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The Autoshite holy grail is now one of us!


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If you want brochure scans, here's October 1982:



February 1983:



May 1983:


(June 83 is identical)


Then in July 1983 Ford got all decadent and gave the base model a body colour grille:



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I'd like to propose that before anyone buys any replacement numberplates with a girl's name on that they have a 7 day "cooling off" period in which they consider that whilst well-intentioned, it's really a bit creepy and weird.

Maybe but i'm not sure she'd see it that way. She might appreciate the thought. The best way would be to ask her first.

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I forgot that average looking, poor and socially awkward men aren't even allowed to mention a girl's name without being accused of creeping. Consider the idea scrapped .

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Number plates with names or sayings on always look odd to me. Dealer name and phone number is all you need.


I quite liked the original blue front number plate look.

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This will last loads longer if it's cleaned! Oxidised paint is near enough porous, all the plastics will be going brittle and rust will get in really fast (it is an 80's ford after all).


By all means leave all of the dents and battle scars intact. But give it a good clay and a polish and keep it as clean as you possibly can .... Trust me it will last much longer than it would festering in it's own filth!


Well saved :D

A cracking thread to read,and a genuine well done to all involved.

I may have some Sierra bits kicking about but IIRC my only early cars were of XR4i and 4x4 flavour..

How's about doing a Fast n Loud with the bodywork,where they basically wash it and put a coat of clear lacquer on to seal in the patina?

I'd love to see it at a few gatherings and obviously chuck a few pennies into the preservation fund....

Anyone approached the Lottery people yet for a grant to save it?



Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

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I genuinely don't think I'd be able to stop myself polishing and waxing this car.


It's easy to stop polishing certain cars,my recently bought Saab has similar patina to the Sierra and I haven't even washed it. It's part of it's earlier lifestyle.

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Not crowdfunding.  Oh no, not us.


Crowdfunding would attract income tax in the UK (unlike the US, where it's hugely popular and a great way for people to help each other - anathema to the UK tax system).  


So it would be completely inappropriate of me to set up a PayPal link and invite people to contribute.  If I did that, foolishly, then I would be able to keep track of contributions separately from any of my personal transactions and be open and transparent about the accounting.  I could also post on here to report periodically on how the fund is doing as well as what's getting spent.


But that would be soliciting payments, so we're not going to do that. 


Just to be clear to HMRC, I am not soliciting payments.  Not at all.  Please don't give us any money.  If you are nevertheless moved to make a small gift to express your gratitude at the saving of the last (-ish) road legal grey grille Sierra, spontaneously and without any prompting whatsoever, then you might happen to stumble upon paypal.me/sierrabase.

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the thrills and spills of driving something that some knuckle dragger has bodged up with filler n old biscuit tins, that when you brake pulls you crazily to one side or another, that when you accelerate pulls you to one side or the other, that the heater doesn't work anymore, that fuses have been replaced by tinfoil, that seatbelt mountings are held in with a big dollop of fibreglass, yes i must admit I'm not getting it am i. makes me want to go and get said cars and have the kudos of doing so just on those merits alone.


cmon for fucks sake, buying a car thats a worthless lump of dogshit and spending money on buying more fucked parts to go on it just to put up pics on a random website, so that 10 or so guys can justify why they do the same.


some people on here cry that they are hard up, their circumstances are tough, they've no money, life is hard etc etc, then time after time piss away there hard earned cash on some heap that is dead, time after time after time, your either kidding yourselves, your not that hard up, or for the reason i really think, is that some people are attention whores, cos lets face it, if you bought a nicer example of whatever shed you want, chances are its not going to go wrong all the time and that limits your excuse to post thread after thread of look at me look at me i smell of wee.


so in fairness we need more old shite, but not old shit.

You sir..are an absolute bell-end.

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I agree with chompy, it needs that rear wing sorting, then a good claay and polish, just to keep the paint. Good going over with lime prime light would condition it up good.


Then never wash it again...

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You chaps do make a fair point about the preservative effects of a bit of wax, especially if it's going to spend time outdoors.  We'll not lose anything by washing it anyway, it's actually fairly clean, just a bit oxidised in places.

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You sir..are an absolute bell-end.


True, but you're wasting your breath. He's too busy whacking off to the 'cars and girls' thread to read anything with actual words in it.

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as long as they don't let the RSPCA have a share, otherwise they will wake up one morning to find its scrapped because it 'was for the best'.

Haha was reading through this panicking that Bornidentity was going to tell us that it had "gone to live on a farm".


As said eleventy times already brilliant thread! I'm sure it could get a minor clean and tidy without ruining the "used" look too much, want it to last a good few years more

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Just to sum up where we've got to with the ownership and stuff, for the record:


The Sierra is all bought and paid for, funded equally by @Angrydicky@BorniteIdentity@Cheggers@JohnK and me, @Skizzer.  It's registered to BorniteIdentity as he's looking after it for now.  


If we did happen to receive any spontaneous gifts to www.paypal.me/sierrabase, these would go towards the cost of keeping the car road legal and in good mechanical order, and taking necessary steps to preserve it from deterioration.  None of us will benefit personally.  If we don't receive any gifts then that's absolutely fine too and we'll do all of the above ourselves.


BorniteIdentity will have the final say on an appropriate thank-you to his friend Emma for helping him collect it.

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What a beautiful thread, sorry to have only just caught up with it!  Loved the bit when to great delight a blanking plate was discovered to replace the after fit radio cassette!


A few things stand out:


That it captures the essence of Autoshite perfectly


That it was a collective effort to buy and bring it 'into the fold'


The Emma bit.  What a girl


What a total bell end midnite is.



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Just to sum up where we've got to with the ownership and stuff, for the record:


The Sierra is all bought and paid for, funded equally by @Angrydicky@BorniteIdentity@Cheggers@JohnK and me, @Skizzer.  It's registered to BorniteIdentity as he's looking after it for now.  


If we did happen to receive any spontaneous gifts to www.paypal.me/sierrabase, these would go towards the cost of keeping the car road legal and in good mechanical order, and taking necessary steps to preserve it from deterioration.  None of us will benefit personally.  If we don't receive any gifts then that's absolutely fine too and we'll do all of the above ourselves.


BorniteIdentity will have the final say on an appropriate thank-you to his friend Emma for helping him collect it.

You just got some laundry tokens from me...nice one....

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Cor! I've missed a blinder here! Tunnocks tea cakes all round to those heroically concerned. Enjoy the silence from your respective wives/girlfriends/crumpled bongo magazines while it lasts.


Might I suggest an airing here? You will be able to get it on the banking of the Dunton oval (Fords UK research facility) possibly, annoying loads of FoMoCo meatheads too.




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Just to sum up where we've got to with the ownership and stuff, for the record:


The Sierra is all bought and paid for, funded equally by @Angrydicky@BorniteIdentity@Cheggers@JohnK and me, @Skizzer.  It's registered to BorniteIdentity as he's looking after it for now.  


If we did happen to receive any spontaneous gifts to www.paypal.me/sierrabase, these would go towards the cost of keeping the car road legal and in good mechanical order, and taking necessary steps to preserve it from deterioration.  None of us will benefit personally.  If we don't receive any gifts then that's absolutely fine too and we'll do all of the above ourselves.


BorniteIdentity will have the final say on an appropriate thank-you to his friend Emma for helping him collect it.

Just sent you £30 for this beauty. Up to you to spend on the car or Emma, or both.


Let me know if you want the pinto oil spray bar and oil filter. Once again gents, top job!

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Very big thanks to everyone who has kindly chipped in so far - it's great that lots of us can be part of this.


Just sent you £30 for this beauty. Up to you to spend on the car or Emma, or both.

Let me know if you want the pinto oil spray bar and oil filter. Once again gents, top job!


Thanks very much - can't hurt if they're going spare!  Bring along to Shitefest?

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Very big thanks to everyone who has kindly chipped in so far - it's great that lots of us can be part of this.



Thanks very much - can't hurt if they're going spare!  Bring along to Shitefest?


Can I ask when/where Shitefest is because I can't find the thread for it?

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Very big thanks to everyone who has kindly chipped in so far - it's great that lots of us can be part of this.




Thanks very much - can't hurt if they're going spare!  Bring along to Shitefest?

Not sure I'll make Shitefest. I can parcel it up and post it to you, or whoever will be doing the work if you want though? PM me an address if that's ok and I'll dig them out and post them next week.

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