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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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46 minutes ago, cort1977 said:

Is that a requirement now? Otherwise isn't it just a rag to the bull that is the average British driver?

Meh, the mentality behind it is increased awareness = allowing time etc. but whether this actually happens or not is a different story. I have them on because I might as well -they don't cost much and seem to be a good thing for a very new driver- but if I do notice that it attracts the (usual) bullish and aggressive driving I've got with L plates, they're coming off and staying off. There's no requirement to have them yet, but who knows what might happen.


Congratulations on the pass by the way?


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9 hours ago, Fumbler said:



I know everyone has already said it but, get that stupid thing off. 

I refused to let my kids have a P,  because I went out in the car with one, and the increased aggression towards me was obvious. 


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do wonder what sort of reaction id get if I was to stick a pair of P plates on my car once I finally pass...

it is something I have genuinely debated to myself

would be good to let people know Im new to this whole driving malarkey 

but also as mentioned might draw undue attention to you etc

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'88 Sunny went in for an MoT yesterday, went straight through with zero prep (hadn't even driven it for a week or so beforehand). As to be expected there are a couple of things I need to attend to and keep an eye on, but nothing too significant for now.

Seem like I'm doing about 2,000 miles between each test, although I had a Boris extension this time so it looks like my use of it has dropped a bit.

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17 hours ago, Fumbler said:




Regarding the P plate just remove it. Nobody gives extra time because of the plate and it is usually just information so the person behind knows they have to pass you as soon as possible.

When I was a driving instructor with the L plates on the car I could be on my own, speeding and people would still try and push passed. 

My youngest wanted to put P plates on when she passed, I told he she couldn't use the car if she did as I thought they were that dangerous.

It is a pathetic situation where something that is supposed to help does the exact opposite.

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12 hours ago, LightBulbFun said:

do wonder what sort of reaction id get if I was to stick a pair of P plates on my car once I finally pass...

I'd be careful with that - a magnetic one wouldn't work (obvs) and a sticky one might take the paint off...

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5 hours ago, Tickman said:

Regarding the P plate just remove it. Nobody gives extra time because of the plate and it is usually just information so the person behind knows they have to pass you as soon as possible.


So what if you make mistakes as a 'fresh out of school' driver ?

Having stickers on won't differentiate you from the other 99.9% (AS members excluded obv.) of dickheads on the road.

In fact, I'd go so far as to suggest you'll actually be a better, more correct, driver than most of them as you haven't learned any bad habits yet.

Gerrem off, and get driving.

Congrats mate

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Wing mirror knocked off last Thursday - glass and casing.  Genuine used replacement  for £30 on eBay.  Arrived today, took the bits off I needed.

Thought it would take a while to get it sorted but it took literally 20 seconds to fit to the car.  Genuine shell is much better than cheap pattern which took me ages to do last time.

Did it in a pinch as Lady Grumpius needs a replacement sewing machine and I’m not driving to Bluewater in her car and I don’t want to drive without all mirrors...

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Decided to show the Volvo a bit of love and clean up and paint the sills before the rot set in,  unfortunately once the wire wheel was used I could see the need for a bit of sparkly stick time.

Not bad really for a 22 year old motor, the repair was quite small and will make sure of no aggro at mot time for a few more years. I cut back much more than needed but wanted to be on perfect metal to make the welding easier.I think once the stonechip is on it would be barely noticeable so very happy with the result.6F6AD9BD-7C25-41E8-90F7-A07BB7D5684A.thumb.jpeg.51109cf84ca496b5298eb09cd8994ba3.jpeg

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17 hours ago, New POD said:

get that stupid thing off.

Already done m8.

17 hours ago, Rovorsche said:

Just print this off and stick it in the back window and see if it works as Audi repellent.

Ha ha. Much funny, very laugh. The government are trialling T plates for black box cars for the same reasons as why P plates were unveiled. Beats me.

17 hours ago, Christine said:

It's because Micra ...I've  noticed it  when i'm driving  me daughters one

This is very true. Was only overtaken by an Astravan today, who when realised that I was following a tractor...

9 hours ago, Tickman said:


Regarding the P plate just remove it. Nobody gives extra time because of the plate and it is usually just information so the person behind knows they have to pass you as soon as possible.

As above I decided to leave them off as it was pouring with rain and I just couldn't be arsed to install non-required plates. Thanks BTW!


As said before I might put them back up again but I think my choice of car and my experience with L plates will be enough to make up my mind on them. They're on the back seat if I ever feel the need to stick them on my car again. I was given them for free (that's their worth IMO) so I felt I might as well have installed them.

3 hours ago, sdkrc said:

Unless he's flexxing on the instructor that failed him, then It's recommended 

You could say I am, but I'm happy to never need to see her again!

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Servicing the wife's car, air filter location not immediately obvious. Follow the pipework round, 'Surely it can't be there?' I think, I'll check before I start taking bits off. 

Yes, you really do need to take the wipers, skuttle and engine cover off to change the air filter. Not a big job, but air filters should take ~1 minute. Hilarious. 


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2 hours ago, robinmasters said:

Servicing the wife's car, air filter location not immediately obvious. Follow the pipework round, 'Surely it can't be there?' I think, I'll check before I start taking bits off. 

Yes, you really do need to take the wipers, skuttle and engine cover off to change the air filter. Not a big job, but air filters should take ~1 minute. Hilarious. 


So glad i got a Pug. with a 2.0 HDI air filter sits in front of the battery.

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Had a sudden desire to listen to a bit of Pavarroti so was watching on my phone, it came up with a thing to watch on the TV, so I clicked and it came straight up on the telly. Didn't know I/it could do that, was great :)  

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33 minutes ago, xtriple said:

Had a sudden desire to listen to a bit of Pavarroti so was watching on my phone, it came up with a thing to watch on the TV, so I clicked and it came straight up on the telly. Didn't know I/it could do that, was great :)  

You'll discover the downside to it after leaving it for half an hour, your phone will forget it ever cast anything to the TV and refuse to pause it. Then you'll press play and it'll play it on the phone. So you'll click cast again and it'll connect. Then it'll remember you were connected and play the original video again, snapping you from where you were to the queue screen. 

Bar that it's gr8! 

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My littlun wakes up really early, he is 8, but now he's started to leave me to sleep for a bit, and will even bring me a coffee in when he eventually does wake me up. 

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When Kyle was a young'un (about 4 -5) he used to come in and wake me 'come on Daddy, wake up, it's mornin' time' because the night was no longer dark. What he didn't realise was that it got light at about 4:30 A.M. and I was in no mood to get up! By the time he was 10, getting him to bed was a nightmare but getting him up in the morning...was near impossible! Weekends I just let him get on with it - he'd be up watching kids TV, wrapped in his duvet witha couple of dogs on the sofa and a cup of tea he'd made himself... and a slack handful of custard creams.

Bastard wouldn't make me a cup of tea at any time and getting a custard cream off the sod was like extracting a tenner from a tramp!

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