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The grumpy thread


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I have the opposite grump at the moment.....people in side roads not paying attention.


If I am trundling in heavy traffic and see someone ahead waiting to get out I will slow a little and create a gap for them to pull into. This is a fucking moot point if they are fiddling with their telephone or generally gawping all around them everywhere except the fucking road they want to drive on. By the time they notice its always too late and no, I will not then stop to let them out anyway as that has knock-on effects to the traffic behind me.

Or the bellends who pull out in front of me as I approach at 90kph even though the road behind me is fucking empty.

just remember the good old prioritaire adroite days.......
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After 10 years of working for a little company who pretty much had the freedom to do what we wanted we've been bought and the new owners starting to enforce their corporate policies on us. One of which is no access to the internet. That's right I'm a software developer and I'm not allowed access to the largest free knowledge base in the world on the off chance I visit Facebook or look on the bbc news website. Give me strength. 98% of a software developers job is downloading code of the internet so productivity is going to go down about 140%.

time to go Freelance?

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Still got that shit here too. Apparently this area is renowned France-wide for large numbers of P.a.Droite junctions where everywhere else has been scrapping them. Its a fucking eye-opener to be doing 90 on an open A-road and folk just pull out in front of you and stop across your lane because they are turning left.

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Oh yeah, we've got 'do not use the internet' for almost everything, especially social media and YouTube. Every few months we get a safety video we're supposed to watch, on YouTube of course. Obviously, I got to lengths to tell them I can't watch as it we're not allowed, then there's an argument and I still don't watch it.

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time to go Freelance?



Certainly time to have a think. Shame as they've been a great company to work for, which is why I've been there so long.

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The ads sites have always had loads of cheap-ish 4x4s for sale, but now I actually want to buy one they have all disappeared. Im looking at either an old Frontera or Cherokee with the 2.5 vm lump, or something of that sort with minimal electronic voodoo. Suddenly - none locally.


Saw this up for 1500



Seems fine for the money, 2.5 lump, nice colour, worth going for a loo.....oh.





That seems to be pretty typical for what 1500 gets you at the moment. Time for a trip back to UK soon, I feel.

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Oh yeah, we've got 'do not use the internet' for almost everything, especially social media and YouTube. Every few months we get a safety video we're supposed to watch, on YouTube of course. Obviously, I got to lengths to tell them I can't watch as it we're not allowed, then there's an argument and I still don't watch it.


it's okay I've ordered the latest version of the internet on DVD off eBay. £3.99

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Text received tonight. Bcan I move the vectra by Monday. I live in a small narrow cul de sac with a double drive. I have a trailer,xantia,moped,2 pushbikes and a fiesta there already and now the vectra has to be moved. Only one word can surmise this predicament. Bollocks.

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I suppose its unavoidable for things to change but I was slightly grumpy to read of the closure of the place I had my first paying job quite a few years ago.


OK, I lied about my age to get a job collecting glasses and changing barrels but so did the kid that gave me the lead on the job and £5 a week went a long way in 1983, not quite coke and tarts unless you are thinking tinned beverages and Mr Kipling.


So Morris Motors Sports and Social Club I raise a glass to you and your sticky carpet, it was fun while it lasted.

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Isn't it odd, that there seems quite a few of us 'youngsters' (I'm 32) that seem so down? I know a few people at work that are a bit like it too. I don't know why though.


I don't think the proliferation of social media has done any good at all. 30 years ago people were desperate to impress the neighbours but you could most probably ignore them with enough effort. Now-a-days the neighbours can post pictures of their new TV, holiday in the Med and fantastically talented kids on Facebook or whatever for the whole world to admire.


There's no bloody escape, the whole world is geared around telling you that everybody is better looking than you, earns more money than you and is generally having a gay old time, regardless of whether or not it's true or not. I think for a lot of people the future looks bleak, a massively over inflated housing market, a problematic government, a media obsessed with pushing problems on to certain demographics, a world which promises happiness if you spend your money which is ultimately a lie.


The world gives you a picture of a life you and 99% of the rest of the world can't achieve and says "you need this to be happy", you can't achieve it but post a load of shit on Facebook that makes it look like you do, nobody broadcasts the bad times in their life. Everybody else does the same and you end up looking at yourself and wondering how things seem to be going so much better for everybody else. It's shite.


Captain 70s. Do something so you don't need to work as much. Share a house , get a smaller place , move in with parents . There's no shame in it. Figure out what you want to do , make plans - Escape. You're young enough to be able to try to do, something fuck it all up and it not matter .


I was sort of planning on moving to Glasgow next year, given all my mates either live there or are moving there. Problem being I'd need a similar wage there than I have here because the cost of living is higher and the job market is far more competitive. I have 5 years of working at the egg packing factory and some outdated college certificates for IT support. I've done loads of shit, mechanical repair/maintenance, stock keeping, supervisory work etc but no paperwork to back it up. I'll never get in to an IT role without experience and I don't really want to and have forgotten almost everything I leaned.


I'd also have to ditch my cars, which I really don't want to do...


Of course the other issue is my long term struggle with self-esteem/self-worth. At this point I can't differentiate between real life and my own paranoid delusions.


I work hard so I can save money and fix my cars, but I don't think I can ever achieve it because I'm not smart/talented/motivated enough.

I also don't work hard enough, everybody else actually works far harder than I do.

I'm sure everybody I've ever met hates me behind my back, I'm not a likeable guy.

I'll never be in a relationship, I'm unattractive and devoid of positive attributes, anybody who likes me has low self worth.

I'm constantly terrified my employers will suddenly realise how useless I am and fire me.

I'll never get another job because I lack charisma/talent/skills.

I've never achieved anything without help, I have nothing to be proud of.

I should probably see a doctor for my obvious mental health problems, but they'll just say there's nothing wrong with me, everything I think about myself is true.


As can be seen the problem is largely a self fulfilling prophecy, I'm aware of it, I can't stop it. This has been life for the last decade. Every 6 months or so I go through a period where it almost gets too much to deal with and then after a couple of months things either improve or everything goes to shit.  I think a lot of the problem is that if left with my own thoughts I become extremely self-destructive and my job involves a lot of mundane tasks that are done alone and I live alone in a remote location with only myself for regular company.

I don't like talking to people about it in real life, mostly because I'm sure they all hate me, as previously said. Online I have the option of deleting most of my internet presence and fading back into obscurity.


You'd think I'd be bloody used to this shit by now...

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Drag yer arse down to the GP and beat him to a pulp until he refers you for free CBT.

If done by someone with a reasonable level of competence it could well help with the negative cycle of thinking that you are experiencing. 


Strip one Dolly so you have a stash of bits, scrap the remains and focus on making one good one out of the two. This may hurts but is probably the right way to go.

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We all experience feelings of self-loathing, worthlessness and other things that I can't be arsed to type out. We either put up with it, become alcoholics, drug addicts, serial buyers/sellers of shite cars or.........


hang on. I'm ok with the car thing. Carry on.

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Well said Hirst.


As for self-worth, try not to worry about it so much. I reckon I'm a pretty worthless individual all things considered, I absolutely despise myself and I probably always will. But I get to enjoy myself in spite of this.

Are you me?

I'm quite happy being in that mindset. I would much rather be aware that I am one of seven billion people on this planet and as such have no importance/worth than be one of the many people who seem to believe that they are a vital cog in the mechanics of the world and everything they say and do should be heard and seen. Acceptance is good, not liking yourself is fine. There is a lot of 'you are the best you, love yourself' kind of false expectation raising stuff nowadays and I believe society has softened up as a consequence. I am generally an unimportant, unlikeable shitbag and that's okay, I still enjoy myself.

Be happy being happy, be happy being unhappy.

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I think the fear of being "found out" at work is fairly common. I have it too and I'm sure others will admit to the same feelings.

Absolutely. 100â„… correct. And I'm self employed!

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I think there is more of us, than you realise, both here, and in the ' real world'.


I recognised, in my early teens, that no one gave a flying f*ck about me, despite my caring, listening nature.

I'm not clever, so reasoned that to obtain munns, I had to do stuff no one else would. I think that probably still applies?


At 17, I was a dental assistant in an asylum, permanently carrying a stout broom whereever I went.

After the initial horror of the keys, prison- like doors clanging, aggression & lunacy etc, I found I could live it. Progression meant I moved on to a factory catering facility, briefly, before going down the sewers,& drains.

That was fun....


However, it did give me sufficient disposable to do as I pleased, reasonably, so I put up with it till such time as I had a head of steam.

I'm pleased I did it, gave me a good insight into people, and their motives. I found most are greedy, self centred and spineless; the few ' decent' ones shone through- like a light. I was attracted to them , tried to learn to be like them, to grow up a better person. It worked, a bit..


Now, daily, everyone lies, tries to mug me ( financially) & I'm surrounded by cut throat spivs.


But, I'm my own boss, answer to no one but me. I can make my own decisions, I decide what and when to do, health permitting.


I'm old, I still suffer the same self doubt, potential loathing etc, that you do ( I suspect) and am in constant pain, mollified with oramorph, but have the security of a f*ck you stance.


So, earn yourself that,money; doing ever/ whatever it takes; then guard it jealously.

You will see the world as a totally different place, with the ability to progress with some choice.


And people will be nice to you.

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I think the fear of being "found out" at work is fairly common. I have it too and I'm sure others will admit to the same feelings.



Absolutely right. I've not contributed to this as I'm probably one of those well-off, "successful", largely happy people that quite rightly piss you off.


I, too, have the fear of being found out at work, despite being in a fairly senior position...


Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk



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Sad to read that people are so down on themselves and life. I know where you're coming from, because I've been there, I've been through some dark times in life where I really just couldn't take it any more, I was so down on everything that the thought of having to carry on like that with no foreseeable way out gave me what I can only describe as panic attacks. I even emailed the Samaritans at one stage because I had no-one I felt I could turn to (don't bother btw, unless you just wanna be told to see your GP) These feelings came and went in 'waves' long periods of lows interspersed with the occasional high for as long as I can remember certainly throughout most of my 20's and early 30's (I'm now 36)


So, did I find a cure? Do I have the golden ticket answer to happiness and freedom? Well, no, the sad truth is I don't think there is one, I made a few changes in life, cut down drinking, did some professional qualifications, got a new job, tried to give myself something to focus my mind and fill my time, something I could get a sense of achievement out of, none of it made a difference really though, short term highs to mask much deeper rooted problems.


In the end I just learned to cope with it better, got to know the triggers that sent me spiralling into depression mode and how to deal with it better when it came. Now the highs and lows continue, but the low times are less frequent and shorter lived so they don't feel like they dominate my life. But I know that tomorrow I could be back right where I started, I still wake up in inexplicable low moods that I can't snap out of and think 'uh oh'

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Our company is going under and I'll be out of a job by August, but the whole procedure is such a shambles we have no idea how long our particular department will be active for. So every day I turn up not knowing if it will be my last. Management have been very much conspicuous by their absence. Until yesterday, when the person in charge walked onto our floor for the first time in months - to see if his fancy dress costume had been delivered because the company was throwing a party in London.

Still, at least he can still go as a giant knob.

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I think the fear of being "found out" at work is fairly common. I have it too and I'm sure others will admit to the same feelings.

Me too and I don't work*

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Easy to say as everyone is different, but if you still working somewhere then 1) you must be doing something right and 2) you might just as well stay on the train, so to speak, as whatever you did to get the gig clearly has worked and still is.


Another outlook, the one I choose anyhow, is that if they haven't twigged yet I'm just going to laugh to myself as I mugged them off and they didn't see through it, so it's their problem, not mine. Make hay while the sun shines,

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Oh fuck work, that's one lesson I have well and truly learned, spent 7 years at my last place working my balls off, giving up my weekends and free time for the sake of the company in the mistaken belief it would somehow be recognised. Net result was that it got me precisely nowhere. I was on exactly the same shit pile as every other lazy cunt who didn't give a shit


At the new job it's bare minimum to get by, they employ me for what I know and the occasional time that my skills and knowledge get them out of the shit. And I go there because they pay me a wage. No allegiances.

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That's why I don't get it when people say football players and the like are disloyal when they leave a well paid 'job' to do the same elsewhere for more money. Well, my company trained me to do what I do and if another lot came long and offered to double or treble my wages for doing exactly the same thing you wouldn't see me for dust. There aren't many loyalties that I can see in the working persons world, so get what you can and bollocks to them.

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Just when you think idiot sister can't get any more stupid she does.


She's currently in Cyprus for a 'right keg'. She has decided by the diagnostic power of taking selfies of her eye that there is something wrong with it.


Should she:


A ) Go to an optician / hospital and get it checked out.


B ) Book an easyjet flight to east midlands, then get a taxi to Sheffield A&E?


She has of course gone for B. Can't do A 'cos it's their holy day in Cyprus and nobody is open and they don't speak English anyway. B is totally safer, and she's read on the internet there's nothing can go possibly wrong if she just hops on a plane.

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Fear of being found out at work is a thing that has been identified and studied - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impostor_syndrome

.   It says that it affects successful people :-D .


In my experience hard work and doing extra for a company will never be recognized by management so you should absolutely do your best but only for the hours you are paid.   I've been a mercenary contractor for ten years and would recommend it to anybody.

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i am shit at my job, and one day my work will find out just how high the levels of incompetence, ineptitude and general nincompoopery are at my work station.


this after been put on"the naughty step" next to the boss severla months ago. now other than speaking to Jo the cleaner, no one speaks to me during the day (generally)


i said when i took the job that it will last as long as it lasts. and that was nearly 5 years ago.

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I'm very good at my job, and I enjoy doing it, but I still suffer savage bouts of "when are they going to find out?"  It doesn't help that my boss is an arse who believes in living to work, and I'm trying (unsuccessfully) to keep my hours below a benefit threshold.  It's a job that isn't recognised as skilled in any way, yet anyone doing it (properly) will tell you that not just "anyone" can do it.  It's all I've ever really wanted to do.  The pay is lousy (minimum wage) and I'm treated like shit by all and sundry, but I still love it and always will.

I was 38 when I met and married MrsR.  She's my first wife.  I was beginning to think I was destined to live alone, but apparently not.  I'm selfish, childish and untidy, you want to talk about self-esteem?  Please do, I have none.  But, I know I'm a nice bloke really, which is the result of positive effort on my part, I try to treat everyone as I'd like them to treat me.  Occasionally it works.

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