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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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3 hours ago, auntiemaryscanary said:

Me, last night, 7.10pm: No Autoshite, what am I gonna do?!

12 yr old daughter in a derisory tone: Get a life?

Me, last night, 7.10pm "fuck me I hope this works 🀞🀞🀞🀞" πŸ˜‚

It'll be a monthly occurance with the forum software updates and their release cycle but I'm hoping to hone and refine the process down. Was a training session last night hence it took the full hour...Β 

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27 minutes ago, beko1987 said:

Me, last night, 7.10pm "fuck me I hope this works 🀞🀞🀞🀞" πŸ˜‚

It'll be a monthly occurance with the forum software updates and their release cycle but I'm hoping to hone and refine the process down. Was a training session last night hence it took the full hour...Β 

Appreciate you doing it @beko1987. I wouldn't have a clue. Hopefully you'll get it honed down as you say.

For the continued running of the forum a 1 hour max monthly update has got to better than unexplained crashes lasting half a day and behind the scenes aggro and emergency fixes.

I might even get a life albeit for only an hour a month.

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4 hours ago, auntiemaryscanary said:

Me, last night, 7.10pm: No Autoshite, what am I gonna do?!

12 yr old daughter in a derisory tone: Get a life?

Shall we play scrabble? I fucking lost again.Β 

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3 hours ago, beko1987 said:

Was a training session last night hence it took the full hour...Β 


3 hours ago, auntiemaryscanary said:

I wouldn't have a clue.

It is easy just press any key. You do know where that is don't you?




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9 hours ago, dome said:



Last running coincided with storm Arwin(?) and left competitors (including Chris Harris) stranded in their cars overnight. Hopefully this one will be a bit less eventful.


8 hours ago, EyesWeldedShut said:

I only found out at the last knockings that this was taking place this week when @catsinthewelderΒ mentioned it - I'm not a big rally fan but there's a couple of good clubs around here and they have cars of all sorts. Good day out to watch (if it's not raining).
I couldn't find any info on viewing arrangements for R.A.C - I was in a hurry but their online presence is, err, underwhelming. Maybe they could take a leaf out ofΒ https://www.raliceredigion.co.uk/Β ?

Info on RAC rally here. Please note this is not a secure web site link but is the official site for the rally

Spectator Tickets (racrmc.org)


Route time table here Bit late for yesterday and today. They are in the Scottish Borders on Saturday and in Northumbria on Monday and Tuesday.

Route (racrmc.org)

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3 hours ago, MiniMinorMk3 said:


Info on RAC rally here. Please note this is not a secure web site link but is the official site for the rally

Spectator Tickets (racrmc.org)


Route time table here Bit late for yesterday and today. They are in the Scottish Borders on Saturday and in Northumbria on Monday and Tuesday.

Route (racrmc.org)

Thanks for that - especially the route maps, I couldn't find them anyplace on their website :-(Β 
SS12 is running right now, it's starting about 4 miles from my front door and is rather audible :-)Β I'd maybe have bought tickets to view that as I know the forest very well that they're driving through. However:

a funny thing took place this morning after I posted the previous message. I'm working outside thinking "Gosh! I can hear a lot of high-revving car engines. Wonder what that is?"
Grabbed some keys and the child bride, drove down to the village to find the untimed road stage was trundling past our road end :-)Β  We spent an hour ogling motors from the warmth of ours - some lovely, lovely cars. Plus we were in the village 20 mph limit so lots of time to ogle.

I'll chuck a few pictures up in the Lazy Spotters Thread hereΒ Β Β in a bit .

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I go to a karaoke evening run at the same pub I quiz at each week every now and then. I'm not sure what amuses me more, the fact someone gets up every time and performs The Champs version of Tequila, or that a company bothered to make a karaoke version of it!

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Lovely, frosty, sunny morning and friend of my wife's says a big 'Thank You' to the AS Collective:
Flogging her car to get some new SUV, Fugly thing and followed the advice on here as regards WBAC etc as she wanted to get more shekels than the garage was offering on part-ex but didn't fancy selling private.
Sold it last week through Motorway - Β£3,000 more than the p/ex offer.
Car has gone, she has the dosh.

Happy days.

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Another one of my "doesn't sound like a big deal" grins.

I am, generally speaking, alright. Nothing meaningfully bad is going to happen. It's reasonably unlikely The Man is going to turn up and take me away in the back of a van again. In fact, they seem to be quite receptive to me expressing a need for additional types of medication to help me get where I need to be. I have had reassurance that I don't need to worry about going back to work sooner than I'm ready to, and they're very supportive of me pursuing self-employment. Doing what? Wait and see! (I.e, I've not quite ironed out the details yet)

Money has got a lot less stressful now that I've switched to cash for everything I practically can. Money that exists only as a number on a screen my brain sees as a challenge to spend asap, whereas coins and notes feel much more like something to be looked after and grown like a prized orchid or whatever it is giffers spend their lives tending to.

I've gained a few acquaintances in the form of the entire staff of the local tattoo shop, I pop in just for a chat every week or so, and they seem genuinely happy to talk to me. I was there the other day for the artist to check how my most recent work was healing, I expected to be there for a couple of minutes at most but the apprentice made me a coffee and we chatted for an hour and a half as they were practicing drawing designs. They were interested in the fact I'd done tattoos on myself, and gave me a practice tattoo cartridge with a ballpoint pen instead of a needle so I can practice more without wasting needles.

I've been slowly dragging my house kicking and screaming into feeling like a proper home again, in which I've realised I have far too much stuff! I'll be offering up a decent chunk of the useful but redundant stuff up for beer money soon I think. A lot of the rest of it can go in a skip tbh.

I've also more or less quit smoking, admittedly I've just replaced it with a vape, but I can feel my lungs clearing up every day and the nicotine stain on my front teeth is fading.

I still don't really know who the fuck I am, but I guess it's not that important really.

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moto gp on itv this weekend

valencia last gp of the season

they usually use the pics from bt but have their own dogshit presenters/commentary

theyre using live the full bt

soo much better

shame you cant buy online bt sport anymore cos its well worth it

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Never fail to be impressed by the speed of some of these major international courier outfits. I ordered an obscure camera lens from a seller in Japan on eBay late Thursday night (Friday morning over there) and it got sent FedEx at 3:40pm our time, then spent the weekend watching it bounce across the planet (Japan to Hong Kong to France to London to Glasgow) until it arrived this morning. πŸ˜› It often takes that long to get something from Manchester...

I've no doubt they fuck up occasionally but my experience of them has always been good.

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so bought a new sd card for garmin

unintentionally broke the hinged flap while inserting it (FNARR)

after many oh ffs and wondering how to get it back in (MATRON)

unintentionally fixed it as it isnt loose and the maps show up in the settings


clumsy twat

technology hates me

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This made me chuckle. For context, Eastbourne is a terminus for trains from Victoria, but also a stop for services running Victoria to Hastings/Ore as well as Hastings to Brighton. I live 2 stops up the line from Eastbourne to London, and noticed a number of rail replacement buses all weekend, with trains stopping here at Polegate. I didn't think much of it, as it often happens during engineering work, but unusual on a Saturday. Incidentally, anything going into and out of Eastbourne has to go through Hampden Park, which I heard at one time topped the European charts for the time or frequency it's adjacent road crossing is closed to traffic.

Found out from Southern's website that a train had derailed at low speed near Eastbourne. By Monday morning this had been re-railed, but work was needed to points that had been damaged when it came off (and, I see just now, more work required next Sunday). I know you're all feeling sorry for the passengers on the derailed set - but it was an engineering train that fell off!

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I genuinely think I'm developing some form of Tourette's lately

I sat an exam this week and, after making the examiner aware I'd finished, she escorted me from the roomΒ , she asked me quietly how it had gone.....I could have said "good", "not bad" but instead found it entirely appropriate to say " I've not been that nervous since my last prostate exam"Β  Β  She didn't appear to be shocked but why the hell are things like this just coming out of my mouth without any filter.

Is it an age thing ?? I'm baffled !Β 


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