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STOLEN - 1989 Fiat Panda 4x4 - G537 DCX - Halifax


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 Copying this from Facebook so it's gets out there....



STOLEN.... 1989 fiat panda 4x4. G537 DCX. please help me get my car back, stolen early hours of this morning from Sowerby Bridge, Halifax.

Saw 2 suspicious lads on a moped, came out this morning to no car, no work van too. Please make the car too hot to handle, reward for any information leading to recovery of the vehicle








This is the work van... ND64 WOX



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Sometimes I struggle to see the point of pro-creation.  These fuckers should be monitored until such time they have something worthwhile in their possession that can be taken and burned.

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What a waste of a fine car. More and more I'm starting to think the punishment should echo the crime so the perpetrators know how it feels. The only way these fuckers will learn is if the court ordered something precious of theirs to be taken away and set on fire. Preferably with them inside it.

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Sorry to hear. 2 vehicles at once and one burned out. There is no logic to these things. Hope the police can get them. Burning a vehicle is a real risk and even puts fire officers at risk. Hope they can trace the other distinctive van and get them. If they came on a moped they can't be based that far away? And they must have some pro-knowledge as Id assume the van has reasonable security.   

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Sounds awful but I’d make inroads yourself to find people/clues as to how it happened. The police won’t be remotely interested in dealing with catching those responsible.

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Gutted for you



Sounds awful but I’d make inroads yourself to find people/clues as to how it happened. The police won’t be remotely interested in dealing with catching those responsible.



How did they steal the caddy?, did they pinch the keys.


It wasn't actually mine, I just lifted it from the Panda group on Facebook to share it far and wide...


I just cannot comprehend the mentality of these people...

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Finger removal based on number of cylinders should be a thing. Obviously all cars have at least eight cylinders, including tree climbing bear-based Italian ones.

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No but really, violence as retaliation is pretty overkill here.  It doesn't serve as a deterrent, it doesn't do anything other than make you feel good about yourself and it certainly doesn't help the owner of that poor Panda.  A better system of punishment and, if possible, reform of the criminal is more sensible.  We may not understand why folks steal stuff and then destroy it, but they will have their own personal reasons.  Address those reasons and you address the crime much better.


I don't condone the actions of the criminals at all and I don't have any amount of respect for them for doing what they have.  I also don't condone violence as the first port of call as a response to such vandalism, even if "you don't mean it", that's just the same as when you ask one of these guys why they stole the car in the first place "I dunno, just felt like it".


So yeah.  Sad times for Panda and van owner.  Sad times that there will unlikely be any punishment or conviction meted out on those responsible.  Sad times that insurance will likely pass the financial burden of this onto the victim.  Sad times all round, but no call for threatening extreme violence and death.  Keep your perspective, folks.

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I wouldn't bother with hanging..........just lock them inside a vehicle of your choice....and torch it...........

I'm not sure you would say that if a friend of yours had used that way to move on to the other side, it's definitely not something I would wish to see ever again and wouldn't expect the firemen/police would either, jail/rehabilitation would be my preferred course of action for said scrotes.


I hope the owner can find a replacement and try and get over this as soon as possible, it's not nice to have your pride and joy taken which has happened twice to me over the years.

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Anyone who damages someone else's property should be made to restore it back to its pre-damage condition, regardless of how difficult or how long that would take. Even this burned out Panda. That way they might appreciate the time, effort and money that has been invested in said item (car in this case), and just how shit it is to have a car stolen and burned out.

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Are we sure that it's not an insurance job?


Agreed value insurance?


can't be arsed to sell it ? What's worse dealing with gumtree users or a loss adjuster ?




I'll get me coat.

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