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The grumpy thread


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1 hour ago, High Jetter said:

I have been out and about 7 days a week operating my businesses throughout as well, being exempt from closure. Full pay? Turnover down to 25% of normal at one point.

I entirely understand your desire to get away. My point was, the more people who visit more different places, the greater the chance of them being infected by the virus and then spreading it around. Thus we will not be going away this year.

Thank you so much for your ever so informative and sanctimonious lecture on transmission. Without it I’d have had absolutely no idea. 

As I say, I’ll continue to operate within the laws (and spirit of) until such time that I’m either advised or instructed to do otherwise. 

Good luck with your business. Genuinely. I am struck with a little guilt that the company I work for have never had it so good. On the basis that the people ARE the economy, I’m keen to spend where I can and with British companies. 

Best of British to you. 

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31 minutes ago, LightBulbFun said:

sounds like the lightbulb fitted was a of cheap low quality that had inadequate or no fusing

see when a lightbulb burns out, an electrical arc can form between lead in wires

and an arc has a negative resistance property, the more power that goes into it, the lower its electrical resistance drops and the more power it takes, and this will run away until something literally blows up

(its why discharge lamps need a ballast, to regulate the current)

so a good quality incandescent lamp will have some sort of fuse in the lamp cap that will safely  blow if the lamp arcs at EOL and prevent catastrophic failure 

I would check what type of fuses if any are incorporated in any spare bulbs of the same make and type if you want to avoid the same thing happening again

you can read about the different types of fusing here :) 

http://www.lamptech.co.uk/Documents/IN Fusing.htm

but if your still not sure, feel free to post pictures of your spare bulbs and id be happy to tell you what type of fusing they have etc :) 

This post is one of the reasons I love this forum.

People can post about anything and get a great, informative response on anything.

Still amazes me at times.

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6 hours ago, Tadhg Tiogar said:

It seems that some British tourists are pretty good at ruining it for everyone else wherever they go: I read that they've managed to get some of the bigger venues in Magaluf shut down!

And they're the same people who wonder why the whole of the rest of the world hates the British...

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Visited an auto electrical shop at Hanger Lane. They had four CX starter motors. None were correct. 

Unshielded starters are like feckin' hen's teeth. 

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26 minutes ago, Tadhg Tiogar said:

Visited an auto electrical shop at Hanger Lane. They had four CX starter motors. None were correct. 

Unshielded starters are like feckin' hen's teeth. 

Are they the sort of old school place that have things like that on the shelf (except for the fact that they don't)? Still haven't got a properly fitting starter on the Bluebird. 

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26 minutes ago, N19 said:

Are they the sort of old school place that have things like that on the shelf (except for the fact that they don't)? Still haven't got a properly fitting starter on the Bluebird. 

Very oul school Indian fella, who has miles of shelves full of starters and alternators at the back and upstairs!

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3 minutes ago, Tadhg Tiogar said:

Very oul school Indian fella, who has miles of shelves full of starters and alternators at the back and upstairs!

Can you message me the details? 

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7 hours ago, Agila said:

and an arc has a negative resistance property, the more power that goes into it, the lower its electrical resistance drops and the more power it takes, and this will run away until something literally blows up

Worth mentioning too that this is the reason why if you don't have an in-lamp fuse (as many don't) then when the lamp does go pop, it can take out the MCB/fuse in the consumer unit at the same time.  Took me ages to understand how a 100w incandescent lamp, which is 0.42A in normal service,  can blow a 6A MCB, which needs a lot more than 6A over a short time to pop it.

Then it struck me.

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Yesterday when heading out to pick bertiepuntocabrio up from the station I got held up due to a big smash on the bypass closing the main road out of town.  A car (couldn't see what it was as it was on its side) had hit a Tesco lorry, or the lorry had hit the car.  Found out in the local paper today that it was fatal - the driver of the car was pronounced dead at the scene.  Not sure how it happened but it is an arsehole of a junction, especially when it's rammed with dopey tourists trying to get to the beach.

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Well fuck my old boots. Yesterday 4 out of 6 cars not working, today 5 out of 6 not working. The high mileage Zafira that I had a feeling of impeding doom with, wouldn't start this morning, battery flat as a pancake. No prior warning, did 500 miles in it yesterday, nothing left on draining the battery. Also I had a booking at the tip first thing so I'd loaded it up to the roof last night. Guess where my jump leads are? Yep under the floor beneath all the crap I'm taking to the tip. Time was also of the essence as I'd a 400 mile job booked to do straight after the tip run. Fired up the Vectra, as its only got a fucked wheel bearing, lined it up with Zafira and hurriedly started getting stuff out the boot. Included in this stuff for the tip was two empty 25 litre tubs of black roofing sealant and our old deep fat fryer carefully placed in a bag. Can you guess were this is going? In my rush to get going the horrible sticky remnants of the roof sealant and deep fat fryer managed to poor themselves all over the boot, hatch seal and into the well where the jump leads where!

To make matters worse an hour later when I turned the car off, it wouldn't start - battery goosed. Managed to get a boost of someone then on with my 400 mile job, constantly saying to myself 'don't turn the car off, don't turn the car off'. Ordered a new battery on my travels from ECP and got daughter number 1 to pick it up for me. Really couldn't be arsed to change it when I got back and fully expecting ECP to have given her a battery for a smoke detector by mistake as my last few orders have been ridiculously wrong! 

TLDR: I still hate cars

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2 hours ago, Tadhg Tiogar said:

Visited an auto electrical shop at Hanger Lane. They had four CX starter motors. None were correct. 

Unshielded starters are like feckin' hen's teeth. 

Can ye not find an old school repairer? We had a guy locally who fixed/re-wound/repaired starters & alternators but retired now. Must be someone round your way, or B'ham?

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14 minutes ago, High Jetter said:

Can ye not find an old school repairer? We had a guy locally who fixed/re-wound/repaired starters & alternators but retired now. Must be someone round your way, or B'ham?

The Hanger Lane shop is an oul school repairer as well. He reckons he can turn round a repair in about two hours, if the starter proves repairable. Trouble is, we've only got the one, and that's in the car because Garage Dubois-Loizou need it in there in order to move the car around the premises.

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5 minutes ago, High Jetter said:

So, it works sometimes? Can't they push? (Gallic excuses to follow)

It works if they bang the starter with a hammer first. They could push it, but it's easier if the suspension is "up" first, which means running the pump, which means starting the engine..... Can you see where this is going?

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9 hours ago, Tadhg Tiogar said:

It works if they bang the starter with a hammer first. They could push it, but it's easier if the suspension is "up" first, which means running the pump, which means starting the engine..... Can you see where this is going?

The CX can easily be held "up" by small pieces of wood. Front 5x5cm, back 3x4cm, all 10cm long.



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Just had a 'phone call from my boss - knew something was wrong immediately as it's unheard of for her to call on a Sunday.  One of the girls in my team died suddenly yesterday - not sure why yet, they think it may have been a blood clot, nothing the paramedics could do.  She was a month younger than me, and she's left a husband and two young boys behind.  Won't even be able to have a proper funeral because of Covid.  Feeling a bit numb tbh.

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'Not a bother Dave, I'll be back with a price for you on Friday'.

Is it just me? Contractors that look the job over, promise to return with a quote and then disappear, never to be heard from again. Just tell me you if don't fancy the job, don't like the look of me or even if you don't think I've pot to piss in, but don't just vanish. Do you really think I'll just forget you came? I won't, I'll leave you a really shitty internet review, although I didn't post one the other night because covid could have been causing bloke problems.

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On 8/15/2020 at 11:41 PM, Tadhg Tiogar said:

It works if they bang the starter with a hammer first. They could push it, but it's easier if the suspension is "up" first, which means running the pump, which means starting the engine..... Can you see where this is going?

Do you have a tow bar on your CX?

Could be the answer..... 


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Just had a 'phone call from my boss - knew something was wrong immediately as it's unheard of for her to call on a Sunday.  One of the girls in my team died suddenly yesterday - not sure why yet, they think it may have been a blood clot, nothing the paramedics could do.  She was a month younger than me, and she's left a husband and two young boys behind.  Won't even be able to have a proper funeral because of Covid.  Feeling a bit numb tbh.
Sorry to hear that Wuv...tough times.
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1 hour ago, barefoot said:

'Not a bother Dave, I'll be back with a price for you on Friday'.

Is it just me? Contractors that look the job over, promise to return with a quote and then disappear, never to be heard from again

We had a few plumbers that did that sort of thing. The best* being one that as he was leaving said to the Mrs, keep in touch.

What? We want a plumber to quote and then do the job not a fucking penpal.

I learnt a lot doing that job myself.

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The problem these days is that there are not enough tradesmen. The old school guys are retiring

and there is not enough younger people coming in to replace them so those that are left can pick

and choose. I'm certainly not excusing those who quote and then disappear. Round my way you'll

be lucky to get one quote never mind the three that people are advised to get. Any tradesman that's 

good works on recommendation. When I get a call it's from a recommendation so they know, more or 

less, what I cost and that I do a proper job, and I'll go round and have a chat and give them an estimate.

I don't ever remember not getting the work. 

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On 8/15/2020 at 9:40 PM, Talbot said:

Worth mentioning too that this is the reason why if you don't have an in-lamp fuse (as many don't) then when the lamp does go pop, it can take out the MCB/fuse in the consumer unit at the same time.  Took me ages to understand how a 100w incandescent lamp, which is 0.42A in normal service,  can blow a 6A MCB, which needs a lot more than 6A over a short time to pop it.

Then it struck me.

Thats probably because most cheap domestic fuse boards only take “B” curve circuit breakers, fit a “c” curve breaker and it should solve the problem.

I would personally also fit a 10A type c mcb assuming cable size and max zs are ok.

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There's absolutely no point in fitting a 10A type c to a lighting circuit.  All you're doing then is reducing the level of protection afforded the circuit, as the short-circuit current needs to be higher and for longer before the breaker pops.  If anything, that might make an exploding incandescent lamp worse.

It's not really a consumer unit issue.  It's a shit lamp issue.

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Next donor's lad has just bought himself an 05 Clio Dci for £450, this morning he was pleased as punch tonight less so, he went out and filled it up came back with diesel pissing everywhere from underneath, had a look with I'm and its pissing out of the sender seal, had bits of newspaper jammed in there and obviously been out a few times as all the fins have been knocked off the locking ring.. 

What a twat seller, can be difficult to buy a new seal or at least use an tube of sealant..

The street looks like the Exxon Valdise has grounded!! Currently out there with our pressure washer trying to clean up..

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another welcome sight  this morning ..

the cat has shit all over the yard and  puked under the outdoor seat ....

cleaned it up , hosed down the yard .


cat got a bath as well .. its now sulking some where


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