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Would you describe yourself as a Motoring Enthusiast?

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This doesn't sound like a thread for the driving gods of Pistonheads who can bore like a hot cup of Horlicks at bedtime with many tales of their personal greatness. 

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Hot cup of Horlicks is far too exciting for me these days ... but ..

Did I tell you about the time .......



I find petrol stations annoying at times when filling up old Minis. If I had a £1 for every time some one came up to me and said they used to have a Cooper S, I'd have about £495 by now. 

8 hours ago, sierraman said:

As above.

<considers blue/yellow Dyane with stupid engine>




For years I drove virtually nothing but rear engined Skodas but have given up on them (bar the one I'll prob keep for ever) partly because I got sick of the remarks and in recent years the "but they're much better since VW took over" and then telling me how good the new K**** is. (Insert name of tedious modern Skoda blob with daft name beginning with K). Yeh I guess I'm a car fanatic but I don't talk about it in polite company for all the reasons given in this thread. Always makes me feel a bit daft and nerdy and as though I'm keeping my end up. Plus people find it boring. I'm also not sure about car clubs. I've belonged to a few but it tends to feel like a group of losers with whom I've nothing in common herding together to cover their nerdiness. I guess I'm just an antisocial bastard in a world of my own really.

56 minutes ago, MJK 24 said:

If you message me your address, I’ll send you a photo of my lowered Scirocco?  You could either put it on your mantle piece, above the toilet cistern or in your memory box.

I'd like that, it's a good in-joke. 

Unfortunately I'm as brassic as a Greek bank at the moment, but let me know how much you want for P&P and I'll lob it up above my mantlepiece when I get back to Peebo. 

Bung me a pic and I'll print it out on the job seekers' printer? 

  • Haha 2
3 hours ago, Dave_Q said:

 has an MG in the garage  

Yeah, I seem to bump into a lot of people with MGs and tell me about them and then say:

'Are you interested in classic cars' 

This is when I show them pictures of my Citroën Visa, Scirocco, Audi 100, Xantia, the Council Estate and other decomposing rammel I've owned over the years and they soon go away, disgusted by my lack of interest in 'classic' cars..... 


‘Are you interested in classic cars’

’yes but not the ones you think...’

You can imagine the responses and bullshit associated with old Fords. I’ve met more people that their dad had a Sapphire Cosworth than actually ever existed. The ‘facts’ they feel the need to tell you make you squirm, whatever happened to going to a show, seeing a decent restored car, saying ‘that’s lovely you must be proud’ and resisting the temptation to invent some anecdote about when you did ‘130 mph’ in an XR3i. Or saying your Audi would piss all over it in a race. 

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3 minutes ago, HillmanImp said:


'Are you interested in classic cars' 


This has strong Chris simpsons artist energy. 

I want to draw two moon faced cherubs saying: 


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3 minutes ago, HillmanImp said:

Yeah, I seem to bump into a lot of people with MGs and tell me about them and then say:

'Are you interested in classic cars' 

This is when I show them pictures of my Citroën Visa, Scirocco, Audi 100, Xantia, the Council Estate and other decomposing rammel I've owned over the years and they soon go away, disgusted by my lack of interest in 'classic' cars..... 

I know the feeling. Delights (to me) like Skoda Favorit, FSO Caro, Peugeot Partner and even SLK don't seem to cut it either!

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Mrs wesacosa reckoned I would get on famously with her former colleague as he liked his old cars and had a couple of old Jags

Turned out it was an XJR15 and an XJ220.   He didn't seem too interested to hear about my Skoda Favorit 

12 minutes ago, skoda_fan said:

For years I drove virtually nothing but rear engined Skodas but have given up on them (bar the one I'll prob keep for ever) partly because 

off topic but I didn't think there were any rear engine Skodas in the AS fold anymore. what do you have?

3 minutes ago, wesacosa said:

Mrs wesacosa reckoned I would get on famously with her former colleague as he liked his old cars and had a couple of old Jags

Turned out it was an XJR15 and an XJ200.   He didn't seem too interested to hear about my Skoda Favorit 

More fool him. His loss. I've owned three of them in the past and loved them. Kinda wish I hadn't sold my last one.


I always hear from folks with " interesting " cars that every time they fill up with fuel, or they park it outside , someone is desperate to give them twice what it's worth and it's the coolest thing they've ever seen ..

My experiences.

Fiat X1/9's..  rusty piles of shite, never liked them when they were new.

72 Dodge Challenger.  Isn't it supposed to be orange? 

6.6 litre Dodge D100. WHY IS IT SO LOUD?

White Volvo 850T5. Did you fail cop school?

Black Pontiac Fiero. Does it talk then?

Loads of others, along the same lines. I just smiled and dropped a virtual piano on them.  As for talking about what was my job, in the pub... no. Stopped doing anything to do with cars a long time ago..



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3 minutes ago, wesacosa said:

off topic but I didn't think there were any rear engine Skodas in the AS fold anymore. what do you have?

S110R I've owned since the year dot. Resting since before covid times. I must get her sorted this year.


Oh yes, relate to this so much. I tend not to mention being into cars, because then the conversation inevitably goes to modern crap, and if I say 'old cars' , they assume 'proper classics'. Can't win. They can't comprehend someone actually liking 'old crap'.  Give me an old Fiat Panda anyday - where you pray to whatever deity you can before trying to start it on a cold February morning. 🤣 Just adds to the fun 😊 Although I must say the Seicento so far is brilliant! 

  • Like 8
2 minutes ago, Barry Cade said:

I always hear from folks with " interesting " cars that every time they fill up with fuel, or they park it outside , someone is desperate to give them twice what it's worth and it's the coolest thing they've ever seen ..

My experiences.

Fiat X1/9's..  rusty piles of shite, never liked them when they were new.

72 Dodge Challenger.  Isn't it supposed to be orange? 

6.6 litre Dodge D100. WHY IS IT SO LOUD?

White Volvo 850T5. Did you fail cop school?

Black Pontiac Fiero. Does it talk then?

Loads of others, along the same lines. I just smiled and dropped a virtual piano on them.  As for talking about what was my job, in the pub... no. Stopped doing anything to do with cars a long time ago..



I don't even get that. Around here I just get total indifference and a feeling that I'm always in someone's way.

19 minutes ago, alcyonecorporation said:

This has strong Chris simpsons artist energy. 

I want to draw two moon faced cherubs saying: 



There ya go...

Oh and I get away with it on the basis that nobody seems to believe me capable of 'motoring enthusiasm', had I any to begin with.  Just here for the fun of it, really.

I'm an autoshiter more by accident than design, in that I've always believed in driving within my means - owning whatever the foetid heap of the day is outright - and my means are few.  I do like a Ford, though.  

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Same as the above really.

Fed up of: 'this is Mick he's into cars as well' "oh yeah what have you got", 'volkswagen golf turbodiesel'

And they always put a lot of emphasis on the word 'turbo', as if they didn't stop making normally aspirated diesels 20 years ago.

Most bikers are generally fine ime (apart from the HD crowd obvs). The usual 'I couldn't have one of them I'd kill meself' or 'my mum/wife/girlfriend/care in the community support worker would never let me have one of those' from others


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I describe myself (and sometimes get introduced) as being interested in rubbish old cars. This has the desired effect of putting off about 90% of 'motoring enthusiasts' from boring me with their latest PCP vehicle or how many rivets their Land-Rover has.

I was once caught out talking to someone, who mentioned he'd had an old Sirocco for ages...he said it was getting on a bit but he saw no need to replace it just yet. My interest was piqued until I saw it - it was only 5 years old FFS!


I only own 2 Saabs and a Cavalier to counteract being an ostracised Rover owner 🤣

Almost nobody gets them and we are often dismissed as adeniodal rivent counters (there are a few though). When I went to a Rover meet in Dundee last year consisting mainly of 75/ZTs and only one of whom I knew,  it was great to be able to discuss them with other owners without feeling that they disapproved or weren't interested.

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I think I’m a bit hesitant to make much of it conversationally as I just wonder are we perceived as being a bit shallow, being so interested in “things” say, rather than people. Not that I’m very bothered by that angle, but saying less gives less for them to make assumptions with.

I can be quite talkative and engaging in certain social Situations, but hesitant and reserved in others. In those latter situations I find others quite well meaning attempts to talk me about cars embarrasing so maybe that’s why I’m reluctant to broadcast it.


I 'm definitely a car bore so try to avoid it but then I'm not into soaps,soccer, reality TV or my financial or social media status so am a social outcast anyway.

Like it really bothers me.

If I mention cortinas then they've all had a savage or a 2.0 that would cruise all-day at 130!

I've lost all interest over the last ten years in the club/show scene as now it's just full of wannabe Mike brewers.not interested in the vehicles or heritage just being the centre of attention is what they want.

The looks of astonishment when I tell people no I'm not selling it to work my way to a porch,merchedis,Aldi etc,don't care what's it's worth & that I own drive/it because I like it .

The next most oft asked question is what's the towbar for? You don't tow things with it do you!?

No only the caravan,trailer , broken down moderns!

Next is the you wanna sell it give you a grand? really wow!

If been told in surprise that I can be talkative /intellectual  on " important topics" my reply yeah but I'm not interested in it.

The last one I built is a 70's touring car that looks down at heal with fake ( as in spoof history) to mock all the top gear  experts that stand looking at it pontificating that they knew/ remember the car/driver/team in its heyday  has to be overheard  too be believed especially the snickers/knowing smiles from other bystanders that twig.

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I'm interested in things for all the wrong reasons, so try to avoid telling folk my interests.

Invariably other "car people" like cars that are actually good, and your average joe expects you to work out an intermittent problem with their 58 plate Octavia which was last serviced in 2013.

If I'm pressed I'll say I'm interested in fixing old junk, including cars. Once folk catch on there is no financial incentive behind my actions they tend to realise I'm a lunatic and leave me alone.

8 minutes ago, HMC said:

I think I’m a bit hesitant to make much of it conversationally as I just wonder are we perceived as being a bit shallow, being so interested in “things” say, rather than people. Not that I’m very bothered by that angle, but saying less gives less for them to make assumptions with.

I can be quite talkative and engaging in certain social Situations, but hesitant and reserved in others. In those latter situations I find others quite well meaning attempts to talk me about cars embarrasing so maybe that’s why I’m reluctant to broadcast it.

I find that a lot of other people seem interested in 'things' that I never knew even existed.  Anything social media-esque for example. If you try and dig down through that to find the person underneath there's often just a clone chattering away with no real conversation other than about themselves. They're often not that interested in anything outside their sphere (and that includes cars).
I'm not 100% convinced its a generation gap thing either  - lots of folks my age also seem to have embraced the need to 'brand' their entire life - airs and graces, posturing and a hundred selfies a day.

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I had a friend over for tea a couple of years ago and my other half mentioned I liked old, shit cars.  I mentioned I was on a forum where this was the general topic and the friend asked me which forum it was.  Turned out, her other half (now husband) is on this very forum.  They came over the next day with their particularly fantastic car and had a good look around.  Small World!  I won't name the innocent party but it was a very welcome co-incidence.


Funny phrase, “motoring”.
Brings to mind ‘30s photos of grandad posing by his motor car at tourist spots.

Motoring is done by motorists. I’ve never been one of those.


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3 hours ago, wesacosa said:

Turned out it was an XJR15 and an XJ220.   He didn't seem too interested to hear about my Skoda Favorit 

You should have brought up the fact that the XJ220 had a Metro engine, I'm sure he would have been delighted*.


I don’t much like meeting new people so when I was taken to meet my partner’s friends I just used to have a few drinks before I went and then once you’re half cut you don’t really give a shit where the conversation goes. I’m not sure I really ever got introduced as anything, possibly because none of my partner’s friends were into cars, a lot of them don’t even own cars (the horror!!).

I travel for work frequently and meet new people and in those situations it’s frowned upon to be drunk sadly. Luckily industry small talk usually does the job, but on the few times cars have come up then people have politely feigned interest in my old shitters whilst I’ve politely feigned interest in their company Aldi/Tesla. Worst thing that ever happened was being shown how funny* the fart function in a Tesla is, although it was kind of the owner to let me have a drive of the car. Best thing that happened was a chap with a couple of nice Saabs loudly announcing that he likes to call himself ‘a Swedophile’ whilst we were talking at a trade show.

Worst people to know that you are into cars are extended family, they’ll want you to do ‘a few small bits’ like weld both sills on a Ka or do a timing belt on a Zafira and apparently being shot out of the same cock two generations back means you’re duty bound to help for free.

I think I consider myself as a motoring enthusiast though as I can find some interest in most things of most ages. Bikes, cars, busses, lorries, veteran, vintage, classic, retro, modern, steam, petrol, diesel, electric… There’s not many vehicles out there that don’t have something interesting about them. I do find it harder with moderns but there is still interesting stuff out there.

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