrollment but the 2nd one 4 years later got me ..

its incredible how NEST  have taken charges and reduced  the cash sum , but my deferred serps lump sum with a bank has continued to grow and offers quite a nice income every year in comparison , or a big draw down ... I cant help thinking a lot of NEST customers will be really pissed off in the future .

would be nice if I could complain about the auto enrollment , the ongoing charges , and the taxation . 

hope  they do have  a leaving survey .....

Interesting. My current employer uses Nest...

I have my other pensions from previous employers rolled up into a Moneybox pension just so it's all in one place.

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17 hours ago, Lankytim said:


The wife and I were travelling to Morrisons for a breakfast when we were bumped in slow moving traffic. No idea how fast the guy was going but it made a tremendous  bang and if it wasn’t for the wife’s quick reactions would’ve shunted us the backside of the Jaguar F pace in front.

We were all ok, although I was bloody furious. By the time the driver of the other car had got out I’d calmed somewhat, accidents happen don’t they? The boot is a bit crunched up but opens and closes more or less OK, the bumper has taken a hit but was a bit buggered already, I haven’t checked underneath but I’d be surprised if there’s anything folded up under there. The Clio has bent its bonnet, split its bumper and maybe more behind. 

The driver was very apologetic but as I watched him drive his car up the kerb to swap details he had his phone in his hand, texting? Pretty common in stop-start traffic. 

As nobody was injured he’s agreed to pay for a replacement boot lid rather than going through the insurance which would involve excesses and probably writing cars off. If anyone knows to one to a silver boot lid let me know! It’s for a 2007 Jazz in NH642M. 




I was rear-ended by a black Clio in 2003.  The resulting whiplash injury kept me off work for six months and ultimately curtailed my HGV career, and my 1991 Orion was a write-off.  Any signs of pain especially in your neck and shoulders, get to A&E immediately.  I seriously hope you don't need to!

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22 minutes ago, eddyramrod said:

I was rear-ended by a black Clio in 2003.  The resulting whiplash injury kept me off work for six months and ultimately curtailed my HGV career, and my 1991 Orion was a write-off.  Any signs of pain especially in your neck and shoulders, get to A&E immediately.  I seriously hope you don't need to!

Wow, worth bearing in mind. I’ve still got a slightly stiff neck, the wife appears to be fine. I’m not sure if the stiffness is bump related or just how I feel normally. 

I’ve checked underneath the Jazz and there’s no hidden damage so the impact couldn’t have been too harsh (although it bloody well felt it) 

Can I find a tailgate in NH642M silver? Can I bugger. 

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On 28/06/2024 at 16:11, Lankytim said:


The wife and I were travelling to Morrisons for a breakfast when we were bumped in slow moving traffic. No idea how fast the guy was going but it made a tremendous  bang and if it wasn’t for the wife’s quick reactions would’ve shunted us the backside of the Jaguar F pace in front.

We were all ok, although I was bloody furious. By the time the driver of the other car had got out I’d calmed somewhat, accidents happen don’t they? The boot is a bit crunched up but opens and closes more or less OK, the bumper has taken a hit but was a bit buggered already, I haven’t checked underneath but I’d be surprised if there’s anything folded up under there. The Clio has bent its bonnet, split its bumper and maybe more behind. 

The driver was very apologetic but as I watched him drive his car up the kerb to swap details he had his phone in his hand, texting? Pretty common in stop-start traffic. 

As nobody was injured he’s agreed to pay for a replacement boot lid rather than going through the insurance which would involve excesses and probably writing cars off. If anyone knows to one to a silver boot lid let me know! It’s for a 2007 Jazz in NH642M. 




Ok… so the driver of this Clio and I decided not to go via the insurance and that he would pay for the damage. The tailgate was deffo damaged but apart from a little dint on the bumper and a slightly deformed “crush can” on the end of the chassis there doesn’t appear to be any further damage of note. 

I’ve trawled FB marketplace and eBay for a good used tailgate in the correct colour and couldn’t find  anything suitable. Breakeryard.com came up trumps with a selection of boot lids dotted around the country starting at £150 delivered up to £250. 

I’ve text this fella and told him I can get a new tailgate for £150 and he hasn’t responded yet. It made me wonder that if he decided not to cough up is there anything I can really do about it? I don’t want to go via the insurance for the sake of a boot lid on an old motor but I don’t see why someone can damage your car and get away with it.

All I’ve got from this fella is his name and number and a photo of his car. We should’ve really exchanged addresses too, not that I’m weird enough to show up on his doorstep demanding money. 


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4 minutes ago, Lankytim said:

Ok… so the driver of this Clio and I decided not to go via the insurance and that he would pay for the damage. The tailgate was deffo damaged but apart from a little dint on the bumper and a slightly deformed “crush can” on the end of the chassis there doesn’t appear to be any further damage of note. 

I’ve trawled FB marketplace and eBay for a good used tailgate in the correct colour and couldn’t find  anything suitable. Breakeryard.com came up trumps with a selection of boot lids dotted around the country starting at £150 delivered up to £250. 

I’ve text this fella and told him I can get a new tailgate for £150 and he hasn’t responded yet. It made me wonder that if he decided not to cough up is there anything I can really do about it? I don’t want to go via the insurance for the sake of a boot lid on an old motor but I don’t see why someone can damage your car and get away with it.

All I’ve got from this fella is his name and number and a photo of his car. We should’ve really exchanged addresses too, not that I’m weird enough to show up on his doorstep demanding money. 


I’d not fuck about, if he is unresponsive claim off his insurance, they’ll write your car off but you should be able to buy it back for buttons and fix it, if you are suffering neck pain make his insurer aware also and get a doctors appointment booked, no response from the dickhead to me means claiming properly.

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18 minutes ago, Jazoli said:

I’d not fuck about, if he is unresponsive claim off his insurance, they’ll write your car off but you should be able to buy it back for buttons and fix it, if you are suffering neck pain make his insurer aware also and get a doctors appointment booked, no response from the dickhead to me means claiming properly.

Is there a time limit on making the insurers aware there’s been an accident? We’re mostly worried about the loss of no claims and increased premiums, I’m not sure the £1k or whatever we’d get back on the Jazz would be worth it. 

I guess I could go down the small claims route or put it in the hands of one of those claims handling companies (I’m not even sure they’re a thing or not anymore) , although presumably our insurer would find out at that point and hike our premiums anyway. 

Perhaps the guy has looked at the damage to his car and decided to claim anyway.

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I had a similar incident last year. Guy was very apologetic and we swapped details ‘by the book’. He asked if we could avoid the insurance and I agreed as he seemed honourable. I priced it up at £500 ish but he has paid less than half of that and I’ve given up chasing. Lesson learned. 

I would give this lad 24 hours to cough up some money or go to your insurers. If you want to avoid that then you might have to  make peace with the idea of footing the bill yourself, or else send Warren T. Claim in.

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If you claim on his insurance there is no loss of NCB.

I went through my insurers (LV+) against a Volvo that wrote off my Civic.

I just got the renewal notice and no loss of NCB and the policy is actually slightly less this year.

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1 hour ago, myglaren said:

If you claim on his insurance there is no loss of NCB.

I went through my insurers (LV+) against a Volvo that wrote off my Civic.

I just got the renewal notice and no loss of NCB and the policy is actually slightly less this year.

Are you sure about that? I thought it would affect the Wife’s NCD even if it wasn’t her fault or even if she told them about it and didn’t claim. I don’t have the guys insurance details anyway, although I think I can get them from AskMid if I pay them a fiver or something. 

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Tell your insurer, give name and reg and they will deal with his insurer for you.  It will not affect her NCB, though you will have to declare it as a non fault accident.


I'm afraid if he's not given you cash money by now, it's unlikely he will and you need to claim ASAP 

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After having to drop my folks off at Luton airport this morning and the utter chaos involved in actually doing so, I can see why there were so many angry passengers on Airline. Appreciate that things are a lot more difficult there at the moment after the car park fire last year, but I didn't expect to be stuck in traffic at 4am this morning trying to get anywhere near the one drop off area they have left. Both my folks have reduced mobility and are blue badge holders - while they've updated the advice on their website to reflect the car park being out of action, they haven't changed the accessibility bit to state that no, you can't actually use the car park now unless you've booked it, everyone must go through the  same (thankfully free) drop-off, then you have to call a number to get a shuttle bus or walk 10 minutes to the terminal.

Also means they'll have to do the same on the way back, as there's no provisions to park anywhere for an hour or two like there are at other airports - you get 20 mins in the pick-up area where you must stay with your car, or an hour in the long stay, which is 10 minutes away, with a bus every 20 mins - which is basically as good as useless. Normally I prefer to park up, go and wait for them in arrivals and help them with their bags. No chance of that happening this time.

Also they were told to be there even earlier than the usual 3 hours due to alleged security delays. Did lead to a 1am start this morning for me and eventually making it back to bed for around 6:30 no thanks to M1 diversions.

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11 hours ago, Lankytim said:

Are you sure about that? I thought it would affect the Wife’s NCD even if it wasn’t her fault or even if she told them about it and didn’t claim. I don’t have the guys insurance details anyway, although I think I can get them from AskMid if I pay them a fiver or something. 

Yes, in my case at least.  I didn't have the other driver's insurance details, my son, who was driving at the time, only got the reg, her name and phone number.

I contacted my insurers just to let them know and they asked if I would like them to handle the claim as intermediaries so I let them, sent them the dashcam video that showed her rounding the bend too quickly and in the centre of the road and sliding* into my car that was almost stationary, he knows about idiots taking the bend wide.

That was about the limit of my involvement.  Got more from them than I paid for the car three years previously.

*Heavy snow that morning.

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15 hours ago, Jazoli said:

I’d not fuck about, if he is unresponsive claim off his insurance, they’ll write your car off but you should be able to buy it back for buttons

There's a crossover here:

If you claim on your own insurance, they could write off the car and you'd have to buy it back.  Your insurer may increase your premium based on a claim being made.

If you claim directly from the other person's insurance, they have no direct contract with you, so have to pay out, but have no claim to the car so you retain ownership.  You have to inform your insurer that there has been an incident on the insured vehicle, but they cannot charge you more for having made a claim, as you haven't.


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On 28/06/2024 at 16:11, Lankytim said:


The wife and I were travelling to Morrisons for a breakfast when we were bumped in slow moving traffic. No idea how fast the guy was going but it made a tremendous  bang and if it wasn’t for the wife’s quick reactions would’ve shunted us the backside of the Jaguar F pace in front.

We were all ok, although I was bloody furious. By the time the driver of the other car had got out I’d calmed somewhat, accidents happen don’t they? The boot is a bit crunched up but opens and closes more or less OK, the bumper has taken a hit but was a bit buggered already, I haven’t checked underneath but I’d be surprised if there’s anything folded up under there. The Clio has bent its bonnet, split its bumper and maybe more behind. 

The driver was very apologetic but as I watched him drive his car up the kerb to swap details he had his phone in his hand, texting? Pretty common in stop-start traffic. 

As nobody was injured he’s agreed to pay for a replacement boot lid rather than going through the insurance which would involve excesses and probably writing cars off. If anyone knows to one to a silver boot lid let me know! It’s for a 2007 Jazz in NH642M. 




It's not the panel damage but your neck that is the issue.  My wife was in a crash, hurt her neck, went to hospital the day after as it was still sore.................long and short of it was that it took another 8 years before the insurance file was closed (and wife received a payout).  Neck injuries can have long term consequences that outlasts any panel damage/£250 quid-mate-it's-no-big-deal-mate-lets-keep-it-out-of-the-insurers-mate perpetrators.........if your neck/back are still in pain - I think it might be worth re-assessing whether you don't inform your insurers etc etc.  

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Difficult one, I had something similar happen to me whilst my car was parked at work. Some daft bint that just passed her test managed to reverse into my car and scrape the bumper but ended up trashing her rear light and doing more damage to hers. She drove off without stopping or leaving details and luckily a witness came into the store told me about it. All captured on cctv and retrieved her broken light lens as evidence. 

Pissed off I reported it to the police (who wern't interested) Got my crime number to obtain her insurance details and reported it to my insurers. I was told if you can prove it's the fault of the other party you get to keep your no claims. However, you'll have a marker as being involved in an incident on your file. I was more angry she'd driven off than any damage which was done. Anyway I dropped the claim so saved the faff but the marker on my file remains. Despite having 11 years no claims,  I'm now paying c25% more for insurance due to someone having hit my unattended car in an empty car park through no fault of my own. 

Alright people saying just go through your insurance, they'll probably write it off, offer a shit settlement and even if you buy back as salvage it'll still be a cat car forever. You could lose your no claims and they'll get more cash on renewal for years to come. Don't cut your nose to spite your face 

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15 hours ago, Talbot said:

There's a crossover here:

If you claim on your own insurance, they could write off the car and you'd have to buy it back.  Your insurer may increase your premium based on a claim being made.

If you claim directly from the other person's insurance, they have no direct contract with you, so have to pay out, but have no claim to the car so you retain ownership.  You have to inform your insurer that there has been an incident on the insured vehicle, but they cannot charge you more for having made a claim, as you haven't.


Interesting, I wonder what would happen if you’re both insured with the same company though? 

8 hours ago, Oi_Oi_Savaloy said:

It's not the panel damage but your neck that is the issue.  My wife was in a crash, hurt her neck, went to hospital the day after as it was still sore.................long and short of it was that it took another 8 years before the insurance file was closed (and wife received a payout).  Neck injuries can have long term consequences that outlasts any panel damage/£250 quid-mate-it's-no-big-deal-mate-lets-keep-it-out-of-the-insurers-mate perpetrators.........if your neck/back are still in pain - I think it might be worth re-assessing whether you don't inform your insurers etc etc.  

We’re both fine, no twinges or pains to mention. The guys at work all think I’m crazy and should’ve “absolutely rinsed the bastard”. If the accident had been a bit worse and caused serious damage, or we’d been pushed into the posh car in front then a claim would’ve been inevitable and maybe things would’ve been different and I would’ve been living in luxury while not working for the rest of my life but forced to wear a neck brace while out in public (that’s what happens, isn’t it?) I think I just wanted the accident to “unhappen” with minimum fuss and aggravation. 

7 hours ago, Marshall2810 said:

Difficult one, I had something similar happen to me whilst my car was parked at work. Some daft bint that just passed her test managed to reverse into my car and scrape the bumper but ended up trashing her rear light and doing more damage to hers. She drove off without stopping or leaving details and luckily a witness came into the store told me about it. All captured on cctv and retrieved her broken light lens as evidence. 

Pissed off I reported it to the police (who wern't interested) Got my crime number to obtain her insurance details and reported it to my insurers. I was told if you can prove it's the fault of the other party you get to keep your no claims. However, you'll have a marker as being involved in an incident on your file. I was more angry she'd driven off than any damage which was done. Anyway I dropped the claim so saved the faff but the marker on my file remains. Despite having 11 years no claims,  I'm now paying c25% more for insurance due to someone having hit my unattended car in an empty car park through no fault of my own. 

Alright people saying just go through your insurance, they'll probably write it off, offer a shit settlement and even if you buy back as salvage it'll still be a cat car forever. You could lose your no claims and they'll get more cash on renewal for years to come. Don't cut your nose to spite your face 

I honestly can’t see it panning out favourably had we claimed, unless there was some some sort of personal injury claim for nightmares which resulting in netting £50k or something. 

4 hours ago, Remspoor said:

@Lankytim Have you checked he is insured?


Yes, he was insured. (Or there’s insurance on the car at least)

Anyway…. Big news….. He paid up!!

He ignored a message sent on Sunday so Monday afternoon I tried to ring him,  as I expected he didn’t answer so I left a message. 

10 minutes or so later he text me apologising for not replying to the text and asking for my bank details, later on that evening he coughed up and that was that!

£150, which will pay for a replacement tailgate (or maybe a few beers too if I can find one even cheaper)  The Jazz is still drivable and roadworthy so I’ll wait for one in the correct colour to materialise locally for a decent price and jump on it, although the wife is insistent it’s fixed sooner rather than later. 

I was absolutely certain he was going to simply ghost me and hope I went away. My faith in random members of the public is restored! 

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7 minutes ago, Lankytim said:

Interesting, I wonder what would happen if you’re both insured with the same company though? 

We’re both fine, no twinges or pains to mention. The guys at work all think I’m crazy and should’ve “absolutely rinsed the bastard”. If the accident had been a bit worse and caused serious damage, or we’d been pushed into the posh car in front then a claim would’ve been inevitable and maybe things would’ve been different and I would’ve been living in luxury while not working for the rest of my life but forced to wear a neck brace while out in public (that’s what happens, isn’t it?) I think I just wanted the accident to “unhappen” with minimum fuss and aggravation. 

I honestly can’t see it panning out favourably had we claimed, unless there was some some sort of personal injury claim for nightmares which resulting in netting £50k or something. 

Yes, he was insured. (Or there’s insurance on the car at least)

Anyway…. Big news….. He paid up!!

He ignored a message sent on Sunday so Monday afternoon I tried to ring him,  as I expected he didn’t answer so I left a message. 

10 minutes or so later he text me apologising for not replying to the text and asking for my bank details, later on that evening he coughed up and that was that!

£150, which will pay for a replacement tailgate (or maybe a few beers too if I can find one even cheaper)  The Jazz is still drivable and roadworthy so I’ll wait for one in the correct colour to materialise locally for a decent price and jump on it, although the wife is insistent it’s fixed sooner rather than later. 

I was absolutely certain he was going to simply ghost me and hope I went away. My faith in random members of the public is restored! 

@Lankytim this is the best possible outcome, really pleased for you. People can be strange so whilst this is great news I'd keep photos, any texts or bank transfer details there are. You just never know, cover your arse for your own peace of mind 

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15 hours ago, Oi_Oi_Savaloy said:

My wife was in a crash, hurt her neck, went to hospital the day after as it was still sore.................long and short of it was that it took another 8 years before the insurance file was closed (and wife received a payout).  Neck injuries can have long term consequences that outlasts any panel damage

We’re in a similar situation, wife suffered whiplash and other long term related issues caused by it, years of tests to work out what the long term effects might be, and still waiting for a settlement. I’d be grateful to know how much they settled for in your case to get an idea of whether we accept their offer. Obvs I appreciate it’s sensitive info, please PM if more appropriate. 

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Little blue C1 failed MOT:

Offside Rear Service brake excessively binding (1.2.1 (f))
Rear Brakes imbalanced across an axle Axle 2 (1.2.1 (b) (i))

Simples enough, wheel cylinder will have seized. Do I want it repairing? Er, yes!

This is where it gets "Am I being grumpy for nothing?"

Got it back today, MOT'd, invoice says "Strip & free off brake cylinder". Why would you fuck around salvaging a wheel cylinder on a C1? Could understand it on something hard to find parts for / mega expensive, but it's £20? for a new one. It'll have cost more in labour to salvage & will prolly seize again or start leaking.

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Son just returned fro touring Europe on his motorbike.  Letter from the police saying that they have recovered his other, stolen bike, the Triumph, but not the mountain bikes.

They are charging him £250 for the recovery plus storage charges.  They knew he was out of the country and have his email address.

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This is another case of wtf, your burgled/robbed etc then the police hold you to ransom to get your property back.

Who's the victim & who's the criminal here???

About 10 years ago a mates car was nicked from outside his house 2 days later plod on touch we've found it you need to collect it.

He goes to compound,  sorry mate can't find it?????

Month later numerous enquiries etc, he gets a letter why haven't you collected your car??  & By the way there's a month's storage fee to pay!

Like fuck there is! More weeks to & fro. 

Err well if you pay the original 2days storage & release fee we'll wave the rest!

Oh your generosity totally underwhelms me.

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17 hours ago, myglaren said:


They are charging him £250 for the recovery plus storage charges.  They knew he was out of the country and have his email address.

they need to completely be told to FRO

had this a long time ago when an ex police bike (did i say this before) i owned not for long was going to work on it and real polis rode with me and obvs checked me and came up uninsured (im half a mile from work)

they argue the point and cos computer says no take it off me

i ask them if they can recover it home - they say no and take it to a lot 10 miles from where we were (home from where they stopped me was a coupla miles)

apparently when it was taken from service it shoulda been put back on the pnc

insurance and other agencies didnt do this

suffice to say the insurance were told to pay the recovery and storage and a mornings wages - which they did

dont let them make you get your wallet out when its not your fault - thats what theyre there for :)

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16 hours ago, sheffcortinacentre said:

This is another case of wtf, your burgled/robbed etc then the police hold you to ransom to get your property back.

Who's the victim & who's the criminal here???

About 10 years ago a mates car was nicked from outside his house 2 days later plod on touch we've found it you need to collect it.

He goes to compound,  sorry mate can't find it?????

Month later numerous enquiries etc, he gets a letter why haven't you collected your car??  & By the way there's a month's storage fee to pay!

Like fuck there is! More weeks to & fro. 

Err well if you pay the original 2days storage & release fee we'll wave the rest!

Oh your generosity totally underwhelms me.

Years ago a workmate had his MK4 Escort stolen in Liverpool while he was at band practice. A couple of days later the Police contacted him to explain they’d found it with lock damage and could he collect it. When he got to the area of Liverpool where it should have been he discovered it had been stolen again! I think when it was found next it was burnt out ☹️ Was a clean car too beforehand! 

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Has anyone mentioned those new pop bottle caps 🤬

If I have I apologise 😂

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33 minutes ago, Tenmil Socket said:

Has anyone mentioned those new pop bottle caps 🤬

If I have I apologise 😂

You'll have to explain that.

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Needed a key cut yesterday lunchtime, so thought I'd go to the Timpsons kiosk outside Tesco.

Halfway there, I remembered that a new independent hardware shop had opened up down the town, and had a sign in the window saying 'keys cut'. So decided to give the small indie place my custom instead, rather than the big chain.

Parked, paid, walked through the piss-stinking underpass - and the hardware shop was lit up, with a 'Yes! We're Open!' sign on the door and brushes and barrows outside. But the door was locked, no-one visible inside.

Okay. Not unreasonable for staff to need a wazz or whatever.

Walked on down to the town centre, got some cash out, walked back. Still closed. Another woman arrived, tried the door, said she'd tried twenty minutes ago but it was locked then too.

Walked up the other way, went into the greengrocer, got some oranges, then walked back. Still shut. After 2pm by now. Stood for a bit, then fucked off back the car and went to Timpsons.

Total waste of half an hour, plus a quid for parking. 

Can't wait for the usual Facebook bleating about how 'no-one wants to shop local anymore' once the business inevitably folds.

I honestly do care about small businesses, but some of the proprietors make it so difficult... I can't buy from you if you're not open!

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3 minutes ago, myglaren said:

You'll have to explain that.

Some bottle tops now stay attached to the bottle and if you don’t reattach them properly i.e. line the thread up properly the contents goes flat or leaks if you put it on its side in the fridge.

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