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The grumpy thread

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Indeed.  When you have an army of bureaucrats rigidly sticking to the rules, the administration will continue to function pretty much on its own.  It will be massively frustrating for anyone who has to deal with it, but it will keep the country turning over.
I wonder what would happen in this country if Boris and his clusterfuck of ministers suddenly disappeared overnight and left the job of running the country to the civil service?
I think you've answered your own question there, wuv

Oh FFS.  Yes it's very much a first world problem but backed myself off anyway.

Just managed to record approximately 30 minutes of video footage without noticing that I'd managed to lock the camera focus - at some totally useless focal length meaning the entire thing was a fuzzy mess.

Guess I'll try again tomorrow if I can summon the energy.


Rx300 Passed it's MOT today with only an advisory for a  deteriorated dust boot on the anti roll bar linkage.


Why the grump?

They wobbed up the exhaust to get it through the test, said it wasn't worth replacing the whole section as it includes the CAT, due to the fact that the rear subframe looks like a cheap weetabix.....

They passed it this year but think it wont pass next years test, which is a bit shit.

New rear subframes are no longer available, 2nd hand are likely to be as bad as mine. Rest of the car is pretty much spot on as well. Once you start googling the problem it's quite commonplace on that generation RX including the hybrids.

Might be worth checking if you own a mid noughties Lexus.


So the Derv Bus is booked in for MOT tomorrow, which meant today was a full on check over (normally do it a good week beforehand, but I'm confident it shouldn't fail on much)

Replaced the chipped headlight with the spare I had, and found a torn C.V boot.

The brand new one I picked up from E.C.P came with the wrong size clips (for the boot and the circlip that sits inside the C.v joint) So had to make do and mend, all good in the end.

The grump - Came in to have a bath, boiler decides 'No mate, I ain't playing ball'  , now I had this when I bought the house, but managed to mend it. Yes I've been meaning to have it replaced since, BUT I've not had the full set of funds to get the lot replaced, instead replacing each radiator in turn and hoping to have the £££ come boiler replacement time, but eer yeah it's looking mighty fucked now when funds are low. Bastard.🙈

  • Sad 2
19 minutes ago, Minimad5 said:

....The grump - Came in to have a bath, boiler decides 'No mate, I ain't playing ball'  , now I had this when I bought the house, but managed to mend it. Yes I've been meaning to have it replaced since, BUT I've not had the full set of funds to get the lot replaced, instead replacing each radiator in turn and hoping to have the £££ come boiler replacement time, but eer yeah it's looking mighty fucked now when funds are low. Bastard.🙈

To be fair, it came down to a straight choice between the boiler or the Rover P4.

The Rover won.

  • Haha 2
20 minutes ago, Tadhg Tiogar said:

To be fair, it came down to a straight choice between the boiler or the Rover P4.

The Rover won.

Hoping it doesn't come to that.

I've got some headlights & assorted shit I can sell first

On 9/13/2021 at 11:36 PM, loserone said:

Seven percent? You'll barely notice it.  Given the commitment and length of time you've been there, I'd be arguing for 50-60%. 


That's at least what you're looking for to move, no?

Wish i could get a 7% pay rise - recently we (as employees) were told were all to get a 6% pay rise since last year we got none - (3% for last year and 3% for this year) recently i noticed that for some reason my hourly rate had not went up - approched a "manager" about it and his reply was basically "you get too much money as it is so you will not be getting it" bearing in mind he wouldn't respond when i asked what my 'official' job title was (my payslip and contract say parts advisor - despite me doing the role of a parts manager!) - in other words i was bullshitted so they can continue to get a managers job done for the price of a advisor! 

And this from a large (no names!) scottish car company which is currently very understaffed and cannot seem to fill ANY job roles as they have such a bad rap - needless to say i am currently on lookout for something else...


I have lived here for approximately seven and a half (horrible) years now.

How the bloody hell am I STILL managing to get lost on a regular basis?!?  I know it takes me forever to learn my way around but this is ridiculous.

I think the fact that 89% of the landmarks look exactly like each other probably doesn't help...

  • Sad 1
11 minutes ago, Zelandeth said:

I have lived here for approximately seven and a half (horrible) years now.

How the bloody hell am I STILL managing to get lost on a regular basis?!?  I know it takes me forever to learn my way around but this is ridiculous.

I think the fact that 89% of the landmarks look exactly like each other probably doesn't help...

Is that not the whole ethos of MK, though? I always had terrible trouble finding the centre of it.


Pay attention when in a pub in Marlow 

Got 2 drinks for us , contactless 

My wife got the next round , a pint of peroni and a large pinot 


Fuck off that can't be right, checks online banking £16.55,  fuck me 

We are opposite The Ivy though 

27 minutes ago, Wack said:

Pay attention when in a pub in Marlow anywhere in the Home Counties....



Marlow have an Ivy too? They're shooting up all over the place!

1 hour ago, Tadhg Tiogar said:

Is that not the whole ethos of MK, though? I always had terrible trouble finding the centre of it.

MK has a centre...?


Why are people unable to grasp the very simple concept that standing 0.000002mm behind me in the queue virtually shoving me forward will have absolutely no effect on the speed the six people in front of me are served at?


That's three people today I've had to ask to please give me some room, and would have done even before the pandemic.

Two of which took a quarter of a step back, the third told me to **** off.

4 minutes ago, Zelandeth said:

the third told me to **** off.

"actually, I'm asking YOU to **** off."

4 minutes ago, Talbot said:

"actually, I'm asking YOU to **** off."

I suspect if I'd responded in any form other than ignoring them I'd have had my teeth smashed in.

22 minutes ago, chaseracer said:

MK has a centre...?

Come to think of it,  it probably doesn't. 

2 hours ago, Zelandeth said:

I suspect if I'd responded in any form other than ignoring them I'd have had my teeth smashed in.

Nah you find a lot of folk are like my dog.

Not just stupid, but all bark and no bite.

3 hours ago, Zelandeth said:

Why are people unable to grasp the very simple concept that standing 0.000002mm behind me in the queue virtually shoving me forward will have absolutely no effect on the speed the six people in front of me are served at?


That's three people today I've had to ask to please give me some room, and would have done even before the pandemic.

Two of which took a quarter of a step back, the third told me to **** off.

That's probably how they drive through roadworks too,  right up your arse even though you're doing 50mph and there are 20 cars and trucks in front of you 

Since buying a smart car I've noticed many more drivers right up my arse , funnily enough I drive the same in the touareg but don't get tailgated at all 


If you don't like being tailgated, treated as if invisible, or cut up, buy a van as your daily.  NOBODY argues with a van driver.

  • Like 1

My daily is a (smoll) van. Overtaken today in a 30, by  MB coupe. It stopped for the queue at the lights, then tried to pull out to blast past. Oops, I'd closed up when he realized* it was futile, and then had nowhere to go. Yes, my bad, but DH deserved it.

  • Like 2
  • Thanks 1
44 minutes ago, Pieman said:

If you don't like being tailgated, treated as if invisible, or cut up, buy a van as your daily.  NOBODY argues with a van driver.

Scruffy camper van works well too I've found...


On 7/21/2021 at 7:06 PM, Tigerfox said:

Whats the record for a main dealer to repair a car ?

Son in laws 60 plate Lexus is suffered a injector failure, 3 months later same part failed. New injector fitted under parts warranty and car wont start now.

They have now had the car 3 months, yes 3 and have decided the ecu is faulty and is obsolete and nobody will attempt to repair it

Absolutly staggering. Mind you the 70 plate loan car is clockingup the miles

Rant over


4 months now. Dealer and Lexus have no clue now. ECU reconditioned.

The Car (LS220d) was delivered running on a recovery truck, now they cannot even get it to fire.  

Hoping they buy the car or provide a similar replacement


Scumbag traders and their dodgy repairs. Guy I know dropped by to show his new acquisition, this YRV. 


Was sold "with renewed inspection, new battery, new tyres". Tyres? Good profile, but old and of the wrong size. Battery? Wrong size as well. Inspection? Yeah it passed a week ago but shouldn't have. I can easily poke holes in the front half of the sills, the rust is covered up with filler and black paint. Bastards.

1 hour ago, D.E said:

Scumbag traders and their dodgy repairs. Guy I know dropped by to show his new acquisition, this YRV. 


Was sold "with renewed inspection, new battery, new tyres". Tyres? Good profile, but old and of the wrong size. Battery? Wrong size as well. Inspection? Yeah it passed a week ago but shouldn't have. I can easily poke holes in the front half of the sills, the rust is covered up with filler and black paint. Bastards.

Is there any way of reporting the dodgy test to the Dutch equivalent of Vosa?

On 9/15/2021 at 6:42 AM, mhrallye said:

Wish i could get a 7% pay rise - recently we (as employees) were told were all to get a 6% pay rise since last year we got none - (3% for last year and 3% for this year) recently i noticed that for some reason my hourly rate had not went up - approched a "manager" about it and his reply was basically "you get too much money as it is so you will not be getting it" bearing in mind he wouldn't respond when i asked what my 'official' job title was (my payslip and contract say parts advisor - despite me doing the role of a parts manager!) - in other words i was bullshitted so they can continue to get a managers job done for the price of a advisor! 

And this from a large (no names!) scottish car company which is currently very understaffed and cannot seem to fill ANY job roles as they have such a bad rap - needless to say i am currently on lookout for something else...

Wish I could get ANY sort of pay rise - it's been 13 years☹️

5 hours ago, D.E said:

Scumbag traders and their dodgy repairs. Guy I know dropped by to show his new acquisition, this YRV. 


Was sold "with renewed inspection, new battery, new tyres". Tyres? Good profile, but old and of the wrong size. Battery? Wrong size as well. Inspection? Yeah it passed a week ago but shouldn't have. I can easily poke holes in the front half of the sills, the rust is covered up with filler and black paint. Bastards.

Not one from Jet car or Grootauto I hope.

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