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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread

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Got this for $10 on clearance the other day.




Spent an hour and a half putting it together, that was fun. However they don't get you to tolerance or torque anything. Tsk.


Nice little model though, they've tried really hard at getting the details right.




Reading this while on the train to London Bridge from Gravesend;




Pulled into the station literally as Theseus was facing down the Minotaur and nearly missed my stop lol.

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^ I would like to order suits made of all of those materials.


Spent this morning up sprucing up the interior of my Almera. I've been carrying a randon piece of plastic in the boot not knowing what it was for.


When I was vacuuming the rear footwell I had a Eureka! moment. Turns out it was a cap for the front passenger seat rail. Never knew such a thing existed. I think it was perhaps accidentally kicked off by one of my rear seat passengers. B)


I had previously replaced just one of the rear number plate light bulbs with a new LED one in prep for the last MOT. I was too lazy to replace the other one but I have now rectified the situation. At least it'll look less odd to motorists following me in the dark now. :mrgreen:


^ I would like to order suits made of all of those materials.


I remember finding out you could get a sofa from the London Transport museum made out of Routemaster seat fabric, I wanted (still do!) one so badly LOL

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I was taking a Radio 4 quiz earlier on (happy to report I'm a meme expert) and was pleased to note that their was a Mark 1 Laguna (albeit a facelift) in one of the pictures.



That's more interesting than exciting tbh, I hope some enthusiast pinches it to save it rather than it just going for scrap

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one thing I would do, is stick a contact me/contact details sheet on it in a couple locations


thats worked well in the past for collectors wanting to save rare streetlights


(bonus points if you have a Key to open the door in the column and can stick a note in there too :mrgreen: )


Isn't that Willswitchengage?

  • Like 3

Today while enjoying an espresso outside Greggs I watched as a bloke had to keep walking back to his (Vauxhall) van to try to stop the alarm going off as soon as he walked away. In the end I offered to keep an eye on the van so he didn't need to lock it. He was convinced his wife had fitted a pasty alarm to the van so that it would go off if he tried to go in Greggs.


Lacewings!  That's what those fucking things are called.  There was one buzzing around in my car the other day and I couldn't for the life of me remember the name for them.

I think cars are spawning grounds/regeneration centres/save points in their games of life for Lacewings, I rarely see them anywhere else.


Sorry, have to.....


Kazakhstan 3, ........


Anonymous:  Sounds like separation anxiety to me.  Our dog was just the same.  He needs to leave a smaller Vauxhall with the van to keep it company until it's used to him not being around.


So, after the usual fucking about, wrong parts sent and undoing previous owners bodgery, today this was achieved249245860d83b7cc770b1a588a9cc3e1.jpg


Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk


Whilst filling up the wheely bin earlier I spied an unusual roof rack through some trellis in the adjacent parking area. Turns out it adorns a Volvo Amazon estate, very nice and absolutely on my want list. However, even better tucked away from passing eyes on the roadside in re-sale re-sale grey was a... Lancia Y10. In the bay for the person who lives 3 doors down. It's an LHD one, but I think I may have to leave a little note to say 'Hi' and send them this way.... unless they're already here of course!

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Scottish football plumbs new depths. Getting a shooing by Kazakhstan. The greatest moment in Scottish football? Maradona's hand of god goal.


Yes, I know I flounced, but I forgot I'd set this up...on a car with a 666 plate too.5a29811b1df2ffee200478399e5dc3eb.jpg

Nice unflounce!


Sent from my Redmi 4 using Tapatalk

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Nice unflounce!


Sent from my Redmi 4 using Tapatalk

I think I styled it out OK

Not my photo but apparantly tied in such a manner because the handbrake was weak



3 Lols in half an hour


Gunther does a good bagel


Can't get away from them lol


Lady in Gunther's behind me said you're not local are you - neither was she - from Kent :lol:


There's also a British import shop across the street gonna go and have a look


Going to Chatham to look for.motorcycle parts and look at the lighthouse




This rather cheerful warning notice on a fantastically well-designed piece of office equipment.



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This rather cheerful warning notice on a fantastically well-designed piece of office equipment.



Wow. We only specified cross cutting for secure documents.

Never thought of burning it too.




Got my insurance renewal through for the Princess.  £61.60


I've gone through the documents and it doesn't appear to be a typo, so I must be officially old now.

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