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Tragic news, Richard's funeral date 1st April

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I have been asked by Robin, reb on here to pass on the news that Richard his father passed away yesterday in a tragic caving accident.

Many on here knew Richard and a nicer more helpful man you could not meet.

His knowledge and willingness to help was always offered.

Robin and the rest of the family will obviously be struggling to come to terms with their loss.

In times like this it is difficult to know what to say as no words seem to make it better but people live in our memories.


This is terrible news. I always enjoyed our conversations at meets, a lovely, knowledgeable and mild-mannered gent. He will be sadly missed. 


So sorry to read this. My condolences to Robin and all the family.


I only met Richard twice but he was very obviously a kind hearted soul and took the trouble to come and talk to me and my eldest who was obviously very bored as an 18 month old at a shite meet and to help us both feel ease.  The world could do with more like that.

Robin and family please do let us know if there is anything that Autoshite can do to help or to pay our respects.


I'm very sad to hear that news.  I didn't realise there was a Reb - Richard connection until now. Thoughts are with Reb and family.


Oh no! I've just realised this is 'Richard', as in Richard Black, he was such a nice, friendly man when I've met him at Shitefest, I'm really sad to hear about this, my condolences to all his family. 


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I just found out when Andy (CMS206) pm'd me on Facebook a wee while ago.
What awful, awful news, my heart goes out to his family.


Oh how awful. Many many good conversations with Richard over the years. 

Condolences echo'd as above. 


I'm very sorry to hear this. My condolences to reb and his family.

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A lovely guy to speak to. My condolences to all his family.


Sorry to hear the news, deepest condolences to his family at this very sad time.


As said, a nicer bloke you couldn't wish to meet.

Condolences to the family.



Thank you, @Tickman, for letting us know. I thoroughly enjoyed Richard's company whenever we mwt at various shitefests; knowledgeable, observant, with a wonderfully understated sarcasm. Here he is having some fun* with a recalcitrant stove on the Saturday morning of SF16:




I was shocked when I found this out. He was a genuinely lovely chap and it was always a pleasure to spend some time in his company.

My abiding memory-when I announced I was going to fit an 8 track to the scimitar he turned up at the next Scotoshite with a couple of 8 track tapes for me. Sadly I never got the 8 track but those tapes are going nowhere.


ach noo

hopefully he'll put the big man upstairs right on things volvo and other shit cars



So sad to hear this awful news, a lovely guy. Condolences to Reb and the family.


I'm struggling to think what to write. That's really knocked the wind from my sails.

I first met Richard in 2014, at Shitefest Cymru. We sat up drinking until late, and I remember him bringing a large bag of shortbread pieces he was offering round. Unfortunately for him, he left them in the van overnight, when I found and consumed a good deal of them during an middle of the night attack of the munchies.

I also remember chatting to him about our shared interest in torches, culminating in a 'mine's bigger than yours' display on the field at the Shady Oak, the night before Cholmondeley.

A really decent chap, gone far too soon.


Really a tragic situation.

All the times I've met Richard he was a top bloke, I've had several great conversations with him, hearing the news earlier today was a proper blow. A terrible loss, my condolences. 


Yeah I first met him at that shitefest (2014) too. I had no proper stuff to camp with as I’m an Imbecile and he fed me and made me  cups of tea. 

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