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The grumpy thread


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7 hours ago, iainrcz said:

Someone not too far away has made the assumption we want to hear him singing via big fucking speakers.

I might go and start my car up, that'll drown the caterwauling out.

Unless you've got a cherry bomb the effect may not be enough; do you know anyone with a sportbike equipped with a 'race can'?

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16 minutes ago, somewhatfoolish said:

Unless you've got a cherry bomb the effect may not be enough; do you know anyone with a sportbike equipped with a 'race can'?

Un-resonated Milltek, which from cold is loud. Although the previous exhaust I had the famous eBay Malian would rattle windows it was that loud.

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13 hours ago, Wack said:

Most of the dashcam videos are crap but this one , it's a combination of really shit drivers and downright dangerous ones

The first clip left me a bit WTF ?



Fourth clip was the one that shocked me - it's a very good job the driver of the Audi glanced to their right, else that would definitely have been fatal for all involved.

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My neighbour has a shih tzu that since Christmas has been getting kicked out in the garden 24/7. 

It doesn't bark. It screams, and it never stops.

At first I was grumpy. Then it started waking me up at 3am at which point shit got serious and I went round. They would never answer the door but just twitched their curtains. Obviously they know it's a problem.

So I got the council involved, who were as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Apparently barking dogs are impossible to prove as being a statutory nuisance. Despite them standing in my bedroom at 10pm listening to endless screaming. Looking at recent FOI requests our council has not issued a single noise notice for barking dogs in several years. I assume someone in the department is an equally selfish dog owner and doesn't see the problem.

Im a really calm and zen person. I tend to shrug at most things. However my nerves are shattered and I'm now on beta blockers to stop this riling me up. Today I stood holding a brick aimed at their window and I'm not entirely sure why I put it down.

People with barking dogs need to be tortured, shot, and their children sterilized with rusty razors.

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I'd be going round at 10 pm and smashing fuck out of their front door until they answer it.  And then again at 2am.  And again at 4am.  Might get the message then.  I'd love to hear them complain to the council about it!

And dogs barking is a noise nuisance.  Plenty of people have been prosecuted for it.  First thing to do is to keep a diary of every time it barks.  I know that basically means every single day will be "Dog barked all fucking day", but a diary of times is admissible as evidence, so it's well worth having.

If the dog is screaming that much, maybe a quick call to the RSPCA and having one of their officers make a visit might "re-focus their minds".  The dog is clearly in distress to be barking that much.

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17 hours ago, Wack said:

Most of the dashcam videos are crap but this one , it's a combination of really shit drivers and downright dangerous ones

The first clip left me a bit WTF ?



This particular picture is why when teaching kids the green cross code, you also add, 

If possible always use a pedestrian crossing.  When the green man is lit up, you should check that there is nothing coming.  Only cross when the cars have stopped. Better to be safe than in the right. 


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Had a few beers yesterday with the neighbors, all sat in our front gardens, chatting away. 

Right on cue I wake up at 4.30am for no reason at all, just because I've been drinking. Tonight will be fun, I've got something to watch from 7pm... 


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Live From dustbinland



Someone left interior light on since wednesday. Someone teenage who’s done it a few times in the past and woken me up at 5:15 on a Saturday morning.....


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3 hours ago, dozeydustman said:

Someone teenage who’s done it a few times in the past and woken me up at 5:15 on a Saturday morning.....

Take the bulb out and leave a torch in the car?

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How is having an obnoxiously loud exhaust morally any better?
Because my car isn't sat outside for 7 hours making noise.
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1 hour ago, SiC said:

Take the bulb out and leave a torch in the car?

Turns out one of the door pin switches is shorted. Think it’s the driver’s door.

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10 hours ago, juular said:

My neighbour has a shih tzu that since Christmas has been getting kicked out in the garden 24/7. 

It doesn't bark. It screams, and it never stops.

At first I was grumpy. Then it started waking me up at 3am at which point shit got serious and I went round. They would never answer the door but just twitched their curtains. Obviously they know it's a problem.

So I got the council involved, who were as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Apparently barking dogs are impossible to prove as being a statutory nuisance. Despite them standing in my bedroom at 10pm listening to endless screaming. Looking at recent FOI requests our council has not issued a single noise notice for barking dogs in several years. I assume someone in the department is an equally selfish dog owner and doesn't see the problem.

Im a really calm and zen person. I tend to shrug at most things. However my nerves are shattered and I'm now on beta blockers to stop this riling me up. Today I stood holding a brick aimed at their window and I'm not entirely sure why I put it down.

People with barking dogs need to be tortured, shot, and their children sterilized with rusty razors.

I'd personally make the dog disappear in that situation. Fuck that

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5 minutes ago, SRi05 said:

Dog >> Car >> River

Owners >> car >> River

Its not the dogs fault,

shit head owners.... 


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Untaxed and uninsured too, to the surprise of precisely no one.

Then again it happened in Birmingham, where 90% of cars are untaxed and uninsured anyway.

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Apparently my neighbour is racist and probably thinks I am.

After looking in the boot of the civic for something he says something like "I like the plate did you buy it from a (racial slur)?"

Slightly took me by surprise, explained where I'd actually bought it from and the origin of the number plate (a persons initials).

By the time I realized what he was on about he had gone back in the house.

After thinking about it the only think he could of though was S21GNH may look a bit like Singh??

Bizarre behaviour!

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1 hour ago, Wack said:

Some people really do need a slap, unbelievable 



that just needs emailing to the local cops with the date time and gps loc on it for them to immediately jump up and down

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1 hour ago, Pieman said:

Untaxed and uninsured too, to the surprise of precisely no one.

Then again it happened in Birmingham, where 90% of cars are untaxed and uninsured anyway.

Hope someone finds where it is parked and sets fire to it. 

Years ago my mate rented his flat out to some bloke and his missus. Both were in good jobs so he thought all was good. After a couple of months they stopped paying the rent. Probably because they had saved to buy an almost new car. He was overheard bragging about it in the pub, also saying he didnt have a licence or insurance.

Guess who went out to his car one morning to find every window and light smashed, four slashed tyres, radiator punctured and every panel dented and keyed?

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My house purchase in Spain went through yesterday, so the property is now legally mine, which is brilliantmine.

Major grump is I am not allowed to travel there at the moment due to travel restrictions in France and Spain. Hopefully things will change soon.

Second grump is that despite a quite severe lockdown, the Spanish sorted everything out legally without and issue. But the solicitors and agents acting on the sale of my UK house say they can do nothing until the lockdown is lifted. My buyer is livid with them all, as the sale was agreed in Feb and she is desperate to move in.

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1 minute ago, Pieman said:

That's because the British, in general, just cannot ever be arsed to do anything.

The alarm fitter has just left the house after fitting a CCTV and monitored alarm system. Contract sorted out by email, and my mate there to oversee it. Not bad, just 5 hours from seeing the contract for the first time and it being up and running!

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Ominous smoke from my MIG welder. I only tacked one bolt on. Was fine yesterday, welded for hours. Possibly why it's tired today.

Fans not working, supposed to have an overload cut out though. Will steal a fan from my smaller welder and hope for the best. Just paid £90 for a torch and lead .

Finished my ice lolly now, will have another try.

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1 hour ago, Jerzy Woking said:

My house purchase in Spain went through yesterday, so the property is now legally mine, which is brilliantmine.

Major grump is I am not allowed to travel there at the moment due to travel restrictions in France and Spain. Hopefully things will change soon.

Second grump is that despite a quite severe lockdown, the Spanish sorted everything out legally without and issue. But the solicitors and agents acting on the sale of my UK house say they can do nothing until the lockdown is lifted. My buyer is livid with them all, as the sale was agreed in Feb and she is desperate to move in.

There's no government restriction on house sales, so has one of the solicitors decided they can't be arsed doing their job?

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2 hours ago, Jerzy Woking said:

..... the solicitors and agents acting on the sale of my UK house say they can do nothing until the lockdown is lifted. My buyer is livid with them all, as the sale was agreed in Feb and she is desperate to move in.


31 minutes ago, somewhatfoolish said:

There's no government restriction on house sales, so has one of the solicitors decided they can't be arsed doing their job?

The problem here is one of interpretation: house sales are not considered to be essential business so Estate Agents (certainly in greater London) have, to a man, all closed down their offices and are trying to operate online only. Thing is, if you've got a house to sell (and I've got two Probate properties to get rid of), the agents won't come and visit or take measurements / photos because they don't want to breach the current regulations, so that means sellers are fucked for now. Buyers are also arguably fucked because the regs also mean that property visits are a no-no at the moment, and amateur photos on a website are no substitute for going round there and seeing it for yourself.

And if there's no proper transaction activity going on, conveyancing solicitors have no meaningful work to do, so they're fucked as well

Even the bigger Firms may end up with a cashflow problem

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27 minutes ago, somewhatfoolish said:

There's no government restriction on house sales, so has one of the solicitors decided they can't be arsed doing their job?

According to BBC there are 373,000 house sales/purchases  (worth £82b) on hold, but no real explanation as to why everyone one is on hold. Or do they mean there are 373,000 houses on the market for sale? Not quite the same thing


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