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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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Finally managed to get a full day's work done on the Princess got the fuel tank out in ½ hour then stripped a few more bits before starting to cut some rot out and even managed to get a small repair patch in under a jacking point before calling it a day.

Still lots of rust to deal with but it feels good to have started properly at last.

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Driving down the m3 this morning to head off to box hill for a long walk I spied a w124 grill approaching slowly in the mirror. Closer and closer, it was a coupe! The same colour as mine too! He passed just before the m25 junction and his wife/partner/kidnap victim waved. A 300ce - g reg, the first I've seen on the road since I bought mine nearly four years ago.

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The rain has held off for a couple of days now,meaning the garden has dried out enough to drag the mower out and trim the suprisingly long grass....

Decided to give the hedge a going over as well,again after a growth spurt which left it looking rather scruffy

Not bad for the last week in December

Up at silly o'clock tomorrow to collect my latest purchase...

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On Christmas Eve, Mrs N informed me that the headlights on her Freelander had packed up, 'Great' thinks I ' another nightmare electrical fault on a piece of modern crap'

Today,after googling and forum searching , I thought I'd start by replacing the bulbs.

Bingo! Both headlights working perfectly, I'm now embarrassed that I hadn't noticed one was out before the other went, unless they both gave up T the sMe time.

I rewarded it by taking old bath and boxes of tiles to the tip, using my patent gaffer tape load restraining method.


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Yeah, I wouldn't want to tow much more than a camping/ tip run type trailer with it . It was fitted by the supplying Land Rover dealer and the previous owner towed a big fuck off 4 wheel caravan with it. One of the reasons it's on its 3rd clutch , I suppose .

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facebook van barney.jpg



What a game of darts that was. Barney was absolute class, brilliant win that.






*I still want Taylor to win the title

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As you may have seen in the news, Tadcaster bridge is falling into the River Wharfe. What's made me grin, however, is this one:

Driver didn't know how much 6 tons was in pounds, couldn't be arsed backing up so went for it anyway... :roll:


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I just remembered that when I was driving home on Christmas Eve, I noticed a section of the a1 seems to have been fitted with self powered cats eyes - I definitely didn't test this discovery by switching off my headlights at 60mph and it definitely wasn't just like being in an 80s video game :) can't be sure what part of the a1 it was but probably the crap single carriageway between Berwick and Morpeth that has just been resurfaced

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I just remembered that when I was driving home on Christmas Eve, I noticed a section of the a1 seems to have been fitted with self powered cats eyes - I definitely didn't test this discovery by switching off my headlights at 60mph and it definitely wasn't just like being in an 80s video game :) can't be sure what part of the a1 it was but probably the crap single carriageway between Berwick and Morpeth that has just been resurfaced

Recently I've noticed they've fitted them to the motorways here, not sure they were on the lane dividers but definitely on the armco at the sides and central reservation, showing red in front of you and white behind..I tend not to drive at night (oldfartitis) so I don't know how long they've been here. This was on a stretch up into the mountains where it can get pretty grim so maybe they have good reason to splash out on new safety stuff there.

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Barbara Cartland been papped in derby. Wouldn't look at the camera, Cavcraft probably don't know she is playing away.




Nice trimz on the escort mind.

Would that be the biggest insult to him, the dog doing one to be in a ford

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I just remembered that when I was driving home on Christmas Eve, I noticed a section of the a1 seems to have been fitted with self powered cats eyes - I definitely didn't test this discovery by switching off my headlights at 60mph and it definitely wasn't just like being in an 80s video game :) can't be sure what part of the a1 it was but probably the crap single carriageway between Berwick and Morpeth that has just been resurfaced


I've seen that on the N11 in County Wicklow, Ireland. Some folk's eyes/brains get flicker from them 




If you wear a neon pink trimmed set of leathers you can pretend to be Tron.

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Think I just majorly pissed off the driver of one of those new Fiesta ST things.


On a short stretch of dual carriageway I got stuck behind a flatbed so decided to boot the 75 and go past it, but so did the white Fiesta ST behind me as he sat on my back bumper during the overtake.........so I passed the flatbed and moved back in lane but still with my foot down, meanwhile Mr New £20k ST is also trying to take me out before the next round about........gets beside me but bottles it and eats a huge slab of humble pie and pulls back in behind the Rover.


Its the little things....

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I just remembered that when I was driving home on Christmas Eve, I noticed a section of the a1 seems to have been fitted with self powered cats eyes - I definitely didn't test this discovery by switching off my headlights at 60mph and it definitely wasn't just like being in an 80s video game :) can't be sure what part of the a1 it was but probably the crap single carriageway between Berwick and Morpeth that has just been resurfaced


I've found a few stretches of those, I can see the flicker of them - as the car bounces you around you sort of get a trail left in your line of sight which you don't get from reflective ones. They work further away though so handier on my test track which is the only place I ever exceed 70mph.

I think I remember them on the bit of M42 just before you crash into the M5.

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Think I just majorly pissed off the driver of one of those new Fiesta ST things.


On a short stretch of dual carriageway I got stuck behind a flatbed so decided to boot the 75 and go past it, but so did the white Fiesta ST behind me as he sat on my back bumper during the overtake.........so I passed the flatbed and moved back in lane but still with my foot down, meanwhile Mr New £20k ST is also trying to take me out before the next round about........gets beside me but bottles it and eats a huge slab of humble pie and pulls back in behind the Rover.


Its the little things....

I hope you screamed 'you've been rovertaken' as he bottled it?

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Christ, I don't mind chucking £5 at a roffle where someone could just piss of with the money but £400 a ticket (for the BMW M3)?

How fickle fackle much????? Ye gods

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Waiting to go home after one drop


Was gonna go Preston but they have hit whatever with a big hammer and its now fixed


That would been OK - I'd rather be doing summat


Road trip later tho - visa ahoy

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I've just been fitting some mud flaps to the FIL's dacia duster and when I took the back wheel off I noticed the continental tyre was made in Romania, i didn't know continental made tyres in Romania

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Parked outside flower n plant shop in town. That's a metric fuckton of potted daffodils they've got on the pavement, they'll never sell all of those! Closer inspection finds they have a sign "free to good home, please adopt me". So I took Ma a pot of them. Have you paid for those? No, they're free... Oh, get one for idiot sister... so I grabbed 2 more... We could put some in garden. Sod it, grabbed a tray of 30.


I did think what is the acceptable quantity to take of free stuff? When it's free firewood pallets at wholesale place the answer is always as many as I can cram in the disco, but felt I may have overdone it with daffodils.

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