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The grumpy thread


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Hasn't Radio 1 always been like that?

dunno i stopped listening to Radio 1 after Mark and Lard finished, and i could never stand that unfunny twat Moyles.


i'd sooner drill my own teeth out.

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Moyles is good, I think. I used to listen daily on Radio 1, and then turn off - I actually preferred his talky bits to the music they play, and it was a running joke that he would get a good 25 minutes into his show without playing any music. Probably one of the reasons he was let go.


However, the first week of Radio X was OK..... I think they cut the amount of adverts down to appease those moving from Radio 1 to a commercial station. Since then the advert hours per minute seems to have shot up and it must be at 20% jingles and crap. I know he has to get paid, and that's how it works in commercial radio, but still..... they're annoying, so I turned off.

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...the bell end behind leaning on his horn cos it seems that i had stopped in his way just for fun didnt help. especially with already nervous young animals running over the road.


and yes, it was some piece of shit golf thing....


That would be your cue to ask him if there's something wrong with his horn, then 'fix' it with a sledgehammer...

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I decided it was about time to spend some money on the 164, which has sat neglected for far too long.  Started off well when I found a replacement indicator stalk for a tenner BIN.  The water pump is going to be fugging expensive but I knew that.  But the only place which stocks the correct (ATE, vented discs) front calipers has now put the price up to £198, plus delivery, plus a £30 exchange surcharge "which you will get back when we receive your old caliper - which must not have been taken apart".  Except mine has been taken apart 'cos I was trying to fix it.  So the brake caliper would basically work out at about 250 quid.  I could buy several cars for that.  Looks like the Volvo is going to be sitting around for a bit longer. :-(

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Am I being thick but isn't a break caliper essentially a lump of metal with a piston in it? Isn't there anyone independent that fixes them as opposed to getting a stupidly expensive replacement?

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They also offer a refurb service. Post them the caliper, they fix it and send it back. See also Bigg Red. I've never used any of them, but then I've managed to get away with seals and pistons when I've done caliper refurbs. And the ones on our old Mini were utterly bolloxed.

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I rang my garage,asked one of the mechanics where they send their calipers off to, then took it all there.


Mind you, that was drum honing, new linings, new seals as well as caliper honing, pretty much everything on the fronts.

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Several people have tried to strip the caliper - the problem is that two of the four pistons are seized solid.  And I do mean solid - they've been heated, twatted with hammers, attacked with BFO mole grips, even tried pumping grease in behind them to push them out - they weren't having any of it.  I tried winding them back in with a G clamp to see if moving them in would then unseize them enough that they could then be pushed out.  I broke the G clamp.


Whoever thought a 44-year-old car would need vented front discs and four-pot calipers?  Give me a good old fashioned pair of drums any day.


That said, it might be worth sending them off to one of those rebuild places - do they operate on a "no win no fee" basis?

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Bigg red wouldn't worry about shagged pistons as their price includes stainless pistons usually

Machine the old pistons out.

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Not a motoring grump, but hey ho.... Had a chat with my youngest brother over the weekend ( never the most joyful of experiences at the best of times) He is a schoolteacher, has been for 25 years, family man, 4 kids, debt, etc,etc. His school has just been converted into an "Academy" upshot is, his wages have had a kicking to the tune of £8K a year, and he reckons that he is not the biggest loser wage wise at his school. What with stuff like that and the way they are trying to destroy the NHS, Words fail me, this government are surely the most evil, twisted bastards ever, even Thatcher must be looking up from hell wondering how the fuck they get away with trying to shaft everybody under the sun apart from their pig fucking banker mates.

It is to Scotland's shame that we have just given jobs to 31 of the bastards.


Anyway, turned out nice today, didn't it?

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Fucking bastard van is still fucked despite another few hours trying to refit the stupid clutch linkage bollocks today


Getting to the point where I'm tempted to fill the old link with tigerseal and slipping it on, sounds like another world of pain if the stupid thing comes off again though

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I'm saying no names but I'm not impressed. attachicon.gifScreenshot_2016-05-07-00-10-25.png

has the whole thread gone, Trigger, and is it coincidence that a Renault 25 is for sale?


Edit found thread but noticed that not just your post that's gone but the ones from the guy whose XM you posted up have gone, plus comments regarding shill bidding, etc, as it had gone for so much!

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Yep! Not right is it, i only stay in the group as they do get some interesting stuff posted up but there's a number of people on there who really get on my tits if I'm honest.


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Whoever thought a 44-year-old car would need vented front discs and four-pot calipers?  Give me a good old fashioned pair of drums any day.


164? 44 years old? *confused*


*penny drops* Oh it's a VOLVO!


Had convinced myself it was an Alfa.

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Yep! Not right is it, i only stay in the group as they do get some interesting stuff posted up but there's a number of people on there who really get on my tits if I'm honest.

I often wonder about deleting myself from it, the ban hammer crap annoys me greatly. And the way people bay for bans is even worse!

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The other week Chaseracer got banned then amount of crap and nastiness that was posted afterwards was just wrong, same as the time they turned on Electric Leyland as he thought a member was getting abused by her partner and he's the the one who started this whole Autoshite thing! Unnecessary swearing gets my goat too as well as the gloating and arsing kissing towards the admin and the whole clickiness of it all.

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Mrs N has been away with her mother and sister to Belfast this weekend, so already grumpy at no company* for 3 nights.

Anyway reversed car in street to turn around to go and pick her up from airport, when BUMP!! I manage to time it exactly as a young lad in an 02 plate Clio is also reversing, very slight scuff on corner of my bumper, Clio already battered and no obvious new damage.

I'm fuming with myself and the poor kid thinks I'm going to batter him, just keeps apologising Nd saying it's his fault. In reality it's probably 50/50 , but FFS I've got 35 years experience and drive 500 miles a day for a living, I shouldn't make stupid mistakes. We shake hands and the young lad seems grateful I don't want to kill him or take his insurance details, I feel guilty.

I manage to get to Birmingham airport without further incident and pull into a space in the mid-term car park to await MrsN's call.

Three girls in a 107/C1 thing are parked next to me, I start to get out just as the little red thing starts moving- on full lock straight into my door!!! Just managed to get my leg back in unscathed.

Big dent in drivers door, Council inspection due on Wednesday and it won't pass with damage, also because car is over 7 years old if it's not continuously licensed I can't retest it after repair. This could mean me having to buy a a new car ,I'm now very grumpy indeed.

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maybe I'll ban myself one day I'm bored - I just get annoyed with it half the time.

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Three girls in a 107/C1 thing are parked next to me, I start to get out just as the little red thing starts moving- on full lock straight into my door!!! Just managed to get my leg back in unscathed.

Big dent in drivers door, Council inspection due on Wednesday and it won't pass with damage, also because car is over 7 years old if it's not continuously licensed I can't retest it after repair. This could mean me having to buy a a new car ,I'm now very grumpy indeed.

That sucks. Sympathy.

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Yep! Not right is it, i only stay in the group as they do get some interesting stuff posted up but there's a number of people on there who really get on my tits if I'm honest.

The AS Facebook group contributed in me leaving Facebook altogether. It's not even as toxic as some other groups but the difference between the group and the forum was so staggering it sort of cemented my "Facebook = crap" suspicions...

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- Order item through Amazon.

- delivery time is a month. Assume its being hand delivered on a bicycle from China.

- Month comes and goes. No chinese bicycle courier delivery.

- Contact seller. "huh, must have been lost in transit. Would you like another to be sent?"

- Whats the delivery time?

- A month.

- Refund please.



- Buy item from ebay

- Item arrives and is broken internally

- Email seller - a giant re-seller of chinese junk consumer goods.

- Email exchange peters out and they stop responding

- try to open dispute

- eBay..."you have to dispute this item though paypal". Paypal..."you must dispute this through ebay"

- Infinte loop of despair and frustration.



- Order different item through ebay

- Its relatively expensive but worth paying for quality.

- Arrives today. Its cheap bullshit that doesnt fit together.

- email seller, get immediate reply. "thats the way they all are, it needs welding to fit, as stated in the advert"

- reply suggesting I am happy to weld it up as stated in the advert but the bits to be welded together are      massively different sizes, I am a good welder but not a miracle worker."

- "if you dont like it send it back, but postage is at your expense;"



Just kill me.


I really just cant be fucking bothered with it all. Online shopping is great, but when there are problems it sucks donkey cock.

"so buy stuff locally and stop crying about it Dave."

Yeah, I would but its literally five times the price and on the occasions where I do buy this sort of thing locally (or at least looked at the items for sale) its exactly the same kind of shit churned out of Happy Export Product Manufacturing Facility Number 7 in China that is just being sold by local shops at a huge mark-up.



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Was supposed to be going to a Bentley drivers club event on Sunday, being held at Specialist cars. Couldn't go as I have a sick dog, again. However, not Phoebe this time, Chester! He has spent the weekend crying and whinging and being very clingy as (it appears according to the vet) he has pulled/torn muscles in his side from rough housing with his mates at the park! This comes as news to me as I didn't know the fat little bastard had any muscles....

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My weekly rota, same days never changes, has just been rearranged - no notice/lead in period.


From Thu/Fri every second week to Mon/Tue every second week.


Im not too fussed, OH retired for our anklebiter cover BUT a proper ffup to other workers who have childcover/shifts overlap.


Just 'aye.. whatever'


All treated like contractors :(




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