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The grumpy thread


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Anxiety sucks ass , had major issues in my youth and the fucker is back with avengance at age 44 FFS , another day another battle to win ! 

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1 hour ago, TheDoctor said:

Anxiety can fucking do one.


How can one relatively sane, level headed person be reduced to a gibbering wreck by simple things such as a shopping trip, a decision of what lunch to have, planning ahead a couple of weeks in advance or other such basic* tasks? ?


*OK, so trying to orchestrate a 4 way liason between parties to liberate a relatively unloved vehicle from being banger raced is a bit stressful, and I perhaps should have thought about that, but the other points are valid. And in no way related ?

I feel you there!

anxiety has been a Major Pain in the arse/back for me with all the invacar stuff, mainly when it came to contacting people for information over the phone etc

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Fully support the acoustic cameras/noise control 

It's warm so we're sleeping with windows open. We live near some industrial areas, notably an Amazon warehouse with a few hundred people at any one time.

Midnight or so, some fuckhole in some small engined loud exhaust car goes past. 6am he goes home again. You can hear the wanker from about half a mile away caning it through the gears (as fitting a shit exhaust has probably lost power) and he wakes me up every night. I'm seriously tempted to throw a load of plasterboard screws across the road at 5.55am 

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9 hours ago, Pillock said:

Fully support the acoustic cameras/noise control 

It's warm so we're sleeping with windows open. We live near some industrial areas, notably an Amazon warehouse with a few hundred people at any one time.

Midnight or so, some fuckhole in some small engined loud exhaust car goes past. 6am he goes home again. You can hear the wanker from about half a mile away caning it through the gears (as fitting a shit exhaust has probably lost power) and he wakes me up every night. I'm seriously tempted to throw a load of plasterboard screws across the road at 5.55am 

Bet it's a Corsa C 1.2 twinport in "club" trim. Halford's DIY 'performance' back box with a tailpipe the diameter of a catering size Heinz Beanz tin sound crap whatever they're on.

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Me: "Hey look at this thing I'm doing that I think is cool"

Anonymous Owners Club tosser: "That won't work because of this problem you solved about 6 months ago but I know more about the engine than you even though I've never touched one and you've spent the last two months worth of days off shoulder deep in it"




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Suspended sentence, there's a massive surprise* for these absolute twats :roll:


I pray that one day the punishment will match the crime.

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The other side of the black dog menace is always hiding round the corner. Feeling like shit at the moment, perhaps as the aftermath of all the anxiety the past couple of days, or perhaps resurging of not feeling good enough. You know when you spend your whole life being distinctly average at everything you do?

I mean, I can't even save a rare car without being upstaged by a rarer one and a better story ? Not annoyed about that, but more that it's just sods law and typical of my world. 

Guess I needed a rant. As you were. ?

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On 6/9/2019 at 3:29 PM, reb said:

Me: "Hey look at this thing I'm doing that I think is cool"

Anonymous Owners Club tosser: "That won't work because of this problem you solved about 6 months ago but I know more about the engine than you even though I've never touched one and you've spent the last two months worth of days off shoulder deep in it"




There's always one ?

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Mother in law is now in a hospice. Went to see her this afternoon with stepdaughter. She has been sleeping for 2 days now and breathing very laboured. I sincerely doubt she'll make the end of the week.

Got home, took mrs to her evening job, cooked dinner for me and stepdaughter, mum rang up. One of my cousins was taken into a hospice today. She was in remission from ovarian cancer 2 years, but collapsed at the weekend as the cancer reappeared very quickly and aggressively spreading to her liver. My poor aunt over the last few years has lost her younger of 2 sons, her husband and now her daughter isn't long for this world.

Looks like 2 funerals now in short succession.

Cancer can do one.

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Daughter got mugged 20metres from our house.  Pair of cunts ran up behind her and nabbed her phone.

Mrs P went out looking for them but they were long gone.  Phone was shut off in about five minutes, Police informed but fuck all they can do.  Neighbours CCTV should have caught it but even with a clear image of it, Plod won’t be able to do anything.

Stupid fuckers.  Risking a theft conviction for a useless piece of locked plastic.  Not to mention one very pissed off Dad.  What’s a Samsung Galaxy s9 worth - two teeth?  Possibly more if I find them.  

Nobody hurt so that’s the main thing and it could have been worse.  A lot worse.  Ironically she had her college Laptop which is worth a fuck ton more than the phone was, thank god they didn’t go for that.

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1 minute ago, Parky said:

Police informed but fuck all they can do.  Neighbours CCTV should have caught it but even with a clear image of it, Plod won’t be able to do anything.


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2 hours ago, TheDoctor said:

There's always one ?

It fucks me right off, got another on the same thread. It's about the only bloody thing I get excited about, but obviously I've not done my research!

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11 hours ago, TheDoctor said:


I mean, I can't even save a rare car without being upstaged by a rarer one and a better story ?

FWIW, I reckon yours has the better story - cos if it wasn't for your own tenacity, that 323 would have been lost for good. That was down to you.

Plus, yours might be running well again with just a new set of leads...

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Sorting out car insurance for the roffle winning Merc (I know there's a thread for this somewhere but I cba).

Confused meerkat gave online of 197 via Saga. Follow link, fill in, comes up 193, winner. Try to pay, try, try, try. End up with web talk, your card should work bollocks. Nope. Ring, go through it all on phone, comes out at 395. FFS, How Much?. Back on web, turns out that despite assurances they don't accept Halifax Visa Electron card. Transfer money to another account, yippee.

BUT, don't be taken in by Saga's guaranteed same price for the next three years. They simply add at least fifty quid to this year's quote.


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21 hours ago, wuvvum said:


Not my words - theirs.  Basically even if my daughter positively identifies them, the images show the kids walking towards her, then a Bush gets in the bloody way so the actual crime isn’t visible.  

Today I have been dealing with insurance.  Despite receipts, packaging, copies of confirmation emails, they want something showing that the IMEI can be linked to me as (their words) “we can’t prove it’s actually your phone you are claiming”

Been one of those days.  

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public smokers!  sorry but it effin stinks.  I get off the train in an evening and everyone has to walk from the platform down this ramp that snakes down to the pavement, but some ignorant arse holes spark up once off the train and therefore leaving their ciggy smoke in the faces of those following down the ramp from the station.   I mean surely just wait 15 seconds until exiting the station, it fckin stinks when getting a face full of someones fag smoke and there is no avoiding it as everyone is going the same way.   Not kids either, grown men in their 50's usually.

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'I know what it's worth'


...which is usually followed by a price that's ten times the actual value.

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"Pulls like a train"

on every single fucking cunting twatting diesel car advert, it doesn't pull like a fucking train, a train has slow gradual almost imperceptible acceleration at times, a car would feel utterly fucking shit if it really did pull like a fucking train, also most mainline trains are electric but the ones that aren't are fucking noisy, smelly and slow as fuck, fucking stupid dumb twats.

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50 minutes ago, Jazoli said:

"Pulls like a train"

on every single fucking cunting twatting diesel car advert, it doesn't pull like a fucking train, a train has slow gradual almost imperceptible acceleration at times, a car would feel utterly fucking shit if it really did pull like a fucking train, also most mainline trains are electric but the ones that aren't are fucking noisy, smelly and slow as fuck, fucking stupid dumb twats.


Has aircon 

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40 year old shit heap with no MOT or history but clock showing 36,000 but  'believed to be genuine'   Bullshit!!  Believed by who? you? The seller?

'First to see will buy'  the biggest waste of advert space even back when you were restricted to 30 words by Autotrader and the local rag and nowadays in BOLD UNDERLINED  on gumtree / ebay etc..

'Appreciating classic will only go up in value'   Oh yeah? well keep the fuggin thing then.

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18 hours ago, busmansholiday said:

BUT, don't be taken in by Saga's guaranteed same price for the next three years. They simply add at least fifty quid to this year's quote.


...and you can't make ANY changes, of vehicle, or of ANYTHING during those three years if you want to keep the price.

A bit of a waste of time IMO

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Fucking work again. 'oh, you're not putting enough effort into making your Trust Pilot reviews better, its pathetic'

FUCK OFF. I'm here to serve customers. If they don't want to leave a review or forget there isn't much I can do about that. Besides, having no stock and not getting it offline fast enough (out of our hands) doesn't help. I've been sending these emails to my personal address in case anything blows up. 

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It’s raining... badly... 

The two main routes from my work to my house are now closed. And I’m in a managers meeting after the school day has finished... 

The only good thing is that the headteacher has to go the same way as me! So hopefully he’ll cut it short... 

Plus I’m in the Saab... and that’s indestructible right? 

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Rain, you say? Ignore his face, he doesn't like walking that way, anyhow

Image may contain: plant, dog, tree, outdoor and nature


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I like apples. Just had an apple..... seems like I'm having a bloody allergic reaction, throat itchy, a little short of breath, eyelids swelling. Anti-histamine taken.

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She can go and feck off.  I hope so too.

I had a similar but less severe thing with peaches. Seems like this is a thing:

If you suffer from hay fever (allergic rhinitis) caused by pollen, your mouth or throat may become itchy after eating an apple or celery. This happens in up to 50 to 75% of adults allergic to birch tree pollen. This reaction occurs because the proteins found in some fruits and vegetables are very similar to those found in pollen. These proteins can confuse the immune system and cause an allergic reaction or make existing symptoms worse, which is referred to as cross-reactivity. In the case of pollen and foods, the result of cross-reactivity is called oral allergy syndrome (OAS) also known as pollen fruit syndrome (PFS).

OAS is a form of a contact allergic reaction that occurs upon contact of the mouth and throat with raw fruits or vegetables. The most frequent symptoms of OAS include itchiness or swelling of the mouth, face, lip, tongue and throat. Symptoms usually appear immediately after eating raw fruits or vegetables, although in rare cases, the reaction can occur more than an hour later. OAS is generally considered to be a mild form of food allergy. Rarely, OAS can cause severe throat swelling leading to difficulty swallowing or breathing. In a person who is highly allergic, a systemic reaction, called anaphylaxis, may be caused by a pollen cross-reactive raw fruit or vegetable, but this is very uncommon.  OAS can occur at any time of the year.

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Mother in law sadly left us at about half 1 this afternoon.

Going to be a tough couple of days for the wife’s side of the family so probably going to be offline for a day or so while I help them with funeral and notifying friends.

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