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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread

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You've jacked the suspension up a bit I see, Beko.


It's March. Neighbor has an orange tree. She had too many oranges so gave me some.



Couple bags full of oranges translated into orange juice.



Determined my coffee filters are too fine for orange juice though. Ha. A teaspoon of cream of tartar and that's some damn fine juice. We had a couple of frosty bits of weather so the fruits are really sweet.




I'm on a smoll bus! Couldn't drive in London, horrible place!


Get an old HiAce, it turns it into a target rich environment.


Van buddies.




Also first time using the panorama feature on my new phone - never needed to before, but I couldn't quite get both vans in shot without going into the neighbour's garden, which would have been rude.


unless the counters broken, Autoshites 2000th member is someone called bastard  :mrgreen:



  • Like 8

It's March. Neighbor has an orange tree. She had too many oranges so gave me some.



Couple bags full of oranges translated into orange juice.



Determined my coffee filters are too fine for orange juice though. Ha. A teaspoon of cream of tartar and that's some damn fine juice. We had a couple of frosty bits of weather so the fruits are really sweet.



That made my mouth water.


Superb service from KikFit, Stonehaven! There, I have said it! Needed a tyre in a rush, a cheap 155-70 x 13 for my trailer. Nobody stocks 13" tyres anymore, so phoned KwikFit Sunday afternoon, at 1500. They got the only one showing in Scotland delivered to them this morning, and they phoned me to say it had arrived. Nipped down to collect it (I was going to fit it myself) and they fitted it whilst I waited as the fitter was on lunch break so was not busy! Cost less than 35 quid all in. If you need anything in the Stonehaven area, I recommend these guys, I know KwikFit have a poor reputation in places, but it is down to the individual depot and this one is good.


Condolences.  I'm sure she'd have appreciated the bath mat, too. (Who wouldn't?)

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Put billy thru it


That's harsh


I wouldn't fit!


Condolences.  I'm sure she'd have appreciated the bath mat, too. (Who wouldn't?)

Zoom in.

Amazon finest willow coffin


I meant under that, to protect your boot carpet :D


Stolen from bookface.





Fuck me, it passed it's MOT and is still around.

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Nom nom nom

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Stolen from bookface.





Fuck me, it passed it's MOT and is still around.


That Allegro was on the same campsite as me at the last Le Mans 24 hour. It has a Chevy 5.7 V8 and is RWD. Lovely car.

  • Like 5

I had a shit shift at work on Sunday.

Or, I did until a bloke driving an older Impreza with a huge exhaust came in. I gave him his order and asked about the car. We spoke for a good half an hour, maybe more, about our cars past, present and future. We were very different in our tastes, but still found a lot of common ground.

Quite honestly, it made my weekend. It's the little things.


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Superb service from KikFit, Stonehaven! There, I have said it! Needed a tyre in a rush, a cheap 155-70 x 13 for my trailer. Nobody stocks 13" tyres anymore, so phoned KwikFit Sunday afternoon, at 1500. They got the only one showing in Scotland delivered to them this morning, and they phoned me to say it had arrived. Nipped down to collect it (I was going to fit it myself) and they fitted it whilst I waited as the fitter was on lunch break so was not busy! Cost less than 35 quid all in. If you need anything in the Stonehaven area, I recommend these guys, I know KwikFit have a poor reputation in places, but it is down to the individual depot and this one is good.

Honestly Kwik fit has never wronged me, my local guys are a great bunch and often help me out with little things FOC. I think turning up in old tat helps, I don't think they'd make much money from me even if I had any to give them.


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Superb service from KikFit, Stonehaven! There, I have said it! Needed a tyre in a rush, a cheap 155-70 x 13 for my trailer. Nobody stocks 13" tyres anymore, so phoned KwikFit Sunday afternoon, at 1500. They got the only one showing in Scotland delivered to them this morning, and they phoned me to say it had arrived. Nipped down to collect it (I was going to fit it myself) and they fitted it whilst I waited as the fitter was on lunch break so was not busy! Cost less than 35 quid all in. If you need anything in the Stonehaven area, I recommend these guys, I know KwikFit have a poor reputation in places, but it is down to the individual depot and this one is good.


Strangely, i had a fantastic experience with my local Kwik Fit as well a few years back.


I was in the Cinq and one of the exhaust mounts had failed (it was an ongoing issue due to the custom made exhaust not having a flexi and the rear ARB partially obstructing the body hanger, so it would rattle itself off every few hundred miles until i figured out a solution), i just needed it propped up to get me home and running for a few days until it was fixed, was passing Kwik Fit, pulled in and explained. The guy was happy to have a look, put it up on the ramps, gave me another exhaust rubber to get the backbox off the ground, sorted out a few of the clamps to give a bit more clearance and talk about ways it could be fixed. Excellent.


So i went in and asked how much he wanted for the mount and the time etc, would have been happy enough if he said £20-30.


"Nah mate, no problem. it's on the house, made a change from having corsas on the ramp anyway".


Also went to them in an emergency when i got a puncture, they repaired it, repair failed, took it back in the next day and they fitted a new decent make tyre half price because of the repair failure when really, a new tyre minus the cost of repair would have been perfectly fair. Ended up getting a brand new vredestein fitted for £40 all in.


Now, Halfords Autocenters on the other hand, i could go on for days as to why to avoid them like the plague.....


Made the mistake of going there once for an MOT when my usual garage was booked weeks in advance, Halfords could take me next day and half price... yeah.


I've never seen a place more determined to fail a car on anything, ever. a 3hr long MOT test as they poured over every detail of the car and tested it to extremes.


I came out with a fail sheet of bullshit so laughable that i stopped off at my regular garage and showed them, and they gathered all the staff round for a laugh at what they'd pulled up. The biggest crackers being "Untidy horn wiring" because one section from 6 wasnt perfectly flat on the slam panel, and "Diagnostic plug able to touch air filter housing"...aye, if you unclip it from the harness and pull it over about 40cm and stretch it to the point of risking snapping the plug off, the tip of the plug "can" touch it, but the second it was let go, it touched nothing....


And worst of all, all the inner arches were painted/undersealed, so naturally, they'd decided it must be rotten as a pear and set to town to try and prove that theory by getting the biggest hammer in the workshop instead of the actual MOT corrosion hammer and wellied fuck out the underside to such an extent that the inner aches came out from the test looking like a golf ball with all the dents they'd put in. Alas, they were all rock solid. They must have been gutted they couldn't put a hole in it.


Honestly Kwik fit has never wronged me, my local guys are a great bunch and often help me out with little things FOC. I think turning up in old tat helps, I don't think they'd make much money from me even if I had any to give them.


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My local Halfords actually turned an older female driver away when i was last in the UK

The manager insisted that she didn't need another service on her Mini as it had only done 3k miles since the previous one...


My local Halfords actually turned an older female driver away when i was last in the UK

The manager insisted that she didn't need another service on her Mini as it had only done 3k miles since the previous one...

One of the female staff at my local-ish one will often tell me "you're better off getting it at x place, it'll be cheaper and better" about everything from detailing stuff to paint. I once asked her if there was any jobs going, she told me yes but don't, the money's shit and because I'm a bloke they'd have me doing WeFit stuff for no extra money at all.


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Facebook idiot of the week (There’s a photo of a British and EU flag side by side just above)




Note - laughing at the idiot. No mention of events.

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