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The CV joint gaiter kept coming off the driveshaft on my Astra. I clipped it back on three times and it kept sliding back up when I turned the wheel.


That was because it was made of -plastic-, and not rubber.


A hard, plastic CV gaiter:




I also removed it by hanging the driveshaft from the top of the garage door, opening the circlip and tapping it with a hammer. CV joint comes out, and so do four of the bearings. Spent 10 minutes putting it all back together again, popped it back on, the joint won't 'turn', it's stuck. Realised I put the innards in the wrong way. :(

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Those plastic CV gaiters are colossally shit, I hate them. You do need to use proper metal clips with them (done up with the proper tool) otherwise you have no chance.

There's a tool for that? I thought you just had to save up a weeks worth of swearing..

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Recurring nightmares all night about the night Mum died.  Could have done without that.  Followed up by the welder machine being an absolute bastard today for reasons I don't understand.


Not in a great mood.

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It seems Volvo make a 2wd version of the XC70, you know the 4wd V70 thing , WTactualF? Makes the Rover Streetwalker look logical.

Suppose I should be grateful I noticed before going to look at it or worse buying it and showing off going up a snow covered hill to save kittens and nuns .

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booking fees on tickets when bought from the venue??


WTFs that about




Even better. One place in Manchester I quite like (when I can afford it) uses an agent for all their tickets.


£1 fee for an e-ticket.


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I noticed the latest Jeep thing on a TV advert last night was something like £32k for the 2WD version. Nothing but a fashion accessory, must be 2t or more so probably wouldn't pull itself up a grassy incline with it's low profile road tyres.


Edit: 1800kg, front wheel drive on 225/55 R18s. Sounds perfect for the Paris-Dakar.

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I noticed the latest Jeep thing on a TV advert last night was something like £32k for the 2WD version. Nothing but a fashion accessory, must be 2t or more so probably wouldn't pull itself up a grassy incline with it's low profile road tyres.

Would be great at pulling up outside a school to drop off Sebastian and Serena though...

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Apple and their planned obsolescence of old apple gear, I've now got a perfectly good iPad 1 that can't be used for controlling the sonos unit as apple refuse to update its software to iOS 6.0, it then stops app developers from making anything compatible with the older software, hence the sonos app not being comparable with my iPad 1.


I fucking hate all apple gear with a passion, all the apple fanboys at work are telling me it's a good thing as I can buy an iPad air now as its time I updated so i can use all the cool new apps like vine, they look at me non-plussed when i tell them i only use it to read the internet when i'm having a shit, like a high tech newspaper, though not as useful if I run out of bog roll.


Android machines only for me from now on, this iPad was a gift, all it has done is confirm my view of apple as a bunch of conniving scumbags ripping guillable people off with image over content or use.


Bit like modern VAG cars really

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To be fair, an iPad 1 is pretty ancient and an Android tablet of the same vintage will be landfill by now. And I'm an Android fanboi who dislikes Apple stuff greatly.

Just replaced an android phone of the same vintage with a fully functioning sonos app as no cretin in a turtleneck is stopping sonos from adding backwards compatibility for older android software.


I'd imagine and android tablet would be fine for what I use if for, browsing the Internet, reading a kindle app book and turning the music on and off.


When did 2011 become ancient anyway?

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You can get iOS 6 on to an iPad 1 by fucking about with JB+Cydia, but it's a waste of time - the iPad 1 doesn't have enough RAM. It sort-of works, but crashes a lot.
The "trick" is getting the device to represent itself to iSPASTICTunes as an iPad2.

Edit: Pillock beat me to it.

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Sorry I don't buy into that, if apple were interested in their customers over their profit then a stripped down version of ios6 could be made available with lower ram requirements and then they could allow 3rd parties to offer backward comparable apps, but they won't as they expect people to stump up for a new tablet, this is a level of consumerism too far, the whole iTunes closed system way of getting apps is also a ball ache.


You say it's ancient but it's still functional for what I need it for, and I'd imagine what a lot of users need one for, it's not as if I can open it up and smack a couple of sticks of ram in it to get it upto speed.


Don't get me started on all the shit that came preinstalled on my new android phone either that I'm not allowed to delete.

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Jailbreak+iFunbox lets you install stuff on iDevices and gives root access outside crApple's control.


AppMaster and Titanium Backup will let you get the bloatware off yer 'Droid.


I've recently found that a £65 SIM Free Nokia Lumia 510 is all the mobile phone I need. Flogged my 1020 for much dinero. Who needs a 41 megapixel camera on a phone?

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Never mind who provides them and how soon a very expensive (and yet cheaply made) product is obsolete, I despise the fact I have to have a mobile at all.


I've got a message on my answer phone specifically telling people not to leave messages as I shan't pick them up.  Last count I had three messages that I'm waiting to delete themselves.


Don't even get me started on spam calls on the mobile.  Nobody ever calls me with anything interesting or important to say, it's always bullshit advertising crap.

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I despise the fact I have to have a mobile at all.


A man after my own heart. :)

I've had my mobile for about 6 years now, and as you can guess it isn't the least bit 'smart'. It has a reasonable camera and because I never use it or switch it on the battery charge lasts months, so it lives in the car in case I break down somewhere and need to call the AA or have a crash and need to take some photos.




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Orange (as they were known at the time) permanently turned off my answerphone after much badgering of them to do so. I had the same thing a Vulg where despite the greeting stating answerphone messages won't be listened to, people still felt obliged to do so.

Often this ended in some great arguments with potential buyers of shite plus my boss, who used to get really annoyed about it. It got to the point where I'd deliberately not answer the phone, so he'd be pushed into either leaving a message I wouldn't answer, or he'd keep ringing and ringing so I'd just turn the phone off. Sometimes he'd mask his number, but I don't answer withheld numbers either so that didn't help his cause either.

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