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The grumpy thread


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Hey it worked, the blades won't be frozen to the windscreen ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Did you need to dig it out or did you turn around and go back inside ๐Ÿ˜‚

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14 hours ago, beko1987 said:

I've been told re-useable microwaveable ones existย 

I had some off of Lakeland (Middle-class AF) but, in truth, they're not as effective after five or six recharges.ย  They also become hotter than the surface of the fucking sun after 30 seconds in the microwave, so you have to weigh up the inconvenience of any icy screen against the pain of third degree burns.

It's the thing that stops me rocking the Sierra 12 months of the year tbh.ย ย 

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14 hours ago, beko1987 said:

I think most of it is moisture inside the car, both the crystal filled things I've got in it are quite full now.ย 

Ironically after scraping it my mate called saying he'd drive today so I locked it up and walked away ๐Ÿ˜‚ Aftr sitting and breathing in it to put more damp inside ๐Ÿ™„

I've been told re-useable microwaveable ones exist which I'll have a look for on pay day. Not going to begin working out where a tiny drop of moisture might be coming in on a 23 year old citroen, it'll only be a problem for a month or so before it warms up again ๐Ÿ‘Œ

We've got a couple for Mrs Grogee's car and Master Grogee's car. They seem to do the job, I recharge after a couple of weeks by wrapping in a tea towel then microwaving for 8min or then so letting it cool down on the counter top.ย 

I can't remember where she got them, probably Amazon. Blue dot = dry and OK to use in the car, pink dot = time to recharge.ย 

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16 hours ago, iainrcz said:

I've been under the weather for a couple of weeks. Not sleeping brilliantly. It caught up with me on Monday morning driving home from work.

I literally shut my eyes for 1 second, managed to clip something at the side of the road. Could have been a lot worse.

I'll probably arrange a smart repair through Toyota for when it goes for MOT in march.



And no, I don't live in Australia.

The picture flipped for some reason.

Some smartphone cameras, mine included (Motorola) do that when photo's are uploaded,ย  mine usually 'fall over' when zoomed but some landscape ones lie on their back.

Remedy is to put them on a computer, open with an image viewer, tip them over then back and re-save.

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1 hour ago, beko1987 said:

Did you need to dig it out or did you turn around and go back inside ๐Ÿ˜‚

I'm working on the snow now, it is going to take all day and possible tomorrowย to remove thisย , I'm in for a food break now.



Behind the house by the front door, it is safe to say that on flat ground there is at least 1.5 meters of snow now and the snow piles are higher.


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The only people who like snow are those that do not have to live with it! Just seen on the news here that the South and East of Norway have been hit hard again, stopping trains and bringing chaos to the roads so hope you are not too badly affected @Dyslexic Viking.

My boss in Stavanger was quite happy when I called at 9pm to inform him of more problems in field as it gave him an excuse to stop shovelling the 20cm of snow that fell last night - a lot for Stavanger. Due to the aforementioned extra problems, my going home day has slipped from Thursday to Friday so I am grumpy as well. That will make it 7 of the last 9 weeks I have been offshore!

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18 hours ago, chaseracer said:

Please get the tyre sorted sooner than that!

I'm at a meeting at work tomorrow, which is near a tyre place. I'll get them to take a look at it.

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27 minutes ago, High Jetter said:

Hot Cross buns in supermarkets now. I bet they're furious about being made so early.

Hot cross buns in Tesco all year round.

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On 11/01/2024 at 21:41, auntiemaryscanary said:

My mum has been suffering with shortness of breath, a cough and weight loss. The GP started investigations v end of Nov and the hospital continued that through December and with invasive stuff last week.

She got the diagnosis yesterday. Mesothelioma - lung cancer from asbestos. Beyond the devestation for her and us as a family we can't think of anywhere she's been to be exposed to asbestos. Ultimately we'll never know where the asbestos came from.

The NHS and GP has been absolutely top notch.

It's all v v sh*t.

Very sad to hear your news. Sadly asbestos used to be used in a lot of places you wouldnโ€™t think. A lot of rail coaching stock and multiple units were insulated with it and most of it was hoiked out in the 70s; the pub I used to work in had a boiler and pipes lagged in it; old buildings used it under floorboards before glassfibre/rockwool/celotex, and itโ€™s also in some old vinyl flooring.

I hope, without wishing to be sounding harsh, any suffering your mum has is short lived, mesothelioma can be absolutely cruel.

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3 hours ago, Saabnut said:

The only people who like snow are those that do not have to live with it! Just seen on the news here that the South and East of Norway have been hit hard again, stopping trains and bringing chaos to the roads so hope you are not too badly affected @Dyslexic Viking.

My boss in Stavanger was quite happy when I called at 9pm to inform him of more problems in field as it gave him an excuse to stop shovelling the 20cm of snow that fell last night - a lot for Stavanger. Due to the aforementioned extra problems, my going home day has slipped from Thursday to Friday so I am grumpy as well. That will make it 7 of the last 9 weeks I have been offshore!

Oh there is nothing worse especially as choppers eve approach just to get that pineapple firmly inserted that you โ€œneedโ€ to stay, feel your pain as I am over in Qatar the now and after two weeks have just been asked the question of extending, at least itโ€™s not snowing.

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4 hours ago, Saabnut said:

hope you are not too badly affected @Dyslexic Viking.

Thanks, and it's going fine, luckily I don't have to go anywhere. I have now spent the whole day on snow removal and am exhausted. It's an insane winter this and it's not over yet, I'm curious how the next 2 months will be hopefully there will not be more snow.

And being offshore for 7 out of 9 weeks sounds hard, so good you'll be done with it soon.

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23 hours ago, DavieW said:

Staying away with work. Checked in to Premier Inn and arranged dinner for 7.00. Arrived down in restaurant at 6.55 to be told my table wasn't ready and to take a seat in the lounge.ย ย 

At least 3 people came in after me for 7.15 bookings and got taken to their tables straight away.ย 

Surely it should be me then the 7.15ers?

Oh well, sitting here now with a plate in front of me but pissed me off a bit.ย 

Another grump - went down to breakfast this morning to be told by the server it was continental breakfast as there was no chef.ย 

This is the 3rd time in a row where I've had issues with the restaurant attached to Premier Inns.ย 

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37 minutes ago, DavieW said:

Another grump - went down to breakfast this morning to be told by the server it was continental breakfast as there was no chef.ย 

This is the 3rd time in a row where there's I've had issues with the restaurant attached to Premier Inns.ย 

This happend to us at one time. We had hot drinks while complaining, then went to a local cafe for a better, and cheaper breakfast and received some ยฃยฃ compensation.

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Do Halfords really need to be the most absolutely fucking useless shit cunts in existence?ย 

I ordered a selection of bits online which worked out pretty cheap with an existing 10% discount and then further trade card discounts which came to around ยฃ160, (saving approx ยฃ60-70)

It's mainly tools that I've been meaning to replace having been lost, but it worked out so cheap in the end to get them in complete sets which are supposedly lifetime guarantee.ย 

Anyway, I ordered them on Saturday with the intention of picking them up today as I was going to be driving past the branch in question anyway.ย 

Monday morning I got a text message and email to say that everything is ready for pickupย 

Great, I head in there an hour or so ago, gave her the order number..

"Sorry I don't know where your order is, I'll get my colleague to check"


A gentleman behind me is waiting to be served, she calls him over. I'm now hanging around for 5 minutes or so. It's exactly the same story with him, they don't know where his order is, they're going to hunt around for it.ย 

FFS. Here we go

Eventually her colleague comes with both of our orders now mixed up into a basket. We look at each other, puzzled, while they try, and fail, to work out what belongs to who.ย 

They've eventually worked out what is what and call the other gentleman over to sort his out. I found this pretty rude on their part considering they were serving me first, but whatever. It's not the end of the world

Part of this gentleman's order is missing, which he only finds out himself once he's searched through the bag.ย 

They then get my bag of items and carelessly tip it out over the floor in search for his missing item...

It's not in there, they say to him they don't know where it is, she can go and find out. She disappears off for another few minutes and comes back to say she doesn't know where it would be in the store so needs to see if her manager is still around to ask him. The gentleman tells her not to bother and asks for a refund on the missing item instead. They attempt to do this, but again, between 3 members of staff now mockingly standing around about the whole situation it takes them around 5 minutes to work out how to process a refund.ย 

Eventually he's sorted, so a good while later they're now ready to see me.ย 

"So that's ยฃ105.99 left to pay then please"

For what, sorry?ย 

"I don't know, that's just what it says"

Well that's not good enough is it? I've paid in full in advance, you're asking me to pay an extra amount but you can't even tell me what for?ย 

I then look through the bag, and find that 2 fucking items are missing...ย 

I point this out to her, that 2 items are missing and she's asking me to pay ยฃ105.99, so she calls another colleague over to work out what's happened

They then say that they've tried to call me to say that those 2 items aren't in stock and won't be available until Friday. Ok... But that hasn't happened, nobody has called me, the only message I've had is to say everything is available.ย 

No real explanation for this, but she then marks off the items that have been collected.ย 

I've asked what happens now with the other 2 items, what proof can you give me that I haven't collected them if I've taken everything else

She says that she will only mark the relevant items as collected, and that she will change the collection date of the other items to this Friday or another date of my choosing. That's fair enough, so I say that's fine, I'll take these bits now and come back for the rest of it, which is inconvenient but there's not much I can do about that.ย 

I've then received an email 15 minutes after leaving the shop that my order has been cancelled for the other 2 items and that the refund team will be in touch within a couple of days


Absolutely fucking useless shower of cunts. I can't blame the staff themselves, it's the complete lack of training given to them on how to use their systemsย 

Now I'll have to wait and see if I get a refund for those other items, which is really annoying because they were the main things I was after and I was more than happy to pick them up on Friday as arranged. Or they probably won't bother refunding it and I'll have to chase them up on that as well.ย 


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4 minutes ago, RoverFolkUs said:

Do Halfords really need to be the most absolutely fucking useless shit cunts in existence?ย 

I ordered a selection of bits online which worked out pretty cheap with an existing 10% discount and then further trade card discounts which came to around ยฃ160, (saving approx ยฃ60-70)

It's mainly tools that I've been meaning to replace having been lost, but it worked out so cheap in the end to get them in complete sets which are supposedly lifetime guarantee.ย 

Anyway, I ordered them on Saturday with the intention of picking them up today as I was going to be driving past the branch in question anyway.ย 

Monday morning I got a text message and email to say that everything is ready for pickupย 

Great, I head in there an hour or so ago, gave her the order number..

"Sorry I don't know where your order is, I'll get my colleague to check"


A gentleman behind me is waiting to be served, she calls him over. I'm now hanging around for 5 minutes or so. It's exactly the same story with him, they don't know where his order is, they're going to hunt around for it.ย 

FFS. Here we go

Eventually her colleague comes with both of our orders now mixed up into a basket. We look at each other, puzzled, while they try, and fail, to work out what belongs to who.ย 

They've eventually worked out what is what and call the other gentleman over to sort his out. I found this pretty rude on their part considering they were serving me first, but whatever. It's not the end of the world

Part of this gentleman's order is missing, which he only finds out himself once he's searched through the bag.ย 

They then get my bag of items and carelessly tip it out over the floor in search for his missing item...

It's not in there, they say to him they don't know where it is, she can go and find out. She disappears off for another few minutes and comes back to say she doesn't know where it would be in the store so needs to see if her manager is still around to ask him. The gentleman tells her not to bother and asks for a refund on the missing item instead. They attempt to do this, but again, between 3 members of staff now mockingly standing around about the whole situation it takes them around 5 minutes to work out how to process a refund.ย 

Eventually he's assorted, so a good while later they're now ready to see me.ย 

"So that's ยฃ105.99 left to pay then please"

For what, sorry?ย 

"I don't know, that's just what it says"

Well that's not good enough is it? I've paid in full in advance, you're asking me to pay an extra amount but you can't even tell me what for?ย 

I then look through the bag, and find that 2 fucking items are missing...ย 

I point this out to her, that 2 items are missing and she's asking me to pay ยฃ105.99, so she calls another colleague over to work out what's happened

They then say that they've tried to call me to say that those 2 items aren't in stock and won't be available until Friday. Ok... But that hasn't happened, nobody has called me, the only message I've had is to say everything is available.ย 

No real explanation for this, but she then marks off the items that have been collected.ย 

I've asked what happens now with the other 2 items, what proof can you give me that I haven't collected them if I've taken everything else

She says that she will only mark the relevant items as collected, and that she will change the collection date of the other items to this Friday or another date of my choosing. That's fair enough, so I say that's fine, I'll take these bits now and come back for the rest of it, which is inconvenient but there's not much I can do about that.ย 

I've then received an email 15 minutes after leaving the shop that my order has been cancelled for the other 2 items and that the refund team will be in touch within a couple of days


Absolutely fucking useless shower of cunts. I can't blame the staff themselves, it's the complete lack of training given to them on how to use their systemsย 

Now I'll have to wait and see if I get a refund for those other items, which is really annoying because they were the main things I was after and I was more than happy to pick them up on Friday as arranged. Or they probably won't bother refunding it and I'll have to chase them up on that as well.ย 


Thatโ€™s absolutely shite, but it seems to be happening in a lot of different retailers of late. Like you say, it seems to be shit training combined with shite management.

Did you pay by credit card? Might be worth giving your card provider a nudge if so.

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2 minutes ago, Rust Collector said:

Thatโ€™s absolutely shite, but it seems to be happening in a lot of different retailers of late. Like you say, it seems to be shit training combined with shite management.

Did you pay by credit card? Might be worth giving your card provider a nudge if so.

Yep, credit card which I always use for online purchases for section 75 protection :)ย That's a good call on letting them know, cheers

Section 75 covers purchases over ยฃ100, which this is, but the offending items will be less than that ๐Ÿค” so not too sure in that regard come to think of it

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Some cunt has driven into my car and smashed the front grill, headlamp brackets and scuffed the bumper and fucked off, utter wankers, it might be a 13 year old Passat but it was genuinely immaculate.

It happens to every car I own, the joy of parking in a public car park at work, I've managed to get new parts ordered for under ยฃ150 but I'm still pissed off, seems pointless trying to keep everything nice.

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1 hour ago, RoverFolkUs said:

Do Halfords really need to be the most absolutely fucking useless shit cunts in existence?ย 


If things operate in a similar way to when I worked there and they first upgraded to this new computer system, then web orders poll directly from the stockfile of the store, then they pop up on a screen in store for someone to pick the parts off the shelf.

Stores will have targets to meet on picking time etc, so someone will have just blindly "confirmed" the order as picked, even when it wasn't. They'll then actually pick it when they get a minute.

In most cases this procedure works OK, ish, unless the stockfile is inaccurate or the stocks are very low and something sells out in between you ordering it and coming to collect.ย 

I'd put a small wager on the fact that the missing items off your order are something that would be easily stolen? for these things, the stockfile is usually miles off because nobody in the store has time to go and do proper stock counts, so the system things there's a dozen on a peg but in reality they've all been nicked.ย 

For every pair of mountain bike gloves we sold, we'd get ten stolen.ย 

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23 minutes ago, Jazoli said:

Some cunt has driven into my car and smashed the front grill, headlamp brackets and scuffed the bumper and fucked off, utter wankers, it might be a 13 year old Passat but it was genuinely immaculate.

It happens to every car I own, the joy of parking in a public car park at work, I've managed to get new parts ordered for under ยฃ150 but I'm still pissed off, seems pointless trying to keep everything nice.

Very poor show, surely must be covered by CCTV?

Although I suppose it will be the typical case of "sorry can't share it due to GDPR...HFTVJIRCBJ" ๐Ÿ˜…

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1 hour ago, RoverFolkUs said:

Very poor show, surely must be covered by CCTV?

Although I suppose it will be the typical case of "sorry can't share it due to GDPR...HFTVJIRCBJ" ๐Ÿ˜…

Nope, I manage the carpark and all the buildings next to it, if there was cctv I'd be all over it, its probably one of my cunting colleagues that have done it.

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4 minutes ago, Jazoli said:

Nope, I manage the carpark and all the buildings next to it, if there was cctv I'd be all over it, its probably one of my cunting colleagues that have done it.

Mention it, see whose face goes red


That's what I'd do

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26 minutes ago, RoverFolkUs said:

Mention it, see whose face goes red


That's what I'd do

It won't matter, there's dozens and dozens of people who come and go all day every day, plus a hundred or so members of the public who also use the car park, I'd have better odds buying a lottery ticket than speaking with someone who may have done it, the car park was an ice rink today so I'm not surprised it has happened but still a cunts trick but part of car ownership I've begrudgingly accepted.

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That's shite about the Passat especially as it was minted beforehand. People are thick and selfish, in the main :(ย 

That's one of the reason I like running cars that are around 20 years old as mainline breakers and ebay still have plenty of parts in stock at cheap prices. Sod paying a grand for a new headlamp on a 3 year old BMW or something (or take the inevitable increased insurance premiums of you go that route).

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Checked the weather forecast before I left for work . Heavy snow for the next half hour it said. Get to work - no snow and the forecast has now changed . Are there a bunch of more useless cunts than the met office ?

If you change the forecast as it happens then thatโ€™s not forecasting its reporting .ย 

Might see if Mystic Meg has a weather appย 


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45 minutes ago, twosmoke300 said:

Checked the weather forecast before I left for work . Heavy snow for the next half hour it said. Get to work - no snow and the forecast has now changed . Are there a bunch of more useless cunts than the met office ?

If you change the forecast as it happens then thatโ€™s not forecasting its reporting .ย 

Might see if Mystic Meg has a weather appย 


The icons on the app and website are just generated by a computer model and change at random. They can't predict precisely to the square mile exactly where snow will fall.ย  It is frustrating though I agree.

I just watch their YouTube forecast for the next few days.

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On 16/01/2024 at 21:44, beko1987 said:

I think most of it is moisture inside the car, both the crystal filled things I've got in it are quite full now.ย 

Ironically after scraping it my mate called saying he'd drive today so I locked it up and walked away ๐Ÿ˜‚ Aftr sitting and breathing in it to put more damp inside ๐Ÿ™„

I've been told re-useable microwaveable ones exist which I'll have a look for on pay day. Not going to begin working out where a tiny drop of moisture might be coming in on a 23 year old citroen, it'll only be a problem for a month or so before it warms up again ๐Ÿ‘Œ

A sock filled with unused cat litter, the white translucid ones? Same stuff you find satchels of in new shoes?

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KSC 110 club in Burnley shutting. Another landmark gone. Be no social clubs left at this rate. Same as pubs. Just trendy barsย ๐Ÿ˜ญ

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