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Father Ted

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Fuck me I hate the dentist. My mouth hurts afterwards. Not as bad as before but I can see why people go to ends to avoid going. 

Any tips on getting an NHS dentist? All the local ones are not taking on patients. I'd loath to go private especially after paying enough each month on National Insurance. 

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2 minutes ago, Spurious said:

Fuck me I hate the dentist. My mouth hurts afterwards. Not as bad as before but I can see why people go to ends to avoid going. 

Any tips on getting an NHS dentist? All the local ones are not taking on patients. I'd loath to go private especially after paying enough each month on National Insurance. 

I used to think that then I got private dental insurance, now I don't dread the dentist (as much) think I pay 24 a month but its salary sacrifice. 

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6 minutes ago, 1duck said:

I used to think that then I got private dental insurance, now I don't dread the dentist (as much) think I pay 24 a month but its salary sacrifice. 

I know the feeling. Had private cover in Ireland including health insurance. Ireland had a public/private system. 

I paid about €600 for health insurance per year and it covered everything, and I could walk into the GP in the morning or see a Dentist at a time that suited me. I'm paying £3000 per year in NI and I can't even see a NHS dentist (as a regular patient) to make use of my contributions. 

I'd actually prefer a subsidised model for improved service here. But it'll never happen as the NHS is a sarcred cow. 



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That's the green Cav away now.

I kept the Proclaimers CD as a memento and it now lives in the blue one. I don't want to listen to it though.

The remaining Cavalier got some goodies tonight to add to the options pack already included.



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7 hours ago, Split_Pin said:

Nice steering wheel. Mine has the big boaby airbag one as its a late model Cabriolet.


I sourced it very cheap from a wreckers and then was astounded to find out they go for 10x as much on eBay 

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1 hour ago, Spurious said:

Any tips on getting an NHS dentist? All the local ones are not taking on patients. I'd loath to go private especially after paying enough each month on National Insurance. 


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@Spurious, I had a broken tooth and couldn't get a new dentist for love nor money. There was a 10+ week waiting list for an NHS appointment at my usual place and all others weren't taking on new patients. I gave up after phoning about 10 other dentists and had to eat shit (£150 to have my tooth removed that week). 

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Insurance renewel time , galaxy tdi and mondeo v6, with missus and me with ability to drive any vehicle under 3rd party cover etc etc comes in at £800 odd fully comp, yeah I could get cheaper but many insurers wouldn't let me add my fiancé as she lives at different address... but I'm happy to pay it..



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2 hours ago, Split_Pin said:


I kept the Proclaimers CD as a memento and it now lives in the blue one. I don't want to listen to it though.


That's understandable, songs about having to walk 500 miles, when you drive a Vauxhall, can only tempt fate.

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47 minutes ago, anonymous user said:

That's understandable, songs about having to walk 500 miles, when you are trying to collect a Vauxhall, can almost come true.


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Had a go at polishing the paint blowover I did on the wing. Sufficed to say, everywhere apart from the rust repair at the bottom looks rather cack. 



The images flatter it rather well. If there was an excuse to take it off again and repaint it, this would be it.

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1 minute ago, SiC said:

They don't 🤣

Trust me, you wouldn't like to see it in person. It looks awful! The shine messing with the camera really does flatter it as it conveniently obscures most of the heavy paint areas, scrapes, wrinkles in some areas and other sins.

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On 11/06/2021 at 18:54, Cord Forteener aka Tim_E said:

Sounds like a holiday!

I have been a little secretive about my week away. I come home late Saturday.

I am currently abroad. Not for a holiday nor for work purposes.

In 1984 my maternal grandparents moved to Spain but ran their garage business remotely until 1987 when they sold up. My maternal grandmother passed away last year and we’ve carried out their wishes as per their wills and testaments. Where they moved to was part of the Graham Maynard timeshare scandal of the 1980s and was featured on The Cook Report.

basically the place they moved to was largely incomplete and granddad finished off his apartamento and those of his neighbours and landscaped the barren ground which became the common gardens for all the resident.


My mum, my aunt, me, my brother and my 4.5y/o niece scattered their ashes this morning in the gardens they created.


I am willing to put money on a number of you saying that I’ve been totally irresponsible by travelling abroad during a pandemic. This was booked on nan’s passing last April as we thought C-19 would have been over. If it was a normal holiday I would agree; This time I think not. (Aside from the church service and the interment of my grandparents ashes we’ve remained isolated in our villa save the occasional trip to a Mercadona and taken LF tests daily.)

Descanse en paz abuela y abuelo.  Estás descansando en la casa de tus sueños y te extrañamos mucho.

On the plus side I spotted this in the car park on the way back from the church.


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Glad you were able to finally get there.  I don't think you're being irresponsible at all, but then I'm more in favour of opening things up than perhaps some people are.  Nice Renner Eight - a bit* shinier than the one on eBay (which I'm definitely not* the high bidder on at the moment).


For some reason Google Translate seems to struggle with the different forms of "you" in Spanish - it often seems determined to use the singular when it should be obvious from the context that the plural is required.

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Why does a hell of a lot of tree always look smaller when it's piled up?


Still, that's now much less likely to cause problems. There's fewer skeeters hanging about (they like to stay under trees) which is good. Gonna miss the shade, though.


Neighbor's trees made up for the missing one in the sunset though. Weather like this here, this time of year means only one thing. There's a storm coming.


Went get dinner, that's a 2 foot wide drawing of the USS Paul Hamilton, done from memory by a 12 year old kid on the paper table cloth at the restaurant. Not a bad drawing at all. He did another of the entire scene of Pearl Harbor, too.

Tomorrow gonna be boarding the garage up after work again.



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5 hours ago, wuvvum said:

Glad you were able to finally get there.  I don't think you're being irresponsible at all, but then I'm more in favour of opening things up than perhaps some people are.  Nice Renner Eight - a bit* shinier than the one on eBay (which I'm definitely not* the high bidder on at the moment).


For some reason Google Translate seems to struggle with the different forms of "you" in Spanish - it often seems determined to use the singular when it should be obvious from the context that the plural is required.

Thanks Wuv. I know it should be ustedes (or even sús) but when I typed that lot in having had a small* amount of cava I couldn’t be bothered to correct it. I can get away with the sort of useful* translations they teach you at school (such as the boy is eating a banana) without assistance as I know I’ll use the sentence often* (El niño come un platano)

Fit to fly test in a couple of hours. Ugh. I won’t miss shoving a cotton swab down my throat every day.

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6 hours ago, dozeydustman said:

I have been a little secretive about my week away. I come home late Saturday.

I am currently abroad. Not for a holiday nor for work purposes.

In 1984 my maternal grandparents moved to Spain but ran their garage business remotely until 1987 when they sold up. My maternal grandmother passed away last year and we’ve carried out their wishes as per their wills and testaments. Where they moved to was part of the Graham Maynard timeshare scandal of the 1980s and was featured on The Cook Report.

basically the place they moved to was largely incomplete and granddad finished off his apartamento and those of his neighbours and landscaped the barren ground which became the common gardens for all the resident.


My mum, my aunt, me, my brother and my 4.5y/o niece scattered their ashes this morning in the gardens they created.


I am willing to put money on a number of you saying that I’ve been totally irresponsible by travelling abroad during a pandemic. This was booked on nan’s passing last April as we thought C-19 would have been over. If it was a normal holiday I would agree; This time I think not. (Aside from the church service and the interment of my grandparents ashes we’ve remained isolated in our villa save the occasional trip to a Mercadona and taken LF tests daily.)

Descanse en paz abuela y abuelo.  Estás descansando en la casa de tus sueños y te extrañamos mucho.

On the plus side I spotted this in the car park on the way back from the church.


Thats sad, beautiful and generally lovely. 

Very much a reason to be there now.

Bonus spot too.

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6 hours ago, wuvvum said:

Nice Renner Eight


44 minutes ago, Cord Forteener aka Tim_E said:

Bonus spot too.

Tat is very thin on the ground out here now. The era of the Barreiros diesel powered Chrysler 180 and various Seat badged Fiats are well and truly gone. I’ve only seen 3 other bits of rammel and was unable to snap because driving. Very few cars registered with provincial plates here.

In other news


This thing is rather horrid. It’s huge outside but cramped inside, drinks diesel because it has no power or torque therefore requires thrashing, has the turning circle of an Atkinson Borderer, dead steering, rubbery gearshift, no feel through the pedals and catastrophically bad visibility. All great fun when you’re in an isolated villa up twisty-turny roads with a steep incline in a country where the rules of the road are still very much optional.

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7 hours ago, dozeydustman said:

I have been a little secretive about my week away. I come home late Saturday.

I am currently abroad. Not for a holiday nor for work purposes.

In 1984 my maternal grandparents moved to Spain but ran their garage business remotely until 1987 when they sold up. My maternal grandmother passed away last year and we’ve carried out their wishes as per their wills and testaments. Where they moved to was part of the Graham Maynard timeshare scandal of the 1980s and was featured on The Cook Report.

basically the place they moved to was largely incomplete and granddad finished off his apartamento and those of his neighbours and landscaped the barren ground which became the common gardens for all the resident.


My mum, my aunt, me, my brother and my 4.5y/o niece scattered their ashes this morning in the gardens they created.


I am willing to put money on a number of you saying that I’ve been totally irresponsible by travelling abroad during a pandemic. This was booked on nan’s passing last April as we thought C-19 would have been over. If it was a normal holiday I would agree; This time I think not. (Aside from the church service and the interment of my grandparents ashes we’ve remained isolated in our villa save the occasional trip to a Mercadona and taken LF tests daily.)

Descanse en paz abuela y abuelo.  Estás descansando en la casa de tus sueños y te extrañamos mucho.

On the plus side I spotted this in the car park on the way back from the church.


If anything the last 18 months make this journey even more meaningful I’d wager. Sounds like a lovely way to mark their passing and very fitting. 

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1 hour ago, dozeydustman said:



This thing is rather horrid. It’s huge outside but cramped inside, drinks diesel because it has no power or torque therefore requires thrashing, has the turning circle of an Atkinson Borderer, dead steering, rubbery gearshift, no feel through the pedals and catastrophically bad visibility. All great fun when you’re in an isolated villa up twisty-turny roads with a steep incline in a country where the rules of the road are still very much optional.

We've a colleague at work with one. 

Whilst having lunch we got up to a bit of mischief. We got a little strip of chrome plastic off a broken telly in the yard, snipped it to size and stuck it to the top of the U in the JUKE badge so it said JOKE instead. Rather funny and it lasted a week before he noticed. 

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1 hour ago, chaseracer said:

Thanks for sharing that, @dozeydustman - Maureen & Jack sound like top folks.

Granddad was the owner of the service station I have posted on here previously. I’ve asked my parents and aunt to scan in more photos of the Place so I can do a thread on here about it

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Cavaliers gear shift was a little better this morning whilst out an about between work meetings. 

Pushing the pedal all the way to the floor improved things even more.......

In my 6 days of ownership  I've had more nice comments and caused more incidences of pencilnecking than in the 11 years I owned the Corsa B.

I'm going to have a crack at welding the 5p hole in the sill tomorrow if the weather holds up.

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