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the Police response is fucking bullshit, and itself is an issue that im sure someone should get in trouble for...

is there another "department" of the police you can call and raise the issue with?

I have a good feeling its just a case of having to call back, and hope you get someone else who is competent etc, failing calling the people, are there and physicial police stations left where you live?

perhaps if you go visit the police in person it might have a stronger impact on things 

(especially if you quote/show what richard just posted)


regardless of, im so sorry to hear of the abuse @Zelandeth if you ever need a friendly face to talk to at silly-o-clock in the morning your always welcome to give me a ping, as im usually awake then too :)

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He blocked the garage once before. I slid a trolley jack under the rear end of the car  and moved it that way. Couldn't do that this time sadly.

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4 hours ago, Zelandeth said:

Spoke to the police this morning. They consider it nuisance, nothing more. Now if it were directed squarely at my sexuality, religion etc..."protected attributes" to quote the mumbling Muppet on the phone, they'd be interested.  In this case, associating myself with that specific group of fluffy idiots...nope.  It's just a prank call and is "a civil matter" for us to resolve ourselves.  Advice is "if they persist" speak to your phone company to block the number.  Funnily enough, they never actually got wind of the fact I was gay (granted, the kind of fact you play close to your chest in that sort of area)...goodness only knows what level they'd have turned things up to if they'd been granted that as ammunition.  Things didn't end well for the only person in my school I knew of who was openly gay, and I'd be hugely surprised if this same group of idiots hadn't played a part.

Colour me unsurprised.  They did absolutely zip back in the day when the idiots in question were vandalising my cars almost weekly, egging the house nearly daily etc, despite us having clear video evidence at the time.  This was not in a busy city - our house was one of only four in an area of several square miles...not exactly a crime hotspot.  That went on literally for years.

Visiting them?  Um...no.  They're farmer's offspring and it's well known that the household is well armed.  Aside from anything else they're 400+ miles away...which was one aspect involved in making the decision to move down here (which is a decision I still regret to be fair).  This isn't worth finding myself staring down the barrel of a shotgun.  Yes, I know someone who had that pulled on them too.  Well known, "influencers" in the area in the family = no charges ever sticking, and any legal challenges against them being invariably dropped due to "technicalities" it seems.

I've spoken to Vodafone and it seems that they're using a VoIP service and each call has come from a different number...so not much they can do from their side.  They were actually making some effort to be helpful it felt though.

Haven't had any more calls today...so hopefully they've had their fun for one drunken night and I won't hear anything else of it.  We'll see.  Personally, not holding my breath.


This sounds like more of a sustained campaign albeit with a gap in the middle.

As others have suggested, do keep a diary of this and any future issues. In the event of any more communication I'd be straight back on to the Police and ask for it to be logged. Fair play to Vodafone. They were helpful to a friend of mine in a similar situation some years ago.

Do you use a smart phone? On the iPhone you can set a feature called "Do not disturb" but then specify a caller whitelist, so everyone except numbers on that list cannot get through. I assume Android has a similar function available.

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Problem with the "do not disturb" modes etc is that one of the most likely people to want to/need to contact me is behind a blocked number.  She's 91 and isn't likely to budge on that - and being honest I don't think she would know how to undo it anyway so I could actually see her phone number anyway..

She's the only direct blood relative I have left, and I feel that it's kind of my duty to be here if she needs me.  Especially given that the rest of her offspring have made precisely zero effort to stay in touch.

Thus far every single encounter I've had with the police down here has left me wanting to smash my face to a gooey paste against the nearest brick wall.  Which it pains me to say as two of my uncles on my father's side were police officers for several decades...and through my job back up north I worked quite closely with Grampian Police on a bunch of issue...so am really have every reason to give them the benefit of the doubt and know full well what pressures they're under.

Thames Valley Police though...it seems if they're not handing out fines for going 51mph on a dime straight dual carriageway road which has no bloody reason not to be a 70mph road or stuff like that they just seem utterly disinterested. 

We did as a family end up on the other side of them briefly a few years ago when one of my housemates suffered a nervous breakdown and went through a disassociative event following on from that.  Let me just tell you that the whole principle of "innocent until proven guilty" doesn't exist outside Hollywood.  We were told that if we fought the charges (drunk in charge of a motor vehicle, dangerous driving and drink driving), that it would be up to us to provide the "burden of proof" and that we'd have zero chance of winning and prison time would definitely be involved.  The person in question was found passed out drunk in their car which was safely and legally parked, not in possession of the keys (they were found about a quarter of a mile away), with no proof that the car had moved any time in the time period in question.    So we basically had to plead guilty to crimes that we're 99.999999% certain were never committed.  As it was that warranted a two year ban, two grand fine & £700 or so costs.  Oh, and the drink driver rehabilitation course which was an absolute chapter of Hell in itself.  On the plus side (if there is one) this did finally make the NHS sit up and take notice about the fact that the person in question had mental health issues which we'd been trying to get help with for about five years...funny how they're happy to pick up the pieces after something happens, but won't do jack to try to prevent it.  That's a whole rant in itself though!  We reckon the event which tipped things over in this case was hitting a fox in the car on the way to work that morning.  That being a stressful thing in itself plus the worry of having to tell the keeper of the company loan car it had been damaged was just one thing too much and all hell broke loose.  They'd been struggling against depression, severe anxiety issues and associated issues for years...just had been unable to get anyone to provide any useful help.

Bottom line of *that* mess is that four and a half years after that morning where someone mysteriously vanished half way to work... we've just about finished picking up the pieces.  Actually as a family have come out of it stronger, but it's left me psychologically broken in some new and exciting ways which I'm now trying to get help with too. 

Suffice to say though, it tarnished our views on the "system" which is meant to be there to protect us, seeing the book thrown at us for a crime nobody could actually prove had been committed, yet the stuff folks seem to walk away Scott free after getting caught red handed for...


Sorry...that turned into a bit of a TMI style rant...

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Zel, did you call Plod#1 near the end of his shift, 'cos he sounds like a borderline-incompetent lazy arse; "protected attributes", FFS...  

Report it as a hate crime again.  You satisfy the criteria for two protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010, and Richard's quote above from the Met is helpful.


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3 hours ago, Kiltox said:

People who think this is acceptable behaviour need to get in the fucking sea  


Agreed, Not even close to the kerb.


That is poor parking.

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Just been to ASDA and there's a duck outside with a knackered right leg, he has a mate with him who won't leave. RSPCA website says find a local vet who'll take him... Or call us.


So, I call them  "can you wait so he doesn't wander off?" I've been up since 3 am and had no tea and it's a two hour parking fine...  I didn't say this to him, but he said he's sending someone out, can I tell ASDA staff.

I tell the security guard and cunt services... "He's here all the time, they know about him. You go near him and he flies away "


He can't fucking walk or move you useless cunt.  Does the guy in the van ring me, or is my deed done?

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On 6/6/2019 at 6:57 PM, Cavcraft said:

Idiots with dogs they struggle to control. Some dickhead has got one of those husky type things round here, and the day it pulls the owner over and attacks another dog can't be far off. He struggles to contain it normally, when it sees another dog it goes off it's tits and tries to make a break for it. Other people have similar dogs that don't seem as badly trained or vicious, how can they manage it yet the tiny minority can't? He's joined the club with some weird/smelly dole cheat type woman (walks with a stick when people are around, doesn't use it when she thinks nobody can see) with a vicious bastard Labrador usually not on it's lead and some tit with a walking stick, a mountain bike and a dog that appears more frightening than a hungry bastarding lion.


just had some silly cow with a "dog with a temper" do that , pulled her over into the mud and she let go , dam thing was like a missile at my dog who managed to dodge it so it fell over and rolled in the the grass but got up for a return ... after a few dodges the owner  got back up and got hold of it , but my big softie was crying and yelping , I could not drop the lead with being a grey or he would be a missing dog now ....

I have my walking boots for taking my  dog out next time .....  used them before " in self protection " ...

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Fuck me, RSPCA called.... "Oh, yeah we know about her. We tried catching her and she fucks off."




They're sending someone round in morning. 

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You've done the right thing though, AM. Respect to anyone trying to help an injured creature.

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It’s utterly hurling it down out there... 

The Mazdas sills keep filling with water when it rains. At this rate it’ll be the whole bloody car which is filled with water!! 

One more month then it can go back in a garage! 

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Zel, be proactive. Change your number. Buy a nice one on eBay for £15 or whatever. Make a positive step. 

It’s not right, and it’s unjustifiable. But you can stop it immediately. I’m not sure why you wouldn’t. Peace of mind is much more valuable than sentimentality. 

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28 minutes ago, clayts450 said:

Another stealth tax - acoustic cameras !


I saw that in the BBC news app today as well

I cant imagine the Meteor V12 powered SD1 is going to have a fun time :mrgreen:

(I also wonder how they would implement it exactly, could you stand next to one of the "acoustic cameras" and scream really loudly next to it as someone you dont like drives past and get them a noise ticket or something? LOL)

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My dad bought himself a Jaguar for his 50th. After 13 years, I think it's dead. The back came out on a roundabout (diesel? He's a proper giffer) and launched him into a sign. 


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3 hours ago, clayts450 said:

Another stealth tax - acoustic cameras !


This would be a grin for me, the council decided to just install just one speed bump on the long straight bit of road next to me right outside my house and refuse to remove it or add more. It’s now the official start line for I’ve got a pop bang remap brigade. Slow down for speed bump - pop bang pop, then nail it to see what vmax you can get pass the kids play park to the roundabout.

All fucking day all I can hear is bang, pop fucking bang. It wakes my kids up at night as well, especially now it’s warmer and we have the windows open. 

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The attempt to wire in a Blaupunkt Kingston head unit and CD changer hasn't started well, and I'm finding a lot of household chocolate block connectors from the previous installation.


Also the CX's RF antenna plug doesn't fit the Blaupunkt RF socket. Who knew they came in different diameters!?


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Now you mention it, I think i did have to buy an adaptor for my DTR. Is was in 2001 though so may be wrong.

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2 minutes ago, richardmorris said:

Now you mention it, I think i did have to buy an adaptor for my DTR. Is was in 2001 though so may be wrong.

*starts Googling for RF adapter diameters*

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I’ve switched to dab antennas in all the cars now. It means I don’t have to have the aerial extended - which in the Mercedes and fiat makes it a lot better looking.  I am very impressed with this Aldi adaptor in the 2cv. 


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Actually that noise thing recalls another grump: those new big engined Mercs and BMWs do look class, but how the hell can people live with them sounding like a fucking Seagull outboard motor trying to drown itself? They sound ridiculous.

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There's normally a switch to make them quiet. A pal of mine has a C63 AMG cabrio which is quieter than his regular E320 when driven normally. In 'Sport+' mode the thing makes more noise than Thor playing drums.

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4 hours ago, rainagain said:

This would be a grin for me, the council decided to just install just one speed bump on the long straight bit of road next to me right outside my house and refuse to remove it or add more. It’s now the official start line for I’ve got a pop bang remap brigade. Slow down for speed bump - pop bang pop, then nail it to see what vmax you can get pass the kids play park to the roundabout.

All fucking day all I can hear is bang, pop fucking bang. It wakes my kids up at night as well, especially now it’s warmer and we have the windows open. 

Big handful of nails.. 

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5 minutes ago, Amishtat said:

Big handful of nails.. 

Are stinger devices available for purchase by the general public?

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Someone (on another forum) has just asked me if I still have the wheels for sale. Didn't have a clue what he was on about, until I found the advert.




From seven fucking years ago.

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Anxiety can fucking do one.


How can one relatively sane, level headed person be reduced to a gibbering wreck by simple things such as a shopping trip, a decision of what lunch to have, planning ahead a couple of weeks in advance or other such basic* tasks? ?


*OK, so trying to orchestrate a 4 way liason between parties to liberate a relatively unloved vehicle from being banger raced is a bit stressful, and I perhaps should have thought about that, but the other points are valid. And in no way related ?

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