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The grumpy thread

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I know what you mean. But I had to edit (and ended up removing) a comment about Comic Sans font because someone complained.

Please tell me this is a joke?


The only place for comic sans is the primary classroom if the school is too tight to buy the Sassoon primary font.


That's the thing.

They call it defence.

It was attack to me.

The only way we can afford to make stuff which could be usefully in defence of the nation is to reduce the cost by economies of scale. Which means we need to sell them.

Who wants to buy our defence equipment?

Murders and Dictators.

To Attack people.

It's about the only industry we have left.


Apart from having to spend 20 minutes in the post office (getting tutted at by the big queue behind me) obtaining not one but two International Driving Permits needed after 30th March to drive in Europe (why does Spain have to be different?),  my insurers  now tell me that I will need a Green Card too. 


It's all very 1960's. 

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Please tell me this is a joke?


The only place for comic sans is the primary classroom if the school is too tight to buy the Sassoon primary font.

The complaint came from someone who was very vocal about over moderation.

^The paradox going on there is delicious ;)


FWIW I have used one.


I've drained the oil on the Golf the traditional way and also using the Pela and the suction method reliably removes about half a litre more every time, possibly not true for all engines but certainly the case for many others I've compared as well.


It always amuses me slightly that most of the vacuum drain naysayers warn of the perils of removing oil that way, whilst also openly admitting to never having actually used them! On cars that are suited to them they work very well indeed and are in many instances superior to a traditional oil change.

if you have concerns about damage that may be caused WHY on earth would you use one just to proove yourself right? There is no paradox as in the same way as I have never used cable ties to secure brake calipers, I don’t need personal experience to know if the principle behind a process is good or bad and not want to take the risk. And I am genuinely interested to know in what ways they were superior to a conventional method of changing oil? And what makes some cars suited to them? Presumably you are referring to sumo design in some way? I doubt there would be an issue used once, but repeated use? Not for me......
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I thought they were only used if you can't undo the sump nut for whatever reason


I used to be anti sucking oil out and then actually did it.  I sucked it dry so I did.  Sucked the flipping SOUL out of my sump so I did.


Opened the sump nut.  I'd say about 300 ml (can of pop)'s worth of oil came flooding out.  I was expecting very little.  Much swearing ensued.


I think it's down, in part at least, to the shape of your sump *fnar fnar.  

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Its not you LOL! Id call you a silly sod but im sure i would get dealeated,moved or renamed for that?


Silly old sod is the correct terminology.


The complaint came from someone who was very vocal about over moderation.

Err ok, well I'm sure they must have had their reasons (like me not liking the use of the word retard - I'll hold my hand up in public to that). Fuck knows what they are though.


She phoned me.


If she took the trouble to phone you to tell you she loved you, I'd be inclined to believe her.


I am genuinely interested to know in what ways they were superior to a conventional method of changing oil?



More oil is removed, at least on some cars, does depend on the car though. As mentioned the Pela gets about 0.5l more out when tested back to back with a traditional drain on the Golf (Yes I'm a sad case and have tested this as at one stage as I too had concerns about how well they worked)



 what makes some cars suited to them? Presumably you are referring to sumo design in some way?


The sump shape, the ability to vacuum out the oil filter housing and oil cooler, without any doubt the 'sumo design' has a strong part to play in this too.



Not for me...…


Your loss, but if you actually tried it I recon you could put your fears to bed and probably make your life easier when servicing  :)

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You have to be careful you don't push the tube in too far as the end can flex around into a U shape and can be sucking from a higher point than it should.


You have to be careful you don't push the tube in too far as the end can flex around into a U shape and can be sucking from a higher point than it should.

^^ this. That was my first mistake when using mine. You get a clank as it hits the bottom, that's where you stop. If you keep pushing harder it'll bend round like that.


Once it's finished sucking the oil and it's pulling up air, I move the tube up and down and usually it catches a point where it starts sucking oil back out. That way I can check I've got it all out.

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Err ok, well I'm sure they must have had their reasons (like me not liking the use of the word retard - I'll hold my hand up in public to that). Fuck knows what they are though.

They are having a good moan because they don't like not being able to say absolutely anything without recourse. So they put the mods in a difficult position.


Report and action is taken - see how you over moderate, this is stupid.


Report and no action is taken - oh it's a clique, you only act from the chosen few, this is stupid.


But fuck this, between the cluster fuck that is Labour imploding and AS bickering I think I'm going to have a break from the internet.

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I mostly read this forum and one or two others on a very regular basis.


I rarely watch the news, haven't an effing clue what B***** is, apart from it has made me buy two international driving permits, and contact my insurers about the green card I'll need.


I don't really get offended by what others say or what their opinions are, as it rarely concerns me personally.


I like living in blissful ignorance-i doubt it has ever harmed me.


You may wish to edit this before somebody becomes offended on behalf of a community that not all of the members of that community identify as a member of because they see themselves as an individual.


I know what you mean.  But I had to edit (and ended up removing) a comment about Comic Sans font because someone complained.  


What? A offensive typeface? You sir, are shitting me?


As in - 'What?'


I'm not editing anything because someone is offended. I'm sure I can tell (reasonably) the difference between offensive and offended. It's a shame more people can't. Feel free to be offended by that (anyone,not BI) - you won't wake up in the morning with Leprosy™


They are all crazy. And I'm sure they think the same about us and long may it continue. 

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I changed the sump on my Smart back in the summer due to corrosion on the leading face causing a leak.


This car has no sump plug so oil must be drained using a pump. For the previous 12 years I'd been using a diesel hand prime pump from a Rover 400 which performed the task well, if a little slowly. I always took the precaution of unbolting and removing the dipstick tube so I could insert the pump tube directly into the sump with little chance of it coiling at the bottom.


On removing the sump I was pleased to find only a very small amount of oil remaining (pic looks more than it is, probably half an egg cup full in reality). However, there was tiny bit of "scum" that I think would likely have been carried out through a drain hole. This theory is backed up by the fact that, even though this car has had oil changed at a maximum of 3k miles, the oil always went black very quickly. Nowadays the oil stays golden. Make of that what you will.


The red line on the pic showing the external sump indicates the relative position of the ground when fitted to the car. It is a simple shape so lends itself better to oil extraction than others, I imagine.



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Nearly got taken out again this evening by a regular idiot in our area.


02 plate Focus diesel. Lowered (I honestly don't think it has springs fitted), Matt black *everything* including lights. Just before 10pm, came blasting down our road at about 50mph and totally ignored my having right of way, and had no lights on. Only reason I noticed the sod was the fact that you can hear the turbo whistling on that thing from about a quarter of a mile off.


Guy drives like an ass. Including charging through here at school kick out times.

All lights are excessively blacked - you can just about see the one working brake light in daylight.

Illegal and nearly unreadable plates - silver on black in wacky font.

Exhaust the size of the channel tunnel.

All windows (including windscreen) massively heavily tinted.

Front tyres have the wire showing they're so shot.

Hadn't had an MOT since 2014 when it failed spectacularly on welding needed and "unsatisfactory suspension modifications."

Not insured.

Not taxed.


We see it at least a few times a week in various locations.


Have reported it to the police and VOSA several times for antisocial behaviour (reverse donuts at 3am anyone?), and the obvious vehicle defects.


Damn thing is still here making a nuisance of itself...


Really makes me laugh is that one place I've seen it parked twice was the pay and display next to the police station...


I did actually stick my head in to reception on the last occasion in a "think you might be interested in this..." Sort of way, but was told in no uncertain terms that they were really busy and I'd need to call 111 to report it if I had a complaint to report.


The unofficial story I've heard through the grapevine is that the owner has "no fixed abode" and knows every loop hole in the system, making him near untouchable...and has had a history of making life a living hell for officers who have attempted to intervene...so they now ignore him.


Should point out, we moved in here in early 2014, and the car and owner have apparently been a blight on the area since well before we arrived.




Also, insomnia sucks.

Brick through windscreen.


More oil is removed, at least on some cars, does depend on the car though. As mentioned the Pela gets about 0.5l more out when tested back to back with a traditional drain on the Golf (Yes I'm a sad case and have tested this as at one stage as I too had concerns about how well they worked)





The sump shape, the ability to vacuum out the oil filter housing and oil cooler, without any doubt the 'sumo design' has a strong part to play in this too.





Your loss, but if you actually tried it I recon you could put your fears to bed and probably make your life easier when servicing :)

Thanks for the explanations, my concern remains that it’s not the amount of,oil left but the crap that sits in it at the bottom. A flow of hot oil out of a hole will create a turbulence and flow that will lift a lot of that shite and take it with it. I just can’t see how a pump would do that to the same degree. I suppose with modern filters it’s much less of a concern, but having seen the shite left in old sumps over the years I think it’s worth trying to get it out. As I said in the first post it has to be far better than running on old oil (but I am a bit of an oil change freak and hate having oil past it’s best), but I have never found dropping the plug to be hard on any car I have had. Perhaps if I have one with a stupid undertray without a cutout or some such I would change my mind. And seeing the sump above, perhaps I am worrying too much.
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We all are. If the Government. Our Government. Made up of people elected by us.

If they, therefore we allow a defence industry to sell stuff to the rest of the world whilst taking tax and national insurance and bringing dirty foreign money into the country, then we all are benefiting from the sale if arms internationally, and therefore you average pub landlord is an arms dealer.


By that rationale, We're all diamond merchants and gold bullion dealers. Fucked if I'm going to work today, then. Where's the nearest Ferrari showroom?


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I mean, I'd happily work for BAESystems on Things that kill, if the hourly rate is acceptable. Just need to know where your moral line stops. Wouldn't work for Nestle or any tabbaco company.


At least you're being honest.


I was berated on here for driving a HiAce as part of my living in the London ULEZ recently.

Said berator has now bought an old Mercedes Vito, not because he needs it but because it was cheap. What price scruples eh?


....I was berated on here for driving a HiAce as part of my living in the London ULEZ recently.

Said berator has now bought an old Mercedes Vito, not because he needs it but because it was cheap. What price scruples eh?


Not so much scruples, as being a disciple of the Roman god Janus.


Fuuucking hell.


This thread (and others) seem to be turning into what our colonial cousins would call a dumpster fire.


Bring in Harry Enfield to shout "calm down" in a Scouse accent please.


Proper bored with just having the one car to drive every day. I've just got to accept I am not normal and get bored about a million times faster than anyone else.

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Where did you get that idea from?

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Nearly got taken out again this evening by a regular idiot in our area.


02 plate Focus diesel. Lowered (I honestly don't think it has springs fitted), Matt black *everything* including lights. Just before 10pm, came blasting down our road at about 50mph and totally ignored my having right of way, and had no lights on. Only reason I noticed the sod was the fact that you can hear the turbo whistling on that thing from about a quarter of a mile off.


Guy drives like an ass. Including charging through here at school kick out times.

All lights are excessively blacked - you can just about see the one working brake light in daylight.

Illegal and nearly unreadable plates - silver on black in wacky font.

Exhaust the size of the channel tunnel.

All windows (including windscreen) massively heavily tinted.

Front tyres have the wire showing they're so shot.

Hadn't had an MOT since 2014 when it failed spectacularly on welding needed and "unsatisfactory suspension modifications."

Not insured.

Not taxed.


We see it at least a few times a week in various locations.


Have reported it to the police and VOSA several times for antisocial behaviour (reverse donuts at 3am anyone?), and the obvious vehicle defects.


Damn thing is still here making a nuisance of itself...


Really makes me laugh is that one place I've seen it parked twice was the pay and display next to the police station...


I did actually stick my head in to reception on the last occasion in a "think you might be interested in this..." Sort of way, but was told in no uncertain terms that they were really busy and I'd need to call 111 to report it if I had a complaint to report.


The unofficial story I've heard through the grapevine is that the owner has "no fixed abode" and knows every loop hole in the system, making him near untouchable...and has had a history of making life a living hell for officers who have attempted to intervene...so they now ignore him.


Should point out, we moved in here in early 2014, and the car and owner have apparently been a blight on the area since well before we arrived.




Also, insomnia sucks.


am reading this and genuinely am wondering


wtf loop hole is there to let you run around with no MOT, tires balder then a pool ball and all the other illegal crap?


on a completely unrelated note, what was that stuff they put into the engines of cars traded in to destroy them, in the cash for clunkers thing they had in the US?  :mrgreen:


(RIP all you unfairly destroyed B-bodies...)




They are having a good moan because they don't like not being able to say absolutely anything without recourse. So they put the mods in a difficult position.


Report and action is taken - see how you over moderate, this is stupid.


Report and no action is taken - oh it's a clique, you only act from the chosen few, this is stupid.


But fuck this, between the cluster fuck that is Labour imploding and AS bickering I think I'm going to have a break from the internet.

I hope you come back - want to see more of the Saab being fixed.


Sadly I think the reporter was furious about the moderation process and wanted to make a point.

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