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The grumpy thread


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I think students probably have a right to complain now if they think they've been stiffed. I came out of 4 years of education with a 1000 student loan I mostly spent on beer .


I got a grant and my fees got covered . If the library closed at 2 or my lecturer was pissed half the time then it's not great but at least I'm not paying for it.


Now these poor fuckers are coming out with a mortgage sized fuckload of debt and if they feel they've spent this and been stiffed then too right they should complain.


Agree with this but think that The Moog is talking about  different thing with his students.   Poor teaching, cancelling lectures and so on are not uncommon and of course students paying 9000 a year or whatever it is these days should complain.   On the other hand there are far too many of them who do sod all during the year, don't turn up and then try every trick in the book to get a pass and try to justify it by moaning about fees.


When I did my group project in my final year (in 2000 which makes me feel a right old git) there was a guy who was on the assigned team and never turned up.   I actually thought he had left until two days before submission the lecturer called us in and said he had complained we had excluded him and were being racist to him as he was Greek.   Luckily we had email trails and two other members of the team were Greek as well so it didn't go anywhere but it shows the mindset of these people.


In summary, stick with it The Moog.

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Whats happened to it Bub?

Lost brakes coming to an island,rang aa who came out and looked. One pad had lost material off it. All others where fine so it looks as if the material had come unbounded and pad dropped out leaving jus the metal. Refused to tow me home as I refused to pay 55 quid for a set of pads.
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What is the point of having a degree if you aren't actually very clever it just dumbs it down and makes it worthless


It's just a shame Bliar didn't think this instead of 'I know, why don't we send everything with a pulse to University!'.


I did nine years as a lecturer (the first two were brilliant mind) and as long as I have a hole in my arse I will never return to that line of work.

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Bub:  wtf?  It's a recovery service that you pay for, they should have recovered you not charged you for new brake pads.  Is this the Xantia?  Because if so those pads haven't been on that long, about a year if that?

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Back to Admiral for car insurance this year... Tesco quoting £1526 renewal on the 406 estate. Admiral will do the both 406s and the Pride for about £300 less. How do they get away with it?


There's a tiny insurance brokers in the village where I've lived for the last 19 years, I got a ridiculous quote online for my company van and decided to give him a go - he got it down from £1200 to £600.


Go to a broker and don't bother online.

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When I were a lad, having 'A' levels meant you were a serious 'brain box' and a degree was 'rocket scientist' at the very least. Now, 'A' levels are totally de-valued and every twat's got ten at least and all at Astar ...


I worked hard for my 'A' levels (first time for everything!) and harder still for a poxy degree.Back in them there distant times, competition to get into a decent uni was fraught and frantic and if your grades were not that good, you were fooked.


Now, it's all rather different, sadly.

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Just had my annual ransom demand (car insurance renewal).

RoI premiums have gone nuts. Totally uncompetitive market with few players and extremely hard to avoid piss-take premiums. Since my last renewal there have been loads of reports of increases with some really feeble and weak-as-piss excuses for them.

Absolutely no change in circumstances, vehicle, any claims, etc. Everything exactly as last year.

Ten year-old Honda Jizz 1.4SE Badermatic, max NCD (50%), TPFT. Gone up from €341.79 to €725.20. 112% increase. No-Nonsense (FBD) you are a bunch of piss-taking cunts.

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Indian fucking call centres/Indian support services. I raised a support ticket saying one of the RAM modules in a server was faulty, the ticket was closed with the report "RAM fine". After many many emails and an hour of arguing I finally managed to get them to agree it was faulty. Then they told me I would need to pay for it, "no I won't" I said, "it's covered under our support contract", cue many more emails amongst themselves before agreeing that yes it is covered but it will take a while to sort out as they will need to generate a PO. It's been over a month now since I raised the initial ticket!

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Bub: wtf? It's a recovery service that you pay for, they should have recovered you not charged you for new brake pads. Is this the Xantia? Because if so those pads haven't been on that long, about a year if that?

They rang and apologised but refused to forward complaint. The reason is they said they are first and for most a breakdown service not a recovery service. Recovery is if it can't be repaired at roadside. Now I have fitted new pads this evening. Easiest car I've changed pads on but they only cost me 16 quid on discount from Sutton auto factors. Not 55 quid for what will be the same shop items probably. The point is they put it down I refused repairs,I didn't I just refused to pay nearly 40 quid over what I'd had a quote at.now fair enough they have to sell things but that's a solid mark up

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Then tonight I picked up my repaired phone, the external speaker was faulty, thanks to another Indian call centre it is now fitted with a brand new microphone, how can they get that mixed up over the phone???? They don't even sound similar. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr

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And now their helping* you by starting to change themselves!


I got an email from ecp with a 15% code earlier, parts15 if it helps

Too late but worth knowing!
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I may be late to the party here, but every time I've bought parts online in the last 2 months, I've googled the retailer plus 'voucher code' or some such. Every time I've found a working code that gets between 5 and 15% off. And this is in addition to getting to the site via quidco, so there's money back through them too. Sometimes I have to try a few codes before finding a current one, though.


Just saying like


Sent from my GT-S5830i using Tapatalk 2

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Also had the annual insurance lols. Rac want 550 renewal, underwritten by zenith. compare the eggplants, 350 with..... zenith. so 200 for rac headed paper.

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I've just posted in the Grin thread about one of my old cars.... and realised it was 28 years ago!  FFS, there are Shiters who weren't even born when that Marina went to scrap!  I feel so old now...

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I'm 28, now I feel young!


If it helps you feel even worse, I've only ever seen a Marina on the telly, and the only BL product I've ever sat in (to my knowledge) is BV's dolly!

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Insurance grumps. I have to live with a non-compulsory insurance market. 11 pounds a moñth with windscreen cover and agreed value. It is also a small country with a small market and the ins. cos need my business

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On the other hand there are far too many of them who do sod all during the year, don't turn up and then try every trick in the book to get a pass and try to justify it by moaning about fees.

In summary, stick with it The Moog.

It is indeed this. Strangely those who have done the work outside of lectures and are likely to get a good grade rent moaning. It's those who coasted last year, put no effort in this year and will be lucky to just get a pass.


Luckily I have got track of all emails class notes etc and boss supports me.


It's just annoying that these people won't say anything to my face instead sneak about and complain.

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Fucking students.


A group of them havent got the grades they want so have put in a massive complaint about the way they have been treated. Apparently holding only one 3 hour revision class wasnt enough for them (because only half turned up to it), also revision weeks where they could book 30 minute one to one sessions is considered cancelling classes!


Ontop of the fact that they are complaining that some have failed my modules this year, which isnt right because they passed last year and so must be my fault. Not the fact that they havent turned up for most classes, the final year degree is much harder than the previous year and they didnt do any work in between classes.


Now they have customer rights and want action taking.

Further strengthens my belief that the world is fucked as nobody wants to take responsibility for their own actions/inactions. Every fucker is a victim, nothing is their fault.

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If it helps you feel even worse, I've only ever seen a Marina on the telly.

When I first saw a Marina I was shocked by the fact it didn't look as bad as everyone said they were. It looked rather inoffensive and sort of like a Hillman Avenger if looked at rather quickly (before I did a double take when I realised what it was)


I was very disappointed to say the least. I expected it to look like utter shit after having heard people moan about them whenever they were mentioned.

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Agree with this but think that The Moog is talking about  different thing with his students.   Poor teaching, cancelling lectures and so on are not uncommon and of course students paying 9000 a year or whatever it is these days should complain.   On the other hand there are far too many of them who do sod all during the year, don't turn up and then try every trick in the book to get a pass and try to justify it by moaning about fees.


When I did my group project in my final year (in 2000 which makes me feel a right old git) there was a guy who was on the assigned team and never turned up.   I actually thought he had left until two days before submission the lecturer called us in and said he had complained we had excluded him and were being racist to him as he was Greek.   Luckily we had email trails and two other members of the team were Greek as well so it didn't go anywhere but it shows the mindset of these people.


In summary, stick with it The Moog.



That wasn't a pop at The Moog, I'm sure there are plenty feckless students out there I just think you'll find students (rightly or wrongly) questioning their education when there's now so much debt attached to it. 

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Today while I was at work a cow masquerading as a bird took a massive shit on my windscreen. In itself this is fine, wait until I get home and blast it off with the hose.

It rained on the way home. The bad kind of shite now covered a large amount of the passenger side of the windscreen and wiper.

I took this as an excuse to wash it, I even did it properly with car shampoo! In addition to the paint issues this highlighted (namely, it's shit), the process of removing the airborne cow-pat caked onto the wiper resulted in the near total disintegration of said wiper. So this is how it thanks me.

An emergency trip to the big tesco in Dundee yields a pair of wipers, albeit modern "flat" ones (which are actually alright) along with a big can of Simoniz dash treatment that was on offer (this is also really quite good, it's made the non-fabric parts of the rather tired interior look almost new).

Thinking the gifts of wipers and shiny plastic will have placated the car gods, i set off. Before I'm even out of the car park I am proven wrong. I rolled over a plastic bag, and was rather concerned when this produced a "woomph" noise and it didn't emerge from behind me. A quick inspection reveals that the little Polo has swallowed a tesco bag for fucking life. I can only assume that it was wrapped around a driveshaft given the amount of time spent crawling under it in the car park it took to extract it. If this car keeps mugging me off like this I'm going to bridge it's smiley little face.


On the plus side, between fitting new speakers, washing it and polishing the dash now all that's left to get it ready for its first trip to Shetland is to repaint the arches again. I did such a wonderful job last time I'm surprised it took this long for the rust to surface again.

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I can see their point though to be honest., as they are a breakdown service.


Supply and fit new pads at the roadside in 10 minutes and break even on having to send a driver out, him be on your call for 30 mins by the time he's sorted paperwork etc..

Or spend an hour pissing about getting their towing dolly out, hooking your car up, trundling x miles to your house, unloading, then doing all the paperwork etc because the customer wants to spend their own time shopping around and fit the pads themselves...


Annoying as it is, £55 for the correct pads supplied and fitted at the side of the road, and you back on your way in next to no time isn't that bad a deal.

To be honest yes I see your point too but he said it would have taken half hour to 45 minutes to fetch pads and come back then fit,my supplier was ten mins away and it would have taken less time to hook up and tow me home then it would have to fetch pads.
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£55 for brake pads fitted sounds good, except that you have already paid for your breakdown subscription which covers the labour. The AA shouldn't be trying to make a massive markup on parts as well.

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I didn't even realise that the AA did that sort of work, £55 sounds like a good deal to supply and fit, surprised they're making enough out of that to make it more worth their while than just towing you home

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Further strengthens my belief that the world is fucked as nobody wants to take responsibility for their own actions/inactions. Every fucker is a victim, nothing is their fault.

Just check out the loonies who now run the NUS. Recently in the news for wanting all prisons closed, telling gay men they aren't oppressed enough to want equal rights and banning clapping because it made people scared

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+1 on those spacers, however check you can get a ring spanner over the electrical connector of the lambda sensor as I have always found those special lambda sensor sockets (with a notch cut out of the side) utter rubbish personally.

I have a jubilee clip around my lambda socket. It stops it spreading when you are trying to crack the sensor off.

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