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The grumpy thread


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Just now, Mr Pastry said:

I'm so sorry to hear that mate.  It will take a while to get your head around it.  Concentrate on looking after your mum,  you can help each other.

Thanks mate 

I’m staying over my mother’s and I just can’t get my head around that I’m sorting my Dads funeral out today.

The hospital was wonderful and the nurse came up to me and held my hand as I was holding my dads.


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Sorry for your loss Vince

31 minutes ago, Mr Pastry said:

Concentrate on the practical things, there's a lot of them, and just take it a bit at time.  I have been there,  don't hesitate to PM me if it would help.

^ that


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Sorry to hear the news Vince, I recently lost my mum. Given I'm 40 and meant to be an "adult" I still have a cry every now and again.

And as mental as it makes me sound (I'm fully prepared to accept I am) I talk to her picture every day. I just wish I could talk to her properly.


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Sorry to hear that Vince makes my grumpy a little first world but Samsung, the new black combi oven looks great all bar the bright yellow sticker on the top telling me it might be hot! I know it might get hot I am an adult and it is an oven. At least make the sticker easy to remove rather than half an hours work and half a bottle of white spirit.   🤬

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Vince.. very sad news, and I hope you and everyone affected are doing OK.

My grump.  Dentist today, discovered I need a root canal, tooth rebuild and a crown.  £££FuckMeHowMuch??  Might have to find an NHS dentist to do that.  That said, I almost don't care how much it costs, I'm just absolutely bricking it for the anesthetic injection.  Fuck my boots that shit hurts.  Once done, the dental work will be fine*, but getting the injection is going to be absolute hell.

And no, I'm not being a big girl's blouse about it.  I've blacked out from the pain of an injection before now.  Needles and me do not get on.  I'm not scared of them, they just fucking hurt!

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i got given some alexa thing for xmas from my little sister.

today i have taken it outta the box and plugged it in.

then fucked about for an hour getting it to connect to the interwebs wifi thing,

and fucked on for another hour getting the password reset on the amazon account which i never, ever use, 

cos, well amazon is i think shit, i use ebay if i want something,

to then find out that this thing doesn't do anything, much.

it is it seems just some pointless clock, and i have several of them already!

me mam has one, "it can do alarms" she says, like say, an alarm clock. I've already got one of them.

and it will play the radio (it doesn't), just like, erm, the radio i already have, 

and it can play music, oh, just like the CD/cassette/turntable machines that i also already own.... execpt of course, it doesn't.

what an utterly pointless, useless piece of shit. 

it'll end up back in its box, on top of the wardrobe for sometime, before it ends up in the bin.

dunno what it cost, but our Catherine was done! and no wonder that Bezozs fella has more money than a god.

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23 minutes ago, jonathan_dyane said:

@Talbot Have you considered just getting it pulled out? Perhaps not helpful advice if it’s round the front but worthy of consideration.

Were it an inconspicuous one, I would absolutely do so.  Unfortunately it's front-and-centre.  I either get a root canal, or I have it extracted and an implant put in, which is even more expensive (and sounds even more painful).

I've practically begged my dentist to have it done under general anesthetic.  They absolutely will not do so.  Fucksticks.

I'm sure I saw a program a few years back about dental tourism with people traveling over to eastern Europe to have work done at a fraction of the cost of the UK.  Wonder if that's still a thing.

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My dentist advertise 'pain free' injections, perhaps yours do also? Cost a bit (about £40) and I have no idea how it works as I am cheap and my teeth fall out by themselves (bones like crumbly cheese :)   ) but worth looking into maybe?

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To be fair, my dentist has offered to do everything he can (numb the area first, then inject a little bit of anesthetic first and allow that to work before the main event) but my overwhelming experience of every single needle I've had jammed into me, be it in the gum, arm, hand or wherever, is that it is excruciating blinding and debilitating pain.  I would gladly drive a 1983 Metro City with rotten front wings and a collapsed rear radius arm for the rest of my life if it meant I didn't have to have an injection ever again.

Once that bit's over and done with, the rest is fine.  Well, certainly nowhere near as bad.

It's causing me genuine anxiety.  Something I *never* suffer from.

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14 minutes ago, Talbot said:

Were it an inconspicuous one, I would absolutely do so.  Unfortunately it's front-and-centre.  I either get a root canal, or I have it extracted and an implant put in, which is even more expensive (and sounds even more painful).

I've practically begged my dentist to have it done under general anesthetic.  They absolutely will not do so.  Fucksticks.

I'm sure I saw a program a few years back about dental tourism with people traveling over to eastern Europe to have work done at a fraction of the cost of the UK.  Wonder if that's still a thing.

My commiserations. I had almost the same tooth extracted 3 years ago after it finally fell to bits after a terminal decline from when I knocked it pretty much out falling off a bike best part of thirty years ago.

 I looked into the dental tourism thing and it is a option but the difficulty is that no dentist over here will subsequently touch it with a barge pole so if there are any snags it means you have to go back. 

In the end I didn’t fancy the implant partly down to the money and pain and partly given that I would need a bone graft with either bovine or cadaverous bone. I don’t fancy that at all.

And so I still sport the temporary fix, a partial denture. It’s remarkable what you can get used to. 

Incidentally root canals aren’t all that awful just bloody expensive without a NHS dentist which I’m lucky enough to have.

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10 minutes ago, Talbot said:

Were it an inconspicuous one, I would absolutely do so.  Unfortunately it's front-and-centre.  I either get a root canal, or I have it extracted and an implant put in, which is even more expensive (and sounds even more painful).

I've practically begged my dentist to have it done under general anesthetic.  They absolutely will not do so.  Fucksticks.

I'm sure I saw a program a few years back about dental tourism with people traveling over to eastern Europe to have work done at a fraction of the cost of the UK.  Wonder if that's still a thing.

Step right this way sir. I don't know how to translate every operation into English, but here you can take a look at the prices in a small cabinet in Bucuresti: http://www.stomatologie-sector6.ro/tarife.html


What I can fathom out of all that's there, one filling would set you back at most about 40 pounds, and a tooth (have implant, will crown it) would set you back at most about 150 pounds. The most expensive full set of teeth (keep on the nightsand in a glass of water type) would be at most about 300 and some of your queen's pictures.

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Minor in the grand scheme of things, but it royally ticked me off earlier today...

Need to top off the fuel in the heater in the van.  It's not using much, but as it's not MOTed at the moment, I need to bring the fuel to the van.  Didn't have a fuel can for diesel so figured I'd get one.

Of course as with nearly all fuel cans these days it seems, it's a tall narrow one so immediately falls over in the boot of the car.  Brand new can...which I made a specific point of making sure had the seal in the cap properly seated...and it's pissed about a quarter of a can of diesel all over the boot of the Xantia.  Oh joy.

So the Xantia now absolutely reeks of diesel inside.  The boot carpet doesn't easily come out from what I recall either so I'll probably just have to live with it for now.

So that'll be another new fuel can going in the bin...which will be three in as many years I think.  I'll just clean out and repurpose one of the beat to crap cheap and nasty ones I've had for about 20 years...none of which leak!


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7 hours ago, Zelandeth said:

Minor in the grand scheme of things, but it royally ticked me off earlier today...

Need to top off the fuel in the heater in the van.  It's not using much, but as it's not MOTed at the moment, I need to bring the fuel to the van.  Didn't have a fuel can for diesel so figured I'd get one.

Of course as with nearly all fuel cans these days it seems, it's a tall narrow one so immediately falls over in the boot of the car.  Brand new can...which I made a specific point of making sure had the seal in the cap properly seated...and it's pissed about a quarter of a can of diesel all over the boot of the Xantia.  Oh joy.

So the Xantia now absolutely reeks of diesel inside.  The boot carpet doesn't easily come out from what I recall either so I'll probably just have to live with it for now.

So that'll be another new fuel can going in the bin...which will be three in as many years I think.  I'll just clean out and repurpose one of the beat to crap cheap and nasty ones I've had for about 20 years...none of which leak!


Bit late now, but in the future, transport them in the rear footwell wedged behind one of the front seats. They never topple over there.

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