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18 hours ago, meggersdog said:

On Saturday i did the nextdoor workshop a favour and housed a Caterham they are working on in my workshop for the weekend. I pushed it in as it doesn't start and pushed it out this morning. Nextdoor are closed due to the owner being at a funeral so I pushed the car straight out so it was in full view of the workshop.

The owner of the car turns up and starts having a right go at me for leaving his car outside all weekend. Told him it was locked away in my workshop and I've only just pushed it out. Then he goes on about leaving it in the rain, it's never been out in the rain. It's not raining now but he can see it's been in the rain. Then he goes on about leaving his tools in it outside. It's a Caterham with canvas doors and a canvas roof not the sort of car you would leave valuables in. Properly having a go at me because his car is outside and the bonnet is off.

If that cunt wants an MoT anytime soon I am going to be fully booked for the next three years.  

I would have been tempted to leave it outside after that!

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On 20/11/2023 at 13:50, Zelandeth said:

There we go, as expected just had the angry "you missed your appointment, how dare you?!?" letter from my GP.

No, no I didn't. It was a telephone appointment (because that's all you would offer me), and you never bloody called.  For the second time in a row.  Prior to that you cancelled it the day before.

Only a 12 week wait between each of these...it's not like we're dealing with anything which is *probably* fine but might be really serious or anything.

Need to phone up our private provider again and see if there's absolutely anything they can do to get around the referral requirement at this point as I'm just going around in bloody circles here, and have been for nearly a year now.  Even more frustrating is that they do allow self-referral for some conditions - just nothing that fits for me in this case of course.

I know some people don’t give a shit and fail to turn up for appointments, but most of us just forget and you’re lectured about waiting lists and told you’re the reason Mrs Jones has waited 15 years for her hip replacement.

There’s a sign at my doctors that says if you’re 10 minutes late you won’t be seen. I’ve NEVER been seen within 10 minutes if my appointment time.

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On 20/11/2023 at 13:50, Zelandeth said:

There we go, as expected just had the angry "you missed your appointment, how dare you?!?" letter from my GP.

No, no I didn't. It was a telephone appointment (because that's all you would offer me), and you never bloody called.  For the second time in a row.  Prior to that you cancelled it the day before.

Only a 12 week wait between each of these...it's not like we're dealing with anything which is *probably* fine but might be really serious or anything.

Need to phone up our private provider again and see if there's absolutely anything they can do to get around the referral requirement at this point as I'm just going around in bloody circles here, and have been for nearly a year now.  Even more frustrating is that they do allow self-referral for some conditions - just nothing that fits for me in this case of course.

I visited the hospital to attend an appointment last year which was the first appointment I was aware of. When it was my turn to see the nurse she was a bit funny with me about missing my 2 previous appointments. It was the first I'd heard. Do they make you an appointment but fail to notify you.

Another one, a year or two ago, I received an NHS letter one day and when I opened it it was for an appointment for 2 days before.

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I tried to see someone to get an appointment for diabetes eye and foot testing but the department reception is closed and there were no staff visible.

Only way appears to be to telephone them.  Not likely to happen.

One of the things I hate about going there is people hanging about outside smoking, other patients inside who have been smoking or are drenched in perfume/aftershave/deodorant/WHY.

And then tried to get in to the BT shop to rearrange my account, and all these buggers smoking in the entrance under the no smoking signs!



On a lighter note, did eventually get in and had my broadband and phone costs halved - by my next door neighbour who works for BT  :)

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19 hours ago, Metal Guru said:

I know some people don’t give a shit and fail to turn up for appointments, but most of us just forget and you’re lectured about waiting lists and told you’re the reason Mrs Jones has waited 15 years for her hip replacement.

There’s a sign at my doctors that says if you’re 10 minutes late you won’t be seen. I’ve NEVER been seen within 10 minutes if my appointment time.

Back when I was at University, I did some work for a GP practice during the summer.  Just admin work in the back offices, nothing exciting.

I was asked to prepare a report on DNA (did not attend) appointments.  The figure was at about 25%.

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4 hours ago, Alan_Green said:

Earlier on I rolled past this little fella sitting at an odd angle with hazards on.  Obviously just had a little clump.  

WhatsApp Image 2023-11-23 at 01.28.48.jpeg

Thing is, there's no crumplezone to absorb the energy.  So I'm guessing all the energy was taken by the seat belts and the driver will have a massive bruise across thier chest or even life threatening internal injuries.  

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On 20/11/2023 at 22:46, MikeR said:

After looking around for external white paint for ages and letting the job slip ....

I noticed this today .... on the side of the tin !! 



Brilliant. I usually buy the "exterior mediocre slow dry white, probably suitable outside if it doesn't rain too much, provided you use 3 coats of the special primer, and 4 coats of top coat and the clear laquer to protect it, with at least 24 hours between each coat" 


Because its 5% cheaper.  

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46 minutes ago, New POD said:

Thing is, there's no crumplezone to absorb the energy.

P6 had passive safety designed in, including progressive collapse.  

This is also an interesting read: https://oldmotors.net/rover-p6-radical-disguised-as-traditional/


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2 hours ago, New POD said:

Thing is, there's no crumplezone to absorb the energy.  So I'm guessing all the energy was taken by the seat belts and the driver will have a massive bruise across thier chest or even life threatening internal injuries.  

Err…. No. P6 was built with crumple zones. Why do people automatically assume old cars are “ death traps.”?


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1 hour ago, cobblers said:



Guess which 4 components I replaced 7000 miles ago, just before the last MOT?

Is this what theatrical types with mechanical sympathy might call 'suspension of disbelief'...? 

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Audi has disgraced itself - OSF caliper partially seized and cooked the pads on my way in to work yesterday.   Limped it home to survey damage- pads that horrible brick dust colour, disc tinged blue. 

Couldn't get the parts at the right price in time, so this morning ing before work I chucked a cambelt and water pump on the Peugeot 207 and finished it just in time to drive it to work for the late shift. Only the gearbox oil and rear brakes to rectify on that then I ccan bring the Getz home.

Meantime that has passed it's mot but needs inner front arb bushes and a strut top mount.  

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As part of an ongoing plan to stop my head exploding, every friday I finish work a bit early and have a walk somewhere peaceful, then I camp in my van at the end of a farm next to a river and on saturday morning I stop off at a nice quiet cafe and sit next to the fire and have a full english breakfast.

This morning there was a few old blokes who came in, togged up in their walking clobber ready for a days walking up lathkill dale or something.

One ordered an egg sandwich, with extra bacon. One ordered a bacon sandwich with an extra egg.

They sat down to eat them and discussed the prices they had paid for the same meal, and it ended up being 15p cheaper for the egg with extra bacon. The aggrieved party jumped out of his seat and marched up to the counter and demanded a refund of this 15p. 

Cafe owner then explained that the bacon + egg sandwich has 2 bacon + 1 egg, whereas the egg+ bacon only has 1 bacon, hence the price difference.

Overhearing this, the other guy gets up and joins in the discussion: "So a rasher of bacon is only 15p? but you charged me an extra £1 for an egg!"

The two blokes went back and forth arguing quite agressively with the cafe owner about the value of eggs vs bacon for a good 5 minutes, all while the sandwiches they were arguing over were sat on a table behind them going cold. Cafe owner refunded one bloke 15p onto his card and gave the other bloke a rasher of bacon to shut them up.

Listening to all this wound me up a lot more than it should have done. 

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7 minutes ago, cobblers said:

Listening to all this wound me up a lot more than it should have done. 

I don't think it did, I think the correct levels of wound up were achieved.

Life's too short for behaviour like that

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On 23/11/2023 at 02:08, Spiny Norman said:

Shame. Old cars are so fragile compared to modern NCAP tanks, doesn't look too bad so should be fixable.


But there’s no bonnet pyrotechnics, airbags or crash sensors to reset. 

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Been waiting for a nerve block injection, appointment was for Tuesday 21/11, private via work healthcare provider. Had a phone call Thursday 17th around 14.30 to discuss the pre-admission questionnaire, all ok, "We'll call you back to make appointment for bloods etc". 

So I waited. Nothing until 4.25 Friday, where I was told next available appointment is Monday 20/11. No good says I, I'm in peterborough, leaving 6am. Told not their fault blah blah, if I don't come in, the op is off. 

Monday crippling nerve pain, drove to hospital in Woodford in Megamoose, 10 minutes later, I'm on the road to Peebo, £12.50 ULEZ lighter + paying for my own diesel; had I chosen to come home and get the van, it would have added at least another hour to getting there, and leave my hours short for the day, I've already lost 4 hours

Tuesday, operation; don't know what painkillers / sedation they gave me, but they were ace. Didn't feel a thing.

Until Wednesday, painkillers have worn off. Lots of ouch.

Thursday back to work, did a few hours on the road while my* office was being used. Got in there at 13.30, did what I had to do, left 16.00, returned to the van - in the office car park - and the passenger window is in approximately 4,874,165 pieces. Appears the bloke who was parked next to me has twatted it with his door and then fucked off. Clearly he's not aware that there's CCTV in the car park. Depot bird going to review, and confirm, and have a word. If not (yeah, I know it's not MY van) I'm going to have a word* with the cunt myself. 

Rang Nationwide Windscreens (it's 16.10 now), their switchboard promised me an urgent callback. I wasn't expecting them to carry the window as stock, but hoped they'd come and stick some perspex over it or summert. I cleared as much glass up as I could, but those shitty latex gloves don't really protect you from glass splinters. Then I waited. Eventually, at 18.25 I got through to them again. Depot closed at 18.00, so clearly I won't be getting a phone call / visit tonight. Went home, frozen. They eventually rang 9.45 Friday, they're coming Monday between 8 & 1. Nice. the only good point is that I'll log on at 8 and wait.

Friday, felt a bit snotty, general aches and pains.

Today, full blown man-flu. SWMBO bought me a pie yesterday, don't fancy it. I might die.


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I attempted to have a look at the insignia's glove box illumination. It only worked when I pulled the glovebox to do the cabin filter.20231126_124808.thumb.jpg.06fc725f97052c51a212fea71e86dc1a.jpg

The theory is sound but the execution can  be best described as "shit".

Everytime I put the glovebox back it stopped working. In the end I gave up.

It's a common problem. This is the first car I have ever owned that does not give me any pride - I feel the same about this as I would a freezer or a cooker. I felt more pride in the utter nails I have owned in the past.

Hopefully I can chop it in in the new year.


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13 minutes ago, Bren said:

I attempted to have a look at the insignia's glove box illumination. It only worked when I pulled the glovebox to do the cabin filter.20231126_124808.thumb.jpg.06fc725f97052c51a212fea71e86dc1a.jpg

The theory is sound but the execution can  be best described as "shit".

Everytime I put the glovebox back it stopped working. In the end I gave up.

It's a common problem. This is the first car I have ever owned that does not give me any pride - I feel the same about this as I would a freezer or a cooker. I felt more pride in the utter nails I have owned in the past.

Hopefully I can chop it in in the new year.


Looks awfully the same part as used in the zafira B... The one the ex had did a melt around that area and got unplugged forever. We did wonder if it was causing them to burnt down (was back when that all first hit the news) but it then went in for its recall twice in 2 seperate occasions and wasn't picked up on and I'd left the melted holder fitted. 

I've only known one zafira B to burn down a d that was set on fire by my car at the time being set on fire so it gets a pass there! (it still drove onto the flatbed too) 

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I ventured into Currys yesterday. Why does anyone shop there with a business model of pressure selling tactics?

First I walked through to the TV area via the tablets and printers. "Hello sir can I help you with anything today" ... No thank you.. 

Then I've made it to the TV area, I get intercepted by a Sony representative who starts spouting some absolute sales nonsense about LG OLED TVs, thank you but I'm not interested... [Why are you wearing a Sony top!? You're no different from the other bandits in purple tops]

Then there's a middle aged lady looking at a cheapy JVC and Panasonic TV. I know that they are probably exactly the same as they are both manufactured in Turkey by a company called Vestel. It's like trying to compare a Citroen C1 against a Peugeot 107. Same same, but different. You get my gist. 

Sales representative starts barking at her about how the Panasonic will have a richer picture (maybe, but it's all adjustable anyway so you could quite easily make a cheap TV look "richer" than an expensive one if you tried..)

Then she opts to buy the JVC one and he starts telling her that if she buys this £60 HDMI cable it will have a better signal and all sorts of other rubbish.

Weren't these tactics frowned upon about 10 years ago by BBC watchdog? Why are they still doing it?

Then I'm making my way towards the exit but it's restricted by 2 employees standing there nattering away while another is wheeling out a washing machine. I stand by a vacuum cleaner of some sort to keep out the way and then I'm immediately descended upon "is there anything I can help you with sir" 

FUCK OFF! I'd like to shop in peace and come and find someone if I need help

Gave up searching for what I wanted and just left thinking I might as well order it online. 

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Standard behaviour for the few commission paying sales outlets still functioning in the high street. I went into Currys a few months ago for a mouse mat, I only went in rather than doing a buy online because they're our next door neighbours where I work and I was accosted to be two or three sales dweebs in the 5 minutes I was in the place.
They must know they're on borrowed time.

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1 hour ago, RoverFolkUs said:

I ventured into Currys yesterday. Why does anyone shop there with a business model of pressure selling tactics?

First I walked through to the TV area via the tablets and printers. "Hello sir can I help you with anything today" ... No thank you.. 

Then I've made it to the TV area, I get intercepted by a Sony representative who starts spouting some absolute sales nonsense about LG OLED TVs, thank you but I'm not interested... [Why are you wearing a Sony top!? You're no different from the other bandits in purple tops]

Then there's a middle aged lady looking at a cheapy JVC and Panasonic TV. I know that they are probably exactly the same as they are both manufactured in Turkey by a company called Vestel. It's like trying to compare a Citroen C1 against a Peugeot 107. Same same, but different. You get my gist. 

Sales representative starts barking at her about how the Panasonic will have a richer picture (maybe, but it's all adjustable anyway so you could quite easily make a cheap TV look "richer" than an expensive one if you tried..)

Then she opts to buy the JVC one and he starts telling her that if she buys this £60 HDMI cable it will have a better signal and all sorts of other rubbish.

Weren't these tactics frowned upon about 10 years ago by BBC watchdog? Why are they still doing it?

Then I'm making my way towards the exit but it's restricted by 2 employees standing there nattering away while another is wheeling out a washing machine. I stand by a vacuum cleaner of some sort to keep out the way and then I'm immediately descended upon "is there anything I can help you with sir" 

FUCK OFF! I'd like to shop in peace and come and find someone if I need help

Gave up searching for what I wanted and just left thinking I might as well order it online. 

Have to say that although I rarely use Currys, when I have it has been painless.

Bought a microwave 26 years ago, came with a free steam iron.  Microwave still used daily.  No idea what happened to the iron but it is probably the one that I still have and use.

An Olympus DSLR kit, probably 15 years ago, again, still in frequent use, no issues.

A couple of Miele vacuum cleaners about ten or twelve years ago, one for me, one for daughter.  Mine still OK, she wrecked hers and bought her another recently.

My LG plasma TV and a DVD player, again about 12 years ago.  Hardly used.  The DVD player cracked up, replaced instantly and without question.  So did the TV and two blokes came and replaced a circuit board, no hassle whatsoever.  Still in use but rarely.  DVD player is buggered.

I did have an additional warranty for that.  It was supposed to be £19 a month, told them not interested so got it for £19 - for three years :)

A built in oven for daughter, worked fine for three years.  I had had a reminder to take out an extended warranty and couldn't remember buying it.  after an electrical excursion the display became rather erratic and hard to set.  Gave up the ghost a couple of weeks ago.  replaced and again a quite pleasant experience, no pressure to buy anything else.

And a Kindl for the late wife.  Salesman was a student and very easy to deal with.  We were pretty clueless as to what we were buying and he was very good at explaining and getting her the one to best suit her.

Perhaps it is different in different locations but I have no qualms about using them.

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8 hours ago, RoverFolkUs said:

I ventured into Currys yesterday. Why does anyone shop there with a business model of pressure selling tactics?

First I walked through to the TV area via the tablets and printers. "Hello sir can I help you with anything today" ... No thank you.. 

Then I've made it to the TV area, I get intercepted by a Sony representative who starts spouting some absolute sales nonsense about LG OLED TVs, thank you but I'm not interested... [Why are you wearing a Sony top!? You're no different from the other bandits in purple tops]

Then there's a middle aged lady looking at a cheapy JVC and Panasonic TV. I know that they are probably exactly the same as they are both manufactured in Turkey by a company called Vestel. It's like trying to compare a Citroen C1 against a Peugeot 107. Same same, but different. You get my gist. 

Sales representative starts barking at her about how the Panasonic will have a richer picture (maybe, but it's all adjustable anyway so you could quite easily make a cheap TV look "richer" than an expensive one if you tried..)

Then she opts to buy the JVC one and he starts telling her that if she buys this £60 HDMI cable it will have a better signal and all sorts of other rubbish.

Weren't these tactics frowned upon about 10 years ago by BBC watchdog? Why are they still doing it?

Then I'm making my way towards the exit but it's restricted by 2 employees standing there nattering away while another is wheeling out a washing machine. I stand by a vacuum cleaner of some sort to keep out the way and then I'm immediately descended upon "is there anything I can help you with sir" 

FUCK OFF! I'd like to shop in peace and come and find someone if I need help

Gave up searching for what I wanted and just left thinking I might as well order it online. 

It's a physical store, they have to drive sales to keep it open, and thus employed. Had better experiences at the Eastbourne store on the half-dozen visits over the last couple of years.

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18 minutes ago, High Jetter said:

It's a physical store, they have to drive sales to keep it open, and thus employed. Had better experiences at the Eastbourne store on the half-dozen visits over the last couple of years.

If they have to try that hard to stay open then it shows they must be doing something wrong! 

However, if they're able to sell HDMI cables for £60 then I think they'll be in business for a while yet 

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