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The grumpy thread

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Just been told by ATOS that I am pretty fine, not a sick old cripple at all. Read their version of the 'interview' (more like an interrogation!) and I would have sworn it was for someone else if it didn't have my name on it!

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Sounds like somebody needs spoonguard



Little Kirsty Cheese didn't have spoonguard.  Now she looks like this.


Should have added in the place we're moving out OF not to.

Tell them to come on a day you aren’t there.

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Tell them to come on a day you aren’t there.


I can tell you the letting agents have just had a right earful from me.


Never ever rent with Leaders letting agents. They have been an absolute shower from day 1.

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Terry-Thomas would have done a better job IMHO.


Appeal? You have to request a 'mandatory reassessment' first, then, when they decline that, then you can start to appeal. It seems to be the way they operate though on the letter they sent me, they have made some serious mistakes - not noticing meds for what conditions I have.


Utter shower of shit and the woman that did the assessment has lied quite outrageously. I had trouble believing that could/would happen, but apparently, that is par for the course!

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Its no accident, govt. policy to reduce benefit bills, its what the company/companies are supposed (contracted) to do. 


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Write to your MP as I believe that they have to act on it.

May come to nothing but then again!

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How can you trust a company like that when they’re financially incentivised to reject claimants?


It’s ridiculous.

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Indeed, it's utter shit but at least there are moves being made to oust them.


Everybody knows its happening, yet it continues. Theres been TV progs with undercover filming, all sorts.


It's all well and good everyone knowing about it, no one is doing anything about them! I didn't believe that they would lie so outrageously, so ignored (pretty much) the tales of woe from seemingly, everyone. It is really bad and has depressed me greatly


If Downing street dont care, we are all fucked.

Various MP's kick off about it sometimes (I think?)




You don't even want to know what the spoons look like.

When were you in the kitchen at my old office? It was a shared kitchen which somehow meant that everyone seemed to think that it was someone else's job to clear up. If crockery/cutlery/food had been hanging around for a week or so I used to chuck it in the bin. I still remember spoon gate when the last teaspoon went missing. It finally turned up in someone's pocket as they had hidden it rather than wash it as they thought I might throw it away. (I was no fun to work with)
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Oops never had a test abandoned- not safe to continue?

Only happened to me once on a MK1 clio. Abandoned due to rad fan failing and boiling hot coolant pissing out over the MOT tester. I didn't mind too much though as he is a twat!


It's all well and good everyone knowing about it, no one is doing anything about them! I didn't believe that they would lie so outrageously, so ignored (pretty much) the tales of woe from seemingly, everyone. It is really bad and has depressed me greatly



im sorry to hear the goverment is fucking you over like that, I know what its like sadly



if its any condolences, reading your posts gave me a weird cocktail of dejamoo (when you have seen this bullshit before  :mrgreen: ) and PTSD :)


I hope things end up going better for you then they are currently going for me...


(if you do want to read about how the goverment is giving it to me dry, its dotted around in my invacar thread)


(BTW whats ATOS? iv googled it and it seems like its some sort of IT company? but im guessing in this case its some sort of government benefits thing?)


ATOS are much like Capita, a private profit making company which exists only to undertake work which should be public sector.


My grump:


I can't decide if I'm sad or not because not so long ago someone would have retorted with a remark that I'm a lefty commie cocksucker, and now they will either not read it or not care enough to reply.


ATOS are much like Capita, a private profit making company which exists only to undertake work which should be public sector.


yeah thats what I figured, still dont know who they are exactly tho unless IT companies are now doing PIP/ESA examinations? LOL Oh wow checking wikipedia they do....


wonder who did my assessments cant recall who did my assessments, ill have to have another look at the paperwork...


(considering the rather medical nature of this stuff, I wonder why its not done using NHS facilities?)


Because "it's cheaper" to pay a private company to do it more efficiently

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My grump:


I can't decide if I'm sad or not because not so long ago someone would have retorted with a remark that I'm a lefty commie cocksucker, and now they will either not read it or not care enough to reply.


Cheer up you righty, capitalistic chicken licker.


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Because "it's cheaper" to pay a private company with one of my mates on the board of directors to do it more efficiently




My grump:

I can't decide if I'm sad or not because not so long ago someone would have retorted with a remark that I'm a lefty commie cocksucker, and now they will either not read it or not care enough to reply.

Or maybe they're too scared to comment in case they get put on 'approval'!


Tam and I were talking (IRL!) about AS at the weekend and while it barely registers on the important-life-factor-ometer, he did make a sage observation which I hope he won't mind me sharing.


He said that when he first visited AS it was like an old school garage. Untidy, but you soon found where everything was. The locals would swear and take the piss, but in a good natured way. If someone was being a knob, they were told. A calendar on the wall that might draw the eye.


That summed it up pretty well for me.


This new-sanitised version is probably unavoidable, but it's a bit meh.

And I say that as a lefty commie cock sucker.


I know it's getting boring mumping about it, so that's my last word on it.


My grump:


I can't decide if I'm sad or not because not so long ago someone would have retorted with a remark that I'm a lefty commie cocksucker, and now they will either not read it or not care enough to reply.


I dress on the right and don't own a Spacevan, so sadly I can't help.


I dress on the right and don't own a Spacevan, so sadly I can't help.

Lucky you. My penis isn't that big, so I dress down the middle.


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Lucky you. My penis isn't that big, so I dress down the middle.

Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk

This guy dresses down the middle and he could have a 12 incher.




WTAF? I apologise for the crap picture but taking photos of another boys arse at 8.45 in the morning is still odd, even if he is wearing those trousers.


Oddly a girl next to me was also taking a photo though, if she's on here she might have a better shot.


In my world, my Mrs would have elbowed me and said "look at his trousers"

I'd have laughed and called him a cunt.


I live on an odd planet though, and there are people who would laugh at boot cut jeans and flowery shirts.


Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk

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