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The grumpy thread

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5 hours ago, captain_70s said:

If you have an expensive car and enough money in the bank you need neither knowledge nor to follow rules. You've effectively already won the game.

As evidenced by this parking job, the woman driving walked around the car to get stuff out the boot so obviously deemed this acceptable. 


Or this Range Rover that left a 2ft gap in front between the pavement and blocked half my street.


The grey one has tyres tracks a Robin.


I’ve bought the Trans Sport to a local show on the Wirral….

Lady on the gate let’s us in and no bother, then some old fella comes over to tell us we now can’t move until 4.

“Thats not going to work says I, I have another commitment this afternoon, why did no one mention it on the gate?”

”All car shows are like that now”

“Nope, I’ve been to about 15 this year and none have been like that” 

“Health and safety isn’t it” 

“Right I’ll leave now then”

”But you can’t move the car” 


Either make it clear on the gate or let people move. Car next to me said the same he’s not staying either. Anyway I’ve parked on the road about 6 feet from the village green where the show is. I’m literally inches away from a VW Golf clipper which is in the show. Busybodies ain’t stopping me enjoying myself! 


Old Fella or not, there are times when it is appropriate to use the F word. 

  • Like 3
16 hours ago, brownnova said:

I was subjected to FM radio only today and only the BBC stations seemed to hold signal so had the choice of bang bang and shouting on radio 1 or Rylan on Saturday on Radio 2.

Cant say it increased my opinion of Rylan particularly… 

Rylan is on a par with Zoe Ball tbf. 

As for Radio 1, the brief snippet I recently skipped through was more like the ratio of 1:4 with bangs and bleeps. I doff my cap in their efforts to ensure no sane person in their forties would ever want to listen to their offerings. Shame R2 is increasingly poop too though. 

5 hours ago, brownnova said:

I’ve bought the Trans Sport to a local show on the Wirral….

Lady on the gate let’s us in and no bother, then some old fella comes over to tell us we now can’t move until 4.

“Thats not going to work says I, I have another commitment this afternoon, why did no one mention it on the gate?”

”All car shows are like that now”

“Nope, I’ve been to about 15 this year and none have been like that” 

“Health and safety isn’t it” 

“Right I’ll leave now then”

”But you can’t move the car” 


Either make it clear on the gate or let people move. Car next to me said the same he’s not staying either. Anyway I’ve parked on the road about 6 feet from the village green where the show is. I’m literally inches away from a VW Golf clipper which is in the show. Busybodies ain’t stopping me enjoying myself! 

Brownnova protest witnessed.


5 hours ago, brownnova said:

Thats not going to work says I, I have another commitment this afternoon, why did no one mention it on the gate?”

”All car shows are like that now”

I've encountered a few car shows where I've had to feign ignorance and blag my way out early. It's a pain as I really can't commit to a full 7hr day at a car show...

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On 9/11/2021 at 12:03 PM, HillmanImp said:

I've just mustered up the enthusiasm to go outside and actually do some work on the cars for the first time in months. 

Pick up a half empty 5l oil bottle in the garage as it was on the floor. Stand there looking where to put it, not even moving and get a pain right across the middle of my back and now can barely move.

Bunch of arse. 

Back was still a bit sore today but I've been moving about and its feeling a lot better. 

In celebration of this, I've been out and got the Porsche running for the first time since it shat its fuel all over the road which must be 6 months ago now. 

No fuel leaking out the back either, which is nice. 

Can't drive it anywhere (irrespective of its MOT status) as I forgot to disconnect the Visa battery last time I used it and its parked behind it but its actual car progress rather than just staring at them for the last god knows how long. 

Small steps and all that. 

On 9/11/2021 at 1:59 PM, Zelandeth said:

Actually just overhead conversation between two people one space over from me in this car park...

The ticket machines here all require you to put in the vehicle reg number.

They couldn't remember or work out what their vehicle registration was.  Of the car standing two feet from where they were standing.

You guessed it...Range Rover Velar, with a three digit reg number.

Just...how?!?  How can you exist without being able to figure things like that out.

Reminds me of the one I encountered broken down halfway round a busy roundabout a few years ago.  Single female occupant...looked like the absolute stereotype you'd expect to be driving a white Range Rover Sport...but I stopped to offer assistance as I'd not wish being stuck there on anyone.

She had run out of fuel.  When asked if she'd noticed the gauge was showing empty I was greeted with the response:

"Fuel?  What's that for?  My husband deals with all that dirty stuff..."

I shook my head and walked away at that point having decided I was absolutely not getting any further involved.

I'd have put some fuel in it for her, then got in it and run her over with it to cleanse the gene pool.

  • Like 2
  • Haha 1

quote from a job advert , they serious ?

* Option to Buy/Sell Holidays

* Child Care Vouchers

* Cycle to work Scheme.

* Flexible Working Patterns

* Service-related holiday entitlement capped at 32 days (including bank holidays).

* Clearly defined progression paths with training and support.

* Mental Health First Aiders

* Competitive salary

* Free Hot Drinks on Site

* Dress Down Days

* Pension Scheme

dress down day , free hot drinks , Mental heath First aider   !! 

what next free bog paper !


We have always had free bog paper where I have worked. Even if we ran short there would be a never ending selection of pointless report documents that you could use instead.

  • Haha 3

I can imagine working there though:

Quick help, Fred has fallen and cut himself badly. 

Sorry I only do mental health, so how does it make you feel?


WTF is a mental health first aider? A better metaphor for applying sticking plasters to gaping mortal wounds would be hard to come up with, rather sums up the british approach.

4 minutes ago, somewhatfoolish said:

WTF is a mental health first aider? A better metaphor for applying sticking plasters to gaping mortal wounds would be hard to come up with, rather sums up the british approach.

Our company is hot on this stuff. It appears to be a collaboration between HR and management and requires training. I think it's something like immediate councelling should someone go south mentally, with these "first-aiders" having various tools to help and/or direct people in the direction of professional help.

My line manager was undertaking this course but dropped out because the training was "utter bollocks", so it's likely more of a box-ticking exercise providing little help.

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  • Confused 1

Is the hidden meaning behind a company advertising their Mental Health First Aiders as some kind of benefit:

Working here is likely to have a seriously adverse impact on your mental health but we don't care because we have people to patch you up and move you on


My manager called me this morning to advise that I have been given what amounts to a 7% pay rise, effective from 1st September.  It's something that management have been pushing for since January, and it's the biggest single pay rise I've had in a long while.

So why is this in the grump thread?  Because it has thrown a spanner in the works of my decision-making process.  I had more or less come to the conclusion that the rise was never going to be approved by the top brass, so I was looking for jobs elsewhere.  A 7% rise is not really enough given the way my role has gone and the extra responsibilities I've taken on, I was hoping for double figures (my team is half the size it was 18 months ago so in theory there's plenty of money in the kitty), but at the same time it's something my manager has been fighting for for the last 8 months and I'm the only person in the department to have been given a raise, so if I up and leave now it'll make me feel like a right cunt.

First world problems etc.


I've  fought for payrises for my staff who then subsequently left. If the overall package is still not competitive it's disappointing if they leave but you did your best for them and would probably do the same in their position.

You wouldn't be a cunt and I reckon there's a good chance your manager would understand.

Money talks. 

On 9/12/2021 at 4:48 PM, Minimad5 said:

Brownnova protest witnessed.


All this needs is an overexcited quote from @hairnet


It wouldn't be remotely cunt-like; you've been doing the work of several people for a long time and owe them nothing.

  • Like 5

The way real inflation, rather than the government's paper figure is going in the UK, 7% increase is just standing still. If you can get more by moving, do it. If you have any dependents you owe them more than any company.

  • Like 4
3 hours ago, Fumbler said:

Our company is hot on this stuff. It appears to be a collaboration between HR and management and requires training. I think it's something like immediate councelling should someone go south mentally, with these "first-aiders" having various tools to help and/or direct people in the direction of professional help.

My line manager was undertaking this course but dropped out because the training was "utter bollocks", so it's likely more of a box-ticking exercise providing little help.

It was an idea imported from somewhere else - Australia I think - and I had the dubious pleasure of being in the first pilot training course when it came to the UK.

In short, it was about helping people that were upset or struggling and ways of approaching those kinds of conversations.

It wasn't a good two-day course and seeing as my job already involved direct suicide prevention, not a lot of use to me anyway as it wasn't anything particularly new or interesting.  I didn't think much of it and in my view, most workplaces would be better off not exploiting their employees instead.

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, wuvvum said:

My manager called me this morning to advise that I have been given what amounts to a 7% pay rise, effective from 1st September.  It's something that management have been pushing for since January, and it's the biggest single pay rise I've had in a long while.

So why is this in the grump thread?  Because it has thrown a spanner in the works of my decision-making process.  I had more or less come to the conclusion that the rise was never going to be approved by the top brass, so I was looking for jobs elsewhere.  A 7% rise is not really enough given the way my role has gone and the extra responsibilities I've taken on, I was hoping for double figures (my team is half the size it was 18 months ago so in theory there's plenty of money in the kitty), but at the same time it's something my manager has been fighting for for the last 8 months and I'm the only person in the department to have been given a raise, so if I up and leave now it'll make me feel like a right cunt.

First world problems etc.

Would they treat you with the same loyalty?  7% for that much more responsibility says no.

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1 hour ago, GrumpiusMaximus said:

Would they treat you with the same loyalty?  7% for that much more responsibility says no.

Oh, I have zero loyalty to the company.   However I'm rather fond of my team and my immediate managers, and if I bugger off they'll be even more in the shit than they already are.

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Having empathy makes you human, but sticking with a shit job because they gave you a belated raise is a form of stockholm syndrome; if they've any sense they'd bugger off too.

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Seven percent? You'll barely notice it.  Given the commitment and length of time you've been there, I'd be arguing for 50-60%. 


That's at least what you're looking for to move, no?


The BMW bike is nearly done the way I'm happy with, just a few cosmetics to finish. Last big job was a lock set,  someone had fitted a Chinese ignition lock which worked but didn't really fit, and no steering lock. The tank cap was OK but the seat lock had been drilled out. Got a lock set from Ebay which I fitted ,after a lot of dismantling again and all was fine for a few days... until I lost the bloody key

Locks drilled out, more £££ spent on more locks. As soon as they arrive its straight to the locksmith for a few spares! 

13 hours ago, loserone said:

Seven percent? You'll barely notice it.  Given the commitment and length of time you've been there, I'd be arguing for 50-60%. 


That's at least what you're looking for to move, no?

That'd be nice, but I'd settle for 25% if I were moving locally.  Would need to be 50-60% (or more) if I were going to That London mind.


FFS.  I was supposed to be taking an exam this afternoon (a Belgian qualification which I need to work on EU business post-Brexit).  Got everything set up, showed my passport to the webcam to prove my ID, and they wouldn't accept it as it's expired.  I pointed out to them that I wasn't trying to travel abroad, just to prove who I am, and my identity doesn't change or cease to be just because my passport has expired, but they didn't want to hear it - rules are rules and the ID document has to be in date, which is not a hugely surprising response given that Belgians are not generally noted for their pragmatism, but it is immensely frustrating as I now have to wait until I can get a replacement photocard driving licence from DVLA before I can rebook the exam, which means that the revision I've done, and all the setup to be able to sit the exam at home, will all go to waste.

  • Sad 2
51 minutes ago, wuvvum said:

.... Belgians are not generally noted for their pragmatism....

No, but they did previously hold the record for the longest period spent without a government in place, something like 548 days. The country continued to function without any notable disasters, which sort of suggested that Belgium works despite, rather than because of, its government. 


Indeed.  When you have an army of bureaucrats rigidly sticking to the rules, the administration will continue to function pretty much on its own.  It will be massively frustrating for anyone who has to deal with it, but it will keep the country turning over.

I wonder what would happen in this country if Boris and his clusterfuck of ministers suddenly disappeared overnight and left the job of running the country to the civil service?

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