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Dollywobbler's Consolidated Tat Thread


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6 hours ago, R1152 said:

Well, if you put yourself on YouTube with several channels, go on about how you live in "Paradise" and give several clues away as to where you live, you can't really complain about your privacy being invaded, can you?

Ermm.... It's no different to If i post a picture of my car on a forum that happens to lead to sweaty Gary from Derbyshire with a dodgy hard drive deciding to track me down via other pics, google maps and triangulating my approximate location to the point he knows exactly where i am , it doesn't mean because he's weird enough to have been interested and skilled enough to figure it out that i've invited him to come and visit for his tea.

It means he's a creepy weirdo that doesn't understand boundaries.

There's a creator i follow on Tik Tok, the guy has more followers than some a-list celebs on there 2.6 million or something insane like that. I see in his comments that people want to know where he is exactly for a visit, It's weird.

I happen to know exactly where he lives just through his content to the point i could go and knock on his door tomorrow if i wanted to. (i don't).  He has never disclosed his location and clearly doesn't want people to know. If he did, i'm sure he'd broadcast it in such detail nobody would need to look it up or work anything out.

I just happen to recognise the landmarks in the background of his content because by complete fluke, it's where i leave my car whenever i am in that area for work or out that way picking up items i can only get at a certain store and have done for about 15 years. It's a small world indeed.

But i don't take this info as an invite to pop over for a cup of tea and a chat. I wouldn't tell anyone where it is either. The guy has a right to privacy regardless of what he posts online.

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WatchJRGo mentioned on his channel the other day that people were nastily commenting that he gets all his money from his dad. So what? Regardless of the reality, that’s his private business.

I can only imagine how much work it must be to put out regular well edited videos. I wouldn’t know where to begin.

Whilst being a successful YouTuber automatically removes any expectation of anonymity, it should NEVER remove any right to privacy. People like us should support the likes of Ian so he can maintain his privacy by calling out those who don’t know how to behave.

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I know where Sam Pilgrim lived before he just bought his new house. His parents and brother are still there. I would never disclose such information. People have a right to their privacy.

The fanboiz clearly never saw what I saw, before he was YouTube famous.

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Anyway, apart from a car travelling the wrong way down the M4 (we left at Bracknell just as the signs suggested it was imminent), and a modern BMW very much on fire just as we got off the motorway, it was an uneventful drive home. What the future is for the car, I've no idea. My main issue is hurling money at a car I'll likely sell in a few months. Can't really afford to do that just now.

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@dollywobbler Out of interest, what was the BMW that was on fire?  We passed an on-fire X5 on the A2 the other day just after Brenley Corner.  Fire engines screaming up the opposite carriage way as we passed.

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10 hours ago, GrumpiusMaximus said:

@dollywobbler Out of interest, what was the BMW that was on fire?  We passed an on-fire X5 on the A2 the other day just after Brenley Corner.  Fire engines screaming up the opposite carriage way as we passed.

I'm pretty sure it was a 1-Series convertible. The last car I saw ablaze was a BMW 3-Series. Good old German reliability...

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On 6/5/2021 at 8:01 PM, dollywobbler said:

That's the crux of the matter really. I've gone from having almost zero ties to having a great many. Spending an entire day at the unit isn't really an option right now. (I've been away from home fir over a week as well!).

But I do need to find time again. That will happen I think.

I understand what you mean, but at the same time I have to ask can you  afford not to be there? It is after all your work space, it is where you earn part of your income.
I personally could not take the pressure from YT to make more and more content. Added to that you have had to deal with nation wide health* related restrictions. 

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It's worth noting that some of the channels I subscribe to only put out one video a week.  They have hundreds of thousands of subs, (some well over a million) and plenty of Patreons.  Even then they sometimes miss a week and no-one worries.  One channel only puts out an average of a video a month, and he's on 19M subscribers.  Granted, his content is very technical and indepth, but nevertheless, he's not shoving out videos every day or two.

It's a fine balance.  I've sacked off subscriptions to some channels before now as they hammer out so many videos there's no chance I can keep up, so anything in more recent videos doesn't make sense, as I've got hours and hours of videos to watch to get back up-to-date.  Stuff that.

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Yeah, knowing where the balance is isn't easy. Historically, I pumped videos out at a silly rate purely because the amount I got paid per video was very small. Hence, lots of videos equals a reasonable income. But I filmed five road tests last week, plus an event report during a week that was meant to be holiday... and I can't sit on those for too long. I far prefer to get videos out as quickly as possible. Could I slow down on the recording front? Absolutely, and I already am.

4 hours ago, Remspoor said:

I understand what you mean, but at the same time I have to ask can you  afford not to be there? It is after all your work space, it is where you earn part of your income.
I personally could not take the pressure from YT to make more and more content. Added to that you have had to deal with nation wide health* related restrictions. 

At the moment, earnings from road test videos are far higher per video than tinkering videos. That doesn't exactly help with already-impaired motivation levels. There's also the fact that most of my tinkering videos involve me making an utter arse of myself, and that's starting not to be much fun. What is the main motivation for HubNut? To show the world that old cars are fun. I think enthusiastic road tests are doing a better job of that than my hopeless mechanic attempts.

Returning to the C5, a drive out this afternoon reminded me that the rear discs and pads need replacing, and it sounds like the arm bearings have had it too. The front suspension is still so poor over speed humps that I think something is amiss. The air con is inop too, and we could really have done with that yesterday. I think it's sadly going to fall into the realms of 'drive it until it breaks.' There are reasons why further expenditure is very hard to justify right now.

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  • dollywobbler changed the title to Dollywobbler's Consolidated Tat Thread - C5 for sale?

My two penneth - In my view firmly drive it till it breaks, essential basic maintenance and quick DIY jobs, if the clutch gives out meh! Could go tomorrow, could go many thousands of miles. 

If it gives out:-

A - You are never going to be without transport.

B - There is always something around here which will fill the gap and is probably as much of a known quantity as the C5, maybe the Vel Shatis,  a Picasso, always an Ovlov or two knocking about, who knows..

C - Miss HN very much seems to be an enabler so no need to worry about the "Told you not to buy rubbish old cars,  why can't we have a nice Aldi like them at no 22.." 

D - If you fix it you'll probably swap it for something else in the next 6 months anyway and lose your investment.

TL:DR - drive it till it breaks, plenty of decent choices always about for replacement when the inevitable happens..

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On 6/6/2021 at 1:05 PM, R1152 said:

I think you're being a wee bit naive there, Ian.

I’m going to say it because other people have been too polite to, but ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?

Because someone is on YouTube you think it’s ok for random strangers to turn up at their house and for them and their family to have no privacy whatsoever?

And they’re naive to think they can be safe in their own home?

That’s a frighteningly twisted perspective.

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Could turn the interior into a nice set of chairs for the unit and scrap the rest when it does go... Cut the boot carpet out into a nice overmat for ellie's boot, do a video showing how to pillage a car for scrap and stock up on bulbs and fuses for life... 

Play the 'how many relays or fuses can we remove before it won't start' game... 

Plenty of ways to monetise it's demise! 

Swap it with @maxxo for a month, he won't put up with it and it'll come back as good as new

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29 minutes ago, beko1987 said:

Swap it with @maxxo for a month, he won't put up with it and it'll come back as good as new

little problem

i seem to have forgotton how to drive a manual

but i agree, i would sort literally everything


they are getting so rare these days, approx 3,400 left

okay i'm a complete c5 nut and adore everything about the mk1s

but they are a lovely lovely thing, and are way better cars than what people think

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I am with Ian on this.  It is not yet a classic, if it survives long enough it *might* become one but there are still plenty of better ones for not a lot.  It was bought as a daily not a show car and once you start spending on it, it is easy to get sucked in. Either run it til it dies or sell it if you can. 

For all those saying save it, I believe that Ian has it for sale, so feel free :-) 

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Replacing the clutch is definitely not viable just now. We're desperately trying to get on the housing ladder, so I'm cutting expenditure right back (except the Matiz which has already had a load of work done). Also means I'm going to have to postpone any work on non-critical vehicles - the Fox and Oltcit springing to mind here.

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On 6/5/2021 at 5:13 PM, R1152 said:

My life in a nutshell, sadly ☹️

On a serious note, it becomes overwhelming and so the "do nothing and pretend the problem isn't there" option prevails, e.g. spend too much time on teh Interwebz forums rather than fixing/doing stuff.

All of this. 

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22 minutes ago, dollywobbler said:

We're desperately trying to get on the housing ladder, so I'm cutting expenditure right back (except the Matiz which has already had a load of work done). Also means I'm going to have to postpone any work on non-critical vehicles - the Fox and Oltcit springing to mind here.

Sell something.  The one that springs to mind is the Yugo.  Yes, that's not going to cover the cost of the recent work at Chevronics, or indeed the purchase of the second OltCit, but if it's all getting a bit too much, it's time to move on a vehicle that isn't getting any attention, and is probably sapping your will to tinker.

I'd be inclinded to consider selling the Charade too.  You already have one small 3-cylinder good-for-a-learner car, so having two (with your current circumstances) makes very little sense.

Or maybe sell the Matiz to someone you trust to then sell it back to you at a later date.

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What does it mean for a C5 to become a classic? I'm not sure what relevance it has on whether the clutch is fixed. 

If we're talking monetary reasons - ie it might be worth more in the future, keep dreaming. It's a diesel C5 estate. Maybe in 25 years you might get slightly more than you paid for it. But that's not the reason we're all here, right?


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Also having a massive estate car unable to be used during a house move as it can barely move its own weight sounds a bit of a bum move... 

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It's all a bit crap at the moment. The C5 is hanging on, the Charade has now started pissing coolant out of the inlet manifold and I can't crack on with things like the Fox and Oltcit. Yugo is pretty much worthless, so I'm not sure there's anything to be gained by moving it on. The only car with value really is the GSA (2CV and Invacar not for sale) and I suspect that's not worth what I paid for it. 

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1 minute ago, dollywobbler said:

Charade has now started pissing coolant out of the inlet manifold

D'what now?  Is it a coolant-heated manifold? or is it actually coming out of the inlet?

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It could be that the manifold is a combined inlet and water manifold.  Not that uncommon.  I'd have the manifold off fairly quickly though, as if the manilfold-to-head gasket has failed, you might have coolant pissing into the intake, which will end up in the combustion chamber.  Either to run down and contaminate the oil, or possibly cause bigger issues with hydraulic lock on startup (although that is rather unlikely)

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Just get everything polished and put them on Car & Classic.  There's a Mercedes 230TE identical in every way to the last one I sold.  Such is the fervour/lunacy today, £15,750 and it hasn't reached reserve.

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The problem as I see it is this - lines between Hubnut and Ian Seabrook have been blurred. Real life Ian Seabrooks life changes necessitate a reliable hassle free family and business use vehicle. You Tubes Mr Hubnut needs quirky obscure needy and unloved tackle to maintain his  channel and Usp. There's nothing worse than having to rely on near end of life cars as daily transport unless you have the desire and the financial means to spend major dosh on a particular car and stick with them for a length of time. 

Any old shitter is a spend away from the crusher, we all know that - Ian Seabrook now needs to get a decent car for himself and not for content . Mr Hubnut needs to start setting  deadlines for some of the projects and getting some mojo back. How about the Yugo Sana for 2022s  Festival of the unexceptional?.. Perhaps invite Tiff Needell to revisit his original Top gear test once the Sana is back on the road and do a collaboration with his Love cars channel...??.. a few hours with a decent autosparky should see the Sana running or at least diagnose properly why it wont - at least then you can find out if it's a viable prospect or something to offload. If there are then certain jobs on any of the cars your uncomfortable with or just plain can't be arsed - its no shame getting in getting someone in to help to get things moving again rather than let them gather dust and damp in the shed to further demotivate yourself. 

For the latest Olcit - I would quietly beaver away at it - film the content but not serialise it in real time - it will give you the breathing space to get things done properly and take the daily Youtube pressure to finish it off  - which in the mean time can be filled with general  enjoyment maintenance and buffoonery of the rest of the fleet. 

In terms of the C5.. the last time I changed a clutch on the driveway was a decade ago and after putting my shoulder out I swore I'd never do another.  If one of my car shows any signs of  impending clutch doom - I go out and by the kit in advance and nurse the car until it needs fitting and spread the material and labour costs in to two separate lumps.  

Ive enjoyed the recent C5 content, I did good business selling them when they were brand new. 


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My two penn'orth, for what it's worth:

You seem to have fallen into the trap I have, whereupon the acquisition of something has become the fun part, but actually doing something with it is disregarded: I own it, and that is all that matters. In my case, that has meant many thousands - tens of thousands, even - spent on items that now need six storage units, plus a garage and two sheds to accommodate. Worse still, as tastes change these items are likely unsaleable or will only realise a few quid at auction; nostalgia ain't what it used to be. So I may find myself actually dumping a lot of this stuff and it will hurt me to do so - it's lasted over eighty years and I feel a right c**t that I will be the one that destroys it.

To add insult to injury, I'm not getting any younger; I'm on the slope towards sixty and not in the greatest of health. How long an active life do I have left, never mind actual life? I'd never restore and enjoy it all.

The point I'm making, albeit in a roundabout way, is that I can see you've done this too and it's now having an effect. One of the standard questions on a PHQ-9 form used to assess depression is "Little interest or pleasure in doing things?" which seems to have hit you.

There are cars on your fleet which should be moved on; easy for me to say that, but equally I could mount a defence for retaining a lot of the items I have and resist common sense. Similarly, I should do something with the Ford Ka Shed and the E34 here.

First, the Yugo: I love the fact you have one but - and please don't take this the wrong way, Ian - I don't think you have the electrical skills to sort it out and am I correct in thinking it needs considerable attention in the rust department too?

Secondly, and apologies to Miss HubNut here, but that Charade seems to be progressing from Chemmy the Charade to Chemmy the Shitbox: it just has 'liability' oozing from it now. You have all this 'fun' and still you've to address the smoke issues.

Now, this next one might be controversial - but I'd add the GSA to the list. Why? Because it will realise good money for you and if you're both getting on the housing ladder, you're going to need all the money you can get. Use some of the money to make the C5 solid, reliable family transport and also, try to see the C5 as just that and not part of the HubNut 'fleet'. Perhaps even GSA money could be used to get something 'fun' for Miss HubNut to replace the Charade.

The remaining vehicles - TWC, Elly, Foxanne and the Matiz should stay. You'll have plenty of amusement in making one good OltCit out of two.

As I say, it's all easy for me to say this to you but believe me, every day I am faced with the horrors of how much money I have spent and ultimately, wasted over the last forty years. Pity my family if they had to deal with my estate now.

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I understand the  road tests is an important part of your channel. I still like the mix and match of tinkering and reviews. One other UK based channel has that, but sorry for him you have been awarded  The Bafta. Oher channels either have one thing or the other.

I have just watch the H van drive. Excellent work.

Where did you get the information about Dutch vans having forward opening doors? It may have been part of the production.

This Dutch police vehicle has suicide doors.


There is somewhere in Wales where they swap out mechanical components in H Vans for transit power. Driving one of those  would perhaps make for an interesting follow up.



PS Purchasing a house. does that mean we can expect a DIY channel, maybe home decoration channel?  Not Hutnut more Door-bolt😉

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