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12 hours ago, Wack said:

There really are some utter twats on the road 

Found this while going through some of my dashcam videos 

30 limit with a speed camera , lights at the bottom, RH lane is right turn only 


If you can get a frame in the original source with number plate readable upload to the local plod stop a twat driver page?

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1 hour ago, jakebullet said:

If you can get a frame in the original source with number plate readable upload to the local plod stop a twat driver page?

It might have been 2 years ago , I found a external drive I wanted to connect to the TV so I was seeing what was on it

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Windows 11.

In July  2015 it was said that Microsoft said  Windows 10 was going to be the last version of Windows.

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2 hours ago, Zelandeth said:

This rain better let up soon... we've got about an inch of water in the garage.


Next stop for that is straight through the wall into the lounge.


Similar here. The blob of purple is right over us, indication of a forecast of 12" in 12 hours.

Gonna get wet.

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Just now, PhilA said:


Similar here. The blob of purple is right over us, indication of a forecast of 12" in 12 hours.

Gonna get wet.

The good folks of Kent Grumble 🙄

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1 hour ago, PhilA said:


Similar here. The blob of purple is right over us, indication of a forecast of 12" in 12 hours.

Gonna get wet.

Ouch.  Yep if that arrived here we'd be underwater in minutes.

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2 hours ago, Remspoor said:

Windows 11.

In July  2015 it was said that Microsoft said  Windows 10 was going to be the last version of Windows.

FFS, when will they learn. If it works, DON'T BREAK IT! (RIP Windows 7)

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2 hours ago, Remspoor said:

Windows 11.

In July  2015 it was said that Microsoft said  Windows 10 was going to be the last version of Windows.

its due to be a shit one too isn't it? We had this discussion at work, the cycle goes: Good - Good - Shit I thought

8.1 was alright, 10 was good, 11 ought be be an absolute howler?

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Windows 11 seems to largely involve pointless moving of things and making it all a bit softer. I'll be avoiding using it for as long as I can. I stayed on XP until quite a while after 7 came out and stayed on that until I started working somewhere that used 8.1. I held out on moving to 10 too because it disagreed with something on my system, though that seems to be fixed now. I've only just got used to 10 so I'm not ready to let it go yet!

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4 hours ago, Zelandeth said:

Ouch.  Yep if that arrived here we'd be underwater in minutes.

We have big pumps.




Edit: it's this time of the year again.


Time to board up the progressively shittier garage doors. Then haven't fixed themselves yet.

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18 hours ago, Zelandeth said:

This rain better let up soon... we've got about an inch of water in the garage.


Next stop for that is straight through the wall into the lounge.

What rain?

I have been hoping for rain for a fortnight!

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2021 the year that keeps on giving, my Mum broke her hip three days after getting out of hospital, emergency 7 hour op and she has a new hip but will be ages before she is out of hospital again. At this rate I will have a personal parking space at the Derby Royal. Thankfully she still keeps her spirits up somehow.

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13 minutes ago, chaseracer said:

Shout if you need owt, Clive - I'm not far away.  Best to Mum.

Thanks mate, much appreciated. The worst bit is that is pretty much nothing we can do, can’t even visit her until she is out of the icu 😟

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Just back from walking the dogs.  13C outside, figured it would be quite a nice comfortable walk.

Yeah, I forgot about the humidity didn't I.

I haaaaaaaaaaates it, prescious...

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On 6/18/2021 at 4:34 PM, Remspoor said:

Windows 11.

In July  2015 it was said that Microsoft said  Windows 10 was going to be the last version of Windows.

Maybe someone at Microsoft is a Spinal Tap fan.

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Sun has done for the plastic fixing that attaches the hoover hose to the swimming pool suction outlet.



Been to at least a dozen pool shops, and no one has them.

One shop assistant told me that he hadn't seen one this size for about 10 years. Bollocks!

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Yesterday I was Concerned that the water pooling in front of (and inside) the garage got to this level.


However just spotted this on the ceiling elsewhere...


Oh give me a break...this perpetual firefighting is doing my head in.

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another day spent clearing out the MILs  house , find of the week was an axe and a 4lb lump hammer .........

I had a lot of fun with the Lump hammer and unwanted items ......


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On 6/18/2021 at 8:13 PM, reb said:

Windows 11 seems to largely involve pointless moving of things and making it all a bit softer. I'll be avoiding using it for as long as I can. I stayed on XP until quite a while after 7 came out and stayed on that until I started working somewhere that used 8.1. I held out on moving to 10 too because it disagreed with something on my system, though that seems to be fixed now. I've only just got used to 10 so I'm not ready to let it go yet!

I hate to admit it I am still using Windows shit seven. 3 out of four PCs/laptops in this household  are still working on Seven.

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A couple of weeks of agonizing pain after eating, turned up to 11 in the evenings, with vomiting what I suspect was blood after even a drop of alcohol and I've been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer. The docs were really good, I explained over the phone what was going on and wasn't actually that surprised when they said it sounded like a textbook case.

They prescribed Omeprazole and I picked it up the next day. Its calmed the extreme pain in my stomach down but given me headaches (which should pass in 7-10 days) and permanent nausea. They've said I'm not allowed any booze for a month. A MONTH! 

So I'm eating occasional, tiny meals, stone cold sober, with what feels like a permanent hangover. 

I have a review in 4 weeks when they'll see if I need a camera down the gullet which I'm really, really hoping is not going to be required.

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7 hours ago, Zelandeth said:

Just back from walking the dogs.  13C outside, figured it would be quite a nice comfortable walk.

Yeah, I forgot about the humidity didn't I.

I haaaaaaaaaaates it, prescious...


Was worse yesterday. It feels positively dry today, in comparison.

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12 hours ago, Stanky said:

A couple of weeks of agonizing pain after eating, turned up to 11 in the evenings, with vomiting what I suspect was blood after even a drop of alcohol and I've been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer. The docs were really good, I explained over the phone what was going on and wasn't actually that surprised when they said it sounded like a textbook case.

They prescribed Omeprazole and I picked it up the next day. Its calmed the extreme pain in my stomach down but given me headaches (which should pass in 7-10 days) and permanent nausea. They've said I'm not allowed any booze for a month. A MONTH! 

So I'm eating occasional, tiny meals, stone cold sober, with what feels like a permanent hangover. 

I have a review in 4 weeks when they'll see if I need a camera down the gullet which I'm really, really hoping is not going to be required.

They have recently started giving me Omeprazole.  Omeprazole forms a protective lining in the stomach, and reduces the amount of acid the stomach makes. It's a widely used treatment for indigestion and  heartburn and acid reflux. It's also taken to prevent and treat stomach ulcers. I was told to take one 30 minutes before taking my pain killer, Naproxen.  Naproxen is a non-steroidal anti inflammatory drug, and can  irritate the stomach lining  so that an ulcer (a small erosion) forms, although I personally have never had any problems in the years I have been using Naproxen.  I take Naproxen for a frozen shoulder, an old injury that can be painful, but I only take it when the pain comes on, not regularly. 

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A mate of mine has terrible problems with acid when he eats rich food + beer, so he's on (what I assume is) Omeprazole. Long term use of it apparently can cause depression, so he's ended up on Sertraline for that. Which has killed his libido so as a patch for that he's also been prescribed Viagra.

I suggested he perhaps changed his diet with a view of tapering off these various medications, but because he's a depressed, one of the only things he really looks forward to is a nice curry and a few pints.

Fucking complex thing, the human body/brain.

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Back in Chichester 🤬

Need to isolate for 10 days. Not a problem I knew I’d have to and from Thursday the new rounds project I was working on will be completed from home.

Flight back was delayed as someone was ‘taken ill’ on the plane and needed a deeper clean than normal.

Brother’s 2y/o was a pest throughout the whole flight. 4y/o just wanted to sit with her ‘uncle dustbin’ and play a peppa pig game on her tablet, and the baby slept which was nice. 2y/o is a complete sod and neither my brother nor his mrs can control him (no form of punishment works!)

21 people on the flight. 7 of which was made up of members of my family and the only people in the scumbag section of the plane. Not allowed to move seats to stretch out.
One of the elastics on my mask snapped while taxiing around Málaga airport. as often happens when you have a large head but are forced to wear masks for a standard sized face. Within 5 seconds whilst rummaging through my rucksack for a new mask 3 of the cabin crew had descended on me not to go through my bag and to put my mask on. A snapped strap was apparently not a valid enough reason to get a new mask out of my bag. I would have expected better than that from BA - it was a bit overkill and they could easily see I was opening the sealed new mask in my hand.

Plane was an Airbus. Airbus planes are absolute shit. Their seats are uncomfortable and their safety belts are fine if you have a 12” waist (irrespective of airline, I have found Boeings have more generous safety belts and seat widths)

Flight was rough. I still feel turbulent this morning. And our pre-ordered meal wasn’t provided. Again I’d have expected better than this from BA.

landed at heathrow over half an hour late and the gangway between aircraft and terminal was broken. Waited 20 mins for a new parking spot and the plane was low on juice so had to be towed. Only available gangway was at gate A and was a 25 minute walk to border control & baggage reclaim. With heavy hand luggage and by now 3 sleeping kids between 4 adults so I was loaded up like a pack mule with a rucksack on my chest, another on my back, my cabin bag and the wife’s

For the third trip abroad in 5 years my biometric passport didn’t work again and had to go to speak to a grumpy man. It hasn’t worked since I got it in 2016 when I went on honeymoon.

Brother’s family’s luggage didn’t get loaded at Málaga airport. Including their pushchair. It’s still in Spain. Didn’t find this out until we got to baggage reclaim. So we still had to carry 3 sleeping children and donkey haul 7 lots of hand luggage between 7 of us.

Above delays meant we all missed our paid-to parking times and had a row with someone who said it wasn’t his problem and had to cough up and extra £5 or so to get out. I hope I can claim this back.

Got home and stepdaughter had a party the previous evening. She didn’t tidy up and let 2 of her friends sleep in the marital bed. So we had to change the bedding because no idea what went on in there. (Told her if she had a friend round but not her shagpiece she could sleep in our bed on her own).

Woken up by someone working on behalf of the government. At half 7 wanting to verify my passenger locator form details.

The cat is an arsehole and has harassed the wife constantly since we got in including all last night so the wife is in a foul mood, not helped where she’s picked up a sinus infection.

Can I go back to Spain please?

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As I found out recently - holidays just aren’t worth the stress . My brother always says you should make a life that you don’t need a holiday from . Not managed that myself yet tho 

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