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The grumpy thread

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10 minutes ago, twosmoke300 said:

Lovely .


Ah yes because it's so surprising when you're a cunt and someone's a cunt back to you!

Seriously, do my job, I'm sure it wouldn't wear you down at all because you're such a strong person.

1 minute ago, reb said:

Ah yes because it's so surprising when you're a cunt and someone's a cunt back to you!

Seriously, do my job, I'm sure it wouldn't wear you down at all because you're such a strong person.

I think it's important to remember here that while other people don't understand the pressures on you, you don't understand the pressures they face either.

We all have them. It's impossible to know if our own are easier or more difficult than those on the people we talk to.

1 minute ago, Nyphur said:

Don't you work in IT, like half the folk on here?

Correct. Your point being?

7 minutes ago, reb said:

Come do my job for a week then you cunt.

If your work is getting you to a point where it's drastically impacting your life outside of work hours then I'd really suggest trying to take a step back mate and have a look at a different job role. I appreciate it's not simple/easy (I'm in a position where I find my job is now more difficult than I can deal with on a sustained basis, but I can't find a job role for similar pay that I'm suited to and my current house of cards will collapse if I take a hit on wages) but it is really important as it's not worth wrecking your mental or physical health over a job. Try and find some things outside of work that help you relax and recover in the meantime - friends/family/pets/hobbies anything positive like that. Personally I would find arguing on here would be something that would add to my work stresses, as conflict is mostly what is knackering me at work. Your mileage may vary, and please don't take this as a dig.

  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, horriblemercedes said:

I think it's important to remember here that while other people don't understand the pressures on you, you don't understand the pressures they face either.

We all have them. It's impossible to know if our own are easier or more difficult than those on the people we talk to.

Yes, no disagreement on that. Does indeed work both ways.

Just now, Rust Collector said:

If your work is getting you to a point where it's drastically impacting your life outside of work hours then I'd really suggest trying to take a step back mate and have a look at a different job role. I appreciate it's not simple/easy (I'm in a position where I find my job is now more difficult than I can deal with on a sustained basis, but I can't find a job role for similar pay that I'm suited to and my current house of cards will collapse if I take a hit on wages) but it is really important as it's not worth wrecking your mental or physical health over a job. Try and find some things outside of work that help you relax and recover in the meantime - friends/family/pets/hobbies anything positive like that. Personally I would find arguing on here would be something that would add to my work stresses, as conflict is mostly what is knackering me at work. Your mileage may vary, and please don't take this as a dig.

I'm literally about to hand in my notice in the next hour or so.

1 minute ago, reb said:

I'm literally about to hand in my notice in the next hour or so.

I hope that it turns out to be the release you need and you find something that's better for you

  • Like 4

Woke up today with the plan to shave my head.

Still not summoned the bollocks to do it 😆

Just now, iainrcz said:

Woke up today with the plan to shave my head.

Still not summoned the bollocks to do it 😆

Do it, hair grows back!

I've never fully shaved my head, but at least once a year when my hair gets to just under chin length I get it cut very short. One year I had a mohawk just for the fun of it, it was bright blue, I meticulously shaved the sides with a bic razor every few days.

Just now, reb said:

Do it, hair grows back!

I've never fully shaved my head, but at least once a year when my hair gets to just under chin length I get it cut very short. One year I had a mohawk just for the fun of it, it was bright blue, I meticulously shaved the sides with a bic razor every few days.

I put the hair trimmer on the side in the kitchen, I've just been walking past it eyeing it up but I've not done it yet.

  • Haha 2

Sorry - long one.

Todays bitch...... Why the effin Nora do I need to troll up to MK for no apparent solid grounds. 

New role.... 3rd week. Initially told 1 week at. MK for onboarding and training so hotel opposite Pink Punters booked and all OK. 

Thursday 1st week - told it was to be actually 3weeks in MK..... WTF? not happy and pointed out the total lack of any training thus far. 

2nd week - 1 to 1 and again no actual training done thus far..... 2 sessions hastily arranged the next day. Both simple walk throughs and not much use either. 

This week ONLY 2 OF THE ENTIRE TEAM ARE WORKING - all on holiday..... Both working from home. 

The other 7 starters are all API learners... So I'm walking them through it all and helping them get going. They haven't a fucking scoobies but everyone starts somewhere so hey ho. 

I'm already sorting client RFRs and onboarding, troubleshooting and early 2nd week they've put me on the delivery of a new Portal...... 

But the useless 'manager' bint in MK, totally out of her depth, is insisting I trek up to the MK office for 'training purposes'..... 

Her onboarding pack was a disaster.... All the others are bitching too....

Tomorrow I suppose I'll have to show my face - but I'm not going to be a happy bunny..... Fucking pointless 


We had a "training coordinator" or some other silly titled gimp at our place.

Ex machine operator (I'm one, so not being disparaging) Didn't have a fucking clue, hardly showed up. Finally fucked off.

I think sometimes the person that can speak the most bullshit on the day gets the gig.


So, it is done.

All I'll say is, if anyone needs a Tesco value Justin Foley for their KSE tribute band, I'm your man 🤣

  • Haha 2
5 hours ago, reb said:

@Back_For_MoreI'd be keeping an eye on the job market. They sound disorganized to the point it'll cause you problems/stress forever.

Maybe get him a job with you @reb?


  • Haha 1
6 hours ago, Back_For_More said:

Sorry - long one.

 at. MK for onboarding and training 

  client RFRs and onboarding

so every time i saw that i saw snowboarding

ffs - specsavers for deffo :D

8 hours ago, iainrcz said:

We had a "training coordinator" or some other silly titled gimp at our place.

Ex machine operator (I'm one, so not being disparaging) Didn't have a fucking clue, hardly showed up. Finally fucked off.

I think sometimes the person that can speak the most bullshit on the day gets the gig.

No the bull shifters always get the prize.

On 9/13/2022 at 8:57 PM, wuvvum said:

 Eon invariably overestimate my bills, when the bill comes in I go onto the website and enter the correct readings and they send me an amended bill a couple of days later.

Eon really are rubbish.  Since moving in here we were unknowingly accruing debt.  We've got a smart meter, we paid what was asked when it was asked for, and were none the wiser about the debt until a demand for payment arrived to the tune of several hundred quid we didn't have.  Great.  Because we didn't know we were under-paying by so much (Eon never warned us, and never raised it with us when we called them, we literally didn't know) it took a while to clear it and Eon managed to get about £300 interest out of us on top of the debt.  Today it was cleared, and the bill re-estimated based on actual use.  They confirmed it was going to be just shy of £200 per month and they'll be charging us £240 per month for that.  Er... what?  If the bill is £200 per month estimated over the year's usage based on the past three years of usage, then the bill is £200, not £240.  Had we not gone to the bother of working out what the rates etc. were and checked that with them then we wouldn't have known and Eon would likely not have told us that we were going into credit on the account.  Perhaps the £240 was to bring the bill into line with the £2500 cap, or close to, and they assumed we wouldn't question it since everyone is expecting to pay that much with energy costs being what they are.  £40 a month might not seem a lot to some, but when everything is creeping up in price it all adds up and that extra tenner a week is going to have to work a lot harder than it was.

Suffice to say, we're switching to someone else as soon as we can.  Eon have been useless and their customer service is on par with Virgin media.

On 9/6/2022 at 12:18 PM, vulgalour said:

Make sure you wrap the cast in clingfilm or similar to mask it from overspray.  The perfect crime!

This is going about as well as brakes ever do when I attempt it on my own.  Everything came undone nicely apart from this one union.  The stub of the flexi hose is seemingly fused to the hard line union.  I had the choice of cutting through the nut that held this to the bracket on the car, or twisting the bracket off the car so went with the former and so far everything I've attempted has been unsuccessful.  I can see me ending up having to replace the whole hard line that has nothing wrong with it, just because this poxy fixing is probably going to end up twisting the end of the hard line off which is too tight a fit to trim and re-flange.


Probably a bit late, but heat is your friend. Heat the nut up with a blow lamp and you should be able to get it moving. Make sure you slide the nut higher up the pipe to clean up the pipe then put a smear of grease on it to prevent it seizing again.


I am aware this sounds very internet 'ard man, when we moved from our last place we got a series of nonsensical bills from Eon, we owed them, then they owed us etc. It culminated in a demand for £4500. We'd been paying a DD for 5 years with no issue. After repeated chasers and back and forths I told them that if they were so sure we owed them they should sue us. That was 3 and a half years ago. So far no proceedings.

Absolute shambles


Bulb are no better.  We have to manually update our usage every month as their estimated bill is (and has been since the day we moved in here ~8 years ago) at *least* double our actual usage on both gas and electricity.  Trying to get any money back from them though is like trying to get blood from a stone.

Hoping that when they eventually figure out how to install a smart meter that will be the end of that, but I'm not holding my breath.

Would be nice if they didn't keep badgering us to get a smart meter too given that they're the ones who have kept telling us we can't get one due to the configuration of our supply hardware.  Even though for my part I can't see why it makes the slightest difference...yes there's a 3 phase incoming mains cable...however the property is only hooked up as per a standard single phase setup - the other two just stop at the authority fuse holders.  So everything they would actually need to touch is absolutely standard.


My son has smart meters, inherited when he bought the house, never work.

Daughter was going to have them fitted.  Electric OK but they couldn't fit the gas one, had to move the meter then still couldn't fit it.

I have been with Scottish Power for decades and never had a single problem with them.  I began taking my own meter readings on the 1st of each month and submitting them, never a problem.  A couple of times a year they ask for a reading in the middle of the month, don't know why but it is a simple enough task, takes all of five minutes.

Reading my meters multiple times a day to see what the impact of solar panels has on the consumption, seems to be considerable.

Resisting having smart meters fitted until I can be sure they are beneficial for me rather than SP.

  • Like 2

Meh, energy companies are all cunts, whether or not you have smart meters.

I'm with Octopus and have smart meters. They know exactly how much I'm using, yet keep 'automatically updating' my direct debit to be twice as much. Every few months I have go in and manually reduce it. I've currently got it set somewhere below my actual usage to burn off some of the balance it's built up! Bastards.

1 hour ago, myglaren said:

I began taking my own meter readings on the 1st of each month and submitting them, never a problem

This. It's not difficult, and if you keep a spreadsheet of readings you'll be able to accurately answer 'how many kWh do you use?' when getting quotes. Worth doing for water too, gives early indication of a leak. Between home and my shops, I have 6 electric, 4 gas and 6 water meters and monthly readings don't take very much time at all.

1 hour ago, myglaren said:

Resisting having smart meters fitted until I can be sure they are beneficial for me rather than SP.

This too.

6 hours ago, Angrydicky said:

Probably a bit late, but heat is your friend. Heat the nut up with a blow lamp and you should be able to get it moving. Make sure you slide the nut higher up the pipe to clean up the pipe then put a smear of grease on it to prevent it seizing again.

yeah... I don't have any suitable heat making device so I've been trying other methods.  Tried using an easy-out but as soon as it bites in the chuck on the drill slips and I haven't got a square drive that's about 4mm to go on the end of the easy-out so I'm currently trying to figure another work around on this.  I'm going to end up having to replace this whole sodding brake line and I really don't want to, all because of one stupid union that was given a smear of grease when it was done up years ago.


I was this many days old when I found out that meds for blood pressure ( Beta blockers) can make one more sensitive to the sun, 2 days into my holiday and I look like I had a ringside seat during the fucking Manhattan experiment  

I'm burnt through factor 50 FFS 

3 hours ago, vulgalour said:

yeah... I don't have any suitable heat making device so I've been trying other methods.  Tried using an easy-out but as soon as it bites in the chuck on the drill slips and I haven't got a square drive that's about 4mm to go on the end of the easy-out so I'm currently trying to figure another work around on this.  I'm going to end up having to replace this whole sodding brake line and I really don't want to, all because of one stupid union that was given a smear of grease when it was done up years ago.

I very much doubt you will shift it with anything other than either heat or regular soaking with penetrating oil, if you’re lucky.

I had exactly the same situation when doing the brakes on my Somerset recently,  heating the nut then very careful use of molegrips on the pipe and a spanner on the nut and I quickly got it moving again.

Although the pipe was, predictably, a bit pitted once I’d moved the nut and cleaned it up. I didn’t replace the pipe because, like yours it would have been a ballache to replace it. In hindsight it wouldn’t have been a bad thing to do to bite the bullet and replace it.

I never fully appreciated how much heat helps free seized stuff off but now I use my very cheap blowlamp regularly and it does a good job, not as good as oxyacetylene but good enough for home use.

19 minutes ago, omegod said:

2 days into my holiday and I look like I had a ringside seat during the fucking Manhattan experiment  

I'm burnt through factor 50 FFS 

Sorry not sorry for laughing.

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