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Well fuck me I got it working again

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14 minutes ago, RoverFolkUs said:

Time for some self appointed admins to fix it? 😃

I think you'll find that was three years ago. 

3 hours ago, Jazoli said:

The lack of updates and or info is worrying, is anyone actually 'in charge'?

Post something outrageous like xyzmgbt is a state of mental illness and should be treated with sympathy not operations and watch the moderators swarm to remove your posts. If you asked for an update in the same post it might just get their attention. Posting this as it seems they are ever so quick to edit anything they don't like, less so when questions are asked.

56 minutes ago, red5 said:

I think you'll find that was three years ago. 

Wasn't trying to be inflammatory, only light hearted about self appointed moderators fixing (?) the previous issues so maybe some self appointed admins can take over and fix these current technical issues :)

3 minutes ago, RoverFolkUs said:

Wasn't trying to be inflammatory, only light hearted about self appointed moderators fixing (?) the previous issues so maybe some self appointed admins can take over and fix these current technical issues :)

Been there, done that IIRC.

2 hours ago, Urko said:

You grumpy old man 😃

Ha ha exactly. How righteously it was changed, heaven forbid either grumpy people, or old men, be indignant about being stereotyped. Youd have to be pretty thick to think along those lines and be hence outraged on their behalf imo. But presumably it was changed because of this? what a joke.


And heaven forbid peoples feelings being hurt in case their question is considered “stupid” id like to think we were beyond that. I feel stupid most of the time, and i dont offend myself by feeling so; actually its a helpful realisation as part of the learning process. Why not celibrate it?

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23 minutes ago, HMC said:

And heaven forbid peoples feelings being hurt in case their question is considered “stupid” id like to think we were beyond that. I feel stupid most of the time, and i dont offend myself by feeling so; actually its a helpful realisation as part of the learning process. Why not celibrate it?

because some decided, unilaterally, that it was non-inclusive, or offensive, or...blah blah.  


Feels like it’s about to break again, any moment. Really lumbering to load the first page. 

TDW is standing in as a ‘Nightingale Winchester’ if anyone wants to decamp until this all blows over. All opinions welcome and celebrated. 

(No need to be adversarial, just come talk shit) 

  • Like 2

I waste my time on enough fora, I don't need another. Let's get on and fix this one, if that means passing the hat again that's fine.

5 minutes ago, somewhatfoolish said:

I waste my time on enough fora, I don't need another. Let's get on and fix this one, if that means passing the hat again that's fine.

Dude. Nobody knows what's happening. Not even the administrators. 

Pass the hat around all you like. You might as well pass a piss bottle around too for all the good it's going to do.

35 minutes ago, BorniteIdentity said:

(No need to be adversarial, just come talk shit) 

Physician, heal thyself.

1 hour ago, BorniteIdentity said:

Dude. Nobody knows what's happening. Not even the administrators. 

To be clear, I don’t understand what’s going on. I’m not technical savvy enough beyond what I posted previously. Slarti does know what is going on, but… as yet hasn’t been able to apply a permanent fix.


Perhaps it's a minor somat that needs a workaround as the direct proper fix don't work and it's a case of reboot and see if it holds up .

Been there , t shirt etc ...

Waits and stays out of the way ...


the personal irony in all of this, is my mums computer a 2013 Dell has decided to play-up in Sympathy with an intermittent RAM fault causing POST failure, during which I discovered that one of its hard drives was failing, so I have been doing battle with that for the past few days (and especially most of today where I have been fitting a new replacement SSD and copying over all of the crap from the dying hard drive, once again reminding me why I fucking hate windows)


I do kinda feel for @Slartibartfast people being grumpy about it, but to the IT people here who are complaining about it, you should know more than anyone else just how much of a bastard computer issues can be LOL Just in the same way you can be a really competent car person/mechanic and still get given the runaround

I mean just take @red5's ordeal my Invacar for example, look at how many times he had to fuck with the brakes to finally get them to behave,  and @red5 is probably one of the most competent people out there when it comes to this sort of stuff,  but it was his competency that did managed to track down the obscure issue that was plaguing said brakes :) 

its just the way things can turn out to be, and I would not be surprised, knowing myself having been fucking with computers for a long time, that I would not be surprised at all was some obscure issue that would give anyone the runaround

so I would say, just hold your horses before anyone lynches anyone else LOL

its pretty clear that @Slartibartfast is aware that there are problems and I am sure he is working to get them fixed, I agree a bit more communication about it would be nice, but not everyone has perfect communication skills and who knows how busy he is with everything else


and to me at least the proof of that, is someone *is* getting the forum back online when it does crash, so someone is clearly trying to keep things going, its not like we have been orphaned here (famous last words LOL)


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Don't loose sight of the fact that these people are to all intents and purposes doing this for the craic. They have actual real lives and jobs and shit that take precedence. No doubt they are trying their best to sort the job, but it might not be the biggest thing they have going on at the moment.


We seem to have looped back, via one one seamless segue, from a failing server - to an invacar. In one breath.

Perhaps it’s best if it stays broken 🤷‍♂️


1 hour ago, Matty said:

Don't loose sight of the fact that these people are to all intents and purposes doing this for the craic. They have actual real lives and jobs and shit that take precedence. No doubt they are trying their best to sort the job, but it might not be the biggest thing they have going on at the moment.

I've no problem with that, but the outage/unreliability started nearly 3 weeks ago so there's been time for a diagnosis and a plan to fix or a realisation that the available knowledge has been exhausted. A few lines detailing either would help.

16 hours ago, brownnova said:

… I’m equally frustrated. 

That's marriage for you.  

1 hour ago, New POD said:

That's marriage for you.  

That might be marriage for you, but it isn’t for me… 😄

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  • Haha 2
8 hours ago, BorniteIdentity said:

We seem to have looped back, via one one seamless segue, from a failing server - to an invacar. In one breath.

Amazing how often that happens 🙄


Hmm.... The forum went AWOL exactly the day I was finalising the purchase of ToMM© from Station 😮.

I'll not post a 'for sale' on SuziQ, just now then 😶


  • Haha 1

Retro-rides is hosted by proboards. It's free but has ads that benefit proboards not retro-rides.

No idea if there's a convenient way of porting the database of whatever forum software this is to Proboards, but that seems like a nice easy long-term way out if there is.


Would it be tempting fate to point out that the forum has been up continuously for over 24 hours? 

9 minutes ago, High Jetter said:

Would it be tempting fate to point out that the forum has been up continuously for over 24 hours? 

It was down for me earlier this morning...

14 minutes ago, Rust Collector said:

It was down for me earlier this morning...

Not noticed anything since about 6:15 today - if you were up before that, it you're own fault :)


Site was down for me between 9.30 and 10.30 or thereabouts - across multiple platforms.


I love browsing this forum. Ive enjoyed meeting some folks from here while buying/selling shitheaps. Its been great. Well was great. Right up until every fuckin thread was hijacked by blue 3 wheelers....its all fucked now. Do us all a favour, pull the plug now, and let the 300 odd pages of inane rambling go down the drain, along with the rest of it. We will all find somewhere to seek refuge from the constant bombardment

17 hours ago, Nyphur said:

Any danger of him/them giving the rest of us a vague idea of what the issue is?

The list of issues that can take a server down for an hour a day, or longer, and have the server recover to provide service for the next ~23 hours until the next failure is probably pretty limited. Maybe some of us have encountered it before.

I am working abroad for the next 3 weeks but am happy to review logs etc and offer suggestions to improve the forums stability. I'm sure there are others here willing/able to help over and above what I can offer too.

As another person who has worked in IT for a number of years (one of many on the forum, no doubt) happy to lend a helping hand if needed with reviewing logs, migration to a new platform/solution or just brainstorming solutions. I understand that issues can be complex and vast - but as @SiC and @Nyphur have alluded to; hosting a public facing forum isn't exactly breaking new ground in 2023. Any issues should be able to be fairly easily investigated and resolved with the right people and support - and saying "It's an old car forum so it's like an allegro hurr hurr" really isn't true.

If it's the hosting provider that's causing the delays/not giving support, start the process of moving away from them. Backup all current data, get a migration plan in place, find a new provider and plan some downtime.  If you want to change platforms - build the new platform the way you want it in a new environment and then setup a plan to migrate to it.

If it's something more complex, share the issue or give any update of any kind to help people understand what is going on - don't just have radio silence while a site that a lot of people love goes dark 2 - 4 times a day, every day. It's quite disheartening. There are people here who can help, and those who can't still deserve some level of communication.

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